不定期日記(2018) ネタは随時募集しております。ぜひ御一報下さい
2018/01/04-06 Solar Asia 2018 (Kandy, Sri Lanka) *International board member, 参加
2018/01/15-19 EMN 2018 Singapore) *Invited, 不参加
2018/01/21-26 ICACC 2018 (Cologne, Germany) *Invited, 不参加
2018/01/22-26 ISEST (Okinawa, Japan) *Invited, 参加
2018/01/28-30 AP-HOPV 18 (Kitakyushu, Japan) *参加
2018/02/20-23 SEPV18 (Barcelona, Spain) *参加、Symposium Scientific Committee
2018/02/27-28 ABXPV18 (Rennes, France) *参加
2018/03/06 Shizuoka (Shizuoka, Japan) *Invited, 先方負担
2018/03/14-16 GPVC 2018 (Gwangju, Korea) *Invited, 参加
2018/04/02-06 2018 MRS Spring Meeting (Phoenix, USA) *参加
2018/05/28-31 HOPV18 (Benidorm, Spain) *参加
2018/06/04-14 CIMTEC 2018 (Perugia, Italy) *不参加, Hayase sensei
2018/06/10-15 PVSEC-28 & WCPEC-7 (Waikoloa Hawaii, USA) *不参加
2018/06/14-16 GCEMSE-2018 (Rome, Italy) *不参加
2018/06/18-22 E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting (Strasbourg, France) *不参加
2018/06/18-22 ICOE-2018 (Bordeaux, France) *Georges HADZIIOANNOU will host
2018/06/20-21 韓国電子顕微鏡学会 (Jeju, Korea) *Invited, 先方負担
2018/06/27-29 SISF 2018 (Seoul, Korea) *不参加
2018/06/27-29 PVCon 2018 (Ankara, Turkey) *不参加(K. Nazeeruddin参加)
2018/07/18-20 NANOENERGY 2018 (Aveiro, Portugal) *Invited、恐らく無理
2018/07/18-20 The 11th ANM (Aveiro, Portugal) *Invited、不参加
2018/07/29-8/03 IPS-22 (Hefei, China) *参加
2018/08/16-18 PV Guangzhou 2018 (Guangzhou, China) *Invited、不参加
2018/08/20-23 EAMC 2018 (Stockholm, Sweden) *不参加
2018/08/26-30 4D Materials and Systems (Yonezawa, Japan) *不参加(A.Hagfeldt参加)
2018/09/03-05 ??? *不参加
2018/09/09-13 SSDM2018 (Tokyo, Japan) *参加
2018/09/10-12 i-PVTC (Southern France) *不参加(K. Nazeeruddin参加)
2018/09/10-12 AEM2018 (Guildford, England) *不参加
2018/09/16-20 B-MRS 2018 (Natal, Brazil) *Invited, 不参加 give up
2018/09/17-20 E-MRS 2018 Fall Meeting (Warsaw, Poland) *不参加, Symposium C:Perovskite
2018/09/25-28 MSCMP (Chisinau, Moldova) *Plenary speaker, 参加
2018/09/24-28 EU PVSEC (Brussels, Belgium) *不参加
2018/09/24-28 Nanomat 2018 (Brussels, Belgium) *不参加
2018/09/30-10/02 PSCO-2018 (Lausanne, Switzerland) *参加
2018/10/07-10 SIWAN8 (Szeged, Hungary) *Invited, 参加
2018/10/08-12 Inter Photonics 2018 (Antalya, Turkey) *Invited, 不参加
2018/10/21-25 ISOS-11 (Suzhou, China) *Invited, 参加
2018/10/24-26 Nano S&T-2018 (Potsdam, Germany) *Invited, 不参加
2018/11/25-30 MRS Fall Meeting (Boston, USA) *参加
2018/12/04-06 APVI 2018 (Sydney, Australia) *不参加
2018/12/05 JST #175 committee (RCAST, Tokyo) *日本語版
2018/12/16-20 APC 2018 (Taipei, Taiwan) *不参加 (瀬川先生参加)
2018/12/17-20 NHSC12 (Shenzhen, China) *Invited, 参加
2018/12/17-21 EMN2018 (Auckland, New Zealand) *不参加 (大谷先生参加)
【2018.12.31 大晦日】
数えてみたら今年は国際会議の発表が 18 件 (15ヶ国) と、過去最大に active
り組んでからそろそろ 7 年経ちますが、今にして思えば、思い切って研究の舵を切
って正解でした。 *ピストリウスの話が元ですかね
DSC に取り組んでいたのも「いずれはこれを乗り越える新しい太陽電池を創り出す
するに 2 年前でピークアウトしており、早くも「次の課題」「次の太陽電池」を模索す
【2018.12.29 記事の御紹介】
■ハウステンボス、「変なホテル」にペロブスカイト太陽電池を導入 *Perovskite
(2018年12月29日付 日経XTECH)
■ハウステンボス沢田社長「太陽電池工場 2年内に」 *Perovskite
(2018年12月26日付 日経新聞 web)
■HTBの「変なホテル」、新しい棟の電力は自然エネで *Perovskite
(2018年12月20日付 朝日新聞DIGITAL)
【2018.12.19 NHSC-12 Day3】
そうそう、ネタ扱いかも知れませんが台湾ではフジクラ製 DSC を搭載した電子名札
本会議を最後まで取り仕切った Yang 先生、大変ありがとうございました。来年は
ICMAT と名前を変えて(というより元々ある材料系の会議に一本化して)シンガポー
(video 46MB)
【2018.12.19 NHSC-12 Day2】
・PL1: Tsutomu Miyasaka: PCE 28% theoretically for 900nm, *Goood good, he disclosed the unpublished history
・IL1: Shu Kong So:
・IL2: Taiho Park
・IL3: Baomin Xu
・OR1: Ke Meng:
・OR2: Tao Ye:
・KY1: Songyuan Dai
・IL4: Jin Young Kim
・IL5: Satoshi Uchida
・IL6: Byungha Shin
【2018.12.18 NHSC-12 Day1】
■NHSC-12 (Shenzhen, China)
・PL1: Can Li: Photocatalyst
・PL2: Nam-Gyu Park: QD PSC **%, melamine additives ★ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (30), pp 25372-25383
・KY1: Yi-bing Cheng: You must have large number of nuclei, meso structure is worst (for durability)
・IL1: Hongwei Han: mesoscopic
・IL2: Yabing Qi: Joule 2 1961 (2018), ★preheated spincoat 100°C,
・IL3: Xiaodan Zhang: Perovskite/Si tandem, passivation effect of PbI2, J Phys chem C 122 (2018),
・IL4: Jingbi You: Low-temperature solution process, Pyridine-promoted RT formation 10.1002/***,
・IL5: Wallace C.H. Choy: LED
・KY1: Shuzi Hayase: MASnxPbI3, defect and energy level mismuch must be minimize
・IL1: Daibin Kuang: CsPbBr3 QD/GO composite for photocatalytic CO2 reduction, JACS 2017 139 5660 (ESI),
・IL2: Qing Shen: QD, Pb free CsSnI3, Welcome
・IL3: Yixin Zhao, Gradient Br doping?, EDAPbI4,
・IL4: Xinhua Zhong, PCE 11.64%
・IL5: Tzu-Chien Wei, PCE 11.64%
・OR1: Yinglin Wang
あああ、ギブアップ! リアルタイムでメモをお送りしようと思ったのですが、オンラインで検索が出来ないのは致命的です(文献等の確認ができません)。LINE, Google, g-mail, Microsoft Outlook, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram に YouTube、あらゆる SNS と各種掲示板へのアクセスが不能。Amazon も見れません。この国、オカシイだろ...
【2018.12.17 移動日】
19:30 成田発、深夜の 0:20+1 深セン宝安国際空港着(ZH9052 ¥76,510)。値段が
経由で 17 万円強したそうで、完全にボッタクリですね。
ダメダメでしょう >リー*マン。
【2018.12.15 記録更新のお知らせ】
「NREL チャート」記録更新です。前回 (Rev. 07-17-2018) からの主な変更点は
Best Research-Cell Efficiencies (Rev. 12-13-2018)
「Perovskite/Si tandem (monolithic)」の項目が追加され、
一気に4点登場しました。最後の値(最高値)は28.0% (Oxford PV)です。
その前の3点は、目測で、23.5% (Stanford/ASU)、25% (EPFL)、
27.5% (Oxford PV) 程度の値と思われます。
有機薄膜(Organic cells)は、前回12.6%(UCLA)をRaynergy Tek of Taiwanが
【2018.12.14 Welcome to Tokyo】
長野県松本工業高校の皆さん、今年度の選抜隊です。JST 事業の一環で、来年 2
月にこのメンバーでスリランカの Kumara 先生を訪問します。
今日はお昼前の約 2 時間、スライドによる研究紹介とラボツアーの対応をさせて頂
さんはなんと 108 人目になるそうです。
【2018.12.13 破産のお知らせ】
■Greatcell Solar announces bankruptcy
【2018.12.7 新刊本のご案内】
Amazon でも取り寄せ可能。
■Counter Electrodes for Dye-Sensitized
and Perovskite Solar Cells
Amazon, Wiley
・編集 Sining Yun, Anders Hagfeldt
・出版社 Wiley
・発行日 2016年08月22日
・定価 39,447円(税込)
【2018.12.6 記事の御紹介】
■【2075年】CO2排出量ゼロ実現に必要な日本の3つの技術 *Perovskite
(2018年12月5日付 ニュースイッチ Newswitch)
■フジクラがLoRaWANセンサー装置、電源にエネルギーハーベスト技術を採用 *DSC
(2018年12月5日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)
【2018.12.1 MRS Fall meeting まとめ】
(1) 効率関係は以下の通り:
・Pb-free: ET05.10.06 Min Chen@Brown University, CsGe0.5Sn0.5I3 Nature Commun accepted , Voc 0.63 Jsc 18.61 FF 0.606 PCE 7.11%
・Pb-free: ET05.10.08 Shuzi Hayase@Kyushu Institute of Technology, (FA)0.75(MA)0.25SnGeI3 J Phys Chem Lett 2018 9 1682-1688 PCE 7.75%→7.9%(MRS)
・Organic-free: ET04.08.05 Jingbi You@Chinese Academy of Sciences(China), a-CsPbI3 Nature Commun 9 2225 (2018), PCE 15.7%→14.67%(certified)
・Sn-Pb: ET05.10.08 Shuzi Hayase@Kyushu Institute of Technology, SnXPb(1-X)I3 Nano Lett 18(6) 3600 2018 PCE 17.6%→20.4%(MRS)
・Tandem (2T, PSC/PSC): ET04.13.01 Yanfa Yan@University of Toledo, (FASnI3)0.6(MAPbI3)0.4 Nature Energy 2018 PCE 20.7%→21.4%(MRS)
【2018.11.30 MRS Fall meeting Day5】
ET04.13: Reducing Lead and Perovskite-Inspired Materials
ET04.13.01 Yanfa Yan@University of Toledo, Mixed Sn-Pb, Optimizing bandgap for single junction PSCs, Narrow bandgap for all-perovskite tandem PSCs, Reduce amountof Pb, Issue: lower Eff & Less stability, Inverted is better, (FASnI3)0.6(MAPbI3)0.4, VOC=(nKT/q)ln(Jsc/Ja+1), mobility is improved by Br doping: ★Advanced Energy Materials (2018), distribution of dark current are much suppresed, long-term stability Sustainable Energy Fuels 2 2460 (2018), tandem solar cells Nature Energy 2018 PCE 20.7%→21.4%(MRS) 2T Perovskite-perovskite
ET04.13.02 Ivan Mora-Sero@Universitat Jaume I, PdS/CdS QDs, Intermediate bandgap solar cells, Nat Photo 2012 6 146, Perovskite nano particle Sanehira Sci Adv 2017 3 eaao4204, Phase segregation: grain boundary Energy Lett 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b02207, Photocatalysis with perovskite QDs
ET04.13.03 Aslihan Babayigit@Hasselt University(Bergium), Less-Pb nanoparticles, Sn4+ species at the precusor stage, Solvent quenching, Additional (toxic) anti-solvent is needed, ★★Gas quenching Nature Energy 2014 10 10-18 ???, ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 428-425,Universal deposition: ★★Gas quenching (air) Joule 2(7), 18 2018, Pages 1205-1209, ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2(2), pp 438-444, SnI4 dissolved in DMF, SbII+→SnIV+ *with imec & SOLLIANCE
ET04.13.04 Muhammad Akmal Kamarudin@Kyushu Institute of Technology, GeBr2 as a dopant for tin-based perovskite, 0.8M FA0.75MA0.25SnI3+ x mol% GeBr2, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Leters 9.7 (2018), PCE 4.58%
ET04.13.05 Fu Yang@Kyushu Institute of Technology, GeI2 addition to CsPbI2Br, J Chem Joule 2018 2 1356-1368, iScience 2018 6 272-279, CsPb1-XGeXI2Br Angewand Chem Int Ed 2018 57 12745 PCE 10.8%
ET04.13.05.5 Aditya Mohite@Rice University(USA), Weak ionic induced structural dynamics, There are few correlated measurement of changes device operation or external stimuli, Light-induced lattice expansion in MAPBI3, No evidence from ion migration in film,
ET04.13.06 Jacky Even@INSA Rennes(France), 2D and 3D, Electron/phonon coupling: symetry analysis, Exciton fine structure and electron phonon coupling, Soft materials: anhamonicity of acoustic phonons, A.Marronnie ACS Nano (2018), RP phases in halide perovskites: C.C. Stoumpos, J.E. ☆Chem 2017←superlattice!!!, Elastic model for multilayered perovskites, Lattice mismatch in multilayered perovskites, Basic electronic properties, Toward a type II quantum well?, Monolayered perovskites: robust Wannier sxciton *no original data
ET04.13.07 Adam Pockett@Swansea University, Origin of slow dynamic processes in perovskite solar cells J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5 (13), pp 2357-2363, PCCP 2017 19 5959, Nature Comm 2015 6 148, ACS Energy Letters 2017 2 ***, Comparison between cells with/without hysteresis, Applying to triple mesoporous carbon cells, J Mater Chem A 2014 2 17115, Slow time with AVA, Activation energy from slow voltage rise in metho-C AVA cell, Studying the effect of AVA in "standard" cells
ET04.13.08 M. Ashraf Alam@Purdue University(USA), High-efficiency solution-processed perovskite solar cells with millimeter scale grains Science 30 2015, Perovskite lifetime Snaith/Hake Nature Energy 2018, Aside: illumination/temp equivalence
ET04.13.09 Zhenyu Wang@Xi’an Jiaotong University, Layered hybrid
ET04.13.10 Gaurav Kapil@The University of Tokyo, Sn-Pb, Ag/BCP/C60/Sn-Pb/PEDOT:PSS/ITO, Spike structure similar to CIGS, 0.1cm2, FTO 15 ohm (Rz=***) as substrate, Cs+ incorporation, VOC 0.81 JSC 38.14 FF 0.76 PCE 20.4%, FTO/PEDOT:PSS(30~40nm)/Sn-Pb perovskite/PCBM(5mg/ml)/C60(20nm)/***
ET04.13.11 Ming-Chun Tang@KAUST, MAPbBr3-XClX, Adv Mater 2017 29 1604113
ET04.14: Interfaces, Film Formation and Transporting Materials
ET04.14.01 Severin Habisreutinger@NREL, Carbon nanotubes - the p-type contact of the future?, 1.67eV, ★★SWCNT-spiroOMeTAD(350nm), SWCNT penetration, Durk current: higher reverse ***, Tine-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC), with small amount of formic acid *Interesting
ET04.14.02 Ziqi Liang@Fudan University, 2D, Nature Comm 2018 9 3150, Chem Mater 2016 8 312-316, J Mater Chem A 2018 6 6244, Adv Energy Mater 2017 7 1700162, Shuang Yu, flexible device: Small 2018 14 1802764,
ET04.14.03 Yuchen Zhou@Stony Brook University(USA), Polymer Dopants ★0.5mg/mL Polycaprolactone (PCL) Mw=1.5k PDI=1.2: PCE 18.4%
ET04.14.04 Zhiliang Chen@Wuhan University (with Yanfa Yan@University of Toledo), SnO2 QD ETL, Nat Eng Energy 2016 2 16177, ★Adv Mater 2018 30 1706023, optimum condition: 200°C 30nm PCE 20.23% *Interesting
ET04.14.05 Yueli Liu@Wuhan University of Technology withdrawn
ET04.14.06 Min Kim@IIT(Italy), Energy Environ Sci 2017 10 516, Chem Mater 2015 27 3397, poly(ethylene oxide) PEO on top of the perovskite Energy Environ Sci 2018 11 2609-2619
ET04.14.07 Henry Herbol@Cornell University(USA), Perovskite nucleation, Chem Soc Rev 2016 3(45) 655-689, Molecular dynamics (MD), Reactive force fields
ET04.14.08 Antonio Alfano@IIT(Italy), Water photolysis Science 26 2014 345 6204 1593-1596, Unbiased water splitting, 2.03% solar to hydrogen conversion eff
ET04.14.09 Iacopo Benesperi@Uppsala University, Metal complexes redox couple as HTM, Iron-pyridine complex ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 1855 PCE 4.9%, DSSC J Mater Chem C 2018 6 11903, Cobalt-porphyline complex
ET04.14.10 Jafar Khan@KAUST, DPP-based polymer (PDPP-3T) probed by ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy, 16.1% for thickness 570 nm,
ET04.14.11 Amrita Yasin@Swansea University, Modification of TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3 Interface, Do the KX salts deposit on TiO2? Antisolvent method leads to flash crystallization, For KBr or KI 40 mM shows more improvement than 10 mM for Jsc FF and Eff, TiO2/KX/perovskite, no change for morphology of MAPI, KI?
ET04.14.12 Zonghao Liu@OIST, Gas-Solid Reaction Based over 1 μm Thick High-Quality Stable Perovskite Nature Commun 2018 9 3880 PCE 19.1% for 1.1μm, Angew Chem Int Ed 2015 54 9705, mirror like surface, Stability T80 1660h (vs 870h)
【2018.11.28 MRS Fall meeting Day4】
ET05.10: Composition Tuning in Perovskites―Lead-Free Perovskites, Low-Dimensional Perovskites and Perovskite Alloys
ET05.10.01 Minggang Ju@University of Nebraska-Lincoln, withdrawn
ET05.10.02 Shanyuan Niu@University of Southern California, Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Sulfides, Transition metal perovskite chalcogenides(TMPCs), α-SrZrS2, β-SrZrS2, BaZrS2, Ban+1ZrnS3n+1 Chem Mater 30 4882 2018, Adv Mater 29 1604733 (2017), Quantitative PL, Time-resolved PL
ET05.10.03 Noor Titan Putri Hartono@MIT, Motivation: why lower dimensional (LD) perovskites? Motivation: state-of-the art of LD perovskites, spliting into the lower dimensional perovskite with larger A cations
ET05.10.04 Anthony Ruth@University of Notre Dame, Role of Anion Vacancies, Cotinuous tuning from MAPbI3 (1.6eV) to MAPbBr3 Chem Sci 2015 6 613-617, Photoinduced redshift emerges in simulation, Emmision converges to I-rich domains, Trapperd Br- remains in I- rich ***
ET05.10.05 Prashant Kamat Rebecca A Scheidt@University of Notre Dame, Suppression of Halide Ion Exchange in Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites with PbSO4-Oleate Capping: ACS Energy Letters 2018 creates "pea-pod" nanoassemblies, CsPbBr3 NCs, Solar cells achieved 5.5%, Gradient structure within film Chem Mater 2017, Halide ion migration: Akkerman JACS 2015, Surface passivation of NCs, Electrophoretic deposition
ET05.10.06 Min Chen@Brown University, All-inorganic Lead-free ACS Energy Lett 3 (2018) 297, Cs2TiBr6 Joule 2 (2018) 558 PCE 3.3%, ★CsGe0.5Sn0.5I3 Nature Commun accepted , Voc 0.63 Jsc 18.61 FF 0.606 PCE 7.11%
ET05.10.07 Hemamala Karunadasa@Stanford University, 2D, JACS 2016 138 2138, JACS 2017 139 5015, Cs2AgTlX6 (X=Cl (1) and Br (2)) Angew Chem In Ed 2018 57 12765 Eg=2.0eV, JACS 1938 80 ***, Cs2AgBiBr6 JACS 2016 138 2138, Halogen degassing
ET05.10.08 Shuzi Hayase@Kyushu Institute of Technology, SnXPb(1-X)I3 J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5 1004 PCE 4%(normal)→7.01%%(inverted), TSC J Photonics for Energy 5 0574***, Crystallinity improvement 15.93%, Energy diagram for CH3NH3SnXPb(1-X)I3, cliff structure<spike structure, Nano Lett 18(6) 3600 2018 PCE 17.6% →20.4%, (FA)0.75(MA)0.25SnGeI3 J Phys Chem Lett 2018 9 1682-1688 PCE 7.75%→7.9%(current), Doping of GeI2 into PEDOT-PSS decreases series resistance, Additives (1) SnF2 (2) GeI2
ET05.10.09 Mauricio Solis de la Fuente@Lawrence Berkeley, 2D, Prog Photovolt Res ***, Nature Comm 2018 9 1336-1343 ???, Higher lifetime for 2D BA2MA3Pb4I13 doped with CNTs
ET05.10.10 Li Na Quan@University of Toronto, Ligand-stabilized 2D JACS 2016 138 2649, Nat Nanotechnol 2016 1 872-877 perfect edge protection
ET05.10.11 Kyle McCall@Northwestern University, CsInX3 (X = Br, Cl), CsInCl3 JACS 2016 138 2138, Cs2In+In3+
ET05.11: Mechanistic Studies Using Microscopic Imaging and Advanced Materials/Physical Characterization
ET05.11.01 Samuel Stranks@University of Cambridge, strain-related defects and passivation, What is the origin and nature of the dark region? deQuilettes et al. Science 2015, Buried heterogenity: Stavrakas et al.Energy & Environment Sci 2018, 3D PL Tomography (MAPbBr3), ALS Synchrotron Beamline, Dark grains are strained Full of vacancies, Longer range strain features? Time-resolved photoemission microscopy (TR-PEEM), Imaging hole traps with PEEM, (Cs,FA,MA)Pb(I0.85Br0.15)3, Time-resoved PEEM: Photo-excited hole trapping, Diffusion-limited trapping, Passivation approaches, Photo-brightening, Trap generation through light, Potassium passivation species, Smallest trap regions 'cluster' in passivated samples, Can load more K than Rb, Potassium- and Rubidium-Passivated Alloyed Perovskite Films ACS Energy Lett 2018, FA(Pb0.5Sn0.5)I3, Enhanced atmospheric stability, Radiative monomolecular recombination→doping?, Enhancement of p-doping with Zn addition, Zn incorporating at low levels? Zn homogenises the Pb/Sn mixing, Sn-rich sites: most sensitive to atmospheric ***, *Strange, zero publication
ET05.11.02 Marina S. Leite@University of Maryland(USA), joule 2018 11.010 ???, Humidity-induced PL hysteresis in variable Cs/Br ratio perovskites, Photoluminescence Hysteresis Journal Physical Chemistry Letters 9 3463 (2018), Extracting Voc from illuminated-KPFM measurement, Joule 3 1 (2019) Invited Perspective, *Unclear data with too much expressions & beautiful CG movies
ET05.11.03 Yongtao Liu@The University of Tennessee, Ion segregation in CH3NH3PbI3, Ferroic twin domains in MAPbI3, Twin domains piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), HIM-SIMS 10.1038, Interaction of twin domains with light, ☆☆ferroelastic twin domains (100nm) Nature Materialsvolume 17, pages1013-1019 (2018)
ET05.11.04 Naveen Venkatesan@UCSB, Phase Intergrowth and Structural Defects 2D, No clear phase separation ***, TEM reveals nanoscale phase impurities, Chem Mater (2018), Local thin film structure contains intergrowth of phases, Mesure Urbach enrgy to determine electronic disorder,
ET05.11.05 Nikolas Podraza@University of Toledo(USA), Optical measuremet can be non-contacting, Hall-effect measurement PSSa 205 779 (2008), Optical hall effect: transport properties in devices APL 105, perovskite complex optical response: near IR to UV, Phase segregation: long term effects *no original data, no paper
ET05.11.06 Satoshi Uchida@The University of Tokyo
・Q: Do you know the exact dose for TEM? A: No I don't
・Q: Is the sample well dried? A: There was no special treatment for dry
・Q: Is the detector of TEM special? A: Normal
ET05.11.07 Xueying Li@University of California, San Diego, Strain Effect on Stability and Band Gap in CsPbBr3 Crystal via NanoXRD, J Phys Chem C 2016 120 6475-6481, Substrate-induced strain in perovskite arXiv 1811.11382 (2018), Compressive strain reduces stability of CsPbBr3, Compressive strain correlated with red-shift of PL peak, Substrate selection manipulates strain, Adv Mater 2018 201804792
ET05.11.08 Alexander Colsmann@Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(Germany), Microstructure of MAPbI3 thin-films? Large grains on PEDOT:PSS, Crystal orientation by EBSD, Ferroic properties, Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), Ferroelectric domains ★☆Energy Environ Sci 2017 10 950< /A>, Topography? No, Surface effect? Bulk-property, Nature Comm 2017 8 145471 ???, Ferroelasticity? Nano Energy (2018), EBSD and PFM
ET05.11.09 Wenhao Li@Brown University, Optical Identification of Grain Boundaries and Carrier Diffusion, Top illumination boosts carrier diffusion, ★☆Invisible boundary ACS Energy Lett 2018 3(11) 2669-2670, EBSD
【2018.11.28 MRS Fall meeting Day3】
ET05.07: (In)Stability and Degradation
ET05.07.01 Yabing Qi@OIST, Instability, Emerging material reseach by surface & advanced characterization, Why perovskite solar cells?, Nature Energy 2 16195 (2016), Will I2 be generated as aresult of intrinsic degradation of MAPbI3? Why is MAPbBr3 is more stable than MAPbI3? ★J Mater Chem A 6 9604 (2018), Generation of I2 in the case of PbI2: The reaction is reversible (XPS), nPbI2(g) e---> nI-+nPbI+PbI2(s) <--> Pb0(s) + I2(g), ★MAPbI3 --> NH3+CH3I (Irreversible), Possible remedies based on what we learn from this study, Instability induced by crystalline TiO2 electron transport layer,Room temperature sputtered SnO2 electron transport layer
ET05.07.02 Annamaria Petrozza@IIT(Italy), Disorder: Defects & traps, "Defect tolerance", "Materials photo-instabilities", Energy Environ Sci 11 702-713 (2018), O2 effect ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2794, Defects photophysics Nano Letters 14 3247 2014, Carrier trapping and recombination Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3472, Ii- passivated by oxygen, Interstitial halides introduce TWO intra-gap carrier traps states, Defect tollerance: PLQY, What about the photo stability, Are these observations compatible with what other groups see?, ★Light-activated photocurrent degradation Nature Comm 2016, Tuning between photoinduced quenching and healing, Reversible photo-induced trap formation Chem Sci 2015 6 613, Surface grain interface (Sure!), Transient PL vs transient Voc, polymer passivation Energy Environ Sci 11 2609 (2018), Light-induced annihilation Energy & Environmental Science 9(10) 3180 (2016), Large tunable photoeffectNature mater 2018 17(5) 445-449
ET05.07.03 Michael Saliba@Adolphe Merkle Institute, Tolerance factor, Multication perovskites as novel theme, A mixed-cation lead mixed-halide perovskite absorber Science 08 Jan 2016, MAFA vs CsMAFA, How do the films look like? Energy & Environmental Science 9 1989 (2016), Reproducibility efficiency and stability, ★How to Make over 20% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells Chem Mater 30 4193 (2018), Which cations to use next?, Alkali metals (Li, Na, K. Rb, Cs) are +1 stable but only Cs maches the tolerance factor, Double as many compounds as before - new thema?, Cs15FA85, Best device with RbCsMAFA, Globularity(球状) factor for larger cationic molecules Adv Mater 29 1702005 (2017), Combinatorics, Perovskites without MA(stability) and Br(***)
ET05.07.04 Qingfeng Yan@Tsinghua University, Anisotropic(異方性) moisture erosion(浸食), Single crystal growth: Time consuming, CH3NH3PbI3(Cl), JACS 2016 138 9409, Non-seeded and fast growth Chem Comm 2018 54 1049, Anisotropic moisture erosion CrysEngComm 2017 19 901, Mechanism J Mater Chem A 2014 2 705 Nano Lett ***, Anisotropic carrier mobility J Mater Chem C 2018 6 4464, FET with a vertical structure, FET mobility IEEE Electron Device Letters 2018 39 1389, The (001) facet exhibit more sensitive to moisture erosion and showed faster erosion
ET05.07.05 Luis Ono@OIST, device performance and stability influenced by HTL, Normal molar concentration 1:0.5:3, Chemical states of doped spiro-MeOTAD: Chem Mater 27 (2015) 562, Adv Mater Interfaces 3 (2016) 1600117, ★This is partially related enhancement of initial performance, Pinhole channels, Influence of pinholes on device stability, Pinhole-free HTM J Mater A 3 (2015) 15451, Photodecomposition and thermal decomposition J Mater Chem A 6 9604 (2018), Undoped spiro spin-coated on sillicon J Phys D 51 (2018) 294001, Phyicochemical properties of solvents, No direct correlation ***, Secondary solvents originating pinhole ***, Pinhole formation is associated with secondary solvents, Controlled amount of secondary solvents, Moisture induced LiTFSI segregation *1st solvent is CB, 2nd slovent is Water, Chloroform, Aniline, Dichloromethan,Toluen for example (Thank you Luis!)
ET05.07.06 Hua Zhou@Argonne National Laboratory(USA), In Situ X-Ray Investigation, Kamat: Acc. Chem. Res., 2016, 49 (2), pp 330-338 Qi: Nature Energy 2 16195 (2016), Real-time precursor and film evolution in varied moistures,
ET05.07.07 Edward Sargent@University of Toronto(Canada), Active layer stability, Vacancies = shallow traps but degradation centers Nat Energy 2018 3 648, Incorporation of small ions can release strain without forming defects, Vacancy-suppressors, defect engineering ***, Trap screening, Reduced dimensional perovskites (Increaing formation energy), Questions: How do the wells grow?, Distribution of quantum wells (QWs): TA of single crystals, TA of thin films, Mechanism of formation of quantum wells Nature Materials 2018, Orientation (GIWAX) JACS 2018 140 2890, Flatting energy landscape, Ion migration: 2.5D vs 3D, 2D perovskites for LEDs, 2D perovskites,
ET05.07.08 Hairen Tan@Nanjing University, Dipolar Cations Confer(???) Defect Tolerance, Wide-bandgap perovskites: CsFA vs CsMAFA, Higher Voc FF and PCE with MA, Higher PCE and negligible hysteresis with MA, Reduced non-radiative recombination with MA,
ET05.07.09 Hyang Mi Yu@Sungkyunkwan University, Degradation analysis
ET05.07.10 Keith McKenna@Univ of York, light induced formation of reduced band gap phases at grain boundaries, FA0.875Cs0.125Pb(I0.666Br0.333)3, Extended defects, Antisite boundary defects in Cu2ZnSnSe4, FAPbI3 (111) twin boundary, Twin Band structure, Substitutional Br and Cs defects ACS Energy Lett 3 2663 (2018), I-rich Twin Boundary phase, Phase separation at Twin Boundaries will ***, Experimental evidence for TB defects, Nature Comm 5 5447 (2014)
ET05.07.11 Jue Gong@Northern Illinois University(USA), Pseudohalide‐Induced Moisture Tolerance Angewande Chemie, PbSe/PbS:MAPbI3 greater moisture stabilities, ★Adv Mater 2018 30 1800973, Evidence of Se2-/S2- doping, Electronegativity difference: S>I>Se, PbSe:MAPbI3 suppressed iodine diffusion, Silver Iodide Formation in MAPbI3 Adv Mater Interface 2015 2 1500195
ET05.08: Crystallization and Microstructure/Phase Control
ET05.08.01 Nitin Padture@Brown University & Yuanyuan 'Alvin' Zhou, Methylamine-Gas based MAPBI3 processing ★Angew Chem 54 (2015) 9702, Insitu TEM Studies, 0.64 nm J Mat Chem ***, Grain boundary network, MAPbI3 thin film 'Healing', 'Groovy', Ostwarld-Ripening grain growth, ACS Energy Letter 2 (2017) 2727, MAPbI3 thinfilm 'Healing' and grain growth, In situ TEM at 200°C, In situ XRD, Yellow δ-FAPbI3 → Mixed → Black α-FAPbI3, NMP-vapor annealing grain growth, J Phys Chem Lett 6 (2015) 4827, Subgrain boundaries: Twins, 'Invisible' twin boundaries, Silica or SnF2 or polymer functionalization at the grain boundary, Adv Energy Mater B (2018) 1800997, Chem 4 (2018) 1404, Thermomechanical behavior: Reliability, MAPbI3 thermo-mechanical behaviour, Scripta Mat 150 (2018) 36, MAPbI3 thin-film fracture, polimer is toughning material, Pb-free perovskite CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 Nature Communications accepted (2018)
ET05.08.02 Tze-Bin Song@Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, In Situ Phase and Optical Characterizations, Energy Environ Sci 11 9 2072-2082 (2018), Case1 CH3NH3I(MAI):PbI2=1:1, In-situ PL
ET04.08: Stability and Testing
ET04.08.03 Philippe Holzhey@Adolphe-Merkel Institute(Switzerland), Cs MA FA Pb I Br, FA is more stable under heat and light than MA, (FAPbI3)1-X(MAPbBr3)X JACS 139 3320 (2017), Voc and FF are stable but Jsc degrades slightly, MA is not primarily reason for instability, MAPbI3+PMMA solw down ***, IEC 61215
ET04.08.04 Natalie Stingelin@Georgia Institute of Technology(USA) with KAUST, Organic Gelators as Growth Control Agents, 0.1% MDBS promotes the crystalization
ET04.08.05 Jingbi You@Chinese Academy of Sciences(China), Inorganic perovskite, Adv Energy Mater 5 1500477 (2015), J Phys Chem Lett 7 167 (2016), JPCL 8 4122 (2017), Organic molecular is not necessary J Phys Chem Lett 7 167 (2016), CsPbI3 Energy Environ Sci 7 988 (2014), Easy phase transformation Chem Mater 28 284 (2015), 0.09% Nano Energy 7 80 (2014), J Phys Chem Lett 7 746 (2016), Over 13% JACS 140 3825 (2018), JMCA 2015 3 19688, Science 354 92 (2016), Solvent-controlled growth of inorganic perovskite films in dry ★★Nature Commun 9 2225 (2018), a-CsPbI3 is pretty ***, 15.7% PCE of CsPbI3, Certified 14.67%
ET04.08.06 Weijun Ke@Northwestern University(USA), 3D hollow {en}FASnI3 Sci Adv 2017 3 e1701293
ET04.08.07 Robert Gehlhaar@imec(Bergium), 15 by 15cm2 300nm active layer 80 nm Au, 156 cm2 10.3%, daily from 5:00 to 22:00, Once per minute, 25 days, Module temperature 3°C to 61°C, Maximum gradient >3K/min, Ambient temperature vs Global incident(入射) irradience *Tested with open circuit
ET04.08.08 Iris Visoly-Fisher@Ben-Gurion University of the Negev(Israel), BGU Sede Boqer solar energy lab: Decoupling light / temperature, Bias-dependent cell degradation, Cs0.15(CH(NH3)2)0.85Pb2.75Br0.25, Nature Comm 7 11574 (2016), Degradation rate depends on dose, Degradation rate depends on temperature >= 40°C, Degradation rate depends on light intensity, Degradation rate independs of temperature, ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 6 1279, dominat degradation mechanism is bias dependent
【2018.11.27 MRS Fall meeting Day2】
ET05.04: Photophyics, Carrier Dynamics and Device Mechanisms
ET05.04.01 Dane deQuilettes@MIT withdrawn
ET05.04.02 Aravindan Sridharan@Polytechnique Montreal, Defusion shown to be a key parameter in optimizing planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells, Measures in-plane diffusion (→3D modelling), High-level injection, Low exciton binding energy, Diffusion length vs carrier density
ET05.04.03 Laura Herz@University of Oxford (UK), Charge recombination mechanism in hybrid lead trihalide perovskites, Trap-mediated charge recombination in MAPbI3, Band‐Tail Recombination Adv Func Mater 27 1700860 (2017), Strongly non Langevin Adv Mater 26 1584 (2014), Wide range of measured values reported for MAPbI3, Photon reabsorption "slows" recombination in MAPbI3 Nano Lett 17 5782 (2017), Band-to-band recombination is an inverse absorption process in MAPbI3 Nature Communications 9 293 (2018) Adv Funk Mater 25 6218 (2015), Hybrid perovskites are improving rapidly in terms of thermal *** Adv Sciences 5 1700792 (2018) *So many publications, Peak PCE of 23.6% at 14 Sun (up from 21,1% at 1 sun) Nature Energy 3 855 (2018)
ET05.04.04 Xie Zhang@UCSB, Rashba Effect, Spin mismatch Nano Lett 15 7794 (2015) & Momentum mismatch APL Mater 4 091501 (2016), First-principles spin texture J Phys Chem Lett 9 2903 (2018), Momentum splitting ACS Energy Lett 3 2329 (2018), Radiative recombination, Auger recombination Adv Funk Mater 25 6218 (2015) Adv Energy Mater 8 1801027 (2018), Spin mismatch: NO, Momentum mismatch: minor impact, However strong impact on Auger recombination, Resonance between band gap and interband transitions
ET05.04.05 Haipeng Lu@NREL, Spin-orbital coupling (SOC), Symetry breaking (Rashba splitting), J Phys Chem Lett 2018 9 2595, Giant Rashba splitting was observed in 2D perovskites (ER= 40 meV), 2D Perovskites: Reduced dimensionality, 2D perovskite films: A synthetic challenge, 2D perovskite single crystals ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 2273-2279, Transient reflection (TR), Carrier dinamics, Spin-coherent measurement, Phonon contribution, Reduced dimensionality gives larger Rashba spliting, also leads to larger phonon scattering and electron-phonon coupling,
ET05.04.06 Esma Ugur@KAUST(Saudi Arabia), Charge Carrier Dynamics after Exposure to Humidity and Light, The effect of humidity & Light soaking ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 1515-1525, ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 1588-1597
, 2 step, SnO2 based n-i-p perovskite solar cell, Change in Voc, Optical analysis, TR-PL, Transient photocurent, Remarkable decrese in Voc for thensamples atmospheric (humid air) conditions under 1 sun illumination
ET05.04.07 Xiaoyang Zhu@Columbia University, Ferroelectric Large Polarons, Shockley-Read-Hall recombination, Transport measurement reveal nearly a "defect-free" semiconductor, Adv Mater 2016 28 6509 Nat Comm ***, Time domain view of phonon disorder: MAPbI3 vs CsPbBr3 Science 2016 353 1409, Science Adv 2017 3 e1701217, Phonon disorder revealed by Raman spectra, Phys Rev Lett, Direct domain view of phonon-to-phonon transfer and phonon softening, Dynamic screening and large polaron formation, JPC-Lett 2015 6 4758, Is the Frohlich poralon ***, The dielectric function, Dynamic screening and exciton binding energy, local symmetry breaking in LHPs, Ferroelectric large polarons Nature Materials, 17, 379 (2018),
ET05.04.08 Wolfgang Tress@EPFL, Loss mechanism, Recombination losses, Reversible losses, Low frequency losses, Measure recombination rate, influence of non-radiative recombination, Extrinsic recombination center 10.1039/C7EE00421D (2017), Tail states due to Au, Wide-bandgap interlayer, Bulk defects: introduced by BiI3, Bi impurity: photoluminescence, Bi impurity: absorption onset, Mystery of high and negative capacitance, Measuring the electric field with KPFM
ET05.04.09 Andrew Winchester@OIST, Femto second spectroscopy, Nature Nanotechnol 2017
ET05.04.10 Yasuhiro Shirai@NIMS, Impedance spectroscopy, Typical IMVS results for perovskite solar cells, ITO/NiOX/MAPI/PCBM/AZO/Ag
ET05.04.11 Sascha Feldmann@University of Cambridge, Origin of High Photoluminescence, High luminescence performance in alloyed perovskites, Confocal PL imaging confirms distribution of emission sites
ET05.05/ET04.05: Joint Session: The Past, Present and Future of Halide Perovskites
ET05.05.01/ET04.05.01 David Mitzi@Duke University(USA), What is perovskite?, Layered inorganic perovskite, My intro "Possible high Tc superconductivity in the Ba-La-Cu-O system" (1986), How does structure ***, O-I perovskite: Inorganic→organic modulation layer, Can we make them conductive?, Crystal Structure and Photoconductivity of Cesium Plumbohalides Nature 1958 182 1436, Tunable and solution processible semiconductor... Nature 1994 369 467, More flexibility: Varying inorganic layer orientation Science 1995 267 1473, Templating and structural engineering J Chem Soc Dalton Trans 1 (2001)
, Structural distortion Inorg Chem 2005, Thermal properties of HOIP films? Chem Mater 14 2839 (2002), Influence of organic cation, Can melt processing be extended to Pb-based systems?, Desighn Pb-based HOIPs with lower melting temperature 10.1039/C8SC03863E (2019), Other early film deposition developments Chem Mater 1999 11 542, 2-D perovskites: More functional organic ***, Tailoring of energy levels in hybrid perovskites Phys Rev Lett 121 146401 (2018), Organic-inorganic perovskite, Spin coated PEA2SnI4 channel FET, Melt-processed FET, Organic-inorganic LED Chem Mater 11 3028 (2018), Photovoltaics in CH3NH3PbX3 *参加者約300人
ET05.05.02/ET04.05.02 Tsutomu Miyasaka@Toin University of Yokohama, Extensive applications, Potentially reachable efficiencies of single junction cell, Eg=1.6eV(800nm)→η=25.0%, Highly Luminescent Lead Bromide Perovskite Chem Lett 2012 41 397-398, Background and Perspectives BCSJ 2018 91, 1058-1068, (1) High efficiency multi cation (2) MA free (3) all-inorganic (4) Lead-free, water is contained ***, Large grain size by doping of K+-TFSI- in TiO2 Adv Func Mat 2018 1706287-1706296, ITO/SnO2/Rb0.03Cs0.05FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17) 18.27% for 1cm2, (MA-free) FA0.85Cs0.15PbI3 Numata, Stability: A. Jena Chem Mater 2018, Lead-free ETL TiO2 and HTL P3HT with AgBi2I7, ITO/TiOx/mp-brookite/Perovskite, Low temperture processed plastic film, Space environment, Proton & electron radiations, P3HT is rhobust iScience 2 148-155, Impacts of proton irradiation (50 KeV), Why superior radiation-***
ET05.05.03/ET04.05.03 Nam-Gyu Park@Sungkyunkwan University, History, Progress and Perspective, ABX3 perovskite?, Band structure of PbI6-Oh Science 358 (2017) 745-750, DSSC stoppet the progress since 2012 due to the low molecular distinction coefficient of N719, Steve Jobs' connecting the dot', Perovskite-sensitized solar cell: 6.5% (2011), Second attempt with Spiro-OMeTAD, Decrease in mp-TiO2 thickness?, 1st high efficiency SS-perovskite solar cell (2012), Femto-second dinamics at M. Graetzel's lab, #3340 citation "Lead iodide perovskite sensitized all-solid-state..." Sci Rep. 2012; 2: 591, Design of PSC device, JACS 2015, Grain boundary engineering, TeM TRPL and ***, FAPbI3 Adv Mater 2014 26 4991, Nanowire, Effect of interface ETL HTL on recombination 10.1038/srep44629, Ion excange reaction Adv Mater 2018, Additive in precursor solution ACS AMI 2018, Frenkel defect protected by KI doping: bulk ***, Large area coating issue, SAED (super lattice), Bi-facial stamping (perovskite printing) method: α- δ-FA: EAPbI3 with MAPbI3, ★Synthesis of perovskite powder ChemSusChem, ★21.8% PSC based on delta-FAPbI3 powder
ET05.05.04/ET04.05.04 Anders Hagfeldt@EPFL, Compositional Engineering, Mixed cations, FA1-XMAXPb(I1-XBrX), EPFL's certified champion cell, Devices cross sectional SEM, Mixed Ion Perovskites ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2686, Incorporation of rubidium, Highly efficient planar perovskite 10.1039/C5EE02608C, What accelerated tests are relevant for PSC? Energy Environ Sci 2017 10 604 Nature Energy 2018 3 61-67, Reconsidering figures of merit for performance and stabilityEnergy Environ. Sci., 2018,11, 739-743 , Aging MAPbI3 devices with PTAA, MPP under constant illumination & different temperatures (Recovery in dark for 24 hours), Methylammonium-free high-performance and stable perovskite Science 11 2018 eaat3583, MA-free Br-free perovskites, ★Planer: SnO2/PCBM PMMA/RbCsFA/PMMA/spiro 20.4%, Novel p-dopant toward highly efficient Energy Environ. Sci.,, PbZrTiO3 ferroelectric Oxide ***, Efficiency limit: Science 351 *** "Surprisingly SnO2 gives high voltage (Anders)"
ET05.05.05/ET04.05.05 Kai Zhu@NREL, Rising effort on scalable deposition, Transition from spin coating to scalable coating, Solvent effect on precursor ***, Solvent effect on precursor film process window, Nat Energy 2017 2 17038, ACN solvent: film crystalizes within ~1s of coating, The Path to a Printable Terawatt-Scale Technology ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2540
Discussion Panel: Unsolved Perovskite Problems―Opportunities and Challenges - Discussion Leader: Ivan Mora-Sero
・Beyond PVs
【2018.11.26 MRS Fall meeting Day1】
Symposium ET04 : Perovskite Solar Cells―Challenges and Opportunities *参加者約120人 at the beginning
ET04.01.01 Wallace Choy@University of Hong Kong, New pos-device treatment: to heal defects of perovskite for improving, post-device ligand (PDL) treatment, How to handle the completely fabricated poor deveices is still an open question, ★Energy Environ Sci 2018 10.1039/C8EE00580J, 18.67%-->20.13%, Repairing 'poor device', Supressing the nonradiative ***, Other work to on improving perovskite stability, Adv Energy Matter 5 1501354 2015, Difference in morphology, Conventional PbI2 film vs Our PbI2, How to get smooth CH3NH3PbI3 film (by changing MAI concentration), Identifing the wffect of the unreacted PbI2 on device performance, PbI2 recidue in the MAPI is ***, ★Pyridine promoted 10.1002/adma.201604695, NiOx film, Low temperature process
Symposium ET05 : Fundamental Aspects of Halide Perovskite (Opto)electronics and Beyond *参加者約200人 at the beginning
ET05.01.01 Aron Walsh@Imperial College London (Yonsei University, Korea), Unsolved Mysteries of Halide Perovskites, Weak exciton binding (EB < KBT in 3D perovskite), Mixed ionic-electronic charge transport, Cacancy I-:0.6 eV, Nature of electron and hole carriers, Effective mass (Bohr) radius vs Polaron radius, Appl Materials 2 081506 (2014), ACS Energy Lett 2 2647 (2017), Real-space hot polaron cooling, Ultra-low thermal conductivity, PRB 94, 220301 (2016), Open question: Rashba polarons, Phys Rev B 98 085108 (2018), Spontaneous, 'Ferroelectric' Pb halide perovskites, Many reports mislead by polarisation signatures of interface changing, ion transport and ***, Ferroelastic domain formation, Scales of disorder in perovskites, arXiv 1803.01192 (2018), Lattice strain patterns have a complex heterogenity across multiple legend ***, Open question: Electrostriction arXiv 1811.01832 (2018), Point defects in photovoltaic materials, Many defects but few carriers, Lead halide perovskites are intrinsic, Iodin vacancy: High concentration, Low formation energy of VI+ impiles a high equilibrium concentration would be expected, Ionic (defect) compensation, Self-regulation of charge, Perovskites: soup of charge defects, Open question: deep defects Nature reviews materials 3 195 (2018), Open question deepdefects, ACS Energy letters 2 2713 (2017)
ET05.01.02 Mercouri Kanatzidis@Northwestern University, 2D and “Hollow” Halide Perovskites Semiconductors, “Hollow” d perovskites enFASnI3, Tunable band gap, What are hollow perovskites?, more [enH2] ***, Solar cells 7.34% for reverse, Thicker layers decreasing bandgap, 2D perovskites (RP), 2D (BA)2(MA)n-1PbnI3n+1 (n = 1, 2, 3, 4), n=5, Contact angle measurements on films, Hydrophobisity increase with nuber of C chains, Planer devices using (BA)2(MA)3Pb4***, Hybrid Dion - Jacobson 2D Lead Iodide Perovskites JACS (2018), Boosting the performance via mixed cation strategy, Layer thickness and optical properties
ET05.01.03 David Cahen with Gary Hodes, Halide perovskites: one of a kind or novel optoelectronic material harbinger (前兆)?, Still, not everything is special Brenmer Nat Mat Rev 2016, So yes there are some special features: (1) SOFT (2)DISORDER (3)Low [gap states], (4)Entropically stabillized, Static disorder, Dynamic disorder is compatible with, Halide sub-lattice is "liquid-like", disorder also without organic, Disorder --> tail states?, Sharp bad edges!, Log scale analysis of UPS & IPES for MAPBI3, Egger PCL (2016), Gap-tail states, Focus on low energy absorption, Urbach Energy vs Temp., 3.4 meV for CH3NH3PbI3, It is not just about Urbach tail but also about shallow defects, defect densities 10^13~10^15 cm-3 for MAPI films, How are such low [defects] possible? Defects and their relaxation 1809.10949 *Just overview, unclear discussions
ET05.01.04 Andrew Rappe@University of Pennsylvania, Theory and Modeling of Correlated Ionic and Electronic Motions, Weak bonding ignites couplings between ions chages and spins!, local polar fluctions in CsPbBr3, Evidence of dynamic disorder in Raman spectra of CsPbBr3 PRL 118 136001 (2017), Ultlafast electron diffrction enables tracking of picosecond structural changes via changes in Bragg *** Sci Adv 3 e1602388 (2017), Pair correlation function under illumination, Therefore illumination has the effect of introducing non-thermal structural fluctions, PRL 96 086601 (2006), Adv Func Mater 26 2292 (2016), Tight-binding model for halide perovskites fitted to reproduce PBE-DFT band structure Nano Lett 15 7794-7800 (2015), How Lattice and Charge Fluctuations Control Carrier Dynamics in Halide Perovskites Nano Lett (2018),
Temperature Dependence of MAPI J Phys Chem Lett 7 5247 (2016), Rashba SOC enhanced carrier lifetime, Rashba Effect in a Single Colloidal CsPbBr3 Nano Lett 17 5020 (2017), Zero-field Rashba split
ET05.01.05 Yevgeny Rakita@Weizmann Institute of Science, Low Charge Mobility arXiv 1809.10949 (2018), Mechanical softness, Deformation potential, Bandgap variation, Structural polarizability, Charge mobility, Mobility temperature dependence, Polar optical phonon limited mobility, μPOP at 300K, Defect tolerating semiconductors
ET05.01.06 Prescott Evans@University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Polar Liquid Sublattice in Single Crystal Perovskite CH3NH3PbBr3(001), Polar liquid criteria, XPS debye temperature, Lattice polar liquid: Nature Mater ***
ET05.01.07 Joshua Choi@University of Virginia, Impact of Crystallographic Orientation Disorders, Challenges in scale up of perovskite solar cells, Origin of charge trap heterogeneity, Crystallographic Orientation Disorders Nano Lettres 18 6271-6278 (2018), Spatially resolved PL decay: random orientation, The morphology and PL are related for the ***, Key differences between samples: PL decay, Mechanism to relate film thickness to PL, Fitting experimental data with recombination & diffusion model *boring
ET05.01.08 Wanjian Yin@Soochow University, Thermodynamic Stability, 138 Perovskites JACS 139 14905 (2017)
, No quantitive coreration between stability and octahedral factor μ, Phase diagrammatic separation by (torelance factor t, μ), Trend extended to K and O, Machine learning on perovskites
ET05.02.01 Juan Bisquert@Universitat Jaume I, Ionic Transport, Defects and Electrooptical Response, ACS Energy Letters 2018 3 1477-1488 ???, Distinction between Capacitive and Noncapacitive Hysteretic Currents in Operation and Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells 10.1021/acsenergylett.6b00293, Suppressing PL, Ionic effects in perovskites, Accumulation of capacitance, Charge distribution in perovskite solar cell, The attachment of ions to the surface, The attachment of ions in the surface, Modification of photovoltage dynamics, Hysteresis: Surface polarization model, Ionic effects on degradation, Tuning the hysteresis by surface layers, The asymetry of photovoltage dynamics Sci 2018 11 2404-2413, Slow surface discharge effects
ET05.02.02 Saiful Islam@University of Bath, Atomic-Scale Insights into Defects, Diffusion and Degradation, Trend: Intrinsic defect formation, MAPbI3: Vacancy migration Nature Commun (2015), CH3NH3PbI3: O2 degradation, Oxygen diffusion into films, ToF-SIMS profile, Superoxide formation sites? Nature Commun (2017), Cation mixing: (FA, MA, Cs)PbI3, FA1-XCsxPbI3: Structural change, FA1-XCsXPbI3: Stractural change, Change in H-bonding *There are very less discussions based on the fact, the talk looks like a fantasy
ET05.02.03 Lukas Schmidt-Mende@University of Konstanz, Polarization Process, Detection of deep currents around phase transition, Thermally simulated currents induced by polarization, Mechanism and Impact of Cation Polarization J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (23), pp 12140-12147
ET05.02.04 Alessandro Senocrate@Max Planck Institute, Photo-decomposition, The Nature of Ion Conduction Angew Chem Int Ed 2017 56 7755, Poralization phoenomina under illumination, Energy Environ Sci 2014, Photo-induced ion conduction Nature Mater 2018 17 445, Reversible enhancement of ionic/electronic conductivity, How to confirm that it is not an electronic effect?, Proof of ion conduction under light, I-aggregates predicted computationally, Photodecomposition pathway upon I2 loss, MAPbI3 is amixed conductor in the dark and under light, Light enhances ion transport throughincrease of carriers, Proposed mechnism relies on electron-ion interaction
ET05.02.05 Jinsong Huang@University of North Carolina, Co-planar single crystal perovskite solar cell, Metal grids Adv Mater 28(14) 2816-2821 (2016), Turning on and off the poling field of 1 V/cm, Ferroelastic domain in MAPbI3 single crystals Science advances 3 e1602165 (2017), PFM observation of ferroelastic, Why should material changes the shape during ***?, Introduction to electrostriction, For Piezoelectricity, Discovery of the giant electrostriction (電歪)-cont Nature Materials 17 1020-1026 (2018), Giant Electrostriction, Simulation of Frenke defects under field, Direct observation of MA+ migration Adv Energy Mater 5(15) 1500615 (2015), Ion migration at higher temperature (330K), Field dri*, Observation of light enhancement Phys Chem Chem Phys 2016 18 30484-30490, Influence of excess electrons on ion migration rate Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 4981 (2018), General to all perovskite materials, Acceleration ion migration by excess electrons and holes, Direct observation of ion redisribution, Stability test with different bias ***, Charges from electrical injection - similar to light injection, Processed mechanism for charge enhanced ion migration
ET05.02.06 Moritz Futscher@AMOLF (Netherland), Ion migration in halide perovskites, Transient ion-drift, arXiv 1801.08519 (2018), Mixed perovskites and additives Nature 555, 497-501 (2018)
ET05.02.07 Alessandro Senocrate@Max Planck Institute, Why study ion conduction in CH3NH3PbI3?, Assesing mixed ionic-electronic transport: emf, Large emf voltage in ***, MA+: migration observed under light and high bias, Pb2+: highly poralizable, I- perovskite are anion conductors, 10nA in Air 50°C 1 week --> Iodine is mobile in MAPbI3, Angewandte Chem Int Ed 2017 56 7755, SS-NMR to assess MA and Pb diffusion, Identifying charge carriers : acceptor doping, Mobile ions and defects under light, MAPbI3 is a mixed conductor, I- is the mobile ion and VI* the mobile defect
ET05.02.08 Xudong Yang@Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Extrinsic reinforcement, Nature Commun 2017 8 15330, A solvent- and vacuum-free route to large-area perovskite films for efficient solar modules. Nature 2017 550 92
ET05.02.09 Biwas Subedi@University of Toledo (USA), Impact of Thin-Film Perovskite Composition on Sub-Band Gap Absorption Due to Defect States, Existence of Urbach tail is due to lattice vibrations & defects and disorders, Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) coupled with unporalized transmittances, Perovskite thin films handling during PDS, varing cation-anion Urbach energies, Mixing of FA with MA and Pb with Sn increase the grainsize uniformity, Mixed perovskite films with lower Urbach energies show lower Voc deficits
【2018.11.23 MRS Fall meeting】
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【2018.11.21 記事の御紹介】
■面積世界最大のフィルム型ペロブスカイト太陽電池モジュールを開発 *Perovskite
(2018年11月19日付 環境ビジネス)
【2018.11.20 液晶電解質を用いた色素増感太陽電池】
久しぶりの DSC ネタです。これまで回路シミュレータを用いて順構造・プラナー型
ペロブスカイト太陽電池 [APEX (2017)] 、逆構造・プラナー型ペロブスカイト太陽電池
[CL-150933 (2015)] の I-V ヒステリシス曲線を再現してきましたが、これらの知見を生
かして、液晶電解質を用いた色素増感太陽電池の特異な I-V 曲線を説明すること
再構成したリアル・モデル(疑似 DSC)です
【2018.11.16 論文のご紹介】
一昨年我々が Cubic & Tetragonal の 2 相共存状態を発見して以来、「それは違う」
「電子線(もしくは FIB 加工)によるダメージを観察しただけ」という批判を浴び続けて
ダメージを受けて新たに Cubic 層や超格子ができる方が説明難しいと思うのです
が(我々の観察では一度アモルファス化して、最後は PbI2 となります)、ペロブスカ
イト太陽電池の綺麗な TEM 画像を撮るためにはいろいろとコツがあります。そのう
■Atomic scale insights into structure instability and decomposition pathway of
methylammonium lead iodide perovskite *Perovskite
Shulin Chen, et. al.
Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 4807 (2018)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07177-y
【2018.11.15 論文のご紹介】
1つは先日のペロブスカイト統計の元になった論文で、参考文献数 659 件とギネ
ス級の総説です。その次は先々週公開された David B. Mitzi による 63MB ものヘ
■Evolution of organometal halide solar cells *Perovskite
Jotaro Nakazak & Hiroshi Segawa
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 35, 74-107 (2018)
DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochemrev.2018.02.002
■Synthetic Approaches for Halide Perovskite Thin Films *Perovskite
Wiley A. Dunlap-Shoh, Yuanyuan Zho, Nitin P. Padture and David B. Mitzi
Chem. Rev., Article ASAP (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.8b00318
【2018.11.14 AIST 続・太陽光発電研究 成果報告会】
いつもの DVD(入手し損ねた)、、、思っていたら、有り難いことに今年はなんとプ
吉田正裕先生よりペロブスカイト太陽電池性能評価について MPPT 法を用いた
■「AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 2018」資料閲覧
【2018.11.14 AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 Day1】
【2018.11.13 平面ヘテロ接合再び2】
る模様。前回の「かつ多くの場合、緻密層に SnO2 酸化スズを用いています。」は訂

言え、pure な MAPbI3 でも 21% 台が出始めています。

以上、Jotaro 日記からでした。:)
【2018.11.5 平面ヘテロ接合再び】
知る人ぞ知る、某隠れサイトにて面白い統計が公開されました。横軸が 2018 年の

ナノ粒子を使用していません。かつ多くの場合、緻密層に SnO2 酸化スズを用いてい
N崎先生、Good job です!
【2018.11.5 kuroppe サーバー復活】
毎年更新の使用状況届出が間に合わず、1週間ほど東北大学内の Firewall でブロ
【2018.10.30 記事の御紹介】
Google アラートからお知らせ頂いたので...
■電子状態インフォマティクスによるペロブスカイト太陽電池用ホール輸送材料の探索 *Perovskite
(2018年10月30日付 J-STAGE)
【2018.10.25 ISOS-11 まとめ】

ペロブスカイト太陽電池効率の世界最高記録 η=23.3% の報告が Prof. Jingbi You
より初めて紹介されました。要点は二つで、電子輸送層を TiO2 に代えて SnO2 に
したことと、ペロブスカイト粒子表面を PbI2 で passivation したことにより高効率を
実現したとのこと。特に TiO2 については存在意義をほぼ全否定した内容のプレゼ
ALD など高度な成膜技術を試しており、最高値セルでもこれを導入したのかはま
(1) ETL を TiO2→SnO2 で η=19.9% *Newport認証値
Nature Energy, 2, 16177 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2016.177 (*東大からはアクセスできません)
(2) PbI2 の表面処理で η=20.9% *Newport認証値
Small, 14(31), 1801154 (2018) DOI: 10.1002/smll.201801154
大きいです。即ち、ペロブスカイト太陽電池効率の本質は mesoscopic とは無関係
であり、更に言えば最高値を狙うためには TiO2 を捨て去る必要があるということ
話は飛びますが、Monica さん主導で進めてきた今回の「有機系太陽電池の安
定性に関する第11回国際会議 (ISOS-11)」ですが、次回 2019 年はカールスルー
エ(ドイツ)で、その次 2020 年は日本で開催する運びとなりました。どうしましょう
【2018.10.24 ISOS-11 Day4】
・I-28 Dr. Yulia Galagan@SOLLIANCE: Slot die coating,
・I-29 Mr. Qing yong Tian (田清勇)@GCL NANO Co. Ltd., *impressed
・YS-22 Mr. Prof. Wenming Su,
・YS-23 Dr. Carle Jon@Infinity PV, OPV
・YS-24 Dr. Qun Luo, Will the Metal electrode have potential for PV?,
・YS-25 Prof. Yong Peng,
Coffee Break
・I-30 Prof. Satoshi Uchida
【2018.10.24 ISOS-11 Day3】
・I-19 Prof. Henry Yan: OPV
・I-20 Prof. Gang Li: OPV
・YS-15 Prof. Maojie Zhang: OPV
・YS-16 Prof. Tao Wang: P3CTNa as a HTL
・YS-17 Prof. Junfeng Fang:
・YS-18 Prof. Yuan Zhang: OPV
・YS-19 Dr. Qun Luo: OPV
Coffee Break
・I-21 Prof. Aldo Di Carlo: m-TiO2 + Graphene oxide (or MoS2 QD) for stability, Adv Energy Mater 2016 6(16) 1600920: https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.201600920, ACS Nanao (2018),
・I-22 Prof. Bumjoon Kim: OPV
・I-23 Prof. Harald Hoppe
・O-12 Dr. Lingpeng Yan: OPV
・O-15 Mr. Meitzner Rico: OPV
・O-16 Dr. Gurney Robert: OPV
・O-17 Dr. Chen Ziming: 2D/3D, NAP2
・I-24 Prof. Monica Lira-Cantu, ★PZT as an ETL (replacement of TiO2)
・I-11 Prof. Songyuan Dai, "DSC is future (G)" "I don't think so(Dai", P3HT-CNT for enhance the stability
・O-19 Dr. Jialin Wang: OPV
・O-20 Ms. Spalla Manon:
・O-21 Ms. Wenya Song@imec: Perovskite-Silicon tandem: η=27.1% for 0.13cm^2, 25.3& for 4 cm^2
Coffee Break
・I-26 Dr. Muriel Matheron
・I-27 Prof. Kwanghee Lee: OPV
・O-22 Dr. Yaling Wang: OPV
・O-23 Dr. Fei Chen
・O-24 Mr. Kai Cheong Tam
・O-25 Maennig Bert
【2018.10.23 ISOS-11 Day2】
会議二日目。個性的なホテル (Garden Hotel Suzhou) だと思ったら、ここは過去数十年間、蘇州政府が国賓の宿泊施設として使用してきた場所なんだとか。更にその前は蒋介石のプライベート庭園だったそうです。それにしてもインターネットがアクセス制限のため、どうにも使い物にならないのが本当に惜しいです。メールが溜まって仕事が全く、全然はかどりません(泣)。検閲止めたって、今更何も変わらないでしょうに。
・KN-5 Prof. Liyuan Han
・I-25 Prof. Yiwang Chen: OPV
・I-13 Dr. Sjoerd Veenstra@SOLLIANCE: Atomic Layer Deposition. Insert conformalALD Ai2O3 layer,
・YS-9 Prof. Qinye Bao
・YS-10 Dr. Lei Meng:NiOx and ZnO layers as an ETL, Perovskite/CIGS(Japanese company) 22.4% certified by NREL
・O-4 Mr. Domanski Konrad@FLUXiM
・O-5 Dr. Sele Christoph: OPV
Coffee Break
・I-14 Prof. Furong Zhu
・I-15 Dr.Alexander Colsmann@KIT: ★PC71BM (not PC61BM) for high thermal stability
・YS-3 Prof. Yixin Zhao: Br ★Gradient Br doping? Heal MAPbI3!
・YS-8 Prof. Feng He: OPV
・O-13 Zhang Chaohong: OPV
・I-16 Prof. Jeffrey Kettle: outdoor testing
・I-17 Dr. Joseph Berr@NREL: 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b00914
・YS-14 Prof. Jie Min: OPV
・O-9 Mr. Guo Jing: OPV
・O-10 Mr. Burlingame Quinn OPV
・O-11 Mr. Riviere Guillaume
・O-12 Dr. Lingpeng Yan
Coffee Break
・O-8 Dr. Tress Wolfgang: *like a poem
・I-12 Prof. Eugene Katz: *good but no science
・O-7 Ms. Shrestha Shreetu: TOF *too much animation
【2018.10.22 ISOS-11 Day1】
AirChina 機材調達遅れのため予定の 5 時間遅れで到着した上海。もう無理、半分諦めていたものの、迎えのタクシー運転手さんは私一人のためにちゃんと待っていてくれました。本当に恐縮です。会場の蘇州まで車で更に 2 時間移動し、ホテルに到着したのが朝の 2:00。更に朝 8:00 から予定通り会議スタートです。
・KN1 Prof. Christoph J.Brabec: OPV
・KN2 Prof. Yibing Cheng: Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells in Light On/Off Diurnal Cycling Conditions, Adv Energy Mater 2015 5 1500963, Reliability certification tests for Si solar cells, PVSK Nano Energy 2014 10 10, Angew Chem ***, ATLAS environmental chamber stability testing, Theml stability of encapsulated perovskite layer (no spiro), Stability of encapsulated perovskite solar cells (All under one sun), Morophological changes upon aging, Mixed component perovskite solar cells, 2D-3D Heterostructured perovskite solar cells, Real world condition, How are PSCs working in the day/night cycle?, Test under continuous illumination, one sun illumination 25 degree C 10% r,h. for 14 days, Illumination/Darkness cyclic tests ★Nano Energy 27 509-514 2016, Recover under illumination but the recovery rate getting slower, ★Series resistance of devices under illumination, XRD results before and after 10 cyclic tests, SEM results before and after 10 cycle, Impedance results for diffrent interfaces, Transient current/voltage decay measurements, ★Inverted structure shows lowest charge accumulation, Proposed fatigue model, Effects of added bias in the dark condition, ★Inverted structure of PSCs has a better fatigue resistance property
Coffee Break
・I-1 Prof. Yongsheng Chen: OPV
・I-2 Prof. Hongwei Han:
・I-3 Prof. Jianhui Hou:
・I-4 Prof. Jingbi You: SnO2 Wonderful electron transport layer, ★We replaced the traditional TiO2 ETLs by SnO2, ★★Surface passivation (by PbI2) for efficient PCSs, The effect of PbI2 contents on hysteresis: Advanced Mater 1703852 (2017), Interface engineering for stable PSCs: Nature 544 155-156 (2017), Inverted structure using all metal oxide charge transport layers to improve stability: Nature Nanotech 11 75 (2016), Inorganic perovskite CsPbI3, CsPbI3-1 metastable material with 1.73eV bandgap, ★★PCE η=23.3% 「SnO2 緻密層(TiO2 の代わり)」「Planar(順構造)」*本人に確認しました。
・YS-1 Prof. Yaowen Li:
・YS-2 Dr. Zhijun Ning:
・I-5 Prof. Baoquan Sun: *Wonderful concept
・I-6 Prof. Rui Zhu: Inverted heterojunction, ★(PbAc2+MAI)+(PbI2+FAI in DMF) without antisolvent, , ★★ Guadinium Bromide (GABr): Science 2018 360 1442, Solution-processed secondary growth - exceeding 21%, ★★Excess PbX2 in the surface --> treated with GABr solution, *Excellent work
・I-7 Prof. Qing Shen: CsPbI3 QD: ACS Nano 11 10373 2017, QD 220 nm solar cell 12.15%
・YS-3 Prof. Yixin Zhao: OPV
・YS-4 Prof. Yongsheng Liu: 2D, Better moisture stability,
・YS-5 Prof. Gang Wu:
・YS-6 Prof. Qingfeng Dong: Single crystal perovskite solar cells, PCE 17.8%
Coffee Break
・I-8 Hongzheng Chen: OPV
・I-9 Hin-Lap Yip: small amount of polymer to enhance the durability, ★PBDB-T, Pb-O stretching in IR increase with polymer
・YS-7 Wanli Ma: OPV
・YS-8 Prof. Feng He: OPV,
・O-1 Mr. Wei Li Tao Wang, ★PFN-X on TiO2 surface
・O-2 Dr. Chen Zhaolai:
・O-3 Dr. Zhang Hao: OPV
携帯のローミング経由の時だけ辛うじて Google はログインだけが可能。というわけでアプリの起動は出来るのですが、GPS データが取得できないため肝心のポケモンが現れません。閲覧できる HP とそうでない HP の判断基準が今ひとつ不明瞭ですが、いずれにせよきめの細かい情報統制は相変わらず。
【2018.10.16 ISOS-11 Announcement】
陽電池を中心とした大きな国際会議の1つです。2008 年来、毎年欧州で開催されて
現在ペロブスカイト太陽電池の世界最高効率 η=23.3%(認証値)を報告した中国科
学院の Prof. Jingbi You の発表は初日 10/22 (月)、日本時間で 12:20-12:40 の予
■International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics Stability (ISOS-11)
有機系太陽電池の安定性に関する第11回国際会議 (蘇州, 中国)
*Program & Speakers *Live streaming
私の発表は 10/25 (木) の 11:13-11:33 です (一応)。
【2018.10.13 機内映画感想メモ】
今回の旅程、全部で 8 flight 乗り継ぎました。評価別に以下の通り(◎は無し)。
・12 Strong ホース・ソルジャー (2018) ◯◯ 予告編 戦争実話映画、今回のベスト
・13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 13時間 ベンガジの秘密の兵士 (2016) ◯◯ 予告編 こっちも戦争実話映画、ご参考まで
・Frontir フロンティア (2017) ◯◯ 予告編 Russian 映画
・Hotel Gagarin ガガーリン ホテル(ユジノ・サハリンスク) (2018) ◯◯ 予告編 好きなように生きる映画 (伊)
・The commuter トレイン・ミッション (2018) ◯◯ 予告編 手に汗握る
・Beyond Reality (2018) ◯ 予告編 タイトル通り (独)
・Brooklyn ブルックリン (2015) ◯ 予告編 Irish ファンへ
・Death wish デス・ウィッシュ (2017) ◯ 予告編 結果オーライ?のバイオレンス映画
・Den of Thievs ザ・アウトロー (2018) ◯ 予告編 無理無理
・From bottom of the peak (2017) ◯ スキー映画、日本じゃ普通
・Gringo グリンゴ (2018) ◯ 予告編 美人は得だ
・I Feel Pretty アイ・フィール・プリティ! 人生最高のハプニング (2018) ◯ 予告編 Positive girl, pretty
・I'm losing weight (2018) ◯ 予告編 Russian beauty (露)
・Midnight Sun ミッドナイト・サン 〜タイヨウのうた〜 (2018) ◯ 予告編 意外性は無し
・Ocean's Eight オーシャンズ8 (2018) ◯ 予告編 予定通り、面白い
・The 15:17 to Paris 15時17分、パリ行き (2018) ◯ 予告編 実話!
・Upgrade アップグレード (2018) ◯ 予告編 ピノキオ物語り
・War Dogs ウォー・ドッグス (2016) ◯ 予告編 欲張り過ぎ
・嘘を愛する女 (2017) ◯ 予告編 嘘つき女でした
・Solo: A Star Wars Story ハン・ソロ/スターウォーズ・ストーリー (2018) △ 予告編 可もなく不可もなく
・Tomb Raider トゥームレイダー/ファースト・ミッション (2018) △ 予告編 なぜか卑弥呼物語
・Annihiration アナイアレイション−全滅領域− (2018) × 予告編 自分探しのエイリアン
・Chasing the Dragon 追龍 (2017) × 予告編 実りなし (中)
・Game Night ゲーム・ナイト (2018) × 予告編 楽しめない
・Invisible (2018) × オチ無し (アルゼンチン)
・Just Getting Started ベスト・バディ (2017) × 予告編 眠い
・Pacific Rim: Uprising パシフィック・リム:アップライジング (2018) × 予告編 途中で爆睡
・Ready Player One レディ・プレイヤー1 (2018) × 予告編 3分が限界
・Tag タグ (2018) × 予告編 B級実話
・The hurricane heist ワイルド・ストーム (2017) × 予告編 ノーコメント
・Unsane アンセイン 〜狂気の真実〜 (2018) × 予告編 ストーカー映画
・勝手にふるえてろ (2017) × 予告編 10分が限界
【2018.10.10 SIWAN 8 Day3】
朝一で Prashant V. Kamat が講演。本人も「太陽電池はあまり力を入れていない」
しばらく前から量子ドット太陽電池の最高値も従来の PbS や CdS などのカルコゲ
ナイドから Pb 系ペロブスカイトとなりましたが、効率は 10% 台で通常の薄膜ペロブ
で、技術的な見地からすれば fake concept, fake idea だと思っています。
【2018.10.9 SIWAN 8 Day2】
なか日。Anders と Monica は午後から会場を離れて移動しました。関連の発表は
が直前まで明らかにされなかったので、Closing まで残ることにした次第。なおかつ
【2018.10.8 SIWAN 8 Day1】
・Keynote lecture: Anders Hagfeldt
・Invited lecture: Yulia Galagan
・Invited lecture: Satoshi Uchida
・Invited lecture: Monica Lira-Cantu, Oxide ★PbZrTiO3 ETL over 11%, Perez-Tomas A et al, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2018 (accepted)
・Invited lecture: Eugene A. Katz
・Oral lecture: Ilker Dogan
・Invited lecture: Leeyih Wang
・Invited lecture: Juan L. Delgado, Fullerene‐Based Materials as Hole‐Transporting/Electron‐Blocking Layers, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201801069
本会議参加者の4名(私・Yulia・Monica・Eugene)は来週、中国の会議 ISOS-11 (Suzhou, China) で再会します。
【2018.10.7 SIWAN 8 Day1】
■Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience (SIWAN)
セゲド国際ナノサイエンスワークショップ (Szeged, Hungary) *Program *Book of abstract
【2018.10.2 The Nobel Prize】
【2018.10.2 エピローグ PSCO】
【2018.10.2 PSCO Day3】
・IL2.1 Henry Snaith, Insert refractive-index-tunable..., All perovskite multi-junction cells, challenge for p-i-n inverted structure, Secondary growth technique, ★post-treatment (GABr), Bromide-rich surface, More n-type absorber layer, "Graded" surface region, PLQY on films, Efficient inverted solar cell (Voc ~1.2V)Science 2018 360 1442-1446, Mobility in perovskites μ=V/E ACS Energy Lett, Perovskite-based concentrator solar cells, Perovskite should be capable of deliving high efficiencies under high rradiation, "Photon recycling doesn't happen (Snaith)", 10 suns, Oxford PV 27.3% *good presentation
・IL2.2 Eva Unger, J Mater Chem A 5 11401 (2017), Device performance vs absorption onset Chem Sci 6(1) 613-617 (2014) Hoke effect, Light-induced phase segregation, Irreversible segregation/degradation (death), In-situ XRD measurements during light-soaking (1 sun), Light-induced MAPI degradation - in space!, Hysteresis is due to ion migration, How to defince the "scan rate"?, dynamic mpp tracking (dynaMPP) *overview but well arranged presentation
・IL2.3 Nripan Matthews@NTU, LED
・IL2.4 Sang Il Seok, Acc Chem Res 2016 49 562-572, Volatile additives (DMSO), nature materials, PbI2(DMSO)2, ★FASnI3+SnF2 with pyrazine JACS 138 3974-3977 2016, Volatile additives, New additives, ★Iodide (I3-) additive: Science 356 1376-1379 2017, ★★Elemental sulfur additive for FAPbI3/MAPbBrs for high durability (submitted) 0.03 mol/L, Octylammonium additive for MAPbI3: Energy & Environ Sci 11 2188-2197 2018, Surfactant-armoured PSCs with octylammonium iodide (MAPbI3), MACl additive, Efficient PSCs with additive (PbI2): Nature Comm 9 3310 (2018), Excess PbI2 for α-FaPbI3 *very informative
・IL2.5 Hongwei Han, From cell to system, Fully printable, MAPbIBr2, Scientific Reports 3 3132 2013, (5-AVA)x(MA)1-xPbI3: Science 2014 345 295-298, MAPbI3 & NH4Cl & H2O: Nature Comm 2017 8 145555, Synergy of ammonium chloride and moisture, Light soaking, UV-light soaking: IEC 61646 & 61215, Decomposition & regeneration: , PCE 10.18% for 6084mm2 and for 5600.4mm2 active area *Inpressive for module activities
・IL2.6 Laura Herz, Charge recombination mechanism, Bimolecular (band-to-band) recombination in MAPbI3 *very physics
・IL2.7 Kai Zhu@NREL, Terawatt-Scale, NREL is focusing on Blade coating with Slot-die coating, Aparture PCE 15.6% Active area 17.9% GFF 87%-88% >10cm2, Slot-die coating on R2R, *Inpressive for module activities
・C2.01 Annalisa Bruno, State of the art(最先端), Semitransparent top electrode, Buffer layer: Themally evaporated Ag and MoO3, Semi-transparent cells, 16.35%, 4-Terminal 23.24%
・C2.02 Christoph Brabec, mesoscopic (not mesoporous), ★AgNW for junction contact
・C2.03 Narges Yaghoobi Nia,
・C2.04 Chuanjiang Qin
・C2.05 Jeff Coffer, Si nanotubes as templates for nanostructure formation,
・C2.06 Gregory Wilson@CSIRO
・C2.07 Zhaoxin Wu, LED
Coffee Break
・C2.08 Biplab Ghosh@NTU, Cesium bismus iodide,
・C2.09 Antonio Agresti, epoxy encapsulation
・C2.10 Alan Bowman
・C2.11 Francesco Lamberti
・C2.12 Bernard Wenger@Oxford, ★K+ induce the charge accumulation (to lead less hysteresis)
・C2.13 Alexey Tarasov@Moscow State University, ★★CH3NH3I3+Pb→MAPbI3 ★No solvent is required, no biproduct *excellent!
・C2.14 Fadwa El-Mellouhi,
【2018.10.1 PSCO Day2】
・IL1.1 Mercouri Kanatzidis, Thermal stability, CH3NH3Sn1-xI3, Binary mixed `b/Sn perovskites..., Anomalous band gap evolution in solid solutions of CH3NH3Pb1-xSnxI3, Can we drive x→0?, Can reduceing atmosphere lower x?, "Inportance of Reducing Vapor ..." JACS 2017, "Hollow" 3D Perovskites enFASnI3, Sci Adv 2017 3 e1701293, Tunable band gap, MAPbI3 vs (MA)1-δ(en)δ(Pb)1-δ(i)3-δ, Perovskites of hollow perovskites, Electronic structure of hollow 3D perovskites, Band gaps of 3D hollow perovskites, Tin based solar cell: 7.14%, Science, 2D(R-NH3)2(MA)n-1[PbnI3n+1], Thicker layers decreaseing bandgap, Chemistry of Materials, 2016 28 2852-2867, Optical spectra of (BA)(MA)n-1PbnI3n+1(n=1,2,3,4), GIWAX images and structure orientation, New type of 2D perovskite: JACS, 2D perovskites with alternating cations in the interlayer space (C(NH2)3)(CH3NH3)nPbnI3n+1 guadenium, quite stable, 2D Dion-Jacobson perovskite solar cells: submitted, Mixed B-site cations, (3AMP)(MA1-xFA..., 2D(BA)2(MA)n-1Pb..., n=6, Film stability for 2D halide perovskites with straight chain diammonium ions, Tuning of bandgap by layer-number (n), Tuning of film crystallinity and orientation by carbon-chain length (m): (NH3CmH2mNH3)(MA)2Pb3I10 (m=4 - 9),
・IL1.2 Kylie Catchpole@Austrarian National University, Si/perovskite tandem, Lal White & Catchpole IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2014), 2-terminal 22.8%: Wu Energy and Environmental Science 2017, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6(3) 679-687 (2016), Losses in transparent conductors: Jacobs J Mater Chem A (2016), Loss vs sheet resistance, Semi-transparent perovskite cell, 35μ, Indium doping of compact TiO2 (for increse Voc & FF), Rb in high band gap, 26% tandem with ..., Perovskite/CIGS tandem, Stability in oxygen, Ultlathin passivation with PCBM/PMMA, Double sided passivation, DOI 10.1002/aenm.20181208, CuPC as hole transfer layer, Doung ACS Energy Letters 2018, light+heat induced degradation, Moving ions in perovskites: Jacobs Phys Chem Chem Phys 2017, ★Giant light-induced capacitance, arxiv.org/abs/1807.00954, Loops features & negative capacitance, Ions can contribute nagative capacitance via the A terms
・IL1.3 Saiful Islam@Bath(UK), Structure & lattice dynamics?, point defects are intrinsic, Schottky defects?, Iodide migration, MAPI: conductivity expts, Context? Perovskite oxides, Oxygen diffusion into films, Superoxide species, Superoxide site?, Iodide vacancy, Can e\we supress On defect?, Defect passivation? Salt coatings, Tilting & H-bonding ACS Energy *相変わらず
・IL1.4 Edward Sargent, QD-LED
・IL1.5 Selina Olthof, Electronic structure of MAPbI3, PES measurement of MAPbI3
・IL1.6 Michael McGehee, 1.68eV bandgap perovskite yield a ~25% tandem, 27.3% PCE, Thermally stable PSCs, Encapsulated perovskite solar cell pass IEC tests, Thermal 250 cycles cycling Damp heat UV Exposure, ★Butyl rubber edge seal: moisture barrier, Metal contacts degrade the perovskite, Metal diffusion, ★An impermeable TCO on spun PCBM enables MAPbI3 to maintain initial conversion effect, Highly Textured surface morphology via anitisolvent method, Substrate evolution during antisolvent processing, Expanded volume intermediate possibly leading to compression, ★Using more DMSO which drys slower than DMF, Higher DMS concentration leads to equivalent device performance, Tensile stress accelerates degradation, Halide perovskite solar cells breakdown in reverse bias starting at 0.5 to 2V
・IL1.7 Anita Wing Yi Ho-Baillie, Effect of light soaking at different bias on cell..., ★iBAI+FAI (50:50) is the best, Grain boundary passivation by PEAI,c-Si/PSC tandem 21.8% PCE certified, *Unclear!
・IL1.8 Chris Case@Oxford PV, 27.3% certified by Fraunhofer, ★tandem cell since 2015
・A1.01 Nakita K. Noel@Princeton University, Surface doping, 4-TBP, Mo-treated perovskite: XRD and UV-Vis, Kelvin probe and dark microwave conductivity, 19F magic angle spinning magnetic resonance, Time resolved photoluminescence, Devices without selective contacts, Devices with selective contacts, Stability concerns - tBP, Devices without tBP,
・A1.02 Satoshi Uchida, Superlattice
・A1.03 Yana Vaynzof, Performance valiation in literature, Device stability and hysteresis, Energetic disorder, photoluminescence, Batch of the day *very general
・A1.04 Han Chen@上海交通大学, Active energy of ions migrations, MA Perovskite film thermal stability,
・A1.05 Endre Horvath@EPFL, Synchrotron x-ray crystallography, Nanowire, ★DMF is a growth directing agent *interesting
・A1.06 Efrain Ochoa@Freiburg Switzerland, FIRA samples result in relatively lower photo current *Bimyou
・A1.07 Jun Peng, *very general
・A1.08 Klara Suchan, Light induced phase separation pf MaPb(I,Br)3,
・A1.09 Felix Lang@HZB, *Interesting, proton beam generate the current
・A1.10 Aurora Manzi, Multiple excitation, CsPbBr3 nanocubes
・A1.11 Evelyne Knapp@zhaw, Negative capacitance, *with Flix
・A1.12 Daniele Meggiolaro
・B1.13 Lioz Etgar
・B1.14 Giacomo Giorgi
【2018.9.30 PSCO Day1】
■4th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics
Lausanne (Switzerland), 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2018 *Program
通称 PSCO、ペロブスカイト太陽電池の欧州会議。事前参加登録者は 525 名で過去最大となりました。聴衆に新顔の日本人を散見、日本人以外も新顔が多し。今日は Welcome を兼ねて学生向けのチュートリアルです。
・TL1 Md.K. Nazeeruddin, 2D/3D, Solvent Engineering of PSC over layer, Small exciton dissociation energy (<30 meV), J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5 1035-1039, Energy Environment Science 2014 7 2448, Science Advance 2016, 2, e1501170, Chemistry of Materials 2017, 29(8), 3490-3498, Energy & Environmental Science 2017 10(2) 621-627, Energy Environment Science 2018 11(4) 952-959 PCE to 20.75%, PL spectra ACS Nano online 2018 accepted, Impact of excess PbI2 Energy Environment Science 2015 8 3550 PCE 19% (highest as a MAPI), PbI2: larger crystals are "more odered", JACS 2016 138(43) 14380-14387 PCE 19.5%, Nature 536, 312, 2016, Nature Comm 8 (15684) 01 June 2017, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 53, 12, 3151, 2014 PCE 14.9%, Cs0.05FA0.74MA0.13PbI2.48Br0.52, ★MA is volatile Nature Energy 2017 8th December 2017, ★要TEM写真確認 Yi Zhang Adv. Mater 2018 1707143 *ナジルの口癖は "Beauty is ..."
・TL2 David Cahen, Role of DEFECTS in soft polarizable environment, Soft: Low elastic constant, PV cells made with them can behave as ideal p(-i)-n diodes (Miyano Acc. Chem. Res 2016), SOFT inorganic semiconductors; heavy atoms→low energy opt.'phonons', DISORDER but sharp edge of optical absorption (Pb), Low [gap states] & Urbach tail, Entropically stabilized, Carier mobility, Polar domains?, Mechanically soft, Dynamically warped, Static and Dynamic disorder, Y.Rakita arXiv 30-9-18, Where are the defects?, Urbach Tail Energy, It is not just about Urbach tail but , Why is this so important?, Maybe shallow defects, Given: Low MAPI deformation potential→high polarization, Heat capacities→entropy values, I- migration in MAOI *** cal, OK [defect] is low but WHY?
・TL3 Filippo De Angelis, Response to light, Polarons, Defects, Structural transformation, lattice expansion persisted, Annihilation of defects?, Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3180, Nat Comm 2016 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11683, Structural deformation due to carriers in APbBr3, Large polarons in CsPbBr3, Formation of large polarons in MAPbI3, Longer time scales: PIA-IR J Phys Chem Lett 2017 8 3081, Simulated IR-PIA suggests transition to a cubic structure, Still longer time scales: Defects photochemistry Energy Environ Sci. 2018 11 702, High Voc of PSCs; Immune to defects?, Voc of perovskite solar cells, Defects in MAPbI3 J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6 1461, ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 2206, Quantitative defect chemistry of MAPbI3, Energy Environ Sci 2018 11 702, ★Calculated defect of MAPbI3 ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 2206, Undercoodinated iodine atoms form I2- upon trapping a hole, Defect photo-chemistry of MAPbI3: Nat Mater Mater 2018 17 377: Energy Environ Sci 2018 11 702, Trap emission and dynamics in MAPbI3, O2 effect in MaPbI3: PLQY enhancement: ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2794-2798, Spectroscopic signature, Effect of exposure to I2 vapors, Light-induced PL rise in MAPbI3, Light induced annihilation of Frankel defects?, Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3180, Trap photochemistry, Competing photo-induced trap formation and healing in lead halide perovskites, Structural transformations, Large electrostriction...@Nature Materials 2018, Electric field generation compressive strain along the c-axis: J Phys Chem C 2018 122 12633, Formation of Iodine Frenkel defects favored by Pb vacancy *フィリッポの口癖は "Get rise ..."
・TL4 Stefaan De Wolf@KAUST
・Poster Session & Refreshment
【2018.9.27 MSCMP Day3】
・オフィシャル・バンケット *自費です
【2018.9.26 MSCMP Day2】
【2018.9.25 MSCMP Day1】
■MSCMP (Chisinau, Moldova)
とあるスジの取り計らいで珍しく Keynote Lecture の栄誉を得たわけですが、初日午前の外国人枠2人目という発表順で本当に恐縮です。会場を見渡す限り、黒髪でアジアンフェイスは私一人の完全にアウェイなわけですが、、、期待(?)に応えて本会議に十分寄与できたと思います。
【2018.9.24 移動日】
過去の経験上、「モルドバ」と聞いてそれがどこにあるのか分かる人は恐らくいないはず。「海の綺麗な、、、」はモルジブ(違います)。旧ソビエト連邦の一部で東欧のウクライナとルーマニアの狭間に存在し、文化的にはラテン系/ルーマニア語という、なんとも微妙な立ち位置にあります。大使館が出来たのもつい最近の 2016 年という、日本にとっては新しい親交国の1つです。
「モルドバ」を検索すると枕詞のように「ヨーロッパで最貧国の1つ」書かれているわけですが、これは全く余計な御世話です。国力を反映した GDP は確かに最安かもしれませんが、単に物価が安いだけであって生活が貧しいわけではありません。町並みも人々の服装・食事・生活スタイルも平均的な欧州とほとんど違いがありません。むしろ、少し裏手に入ると首都にスラム街があるようなお隣の国よりずっとマシ。良くも悪くも“大雑把(いい加減さ)”や“古さ”を感じる時はありますが、発展途上国的な貧しさとは全く異なります。酷いミスリードだと思います >Wikipedia
逆に日本が受けてる(根強い!)誤解の1つで、ありがちなのが「小さい国」という認識。国土はイギリスはおろかドイツよりも大きく、フランスより少しだけ小さい面積で、平均的な欧州の国々と比べても決して小さいわけではありません。ついでに言えば、今なお名目 GDP はイギリスとフランスを合わせた分を1国で賄っています。皮肉なことに国土が広く資源に恵まれた国に限って貧しいケースが多いわけで、改めて世界における日本の立ち位置がどの辺にあるかを思い起こされます。
ポケストップ、ちゃんとあります(写真のクオリティーも高し)。食事も旨いし、nice country!
【2018.9.21 講演会のお知らせ】
昔 KAST で今 KISTEC。午後B会場にて太陽電池フォーラムを開催します。
【2018.9.20 クラリベイト・アナリティクスより】
(Kanehira Minoru) 先生。って、誰ぞ?
■The 2018 Citation Laureates are:
【2018.8.14 RATO 国際標準化会議】
■ペロブスカイト太陽電池の発電性能評価について (内田)
*Perovskite, DSC
低照度領域でペロブスカイトや DSC の効率が見掛け上 100% を越えるトリックが明らかになるまで、1年半を要しました。
【2018.9.12 SSDM2018 Day3】
[F-3] Perovskite https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/ssdm2018/session/F-3/advanced
[F-3-01 (Invited)] Luis. K. Ono@OIST(Japan), Up-scalling, Csx(MA0.17FA0.83)Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 is the best, MAI sublimates over 140 degrees, J Mater Chem A3 (2015) 16097, With increasing FAI: PbCl2-->PbI2-->Perovskite-->yellow phase (δ), Champion FAPbI3 devices with varying FAI: PCE13.0%, Perovskite solar modules J Mater Chem A4 (2016) 13125, MAPI and FAPI by CVD Adv Funct Mater 27 (2018) 1703835
[F-3-02] Jia-Sing Li@National Chiao Tung University(Taiwan), PEDOT:PSS+MoS2 as a HTM, Transient absorption spectroscopy
[F-3-03] Nian-Zu She@National Chiao Tung University(Taiwan), UV induced degradation (after 5 hours irradiation)
[F-3-04] Hendga Qiu@Peking University (China), device automation
[F-4] Perovskite https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/ssdm2018/session/F-4/class
[F-4-01 (Invited)] Yang LongKai, LeadVanced Photovoltaic Tech. Co., Ltd. Shanghai (China), slot die coating, PEN/ITO/SnO2/Perovskite/Spiro-OMeTAD modified/Au, Certified 19.22% at 0.15cm^2, Material cost 0.193$/W
[F-4-02] Uchida
[F-4-03] K. Kimura@University of Tokyo, Grouth of MAPbBr3 single crystal substrates, Coevaporation of PbI2(~110 degreeC) and MAI(~340 degreeC), Volmer-Weber mode, The thin film exhibited same (001) orientation with the substrate, reciprocal space mapping, Alloying may be caused by halide ***, Feng APL Materials 2 081801 (2014), Interdiffusion of Br- and I- continuing for monthes
[F-4-04] Yuto Auchi@Saitama University, orientation of MAPI changed with different temperature, crystal grains become larger,
【2018.9.12 記事の御紹介】
■もしも泊原発が動いていたら… *Nuclear
(2018年9月8日付 講談社 オフィシャルウェブサイト)
(2018年9月7日付 YOMIURI ONLINE)
もし泊原発が稼働中だったら、熱量が圧倒的に違うので 8 時間の電源喪失では確実にメルトダウンです
(福島第一原発1号機では地震発生からおよそ 5 時間後でした)。
【2018.9.11 記事の御紹介】
(2018年9月9日付 日経 XTECH)
■京大と阪大など、再現性良く高い光電変換効率を示すペロブスカイト太陽電池の作製手法を確立 *Perovskite
(2018年9月6日付 日本経済新聞)
■スズ系ペロブスカイト太陽電池に光明 京大・阪大が効率的な製法を新開発 *Perovskite
(2018年9月10日付 環境ビジネスオンライン)
【2018.9.10 SSDM2018 Day1】
質疑でナイスな突っ込みの私、Happy birthday > Tom :-)
【2018.9.9 NEDOからの御案内】
日時:1日目 2018年10月3日(水) 9:30-17:30
2日目 2018年10月4日(木) 9:30-17:50
今年もあの分厚い(しかも白黒印刷の)予稿集、配るんでしょうか? *私は別件で不在に致します
【2018.9.7 来客です】
色素増感のベンチャー企業 EXEGER の技術最高顧問、Dr. Henrik Lindstrom 氏が
アポ無しで来られたので御案内しましたよ。昨年に続き第 2 回目の「DSSC がやって
くる(DSSC strikes on)」会議を来年 3 月に中国の山東省で主催するようです。
個人的に (秘) 「下北沢でベスト」なラーメン屋さんへお連れしました。
【2018.9.6 記事の御紹介】
2 で。この調子でいずれまた事故起こすんですよね!?
■資源エネルギー庁 3つの発電施設同時停止は想定外
(2018年9月6日付 NHK newS WEB)
■震度2で電源喪失寸前だった北海道・泊原発 *Nuclear
(2018年9月6日付 AERA dot)
【2018.9.7 NEDOミーティング】
【2018.9.4 ポスドク募集のお知らせ】
■Jobs: 3 postdoc positions (EPFL, Graetzel Lab.)
要約すると、、、要はひたすら効率を上げろってことですね。 ^^;
(1) 「既存の性能記録を大幅に上回るPSCデバイスの開発」
(2) 「既存の性能記録を大幅に上回るタンデムPSCデバイスの開発」
(3) 「DSC」
【2018.9.3 講演会のお知らせ】

■AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 2018
日 時:2018年11月13日(火) 12時30分〜17時45分
11月14日(水) 9時45分〜16時30分
場 所:「つくば国際会議場」 大ホール map
参加費:成果報告会 : 無料、意見交換会 : 4,000円
例年よりなぜか 5 ヶ月遅れで開催。初日は午後からスタートです。
【2018.8.31 論文の御紹介】
今日出たばかりの論文。今度は Perovskite/CIGS タンデムセルで 22.4%
特に目新しい何かがあるわけでないですが、効率が高いので Science です。
■High-performance perovskite/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 monolithic tandem solar cells *Perovskite
(Science, 2018, 361(6405), pp. 904-908) DOI: 10.1126/science.aat5055
■Dual-layer solar cell sets record for efficiently generating power *Perovskite
(2018年8月30日付 ScienceDaily)
【2018.8.29 記事の御紹介】
■Perovskite Photovoltaics Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2025 - QY Research, Inc. *Perovskite
(2018年8月29日付 Tactical Business)
Dyesol, フラウン
ホーファーISE, CSIRO, フロントマテリアル, マイクロクアンタセミコンダクター, オック
スフォードPV, Saule Technologies, Solaronix, Solar-Tectic, Solliance, 住友化学,
アモイ Weihua ソーラー
【2018.8.28 記事の御紹介】
■中国におけるペロブスカイト電池用正孔輸送材料の研究の進展 *Perovskite
(2018年8月28日付 Solar.IN-EN.com)
■印刷された薄膜太陽光発電技術に「強力な運動エネルギー」を注入する *OPV
(2018年8月27日付 中国科学技術ジャーナル)
「材料やデバイスの開発は世界の開発動向をリードし、有機薄膜で 17.3%とペロ
ブスカイト太陽電池で 23.6%の世界最高効率の記録を達成」 え!?
■ペロブスカイトセルの正孔輸送材料における化学の新しい進歩 *Perovskite
(2018年8月24日付 sina 新聞中心)
去年の暮れですが、我々の 20.5% 記事は下記で引用されていました。
■日本はペロブスカイト型太陽電池の転換率を高めている *Perovskite
(2017年12月5日付 中華人民共和国科学技術部)
遂に中国語でも情報検索しなければならない日が来たようです。でも、Twitter には結果が1つも出てこ
【2018.8.24 論文の御紹介】
PSC/c-Si タンデムセルに向けた表面解析です。5 月の HOPV ではテクスチャー
シリコンへペロブスカイト層を蒸着させる報告が 2 件出ましたが、論文ベースでは
これが最初だと思います。Cojocaru さん、Good job!
■Detailed Investigation of Evaporated Perovskite Absorbers *Perovskite
with High Crystal Quality on Different Substrates
L. Cojocaru, K. Wienands, T.W. Kim, S. Uchida, A.J. Bett,
S. Rafizadeh, J.C. Goldschmidt and .W. Glunz
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (31), pp 26293-26302
(2018年7月17日付 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces)
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b07999
幻の?Cover art
【2018.8.23 記事の御紹介】
6 インチ Si ウエハー上にペロブスカイト層を載せた PSC/c-Si タンデムセルです。
スカイト太陽光技術コンソーシアムの紹介。同社は先月既に 27.3% を実現しています。
■Oxford PV leads consortium to prepare perovskite solar cells for high volume manufacturing *Perovskite
(2018年8月23日付 Oxford PV news)
■Oxford PV backed for perovskite solar ramp *Perovskite
(2018年8月23日付 optics.org)
この分野(PSC on c-Si)では日本が完全に立ち遅れています。融通の利かない NEDO プロが終わる頃に
【2018.8.22 記事の御紹介】
■有機薄膜太陽電池を低コスト化 都産技研、東大と新材料 *OPV
(2018年8月22日付 日刊工業新聞)
■都産技研ら,安定供給可能な有機薄膜太陽電池材料を開発 *OPV
(2018年8月22日付 OPTRONICS Online)
【2018.8.20 Efficiency Chart】
最新版の Best Research-Cell Efficiencies が PDF 化された模様。記録に変化
【2018.8.16 DSC, OPV, PSC 国際標準化活動について】
IEC TC82 「Emerging PV Technical Reports (TR)」に関する会合(オープン参加)のお知らせ
現在、国際電気標準会議(International Electrotechnical Commission、IEC)TC82(近藤道雄国際議長、内田聡エキスパート)のWG2では、ペロブスカイト太陽電池、色素増感太陽電池、有機薄膜太陽電池を含むEmerging PVについてTechnical Reports (TR)のfinal draftを纏めております。このTRは、性能評価に重点を置いたもので、有機系太陽電池技術研究組合(RATO)の原案をもとにWG2で議論を重ね、各参加委員の意見を盛り込んで修正したもので、これから各国に展開し承認を得た後早ければ年内に国際承認を得る方向で動いております。本件につきましては、今年度からRATOが経済産業省の委託を受けて国内の意見集約を進めることとなっておりますが、そのための委員会設置とこれまでの説明を兼ねた会議(オープン参加)を9月12日〜14日のいずれかの午後に東京大学で開催させて頂きたく存じます。可能な限り、皆様のご出席が可能な日に設定させて頂きたいと思いますので、ご出席をご希望される方は内田宛にご連絡くださいますようにお願い申し上げます。事前にTechnical Reports (TR)のfinal draft が必要な方は、個別に内田宛にお問い合わせください。どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
東京大学 内田聡
え、え、え、何これ? 私?(苦笑)
【2018.8.16 論文のご紹介】
報告されました。最近、有機薄膜に勢いがあるようです。*2T です
■Organic and solution-processed tandem solar cells with 17.3% efficiency *OPV
(2018年8月9日付 Science)
科学研究院(NIM)が ISO/IEC 準拠の「性能」に関する検査能

以上、JOTARO ブログからでした。
【2018.8.15 お便りのご紹介】
私の方はお安いご用です。それにしても Good job です!
【2018.8.14 記事の御紹介】
凄い、凄い!! 後援:文部科学省・経済産業省・フジテレビジョン・産経新聞社・

■「第32回先端技術大賞」授賞式 宮坂力氏記念講演(2−2)「研究開発はあきらめずに」 *Perovskite
(2018年8月14日付 SankeiBiz)
■シャープ、IoT向け新型太陽電池 弱い光でも発電 *DSC
(2018年8月9日付 日本経済新聞)
■太陽電池を室内で発電、シャープが「色素増感」型量産へ *DSC
(2018年8月1日付 ニュースイッチ)
■東芝のペロブスカイト太陽電池 世界一のエネルギー変換効率と認定 *Perovskite
(2018年8月10日付 財経新聞)
■東芝、ペロブスカイト太陽電池モジュールが世界一のエネルギー変換 *Perovskite
(2018年8月9日付 日本経済新聞)
■東芝のペロブスカイト太陽電池 世界一のエネルギー変換効率と認定 *Perovskite
(2018年8月9日付 @niftyニュース)
【2018.8.3 エピローグ IPS】
だーーーっ、不快指数120%!暑さの話ではありません、あまりにも poor なインターネット環境にいい加減ウンザリです、今更ですけど。LINE, Google, g-mail, Microsoft Outlook, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram に YouTube、あらゆる SNS と各種掲示板へのアクセスが不能。極め付きは Pokemon で、起動すらできません(怒)。普通の国?並にインフラが整った様に見えて、その実態は明らかに発展途上国そのものです。検閲された情報のみアクセスが可能(思想統制)って、タリバンやイスラム国と同レベルじゃないですか。国民はまるで「家畜」扱いですな>中国。
その代わりと言っては何ですが、会議は過去最大級のホスピタリティを発揮しておりました。参加登録者数は 25ヶ国から約 700 名、IPS 始まって以来の豪華な会議でした。*個人的にベストは前回のロシアです
(1) 先日ご紹介したとおり、ペロブスカイト太陽電池の NREL 認証データの最高値は 23.3% となりました。3 年前に Prof. Yang Yang@UCLA の研究室から独立して教授になった中国科学院 CAS の Prof. Jingbi You の報告です。しかしながら本会議に顔は見せませんでした。噂によると、投稿論文がまだ受理されていないためだとか。更に恐らくですが、この最高効率を記録したデバイスは逆構造型で「Planar」とのこと。更新された記録の差は僅かですが、実は大きな意味を持ちます。即ち、ペロブスカイト太陽電池の本質はG先生が主張されるような「メソスコピック」なセルではないということを実証したに他なりません。
即ち、ペロブスカイト太陽電池において酸化チタン多孔体は必須ではなく、発電原理も構造も色素増感とは全く異なる、独立したデバイスになったことを示しています。以下は推測になりますが、上述の最高値セルは導電性ガラスが ITO で、成膜は一部もしくは全部が蒸着だと予想します(自分だったらそうします)。
(2) 時期を同じくしてG先生@EPFL から Newport 認証データによる 23.25% の報告がありました。こちらも詳細は非公開。CAS のデータと比べた優劣については不明。セル作製は Dr. Yuhang Liu & Lichen Zhao。
(3) Sn/Pb 混合系では早瀬先生が Jsc 33.14 と、単独セルでは最大の短絡電流密度を報告し、また鉛フリーでも新たにゲルマニウム (GeI2) を導入することで効率 7.9% を得ています(世界記録です)。何れもデバイス構造を順方向から逆構造に変えることで大きく効率向上を果たした模様。個人的には本会議におけるベストな発表でした。*何度でも書きますが、開発当初 NEDO 担当が「効率高くないから不要」と言い放った研究です。
(4) 是非について明確な答えがありませんが、日本のモジュール作製技術に関しては、そのバリエーションと経験において中国に対して既に 2〜3 周、即ち 2〜3 年遅れです。NEDO があまりにも杓子定規にプロジェクトを制約して「セルは大学、モジュールは企業」と分けてしまったため、Panasonic や東芝など、特定企業(たったの数社!)だけがモジュール開発を行い、セルをスケールアップした時に何が課題なのか、どのプロセスが最適なのかを検討する機会を失ってしまいました。もはや世界の趨勢に追いつくことは不可能かもしれません。もっとも、こうしたモジュール開発に取り組まなければプロジェクトが失敗する恐れも無いわけで、それはそれでアリかもしれませんが、、、微妙。
(5) 次回の開催地は EPFL/Switzerland(取り纏めは Prof. Nazaruddin)、その次は 2022 年に筑波/日本です。瀬川先生、、、!?
(6) 会議最終日の表彰式で委員会賞が伊藤省吾教授、ポスター賞は瓦家正英氏に与えられるはずでした、が、会場に呼び掛けても不在だったためキャンセルとなりました。モッタイナイ。
(7) 委員会特別賞は長年の功績を讃えてG先生と Michael R. Hoffmann 教授の両名に与えられましたが、、、そろそろもう貰う立場ではなく、御自分の名前を冠した Award を設立するべきだと思います。 |
以上、IPS-22 まとめでした。
【2018.8.2 IPS-22 Day4】
PS-11 James Durrant@Imperial College London, Water Oxidation on Metal Oxide Photoelectrodes
PS-12 Wonyong Choi
PS-13 Sang-Il Seok@Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Additives in Precursor Solution
There are numerous ..., ★★aditive: Surfactant-armoured PSCs with addoctylammonium iodide 3.3% inprove the performance
【2018.8.1 IPS-22 Day3】
PS-5 Michael R. Hoffmann, PV Powered solar system, Caltech solar toilet system
PS-6 Detlef W. Bahnemann, Photocatalysis
PS-7 Bunsho Ohtan, Photocatalysis
PS-8 Prashant V. Kamat, QD Perovskite, CsPbI3 QD 13.43% cetified by NREL
PS-9 Hiroshi Segawa
PS-10 Shuzi Hayase@Kyushu Institute of Technology, Sn/Pb inverted perovskite PCE 20.4% Js 33.14 Voc 0.81, FF 0.76, ★Pb free FA0.75MA0.25Sn(1-x)SnGeI3 PCE 7.9%
IS-26 Tingli Ma@Kyushu Institute of Technology, Pb-free
IS-27 Shengye Jin@Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Carrier Dynamics in Organolead Halide Perovskites, ストークスシフト? *Excellent work
IS-28 Qing Zhao@Peking University, Light-Independent Ionic Transport, perovskite-seed assisted growth: effectively Cs incorporation, 21.9% Planer *I agree
IS-29 Dongqin Bi@Sun Yat-Sen University,
IS-30 Minzhen Liu→Qiang Yang@University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, ★Cs2AgBiBr6 by sequential vapor deposition
IS-31 Hongqiang Wang@Northwestern Polytechnical University, defects passivation by CF3-based molecules, PFA
IS-32 Wanjian Yin→Qingde Sun@Soochow University, ★★Inverted Band Structure Adv Mat 26 4653 (2014), APL 104 063903 (2014),
IS-33 Haiming Zhu@Zhejiang University, *Very much physical chemistry (but less reference, no fact)
IS-34Linwei Yu→GuoqingTong@Nanjing University, CsPb2Br5 to CsPbBr3 to Cs4PbBr6, Deep ultla violet Photodetector, CVD 18.22% Nano Energy 2018 48 536-542 *Big hysteresis must be there
IS-35Yongbo Yuan@Central South University, Ionmigration, Migration of MA+ in MAPbI3, ★Tunneling junction?, Science Advances 3 e1602164(2017)
IS-36 Wei Chen@Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 16.63% for 20.77cm^2 *Largest world record?
IS-43 Fuzhi Huang@Wuhan University of Technology, Flexible, SnO2 as an ETL
IS-38 Chenyi Yi, Tsinghua University, Vacuum-flash, ★Z1011 HTM without dopant,
IS-39 Yang Yang@Wuhan University of Technology, OPV, Sn-Pb perovskite 1050nm 16.5% Voc 0.74 Jsc 28.13mA FF 0.794 certified by Newport
IS-40 Songwang Yang@Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, *???
IS-41 Hairen Tan@Nanjing University, *???
IS-42 Shufeng Wang@Peking University withdraw
IS-37 Xiong Li@Huazhong University of Science and Technology, (FA)x(Cs)yPbI3: most stable
IS-44 Yong Peng→Kunpeng Li@Wuhan University of Technology, non spin coat FACsPbIxBr1-x for large module
IS-45 Jingjing Chang@Xi'an Electronic and Science University
IS-46 Zhen Li@Northwestern Polytechnical University
【2018.7.30 IPS-22 Day2】
KS-5 Yang Yang@University of California, OPV-OPV tandem 13.3%, Poor phase purity and stability of pure FAPbI3, Advantage of 2D passivation, ★2D PVSK at grain boundaries, 19.77% certified by Newport, Enhanced film and device stability, PVSK/CIGS tandem 22.43% certified by NREL
IS-11 Yabing Qi@Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Generation of I2, Derivatives of CsPbBr3 perovskites
IS-12 Lixin Xiao@Peking University
IS-13 Baomin Xu@South University of Science and Technology of China
IS-14 Zhaokui Wang@Soochow University
IS-15 Xianfu Zhang@Southern University of Science and Technology
KS-6, Joseph M. Luther@NREL, Nanocrystals in solution, Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor for Happy Perovskites, overcome phase challenge in CsPbX3 perovskites, QD CsPbI3, Rietveld refinement fitting of XRD, Eff=10.77% Voc=1.23V Jsc=13.47 FF=0.650, ★FAI treatment enhances mobility
IS-16 S. Uchida,
IS-17 Hongwei Han@Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Photovoltaic thermoelectric hybrid device, ★Annealing free Spin coating method, J Mater Chem A 2016 4 8548, non-spin-coating micro-structure defevts, Energy Environ Sci 2014 7 2359, Energy & Environmental Science 2015 8(5), Non-spin-coating micro-structure defecs, Soft-cover deposition, Capillary effect, Thermal effect, Convection effect, Film morphorogy
IS-18 Xudong Yang@Shanghai Jiao Tong University withdraw
OS-5 Ze Yu@Dalian University of Technology, CuPc-OTPAtBu (no dopant) is better than spiro (?), ★F4TCNQ as a p-type dopant, J Mater Chem A 2017 5 17862
OS-6 Mustafa Haider@Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zn-Phtalocyanines, Ni-Pc 120nm > Cu-Pc,
OS-7 Hui Zhang@Nanjing Tech University, Light scattering enhanced Jsc ACS Photonics 5 2243 (2018)
KS-7 Liyuan Han@Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PCE=18.21% for 1.022cm2, Vertical recrystallizetion, PCE=19.19% for 1.025cm2, Pressure processing method for perovskite film →12.1% for 36.1cm2 by AIST → 13.89% for 36.03cm2 by AIST
KS-8 Eric Wei-Guang Diau@National Chiao Tung University, Design of mixed tri-halide tin perovskites, 10% SnCl2 for PCE 3.1%, Device performance and stability test, 2D Tin-based Inverted Planer PSC, 2D/3D Tin-based inverted planer PSC, ★★15%Butylammonium Iodide (BAI) modify the surface vs. 1%Ethylenediammonium diiodide EDAI2 in the bulk, Improved crystalinity and enhanced lifetimes, ★★FASnI3+1%EDAI2 for PCE9%, Hybrid organic cations: The effect of GA/FA, The issue of stability, Energy & Environmental Science 2018 10.1039/C8EE00956B
IS-19 Min Jae Ko@Hanyang University, Low temperature sintering, ★Cobalt nitride counter electrode
IS-20 Tzu-Chien Wei T.Y.Hsieh@National Tsing-Hua University(Taiwan), ★Pb(NO3)2/water system, Multiple MAI dipping step, water as a solvent, PCE 18.3% for reverse
IS-21 Hongxia Wang@Queensland University of Technology, ★★2% Guanidium thiocyanate (GuTS) induced grain growth of MAPbI3 film, ★1% K-doping hinder the delta phase for FAMAPbI3,
IS-22 Chun-Guey Wu@National Central University, Inverted perovskite, ★★DMF Vapor during annealing, ★★★LiCoO2 suputtered as a HTM PCE=19.05%
KS-9 Shengzhong (Frank) Liu→Kui Zhao@Shaanxi Normal University, original planar structure 21.52% certified by Newport,15.2% for Flexible, Ambient-air scalable fabrication, single crystal wafer, RH 32-50%
IS-23 Mingkui Wang@Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 4FPH, bilayer ETLs
IS-24 Zhubing He@Southern University of Science and Technology, PCBM/PEOz, Ionic doping: NiO with Cs, Surface molecular doping: NiO@F6TCNQNQ,
IS-25 Qingbo Meng@Chinese Academy of Sciences, polystyrene (PS)-capping, Nano Energy 2018 43 383-392
IS-7 Jiandong Fan@Jinan University, ★Ga doped for anti water???
OS-8 Jie Zhong@Wuhan University of Technology, K doped hysteresis free, K3.5CsFAMAPbI3 20.56% with planar SnO2 ETL
OS-9 Xiaojia Zheng@Institute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics, TiO2 based planar perovskite 20.83%
OS-10 Jinjin Zhao@Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Ionic migration
OS-11 Chun Cheng→who?@Southern University of Science and Technology, heat assisted blade coating
OS-12 Kui Zhao@shaanXi Normal University, In-situ phase transition observation by GIWAXS
OS-14 Congcong Wu@Virginia Tech, Intercalation engineering CH3NH3PbI3, Self-assembley of PMMA-MAPbI3, no annealing
OS-13 Qifan Xue@South China University of Technology
IS-26? Luozheng Zhang→Xianfu Zhang@Southern University of Science and Technology, modified PDOT:PSS
【2018.7.30 IPS-22 Day1】
PS-1 Michael Graetzel: The stunning rise of perovskite solar cell, Dye-sensitized Strong light absorption in the visible, Tunable band gap, Low defect concentration, High open circuit voltage close to band gap energy, Valence band of perovskite is formed by anti-bonding ***, Highest certified PSC efficiency now at 23.3%, Rb is not go inside the A site, Dr. Yuhang Liu & Lichen Zhao 23.25%, CuSCN (Science), A vacuum flash-assisted solution process **, water-splitting, Hydrogen at 12.3% for solar chemical conversion efficiency, Cu2O, Solar fuels for ***
PS-2 Yongfang Li: OPV
PS-3 Licheng Sun: Photo synthesis
PS-4 Xian li Zhang: PV & Energy Storage
KS-1 Nam-Gyu Park: Conductivity decrease with temperature (metallic behavior), MASnI3 Nature 369, 467 (1994), Increases in cCapacitance leads to hysteresis, Interfacial engineering, Hysteresis was reduced by ion excange reaction, Interfacial modification: stability improved, Defect engineering: KI doping, Frenkel dfect for interstitial site, JACS 140(4), delta-FAPbI3 is OK by alpha-FAPbI3 is not welcom, Nanoscale Research Letters 7, Bifacial stamping method (Unpublished) Yong Jang, Imec 27.1% on perovskite/silicon, trap density was measured by SSCLC
KS-2 Tsutom Miyasaka: Reachable efficiencies: 1.6eV (800nm) 25%, 1.38% (900nm) 28%, Doping Cs changes the grain size, ★Adv Func Mater 2018 1706278-1706296, K+-TFSI- into TiO2, ★SO42- possibly bridges betweTiO2 & lead (suspicious), CsPbI3: black alpha-phase stabilized by doping a Eu3+, JAXA: Proton & electron radiations, We are now making P3HT cells of >14%, iScience 2, 148-155 (2018)
IS-1 Nitin P. Padture@Brown University: 'One-step' deposition of MAPbI3 thin film, Supersaturation reatio, J Phys Chem Lett 6 (2015) 4827, Methylamine-gas phase, Angw. Chem 54 (2015) 9702, youtube.com/watch?v=mR1Q-C7***, MaPbI3 thin film 'Healing', Cs2TiBr6 Joule 2(3) 2018, 558-570
IS-2 Seigo Ito: Thermal Degradation Analysis Porous Carbon Electrode
IS-3 Wallace C. H. Choy@The University of Hong Kong: Adv Mater 5 1501354 (2015), Pyridine promoted, Efficient flexible PSC, ACS Nano 10 1503 (2016), Adv Energy, What is advantage of Pyridine? How about DMF? (M.Graetzel)
IS-4 Hong Lin@Tsinghua University: ETMs in PSCs, Fe2O3 ETM, Ni-Fe2O3 ETM, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017 9 34833-34843, ZnO nanorods array (modified), Cross-stacked CNT (CSCNT) J Mater Chem A 2016 4 5569, SnO2 ETM, Go or rGO
IS-5 Yixin Zhao@Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Low temperature crystallization? PbI2・xHI or HPbI3+x, Phase stable? Br doping to stabilize alpha-CsPbI2, In-situ formation of MAPbBr3 QD, Highly photolumibescent cross-linked 2D/3D perovskite films, alpha-CsPbI3 QD, (110) 2D Perovskite of EDAPbI4, Cation termination
not 2D perovskite capping
IS-6 Zong-Xiang Xu@Southern University of Science and Technology: Phthalocyanine based HTM
KS-3 Nazeeruddin Md. Khaja withdraw
KS-3 Yi bing Cheng, 3 mol% Cu dopant in Spiro, JQ3>JQ2>JQ1, Surface modification by dipole benzenthiol, Effect of dipole benzenthiol coatings,
IS-7 Jiandong Fan
IS-8 Wan In Lee@Inha University, CuSCN for HTM, CuSCN layer by spray deposition (SD), Nano Energy 2017 32 414,
IS-9 Shangfeng Yang, OPV
IS-9 Xianxi Zhang, Polytics
OS-3 Yantao Shi@Dalian University of Technology, ★High air flow velocity results less boundary & big grain, Nat Mater 2014 13 897, intermediate compound, less hysteresis
OS-3 Yong Zhang@Sungkyunkwan University, ★★1-step, FA1-xCsxPbI3 Adv Energy Mater 2015 5 1501310 for their main recipi,
【2018.7.27 記事の御紹介】
■MORESCO、有機薄膜太陽電池を量産 窓・曲面向け投入 *OPV
(2018年7月27日付 日刊工業新聞)
■木幡計器製作所、シャープとIoT分野で協業 *DSC
(2018年7月25日付 日本経済新聞)
【2018.7.26 論文の御紹介】
開発ヒストリー。一般には、特に海外では 2009 年に宮坂先生が色素増感太陽電池
の色素部分をペロブスカイト粒子に置き換えた湿式太陽電池を考案し、その後 2012
年に Snaith もしくは Nam-Gyu 氏が全固体型ペロブスカイト太陽電池で高効率化を
界に先駆けて 2008 年に英語の文書(abstract)として発表されていることを知らしめ
■Lead Halide Perovskites in Thin Film Photovoltaics: Background and Perspectives
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2018, 91, 1058-1068, DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20180071
■Novel Photoelectrochemical Cell with Mesoscopic Electrodes Sensitized by Lead
-halide Compounds (11)
Akihiro Kojima, Kenjiro Teshima, Yasuo Shirai and Tsutomu Miyasaka
214th ECS Meeting, Abstract #27 (2008).
FTO/m-TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/carbon black(PPCB)/FTO, Eff. 0.37% 全固体型
Good job!
【2018.7.25 論文の御紹介】
蓄電型ペロブスカイト太陽電池 (ES-PSC)。いつか来た道。まじめにやったら結構
■Novel Integration of Perovskite Solar Cell and Supercapacitor Based on Carbon
Electrode for Hybridizing Energy Conversion and Storage
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (27), pp 22361-22368, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b01471
【2018.7.25 DSCモジュール by Sharp】
先日ご紹介した「センサ/IoT技術展2018」で公開されたシャープさんのセルです。 *DSC
【2018.7.24 記事の御紹介】
スポンサーである「NEDO の顔を立てる」のが目的です。
■東芝など、世界最大703cm2サイズのペロブスカイト太陽電池 *Perovskite
(2018年7月20日付 新エネルギー新報)
【2018.7.20 論文の御紹介】
効率は NREL の記録より少し下ですが 23.2%、論文として公開された数値としては
■A fluorene-terminated hole-transporting material for highly efficient *Perovskite
and stable perovskite solar cells
Nature Energy (2018) (Just Accepted) DOI: 10.1038/s41560-018-0200-6, Supplementary information
これも城太郎日記から。 オマケ
【2018.7.18 記録更新のお知らせ】
「NREL チャート」記録更新です。前回からの主な変更点は以下の通り。
Best Research-Cell Efficiencies (Rev. 07-16-2018) *高解像度版はこちら
・ペロブスカイト太陽電池:22.7%→23.3% (CAS 中国科学院) *Prof. Jingbi You 他
【2018.7.18 イベントのお知らせ】
開催日時:2018年7月25日(水) 10:30-17:00 ※入退場自由・要予約
開催場所:大阪産業創造館 3F・4F ※受付は4F
IoT電源として最適な色素発電素子 *DSC
【2018.7.8 遺稿】
Murders with VX: Aum Shinrikyo in Japan and the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam in Malaysia
Forensic Toxicology (2018) 36:542-544 DOI: 10.1007/s11419-018-0426-9
オウムが 1994年、最初の殺人を行ったのは浜口忠人氏に対してで、首に注射針
を直接突き刺したそうです。これに対して北朝鮮が同じ VX ガスを用いて金正男を
日本語版の論文は 8 月号の「現代化学」に掲載予定とのこと。
【2018.7.8 御結婚おめでとうございます】
動画は限定公開です。 :)
【2018.7.4 日立ハイテクノロジーズ】
今年で 33 回目の「材料解析テクノフォーラム」。ここ最近 TEM 観察でお世話にな
て、最新の TEM 観察事例を紹介頂きました。圧巻だったのは日本放送協会からの
講演「NHKスペシャル人体 電子顕微鏡3D映像化への挑戦」。240 枚の SEM 写真を
繋ぎ合わせて最終的にリアルな CG アニメーション映像を作り上げる様子は正に感
■第33回 材料解析テクノフォーラム(東京)
■NHK スペシャル「人体」
【2018.7.6 論文の御紹介】
3 日前に公開された Nam-Gyu 先生と瀬川先生共著のレビューです。
■Research Direction toward Theoretical Efficiency in Perovskite Solar Cell *Perovskite
ACS Photonics (Just Accepted) DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00124
1.21 V で記録更新。
訂正: ペロブスカイト層をグアニジン臭化水素酸塩 (Guanidinium Bromide) で処理し
たことで副生成物である表面上の PbI2 粒子が消え→"digested"、粒子が二次成長
■A voltage breakthrough with perovskite solar cells to edge closer to commercialization *Perovskite
(July 4, NextBigFuture.com)
■Enhanced photovoltage for inverted planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells *Perovskite
ACS Photonics (Just Accepted) DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00124, Supplementary Materials
【2018.6.29 PSCO-2018】
されました。日本人講演者は遂に「S. Uchida」一人だけとなりました。

【2018.6.27 来客にて】
【2018.6.27 記事の御紹介】
ペロブスカイト/c-Siのタンデムで 25.2%。湿式で作製するので(ついでに多孔層も
ころは流石 EPFL。Solliance はこれより先に26.3%を報告、PV Oxford はつい3日前に
27.5% の Fraunhofer 認証値(世界記録)を報告会しています。
このペロブスカイト/c-Si の組み合わせですが、昨年から完全に1つの大きな流れ
■Oxford PV sets world record for perovskite solar cell *Perovskite
(2018年6月25日付 Oxford PV News)
■EPFL produces 25.2% silicon-perovskite tandem, *Perovskite
‘cost competitive’ production claimed
(2018年6月12日付 pv magazine)
■Solliance hits 26.3% efficiency on perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell *Perovskite
(2018年3月22日付 pv magazine)
【2018.6.18 記事の御紹介】
■東芝 印刷式太陽電池の大型化に成功 *Perovskite
(2018年6月26日付 日本経済新聞)
■新開発のフィルム型太陽電池、24×29cmサイズで変換効率11.7%に *Perovskite
(2018年6月20日付 NEDO 環境ビジネスオンライン)
■東芝、世界最大のモジュール面積を実現したフィルム型太陽電池を開発 *Perovskite
(2018年6月20日付 エネクトニュース (プレスリリース))
■面積世界最大のフィルム型ペロブスカイト太陽電池モジュールを開発 *Perovskite
(2018年6月18日付 NEDO ニュースリリース)
■世界最大のフィルム型ペロブスカイト太陽電池、東芝とNEDOが開発 *Perovskite
(2018年6月18日付 日経BP)
■東芝、次世代太陽電池を大型化…製造コスト安く *Perovskite
(2018年6月18日付 YOMIURI ONLINE)
■東芝が太陽電池効率で世界記録、フィルム型のペロブスカイト *Perovskite
(2018年6月18日付 ITMEDIA)
【2018.6.15 HOPV18 まとめ2】
(5) そうそう、最近の学会ではすっかり見掛けなくなった「Ion migration がヒステリシ
スと関連して云々」説。久々に Bisquert が出だしの招待講演で披露していたので、
質疑の時間に手を挙げました。「今の話はセルが分解する時の説明か? それとも
Reversible な現象か?(内田)」聞きましたが「セルは借りてきたもので実験データ
ると Satoshi Uchida に怒られるぞ」(→会場、爆笑)というやり取りがあったそう
【2018.6.8 キャンパス公開】
澄み渡る快晴。駒場 II キャンパスにて、オープンキャンパスです。 map
【2018.6.2 機内映画感想メモ】
・Red Sparrow レッド・スパロー (2018) ◯◯ 予告編 話出来過ぎ&エロい
・Music and Lyrics ラブソングができるまで (2007) ◯◯ 予告編 これも出来過ぎ
・Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool フィルム・スターズ・ドント・ダイ・イン・リヴァプール (2017) ◯ 予告編 実話?
・Goodbye Christopher Robin グッバイ・クリストファー・ロビン (2017) ◯ 予告編 金 vs life
・Jumanji ジュマンジ/ウェルカム・トゥ・ジャングル (2017) ◯ 予告編 割と良い出来
・Justice League ジャスティス・リーグ (2017) ◯ 予告編 胸毛のスーパーマン
・Lady Bird レディ・バード (2017) ◯ 予告編 落ち無し
・Love Education 相愛相妾 (2017) ◯ 予告編 中国版 OINK
・Molly's Game モリーズ・ゲーム (2017) ◯ 予告編 実話?
・Pitch Perfect 3 ピッチ・パーフェクト3 (2017) ◯ 予告編 前作に及ばず
・Roman J. Israel, Esq. ローマン・J・イスラエル,エスク (2017) ◯ 予告編 Esquire
・The Greatest Showman グレイテスト・ショーマン (2017) ◯ 予告編 ラ・ラ・ランドに及ばず
・The Post ペンタゴン・ペーパーズ/最高機密文書 (2018) ◯ 予告編 要解説
・Wonder ワンダー 君は太陽 (2018) ◯ 予告編 まあ、、、まあ
・Black Panther ブラック・パンサー (2018) △ 予告編 微妙
・All the Money in the World ゲティ家の身代金 (2017) × 予告編 だめため
・The Death Cure メイズ・ランナー:最後の迷宮 (2018) × 予告編 ゾンビ映画
【2018.6.1 HOPV18 まとめ】
(1) いきなり愚痴っぽくなりますが、日本からの発表者は宮坂・早瀬・内田の3名。昨年のアメリカに続き欧州でも同じ。以前にも書きましたが、結果、欧州の一般的な太陽電池コミュニティーでは Snaith が「Father of Perovskite」として認知されています。もはやペロブスカイト太陽電池の研究分野で、日本の存在感は無し。
あまつさえ NEDO は「〜出張報告するように」(←誰のため?)「今年度はマネジメントの取り組みの一環としてお願いしたいと思います」「各出張者がNEDOプロの代表として発表、或いは情報収集しているということを意識していただくためにも必要なプロセスと思います(特に若い方)」等、くだらないプレッシャーを与えて海外出張に牽制を掛けております。毎度のことですが NEDO のプロジェクト担当者って、ほんと、イケてない。
(2) 身内だからヨイショする、という気はさらさらありませんが、本学会でピカイチだったのは早瀬先生でした。Pb-Sn 系ペロブスカイトですが、GeI2 を添加することで効率向上と高い安定性を同時に実現。詳細は既に論文が出ていますので、そちらをご覧下さい。今ペロブスカイト太陽電池研究でもホットな話題のタンデム化に欠かせない、バンドチューニング技術です。
(3) 「タンデム」のトピックは 3 日目午後に 4 つに分かれたパラレルセッションの 1 つにまとめてプログラムが組まれました。主流は Perovskite + c-Si で、論文上では 26.71% J Mater Chem A 2018 6 3583-3592 が報告されています。
(4) グレッツェル先生@EPFL からは前回フランスの会議と同じで 23.25% の報告がありましたが、詳細は不明。グラフからの読み取りで(目視で)Jsc=25.5mA, Voc=1.139V。当の本人は既に中国へ戻って教授に採用されたとか。正直、光触媒で水を完全分解(→ウソでした)の二の舞を予感させます。
以上、2018 HOPV18 まとめでした。
【2018.5.31 HOPV18 Day3】
・Llobet, Antoni@ICIQ(ES), photoanode
・Vandewal, Koen@Dresden(DE), OPV
・Yan, He@Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(CN), OPV
・Greenham, Neil@University of Cambridge(UK), Singlet Fission, OPV
・Petrozza, Annamaria@IIT(IT), Defect Physics perovskite, Defects in perovskite-halides and their effects in solar cells ★★10.1038/NENERGY.2016.149, PL Dynamics JACS 2014 136(51) 17730-1773, ...and Voc in solar cells, Tress Adv Mater *** (2017), What is the chemical nature of these defects ***, Photo-current: Steady state Energy Environ Sci., 2016 9 3472-3481, Electron carrier is predominantly trapped, Photo-current: Transient, Why slow trap recombination matters for Voc, Photo-chemistry & halide defects & defect tolerance Energy Environ Sci 11 702-713 2018, Spectral features ACS Energy Lett 2016 1(4) 726-730, Dynamics, Are these observations compatible with what other groups see?, Tuning between photoinduced "quenching" and "healing", Frenkel defect: Energy Environ Sci *** (2016), Effect treatment with surface layers: device fablication, Effective treatment with surface layers, Dr. Silvia Motti
・De Angelis, Filippo@(IT), Origin of high open circuit voltage, Voc of perovskite solar cell: Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3128, ACS Enegy Lett 2016 1 107, High Voc PSCs: Immune to defects? Adv Energy Mater 2017 7 1602358, Energy Environ Sci 2018 11 702, Light-induced lattice expansion leads to high-efficiency perovskite solar cells Science, 360(6384) 67-70 (2018)
, Enrgy Environ Sci 2018 11 101, Large polarons in CsPbBr3 Sci Adv ***, Photo-induced transformations mediated by ion (defect) migration?, Energy Environ Sci 2015 8 2118, Defects in MAPI J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6 1461, Quantative defect chemistry of MAPbI3 Energy Environ Sci 2018 11 702, Defect chemistry of MAPI vs MABr: submitted, Trap emission and dynamics in MAPI Nature Mater 2018 17 377, O2 effect in MAPI: PLQY enhancement ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2794-2798, Effect of exposure to I2 vapors: ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 447, Light induced annihilation of Frenkel defects? Energy Environ Sci *** *everything is based on the hypothesis
・Bolink, Henk@University Valencia(ES), Nature Photon 2014 ***, Reproducible and uniformity, 3 by 3 cm^2 7 holders, 11 by 8 = 88cm^2, 2 hours for reaction and cooling, very reflective surface, Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3456, Preliminary , Very thick MAPI over 800 nm n-i-p cells, J Phys CHem Lett 2018 9 1041, Reduction of parasitic absorbtion, undoped MAPI 1050mV 20.9mA FF81.6 PCE18.0%, Mixed-cation PCE 18.3%, Nature Rev Chem 2017 1 95, Single junction cells J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 3203-3207 , Adv Energy Mater 2017 1602121, Tandem Solar Cells Adv Energy Mater 2017 7 1602761, Mixed-Halide Perovskite ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 214, 4-source vacuum deposition ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 214, Tandem devices with same absorber Front 12.2% Rea***, 2T MAPI/MAPI 18.0%/, Vacuum deposited perovskite cells on textured Si
・Najafi, Mehrdad@Solliance(NL), Stable semi-transparent perovskite solar cells for 26.1%-Efficiency Perovskite/c-Si 4-Terminal tandem cell, Si-based tandem is expected to enter the PV market in 2020!, TCO:Sputering, * sALD, 3C bifacial ST/NT PSCs: 97% Bifaciality, 2C bifacial ST/NT PSCs: 99% Bifaciality, Validation of optical ***, Initial thermal stability (85degree c) test of 2C and 3C, 400h aging tess with HTL valiation, 1 year (over 9000h) shelf life and 1000h light soak stability of ST-PSCs, Thermal stability of 2C PSCs for 2500h at 85 degree C, High transmittance of ST-PSC, D Zhang SOLMAT 2018, 4T Tandem cell performance: 25.3% (+3.6%), 4T tandem PCE 26.3% for 4cm^2 mini module
・Ramirez Quiroz, Cesar Omar, From 4T to 2T solution processed silicon/perovskite tandems solar cells, J Mater Chem A 2018 6 3583-3592 26.71%, Laminated tandems, The best building blocks: up to 82.4% FF
・Di Carlo Rasi, Dario@Eindhoven University of Technology(NL), Quadruple-junction OPV, PCE7.6%, EQE measurement with light bias,
・RAMOS, F. Javier@CNRS/IPVF(FR), Opaque cell fabrication by Cs addition, ITO/Glass optimization, ITO mobility 46cm^2V/s, ITO carrier concentration ***, Small size 0.16cm^2, MoOx-free, No evidence of damage on Spiro by ITO supettering, Big size 0.64cm^2, 16.7% for a 8 by 8 device, TRPL bifacial imaging, AI--BSF "Photowatt", 4-T tandem 22.42%,
Fiala, Peter@EPFL(CH), Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, No spin coat allowed, Porocity affects on the grain size, Annealing at 90-100 degree C, Cs-FA-Based Mixed-Halide Perovskites ACS Energy Lett 3 742 (2018), For tandems PK/Si optimal band gap =1.68/1.12eV, PK/PK/Si=1.95/1.44/1.12, evaporation/spin co-deposition
Anaya, Miguel@Universidad de Sevilla(SV), Optical design to boost the performance of perovskite based tandem solar cells, J Phys Chem Lett ***, MAPI with MASn0.85Pb0.15I3 connected in series, J Mat Chem A 2016 4 11214, over 28% by calculation, ABX3 Perovskites for Tandem Solar Cells Joule 2017 1 769
Smith, Ben@Swansea University(UK), Semi Transparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Transparent Back Contacts, Silver Nanowires, sheet resistance below 10 ohm dried at 50 degree C via hot plate, Triple cation & transparency, Color spectroscopy - CIE, supported by NSG
Abzieher, Tobias@Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(DE), All-Evaporated Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Inorganic Hole Transport Layers, ITO/e-beam evaporated NiO/MAPI/C60/BCP/Metal 15.4%, NiO thickness 30 nm is best for reflectance, C60 affects on hysteresis, BCP 1.5nm, 13% for ** hours at 80 degree C, Ease of upscaling, 12.4% for large size, IEC61646 degradation testing, Stability under UV-light, Approach for efficient tandem solar cells
【2018.5.30 HOPV18 Day2】
・Graetzel, Michael@EPFL(CH), Molelcular Photovoltaics and Perovskite Solar Cells, Porphyilline based DSC with 12%, H.Glass panels, The first noise protection pannels by H.Glass 1012.5kWh/year, DSCs based on Cu(I/II) Redox mediators, Dye-sensitized solar cells for efficient ***, Joule J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (43), pp 23886-23895, General composition FA1-xMAxPb(I1-xBrx), Stabilization of mixed Cs+ ***, 10.1039/c5ee03874j, (RbCsMAFA)PbI3, 10.1126/science.aah5557
(2016), Magic angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR, Structure: NMR yields local and nucleus ***, Cs-OK Rb-NG K-NG, FA reorients faster than MA, Kubici et al JACS 2017 ***, Guadinium incorporation into MAPbI3 perovskite causes dramatic increase in photoliminescence lifetime, 19.4%, Nano Lett 2016 16 1009-1016, The stunning rise of perovskite ***, Dr.Xiong Li & Dr.Dongqin Bi FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3, The amazing impact of molecular mediators on the structure and performance of PSCs, under review, CN4HS-Benzene-NH3+I-, Interfacial effects, Carrier recombination dynamics ***, Molecular modulators ***, PCE 23.25%, 10.1038/s41560-017-0060-5, 10.1126/science.aam5655 (2017), Continuous illumination at maximum power point: T=60 degree C, Large tunable photoeffect on ion conduction in halide perovskites and implications for photodecomposition doi:10.1038/s41563-018-0038-0, photo-induced iodine release from MAPbI3 films into ***, EXEGER manufacture DSC***, New Science Tower, Anzere - Valais Switzerland our skiing day
・Nelson, Jenny@Imperial College London(UK), OPV
・Hou, Jianhui@Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CN), OPV, Financial support: NSFC 973
・Loi, Maria Antonietta@University of Groningen(NL), Sn-based Hybrid Perovskites, FASnI3, Science 286 945 (1999), Rather low efficiencies for solar cells (6%) Energy Environment Science 2014 7 3061, Only mixtures of Pb and Sn good performances were achieved Nature Energy 2 17018 (2017), Larger stability in 2D/3D mixtures, Introducing traces of PEAI into FASnI3, Phenethylamine Hydroiodide (PEAI), FASnI3+PEA2SnI4, Adv Energy Mater 8 1702019 (2018), Enhancement of the optical properties, Only traces of 2D perovskite: Excess of SnF2 disrupts the morphology, Simpler process: Annealing is not necessary..., Without annealing, Improving efficiency and reproducibility: Adv Energy Maetr 8 1702019 (2018): 2D/3D 0.08M is better than 3D(FASnI3), Large current, Reduction of traps, Transport (property by Mott-Schottky plot & Terfel plot), Increased structural stability: 3D vs 2D/3D (by XRD), Summary: (2)De-doping of the FASnI3 film and reduced background carrier density (3)~9% tin perovskite solar cells with improved stability and reproducibility, FASn0.5Pb0.5I3: hole transport layer from Jianhui Hou, Large band gap blue shift, H.H. Fang Nature Comm (2018), Hot carriers, Is Sn special?, Only in Sn-based materials hot carrier lifetime is ***(longer?), Does works also in CV, Summary: Slow hot carrier relaxation (few ns), Hot carrier PL is present not only upon pulsed excitation but ***
・McCulloch, Iain@Imperial College London(UK), OPV
・Tanabe, Taro@TCI(JP)
・Bach, Udo@CSIRO(at A2), Back-Contact Perovskite Solar Cells, D.Fu X.L. Zhang Adv Mater 22(38) (2010), Al/Ni/NiO, J Mat Chem C 2016 4(15) 3125-3130, Back-contact PSCs, A new device architechture, Honeycomb - QIDE, S-HQDE 4.0μm pitch (center to center), L-HQDE 0.5μm pitch, PCE over 4%, How does the back-contact structure influence the perovskite crystallization?, Photocurrent mapping, Dipolemodified Au ***, Symmetric Au/perovskite/Au device, Dipole-modification of TiO2 surface, Adv Mater 12(6) 447-451 (2000), Kelvin-prove microscopy, PCE 2.59%
・Mora-Sero, Ivan, Sci Adv 2017 3ee***, Less-Pb perovskite nanoparticles, Room temperature vs hot injection NPs, ChemPhysChem doi10.1002/cph.201800014, J Phys Chem C 2016 120 8023
・Chen, junsheng@ (at C2), Photophysics of 2-photon absorption in CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots, Physical Chemistry Letters
・Gerhard, Marina@Lund University (at C2), PL blinking On and Off, 120K, 270K, ACS Nano 2017, Temperature dependent PL intensity, Activation-law-fit, Observation upon cooling, Temperature dependent blinking, Blinking model,
・Uchida, Satoshi@The University of Tokyo(JP) (at C2)
・Blakesley, James@National Physical Laboratory(UK) (at A2), IEC 60904, Modules are priced according performance, 1) Temperature coefficients 2) Non-linearity 3) Angle of incidence 4)Spectrum 5), Requirements for energy-rating standards, IEC 61853 Energy rating standard, Standardised medel, Energy rating for perovskites, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2015 140 92-100, "Optimistic scenario" model,Perovskite (1.56V) Jsc 249.4mA Voc 1.14V PCE(STC) 21.5%, Results, Sub-optimal scenarios, Realistic benefit of perovskite-on-silicon tandems, Improvement to yield 2-junction tandem vs Si only: Subtropical***
・Watson, Trystan@Swansea University (at A2), Design and development of all printable perovskite solar modules with 198 cm2 active area, Sheet to sheet, Carbon perovskite solar cell (C-PSC), m-carbon (6-10μm) m-ZrO2 by screen (1-2μm) m-TiO2(400-800nm) o-TiO2(50nm) FTO(640nm), J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 18643-18650 High throughput fabrication of mesoporous, GFF=45.5%, P2 3mm,A4 size Pilot trial PCE 6.3%, Carbon delamination, Infiltration flooding, increasing GFF(Geometrical FF), IEEE Journal of Photocata***, Mechanical scribing process, FF62.5% PCE10.3%, NSG
・Guerrero Castillejo, Antonio@Universidad Jaume I(ES) (at A2), Ionic Diffusion Quantification, J Phys Chem Lett 2017 8 915, Ionic transport in lead halide perovskite, Why don't we narmally see transmission line in perovskite solar cells?, Electronic and ionc current are ***, Monocrystalline MAPbBr3, Peng et al ACS Energy Letters 2018 just accepted, How to minimize electronic current?, Ionic transport in lead halide perovskite
・Borchert, Juliane@University of Oxford (at A2), Co-evaporated Formamidinium Lead Iodide Solar Cells, Liu et al Nature 501 (2013), 8cm by 8 cm, T, Solar cells: SPO 14.2%, Large-Area, Highly Uniform Evaporated Formamidinium Lead Triiodide Thin Films for Solar Cells ACS Energy Letters 2 (12) 2799-2804
【2018.5.29 HOPV18 Day1】
・Ade, Harald W.@North Carolina State University: OPV?, Only 36% of researches are replicated (Science), Nonfulleren OPV beyond the Fulleren OPV, JACS 1958 29 950, Validation of χ Nature Materials 2018 17 253-260
・Bisquert, Juan@Universitat Jaume I: 10 years of Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics, HOPV09, Ionic effects in perovskite solar cells, J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6 4693-4700, Solid State Ionics 2010 181 859-863, Effect of distribution of ions on energy diagram, Tuning the hysteresis by surface layers, Energy & Environment Science 2017 10 2383-2391, Changes of HTM, Real‐Time Observation of Iodide Ion Migration Small 2017 1701711, EQE perovskite solar cells The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8 , 172-180 (2017), The EQE is not constant!
・Miyasaka, Tsutomu@Toin University of Yokohama: Toin 21.6%, EPFL 23.25%?, We know efficiency is coming to saturation, (1) MA-free (2) deffect-tolaerant composition, FAPbI3 is thermally more stable and can survive ***, Doping of Cs changes grain size, 10% was best, ★Alkali (Li, Na, K, etc) into TiO2 affects on the grain size, K(+)-TFSI(-) 0.2M is best for large grain size, SO42- ???, Nb-doped TiO2, J Mater Chem A 2018, 6, 9583-9591, JAXA proton & electron irradiation, Perovskite cells "encapsulated" cells at 100 degree C for 3 monthes (2100 hours), iScience 2 148-155, Proton beam, Rb0.03Cs0.05FA0.83***, Degradation of perovskite films occurring with 10^15 dose/cm2, IPEROP-19 January 2019 Kyoto, Lead Halide Perovskites in Thin Film Photovoltaics: Backgrounds and Perspectives BCSJ
・Herz, Laura@University of Oxford: For “Imperfect” hybrid perovskite, Adv Funk Mater 27 1700860 (2017), Charge-carrier recombination in MAPbI3, Acc Chem Res 49 146 (2016), What we know about bimolecular recombination in MAPbI3, Adv Mater 26 1584 (2014), Photon reabsorption "slows" recombination in MAPbI3 Nano Letters 17 5782 (2017), band-to-band recombination is an inverse absorption process in MAPbI3 Nature Communications 9 293 (2018), Prospects for hybrid perovskite concentrator solar cells, Advanced Sciences 5 1700792 (2018), Charge-carrier mobility in MAPbI3 Energy Environ Sci 7 2269 (2014) Adv Functional Materials 25 6218 (2018), Electron-phonon coupling in hybrid lead halide perovskites, Nature Communications 7 11755 (2018), ACS Energy Lett 2 1539 (2017), So are we near the intrinsic effects on charge-carrier mobilities in hybrid perovskites?, Some examples of extrinsic effects on charge-carrier mobilities in hybrid perovskites
・Artero, Vincent@CEA Grenoble: Solar to hydrogen, A dye-sensitized photoanode with a nobel metal-free dye: Interface Focus 2015 20140083, Sustainable ***, Chemical Science (IF 8.668)
・Nazeeruddin, Mohammad@EPFL: Growth of layered perovskites for stable and efficient photovoltaics, (1) Interface engineering, Small exciton dissociation energy (over 30 meV), J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5 1035-1039, Iodide management Science 356 1376-1379 (2017), 2D Hybrid perovskites, ... far beyond the 3D!, FAPbBr3-xIx: Energy & Environmental Science (2017) 10(2) 621-627, Top- Interface Engineering, (Cs0.1FA0.74MA0.13PbI2.48Br0.39) L-CFM/P (PEA2PbI4***), PCE to 20.75% Energy & Environmental Science (2018) soon, Kyung Taek Cho et al: ACS Nano (2018) soon, One-Year stable perovskite solar cells by 2D/3D interface engineering Nature Comm 8 15684 (2017), (HOOC(CH2)4NH3)2PbI4/CH3NH3PbI3, 2% AVAI with Spiro-OMeTAD, Courtesy of Solaronix, A molecularly engineered HTM Nature Energy 2016 15017, KR321 η=19.3%, Advanced Materials (2017) 29(35), Advanced Materials (2017) 29(35), ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2686-2693, Nature Energy (2017): MA FA Cs, δ-FA20: Adv Mater 2018 1707143, We are grateful of funding by QNRF, USARMY, ABENGOA(Spain) Panasonic, Toyota, H2020 EU Projects: MEASTRO & APOLO & PERTPV
・Sorbello, Luca@Greatcell Solar
・Lira-Cantu, Monica@ICN2 (at D1), Nanostructured Material solar cell, OPVs of (water-based) V2O5, Oxides in Perovskite solar cells, Stability???, Intrinsinc and extrinsic degradation in PSC, Metal oxides in solar cells, Stability of PSC with Metal oxides, Doped semiconductor oxides, Effect of Cs-incorporated NiOx, Adv Mater 2018 1705594, Science ***, Habing Xia, Organic Molecule (DM) in PSC: Poster 301, Operational stability, Carbon-based perovskite: Poster 295, ★Oxide/5-AVA/Perovskite, Complex Semiconductor Oxides, BaSnO3 secrect sorry, Initial stability test, Oxides in OPVs, A solar Transistor and Photoferroelectric ***, A Solar Transistor and ***
・Jain, Sagar Motilal@Swansea University (at A1), Vapour assisted morphological tailoring, (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9, The trivalent Bi3+ ion is isoelectronic to Pb2+, J Mater Chem A 2016 4 2630-2642, Crystalline and morphological changes in the films, Changes in optoelectronic properties of the films Journal of Alloys and compounds 701 (2017) 834-840, BiI3 single crystal bandgap = 1.7 eV, Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES), Core level spectra Adv Mater (2015) 27 6806-6813, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 31896, Valence band spectra: BiI3 after annealing, Solar cells made using BiI3 ***, Nano Energy 49 (2018) 614-624, VASP provides ***, Many thanks to Swansea University & Imperial College & Uppsala University & ***, 2.91% certified by Newport
・Andricevic, Pavao@EPFL (at A1), Carbon Nanotubes, LED, Sensitive photo detectors J Phys Chem C 2017 acs.jpcc.7b03421, Light emitting electrochemical cells, C=1μFcm-2, Room temperature light emmision, Strong Flashes & Many Weak Flashes, Easy to handle model system for LEC studies!
・Hayase, Shuzi@Kyushu Institute of Technology (at A1), Pb free, mixed metal SnGe perovskite, Vacancy of Sn2+ is the center for charge recombination, Ge(0.73 Angstrome) may fill vacancies of Sn2+ (1.15 Angstrom), Both of Sn and Ge is expected to have ** torelance factor, SnPb to SnGe solar cell, Efficiency was enhanced by addition of GeI2, J Phys Chem Lett 2018 9 1682-1688, Jsc and FF were enhanced by 5% addition of GeI2 with low Rs and high Rsh, (FA)0.75(MA)0.25SnGeI3, Stability of Pb2+ ***, Stability improvement of SnGe-PVK PV in air wthout ***, Voc loss is still large, compared to Pb-PVK, J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5 1035-1039, Process latitude **, Large change in UV-Vis spectra was not observed after GeI2 addition, Large change in XRD was not observed ***, After GeI2 was added trap density ***, Ge was detected on the surface (of PVK) more than the inside, Ge on surface was partially oxidized, Surface roughness becomes ***
・Longo, Giulia@University of Oxford (at A1), Vapour deposited lead free double perovskite, Cs2AgBiBr6, NanoLett 2018 18(2) 1118-1123, ChemPhysChem ***, Layers annealed in air for 15 minutes with different temperature from 0 to 300 degree C, Films morphology, Photoluminesce, Stability in air (XRD), films kept 40 days in air, Annealing at 250 degree C is required (PCE 0.13%, 0.260% for 200 degree C: 300 nm thickness for each), 200 ns for PL decay lifetime
Miguez, Hernan@Universidad de Sevilla (at B1), Origin of Light Induced Ion Migration J Phys Chem Lett 6 2200 (2015), MAPbBr3, Nature Mater 17 5227 (2018)?, ACS Energy Lett 2 2794 (2017), Finally degradation occures *Very less supporting scientific facts
Westbrook, Robert (at B1), Illuminating Charge-Transfer at the Absorber/Hole Transport Material, ACS Nano B 2 1674, What is the relation between HTM and ΔE?, Spectroscopy of MAPI/HTM interface, Yield of hole transfer, J Phys Chem C 2018 122 1326-1332, Kinetics: Injection, J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6, Transient absorption spectroscopy, Kinetics: Recombination, CsFAMA vs MA perovskites, Acknowledgements/Advertisements: Dr. Saif Haque Dr. Hugo Branstein Dr. Jose Martin-Beloqui Dr. Irene Sanchez Molina and Haque Group
Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco (at B1) *Time shifted
Ruseckas, Arvydas@University of St Andrews (at B1) *Time shifted
Kaienburg, Pascal@Julich DE (at C1), Impact of Non-linear Shunts from Pinholes on Device Performance, Additional series resistance (with double diode model)
Mladenovic, Marko@EPFL, First-principles calculations of halide perovskites, ★Effective masses dependence of chemical composition and structure J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (43), pp 23886-23895, Band gap of Br-based perovskites
【2018.5.29 HOPV18 Registration&Reception】
有無とはお構いなしに旅費から¥3,000 が差し引かれます。「Lunch time」や「Dinner
【2018.5.25 講演会のお知らせ】
NIMS にて。いつもと違うメンバーに出会えるかも? 振るってご参加下さい。
【2018.5.24 論文の御紹介】
グレッツェル研からカリウム系ペロブスカイトの K イオンの存在状態に関して。ポ
イントは "We find no evidence of potassium incorporation into 3D perovskite
lattices of the recently reported materials."
まぁ、当然ですよね。鉛と違ってカリウムは結合の手を 1 つしか持たないので、ヨウ
素原子 6 個で形作る八面体ユニット中に納まることができません。少なくとも Pb サイト
■Phase Segregation in Potassium-Doped Lead Halide Perovskites from *Perovskite
39K solid-state NMR at 21.1 T
J.Am.Chem.Soc. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b03191
【2018.5.24 論文の御紹介】
OPV で効率η=14.2% は世界記録でしょうか?今日現在の NREL Chart の値が
11.5% ですので、これが本当だとすると大きなブレークスルーだと思います。
■A Wide Band Gap Polymer with a Deep Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital *OPV
Level Enables 14.2% Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells
J.Am.Chem.Soc. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b02695
【2018.5.23 理研計器訪問】
やや久しぶりに、訳ありで理研計器さんをお邪魔致しました。基本、AC-3 測定。
XRD 装置を開発してツタンカーメン像の定性分析を行うなど、そのスジでは有名な
【2018.5.22 記事の御紹介】
■次世代太陽電池材の性能、AIで予測 阪大が実験不要手法を開発 *OPV
(2018年5月23日付 日刊工業新聞電子版)
■高効率・安価な「ペロブスカイト型」 *Perovskite
次世代太陽電池 実用化へ近づく 耐久性向上 宇宙利用へ技術開発
(2018年5月18日付 日経産業新聞6面)
■スマートセキュリティのSecual(セキュアル)、積水化学と資本業務提携し *DSC
(2018年5月21日付 THE BRIDGE)
【2018.5.21 記事の御紹介】
■オール無機のペロブスカイト太陽電池、300時間の光照射で劣化なし *Perovskite
(2018年5月18日付 日経エレクトロニクス)
■OIST、新型ペロブスカイト太陽電池を開発−−太陽電池の低価格化に貢献 *Perovskite
(2018年5月1日付 fabcross for エンジニア)
■New Solar Perovskite Material Stable, Efficient and Relatively Cheap *Perovskite
(2018年4月30日付 Solar Novus Today)
以上、全て OIST からの成果です。
【2018.5.16 記事の御紹介】
■曲がる太陽電池 安く製造 東大、カリウム代用し開発 *Perovskite
(2018年5月16日付 日経産業新聞*面)
【2018.4.27 記事の御紹介】
■光照射によってペロブスカイト材料中のイオン流が100倍に増大 *Perovskite
(2018年5月7日付 マイナビニュース)
■European researchers discover new effect of light on perovskites *Perovskite
(2018年4月23日付 PV Magazine)
【2018.5.9 誰か教えて】
ここ最近、訳あって毎日のようにペロブスカイトの XRD パターンを調べています。
かせない Cu Kα1 線の波長、私が学生時代から 1.5405Å を利用してきたのです
が、文献によっては 1.5406Å (or 1.540562) が使われることを承知しております。
僅か 1/10,000 差という小さな違いではありますが、気になります。一体、どちら
【2018.5.7 動画の御紹介】
今年 2 月にスペインで開催された下記ワークショップの (Nam-Gyu 先生を除く)
全発表が動画として一般公開されたのでご紹介致します。主催は「COST Action
MP1307 Meeting」、欧州最大の有機系太陽電池コンソーシアムです。
■SEPV18 (Barcelona, Spain) *Perovskite, OPV, DSC
【2018.4.30 記事の御紹介】
Elsevier の新しい謎雑誌、「iScience」から。宮坂先生よりペロブスカイト太陽電池
■Tolerance of Perovskite Solar Cell to High-Energy Particle Irradiations in Space Environment *Perovskite
(2018年4月30日付 iScience)
Open Access です。
【2018.4.27 記事の御紹介】
■マイクロ波化学を研究し続ける意義 *DSC
(2018年4月27日付 WirelessWire News)
【2018.4.23 記事の御紹介】
■工事現場の壁面で太陽光発電、「低反射+半透明」で視認性も確保 *a-Si
(2018年4月23日付 ITmedia)
■カネカ、壁面型太陽電池が仮囲いに 半透明と低反射 *a-Si
(2018年4月20日付 日本経済新聞
それでも(アメリカだから?)Science に載ってしまうんですよね...
【2018.4.19 記事の御紹介】
■Imec To Lead 5 Million EURO EU Perovskite PV Project *Perovskite
(2018年4月18日付 Compound Semiconductor)
スイスの Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) とイタリアの Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) の代表者が参加し、3 年間で 5 百万ポンド(約 7.6
ルの高効率構造とプロセスに関して)事業を行う。共同研究は (CNR)、ベルギーのア
イメック (imec) のペロブスカイト太陽電池のスペシャリスト、ドイツのフラウンホーファ
ー太陽エネルギー研究所 (ISE) を含む。またコマーシャル・パートナーにポーランドの
Saule Technologies 社を含む。
■ESPResSo, an Ambitious EU Funded Collaboration *Perovskite
to Make Perovskite Solar Cells a Market Reality
(2018年4月17日付 imec)
【2018.4.17 記事の御紹介】
■耐熱性・高効率・超薄型有機太陽電池 *OPV
(2018年4月17日付 理化学研究所 プレスリリース)
■太陽電池、アイロンで衣類に貼り付け 東レ・理研が開発 *OPV
(2018年4月17日付 日本経済新聞)
■理研と東レ 貼り付けられる太陽電池開発 災害時使用も *OPV
(2018年4月16日付 毎日新聞)
(2018年4月16日付 アジア経済ニュース)
(2018年4月16日付 環境ビジネスオンライン)
(2018年4月11日付 日刊工業新聞)
■安定性が大幅に向上−−ペロブスカイト太陽電池向け新素材開発 東大 *Perovskite
(2018年4月10日付 fabcross)
■カリウム添加でペロブスカイト太陽電池の変更効率・安定性が向上 *Perovskite
(2018年4月3日付 マイナビニュース)
■東大,ペロブスカイト太陽電池を安定化する正孔輸送材料を開発 *Perovskite
(2018年3月27日付 OPTRONICS Online)
■世界最高効率25.09%の太陽電池セル、シャープが「ヘテロ+バックコンタクト」で *c-Si
(2018年4月3日付 メガソーラービジネス)
■シャープが世界新、単結晶Si太陽電池セルで効率25.09% *c-Si
(2018年4月2日付 ITmedia)
■雨天でも発電できる−−摩擦帯電型ナノ発電機を組み込んだハイブリッド太陽電池 *OPV
(2018年4月1日付 fabcross)
■シャープ,6インチ単結晶Si太陽電池で25.09%を達成 *c-Si
(2018年3月27日付 OPTRONICS Online)
■東大,ペロブスカイト太陽電池に超格子構造を発見 *Perovskite
(2018年2月26日付 OPTRONICS Online)
【2018.4.16 論文の御紹介】
手前味噌ニュースですが、昨年後半に出した Perovskite, DSC, c-Si 太陽電池の
低照度特性を評価した我々の論文、2017 年の「Top 100 READ ARTICLE」に選定

■Determination of unique power conversion efficiency of solar cell showing
hysteresis in the I-V curve under various light intensities
L. Cojocaru, S. Uchida, K. Tamaki, P.V.V. Jayaweera, S. Kaneko, J. Nakazaki, T. Kubo & H. Segawa
Scientific Reports 7, 11790 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10953-3 Supplementary Information
これも NEDO プロジェクト担当者から「目的に合致しないので業務として認めない(勝手なことするな)」
【2018.4.15 ザ・Impact Factor】
先の MRS の発表からピックアップした、今最もホットなペロブスカイト論文誌の
Impact factor リストです。ご参考まで。*Nature 系は投稿から採用されるまでの時
ちなみに、、、先日の超格子の論文ですが、Advanced Materials 19.791 へ出す前
は下位の雑誌である Advanced Materials Interfaces 3.365 で Reject を喰らっていま
(Science) Science Advances *Not yet
(PNAS) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 9.661 (2016/17) *OPV
(ACS) ACS Energy Letters *Not yet, Prof. A.Fillipo
(ACS) Appl Energy Mater *Not yet
(ACS) ACS Nano 13.942 (2016/17)
(ACS) Chemistry of Materials 9.466 (2016/17)
(ACS) The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9.353 (2016/17)
(ACS) The Journal of Physical Chemistry 8.539 (2015)
(ACS) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7.504 (2016/17)
(ACS) ACS Photonics 6.756 (2016)
(Elsevier) Chem *Not yet
(Elsevier) Joule *Not yet
(Elsevier) iScience *Not yet
(Elsevier) Nano Energy 12.343 (2016/17) 15.46 (2018)
(Elsevier) Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 4.784 (2016/17)
(Elsevier) Electrochemistry communications 4.66 (2017/18)
(Elsevier) Solar Energy 4.018 (2016/17)
(Elsevier) Thin Solid Films 1.939 (2017/18)
(RSC) Energy & Environmental Science 29.518 (2016/17)
(RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8.867 (2016/17)
(RSC) Nanoscale 7.367 (2016/17)
(OSA) Optics Express 3.307 (2016/17)
(SPIE) Journal of Photonics for Energy 2.287 (2016/17) *Prof. Zakya
(Wiley, online) Energy Technology 3.175 (2018)
(Wiley) Solar RRL *Not yet
(Wiley) Advanced Materials 19.791 (2016/17)
(Wiley) Advanced Energy Materials 16.721 (2016/17) 21.875 (2018)
(Wiley) ChemSusChem 7.226 (2016/17)
(Wiley) Advanced Materials Interfaces 3.365 (2016/17)
(AIP) Applied Physics Letters 3.411 (2016/17)
(JSAP) Applied Physics Express (APEX) 2.667 (2016/17)
(JSAP) Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) 2.068 (2016/17)
(CSJ) Chemistry Letters 1.801 (2016/17)
IF 検索は bioxbio.com から。速報であれば、今なら ACS Energy Letters が無難かと...
【2018.4.11 イベントのお知らせ】
ある意味、リアル MAPI。これはいい仕事ですね。
【2018.4.8 機内映画感想メモ】
評価別に以下の通り。ANA 機は(食事も)クオリティー高いです。
・Darkest Houre ウィンストン・チャーチル / ヒトラーから世界を... (2018) ◎ 予告編 感動した
"Success is not final, Failure is not final. It is the courage to continue that counts."
・Only the brave オンリー・ザ・ブレイブ (2017) ◎ 予告編 これは辛い、涙・涙
・I, Tonya アイ、トニーニャ 史上最大のスキャンダル (2018) ◯◯ 予告編 病気のアメリカ
・American Made バリー・シール/アメリカをはめた男 (2018) ◯◯ 予告編 tragic end
・Downsizing ダウンサイズ (2018) ◯ 予告編 心情的には◯2つ
・Phantom Thread ファントム・スレッド (2018) ◯ 予告編 気難しい
・The Disaster Artist ザ・ディザスター・アーティスト (2017) ◯ 予告編 原作?
・The Disaster Artist マンハント (2017) ◯ 予告編 B級アクション
・The descendant ファミリー・ツリー (2012) ◯ 予告編 コメディーにならなかった
・Real Steel リアル・スティール (2011) ◯ 予告編 いかにもアメリカン
・Moonlight ムーンライト (2017) 予告編 × ひたすら暗い、感動しない
【2018.4.7 エピローグ MRS】
(1) 熱狂的なペロブスカイト・ブームは遂にピークアウトしました。明らかに。初日こそ
(2) なおプログラム編成上、タンデム関係は別のセッションとして設けられ、局所的に
(3) 発表者は圧倒的に中国。より正確な表現としては、海外で活躍している中国の
研究者が主流を務めました。その数 36 名と他を圧倒しています。対する日本の
太陽電池発表者は例によって宮坂先生・早瀬先生・私の 3 名のみで、韓国の 9
(4) 今回はアメリカの政策ポリシー変更で中国からの渡航と投資が厳しく制限され
(5) 技術的な注目トピックは「Lead-Tin Perovskite」でした。関連の発表は 6〜7 件
論文 (JACS) は今日現在で被引用数 319 を誇ります。更に補足しますと、NEDO
付けられた研究でもあります。 |
以上、2018 MRS Spring まとめでした。
【2018.4.6 MRS Spring Day5】
Yabing Qi 先生と Dr. Luis Oono さん
EN02.13: FET, Tandem, Semi-Transparent and Inverted Structure
EN02.13.01 Ilke Celik@University of Toledo(USA): Environmental Analysis of Tandem Solars Made with a Perovskite Top Cell and a Bottom Cell Comprised of Either Silicon, CIGS, CZTS or Perovskite, Residential (住宅用), Environmental analysis of perovskites Energy Environ Sci 2017 10(9)
EN02.13.02 Jongwon Lee@Arizona State University(USA): The Limiting Efficiency of Si/Perovskite Multijunction Solar Cells, MaPb(I1-xBrx)3/MAPI/Si, MAPI 500nm Si 120μm
EN02.13.03 Noelia Devesa Canicoba@Los Alamos National Laboratory(USA): High-Performance, Hysteresis Free, Ambipolar Hybrid Perovskite Based Field-Effect Transistors WITHDRAWN
EN02.13.04 Rebecca Saive@University of Twente(USA): Highly Transparent and Conductive Superstrates for Perovskite Solar Cells Yield a 1 mA/cm2 Increase in Short Circuit Current Density, Sheet resistance decrease with thickness of TCO, Nanowire network transparency is lower than TCO transparency, Fabrication of ETC superstrates Optics Exppress 26(6) A275-A282 (2018), 3-D imprint lithography, 80 μm pitch
EN02.13.05 Keyou Yan@The Chinese University of Hong Kong(Hong Kong): Stability Study and Coordination Engineering in Perovskite Photovoltaics, Nonstoichiometric acid-base reaction as reliable synthetic route (HI) Nat Comm 2016 7 13503, EHPbI2Br intermediate, antisolvent free, PCE 19.0% Nano Energy 2017 33 485, 10 million USD for funding *painful but impressive
EN02.13.06 Teng Ma@Tohoku University(Jaoan): The Full Potential of Integrated-Back-Contacted Perovskite Solar Cells Unveiled by Numerical Simulation Technique, Integrated-back-contact (IBC) structure, ★★ACS Appl Energy Mater 2018 1(3) 970 *very unique, nice work
EN02.13.07 Zhengshan Yu@Arizona State University(USA): Illumination-Dependent Series Resistance in Perovskite Solar Cells: WITHDRAWN
EN02.14: QDs, Cs-Based PVSK, Pb-Free, Pb-Sn and Non-Toxic Solvent
EN02.14.01 Ross Kerner@Princeton University(USA): Chemistry at the Interfaces of Pb Iodide Perovskites with Metals, Oxides and Organics Affecting Device Stability, Energy Environ Sci 2017, Perovskite/organic reactions with amines, 20 min of visible light illumination -->Pb?, MAPI reacted with amine produce Pb?, Reduced Degradation Using MoOx/Al for Hole Collection ACS Energy Lett 2016 1 595-602, Underpotential Deposition and Adsorption of Lead on Gold Polycrystalline Electrodes J Electrochem Soc 1999 146 2549-2554
EN02.14.02 Sang-Won Lee@Korea University(Korea): Perovskite Formation and Analysis on Textured Silicon Surface for Tandem Solar Cells, Perovskite/Si tandem 2018 MRS EPFL-Stanford University of North Carolina >25%, CPerovskite on textured Si: onformal & uniform perovskite were obtained, Patterned texture is preferred for analysis, V-groove (on Si) with flat zone vs V-groove with tip, Device DIV Result, LIV result: PCE 0.5% for V-groove (on Si) with flat zone, PCE 0.3% forV-groove with tip, paper will be submitted soon
EN02.14.03 Timothy Gehan@Colorado School of Mines(USA): Optimizing Perovskite Device Performance and Stability Under Ambient Oxygen and Moisture Conditions Without Encapsulation Using Easily Synthesized Carbazole-Based Hole-Transporting Layers, unencapsulated perovskite solar cells for >1,000 hour operational stability Nature Energy, VOL 3, JANUARY 2018, 68-74, HTM: EH44 MeFI 2EtCz 3EtCz
EN02.14.04 Akash Singh@Centre for Nano Science and Engineering(India): Highly Crystalline Methylammonium Tin Iodide Perovskite Films Using Post-Deposition Methylamine Vapor Annealing for Improved Grain Size, Lead toxicity, Methylamine induced morphology improvement, Why not try methylamine vapor exposure (MVE) on tin perovskite?, Finding the perovskite recovery temperature, Annealing films at 150 degreee C ***, Playing with the nucleation rate, Step annealing resulted in large grain size, Suppressed tin oxidation, ★slideplayer.com/slide/9574968, A novel post-treatment technique was developed ***
EN02.14.05 Roberto Sorrentino@Politecnico di Milano(Italy): Environmentally Friendly Solvent Inks for Perovskite-Based Optoelectronic Devices, Perovskite Colloidal Nanocrystals Nano Letters 2015 15(8) 5191, Journal of the American Chemical Society ***, PCBM layer enhance the response of photodetector with nano crystal, Defect passibation Nature Communications 2015 7081
EN02.14.06 Yen-Hung Lin@University of Oxford(UK): Hybrid Organic-Perovskite Photojunction Transistors with Tailored, On-Demand Photoresponsivity for Electro-Optical Applications, Display & Circuit & Energy & Sensor, What using transistors rather than diodes?, J Phys Chem Lett 6 3565 (2015), State-of-the-art transistor ***, Hybrid perovskite oxide phototransistor, Advanced Electronic Materials 2017 3 (3), 1600513, IEEE, Advanced Materials 29(46) *great idea
EN02.14.0* Qiwei Han@Duke University (USA) (David B. Mitzi Lab):Carrier dynamics engineering for high , ETL-free perovskite PV, Nat Comm 2015 6 6700, ChemSusChem 2016 9 2679, Energy Environ. Sci., 2017,10, 2365-2371
EN02.15: Synthesis, Up-Scaling, ETL and HTL
EN02.15.01 Adam Printz@Stanford University(USA): Scaffold-Reinforced Perovskite Compound Solar Cells with Integrated Light Management, Perovskite are fragile Adv Energy Mater (2017) in press, Scaffold-reinforced perovskite Energy & Environ Sci (2017) 10 2500, Straight-forward device ***, Significantly enhanced fracture resistance, High fracture resistance and efficiency, Device efficiencies decrease with (thickness and?) wall width, But perovskite uncompromised by Scaffold, Microcell area determines performance, Microlens array for scaffold fablication, Printz Roiston Hamann Solgaard Dauskardt: Patent Application No. 62/628824 (2018)
EN02.15.02 Michael Hovish@Stanford University(USA): Scalable and Rapid Spray Plasma Processing of Single and Multiple Cation Metal Halide Perovskites, rapid spray plasma processing, RSPP: Intrinsic toughening, In-situ wide angle X-ray scattering, E=12.5 keV beamline 10 -2, RSPP WAXS: Single cation, rapid crystallizationnduring plasma exposure, RSPP WAXS: Multi cation intemediate fase is (CsxFa1-x)Pb(Br0.17I0.33)3, increasing MA decrease (FAI)y(PbI2)2, Rapid spray plasma perovskite >15% in the openair, gas flow 13-14m^3 per minutes
EN02.15.03 Dominik Stummler@RWTH Aachen University (Germany): Investigation of Perovskite Solar Cells Employing Chemical Vapor Deposited Methylammonium Bismuth Iodide Layers, MA3Bi2I9 (MBI) by CVD, MAI 150 degree C & BiI3 250 degree C, Deposition time 5 h, processs for 500 cycle, Film thickness ~300 nm, Deposition rate of BiI3 ***, stoichiometric self-control, MBI deposition (5 h 3600 s) - Influence of substrate temperature、Poor electrical contact, CVD 0.047% PCE
EN02.15.04 Guan-Woo Kim@Pohang University of Science and Technology(Korea): Dopant-Free Donor(D)-Acceptor(A) Type Polymeric Hole Transport Material for Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, Dopant-free polymeric hole transport materials Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 2326, The introduction of polar TEG groups to PTEG
EN02.15.05 Sergiu Draguta@University of Notre Dame(USA): A Quantitative and Spatially-Resolved Accounting of the Performance-Bottleneck in High Efficiency, Planar Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells WITHDRAWN
EN02.15.06 Ian Marius Peters@Massachusetts Institute of Technology(USA): Perovskite Si Tandem Solar Cells for Hot/Arid Climates, 2T perovskite/silicon multijunction solar cell (by McGehee) Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015) 121105, Adv Mater interfaces 5 (2018) 1700731, Energy yield in Saudi Arabia, Performance modelling Solar Energy 149 (2017) 77, Economical considerations, IEEE JPV ***
EN02.16.01 Wiley Dunlap-Shohl@Duke University(USA): Room Temperature Deposition of a Delafossite CuCrO2 Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells,
EN02.16: Synthesis, Up-Scaling, Stability, ETL and HTL
EN02.16.02 Melissa McCarthy@Tyndall National Institute(Ireland): Atomic Layer Deposited Electron Transport Layers in Efficient Organometallic Halide Perovskite Devices, Supettered 16.955% ALD 15.*%, Planar perovskite solar cell, Ti3+:Ti4+ =0.255:1, Conduction band misalighment, SnO2 and altanative to TiO2, Plasma pre-clean, thermal SnO2 (TDMASn), SnO2 15.8%
EN02.16.03 Yue Hu@Huazhong University of Science & Technology(China): Improved Performance of Printable Perovskite Solar Cells with Bifunctional Conjugated Organic Molecule, Printable mesoscopic PSC ~6% certified by Newport, Stability test Nature Comm 2017 8 15684, 2D/3D perovskite Nature 2017 2 17135, 5-AVA-MAPbI3 is the best, AB-MAPbI3 Advanced Materials 2018 1705786
EN02.16.04 Jingjing Zhao@University of Nebraska-Lincoln(USA): Strained Hybrid Perovskite Thin Films and Their Impact on the Intrinsic Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells, Energy Environ Sci 9 3650 (2016), ★Discovery of strain in polycrystalline perovskite films Science Advances 3 5616 (2017), Origin od strain in polycrystalline films, Thermal expansion coeeficient? (sure), No strain in the annealing, Cs FA perovskite has less strain than MAPI
EN02.16.05 Dianyi Liu@Michigan State University(USA): Transparent Photovoltaics with Halide Perovskite Absorbers, Avarage visible transmission (AVT), Semitransparent Fully Air Processed Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2015 7 17776, MAPbCl2.4Br0.6 vs MAPbCl3
EN02.16.06 Jeffrey Christians@NREL(USA): Designing Perovskite Solar Cell Interfaces to Exceed 1000 Hour Unencapsulated Ambient Operational Stability, Electrode Interfaces on the Stability of Perovskite ACS Energy Lett 1 38-45 (2016), Measurement protocols, Consensus stability testing protocols for organic photovoltaic materials and devices Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95(5) 2011, Pages 1253-1267, Li-free hydrophobic HTMs, Optimized EH44 vs Spiro-OMeTAD, Vertical composition HTLs and SnO2 vs TiO2, Changes i SnO2: more uniform profiles & less vertical changes after operation for TOF-SIMS analysis, Stable unencapsulated device, glass/FTO/SnO2/FAMACsPerovskite/EH44/MOx/Al
【2018.4.5 MRS Spring Day4】
EN02.09: Doping, Alternative Cation, 2D Perovskites, Fundamental and Stability
EN02.09.01 Alexander Chen@University of Virginia(USA): Origin of Vertical Orientation in Two-Dimensional Metal Halide Perovskites and Its Effect on Photovoltaic Performance, Effectof orientation on charge transport and device performance, Substrate dependence test for orientation, Nucleation with mesoporous TiO2 substrate, Top-crust scraping test, Air-liquid interface: origin of vertical orientation in 4 layer perovskite
EN02.09.02 Gustavo de Miguel@University of Cordoba(Spain): Guanidinium/Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite―An Unexplored Avenue for Stable and 20% Efficient Solar Cells, Strategies to improve stability Adv Mater 2016 28 3653, Large guanidinium cation mixed with methylammonium Nature Energy 2017 2 972-979, Gradual expansion of the unit-cell volume incorporation of the large Gua cation by direct substitution of MA
EN02.09.03 Yanfa Yan@University of Toledo(USA): Wide-Bandgap, Low-Bandgap and Tandem Perovskite Solar Cells, ★Progress in High-Performance PV: Polycrystalline Thin-Film Tandem Cells, Perovskite solar cells provides unprecedented opportunity for revitalizing ***, Single junction perovskite solar cells Adv mater 28 5214 (2016), ★4-T tandem Exceeding 23.1% ACS Energy Lett., 2018, 3 (2), pp 305-306, 4-Terminal and Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Cells ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (2), pp 474-480, ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2, pp 1177-1182, FASnI3+MAPbI3―>(FASnI3)1-x(MAPbI3)x Liao Adv Mater 2016, (FASnI3)0.6(MAPbI3)0.4, Zhao Nature Energy (2017), Tin-lead iodide perovskite Nat. Energy 2, 17018 (2017), 28.69mAcm^2 unpublished, Tin-Lead Iodide Perovskite Nat. Energy 2, 17018 (2017), Wide Band gap (FA0.8Cs0.2Pb(I1-xBrx)3 + Low Band gap (FASnI3)0.6(MaPbI3)0.4, Conclusion 4-T >23% & 2-T ~20%
EN02.09.04 Yixin Zhao@Shanghai Jiao Tong University(China): The Controllable Dimension Conversion and Hybridization of Lead Halide Perovskite for Enhanced Stability and Performance, Volume controllable sequential deposition, 1-step & 2-step J Mater Chem A 2015 3 19674, Ion-Exchange-Induced 2D-3D Conversion Angew Chem Int Ed 2016 55 13460, pure α-FAPbI3 via flash deposition Materials Today Energy 2017 5, 293-298, PbI2 passivating perovskite, All inorganic perovskite: Thermal stability, Low temperature crystallization of α-CsPbX3 from PbI2xHI+CsI, Phase stability of α-CsPbI2Br, How about α-CsPbI23?, Lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (QDS), Bifunctional Amino Acid Crosslinked 2D/3D Adv Funct Mater 2017 27 1603568, (110) 2D perovskite of EDAPbI4,Bication lead iodide 2D perovskite component to stabilize inorganic α-CsPbI3 perovskite Science Advances 2017 3(9) e1700841
EN02.09.05 : Mechanisms of Lithium Intercalation and Conversion Processes in Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites, CH3NH3PbX3 as battery materials, Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 13787-13790 , LixCH3NH3PbX3, Intercalated structures for xLi=1.0, 2.4 Li+ ions per mol of CH3NH3PbI3, Lithium Intercalation ACS ENergy Lett 2016 1 595, ACS ENergy Lett 2017. 2 1818-1824
EN02.10: Up-Scaling, ETL, Interface, Ion Migration and Stability
EN02.10.01 Luis Ono@OIST(Japan): Up-Scaling of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules, 10 by 10 cm^2 shows 10.4% PCE & area 49 cm^2 Solar RRL 1 (2017) 1600019, ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (8), pp 1749-1751, ACS Energy Lett 2 (2017) 2540, Towards Commercialization ACS Energy Lett. , 2018, 3 (2), pp 322-328, Vapor deposition method J Mater Chem A 3 (2015) 16097, MAPI and FAPI perovskite films by CVD J. Mater. Chem A2 (2014) 18742, Larger modules J Mater Chem A 4 (2016) 13125, L.Lucera, C.J Brabec IEEE Photovoltaic specialists conference (2016) 234, Large-Area 12.1% by UNSW(Australia) ACS Energy Lett 2 (2017) 1978, ★Methyl-amine gas induced crystallization J Mater Chem A 4 (2016) 2494, Azpiroz Energy Environ Sci 8 (2015) 2118, Smaller surface roughness and less grain boundary Mater Horiz 3 (2016) 548
EN02.10.02 Jun Hong Noh@Korea University(Korea): Heterojunction Engineering for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells, Unbalanced charge transport & Ion migration & Ferroelectric property, MRS Bulletin 40 648 (2015), Non-perovskite phase on FAPbI3 J Phys Chem ***, Zn2SnO4 nano particle layer, Appl Phys Chemm Lett 7 1845 (2016), La-doped BaSnO3, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 133902 (2014) *very less original data
EN02.10.03 Caleb Boyd@Stanford University(USA): Suppressing Metal-Contact-Induced Degradation using Transparent Conducting Oxide Layers for Thermally Stable Perovskite Solar Cells, Ag/ITO/NiOx/C60+PCBM/Perovskite/SnO2(by ALD)/ITO, FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3
EN02.10.04 James Stanfill@University of Arizona(USA): Probing TiO2-Perovskite Interactions with Angle-Resolved GIWAXS and Conductive Tip AFM, TiO2+SAM=lead rich interface, J Mater Chem 2013 1, UV treatment and O2 Plasma treatment, Conductive probe AFM of TiO2, X-ray depth profiling: Toney J. Mater. Res. 3, 351 (1988), Angle-Resolved GIWAXS
EN02.10.05 Luca Bertoluzzi@Stanford University(USA): The Role of Mobile Ions on the Reverse Bias Stability of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells, Reverse Bias Stability Adv Energy Mater 2018 8 1702365,
EN02.11.01 : EN02.11: Up-Scaling, Non-Toxic Solvents, Ink Stability, Fundamental and Spatial Mapping
EN02.11.01 Omer Yaffe@Weizmann Institute, Bronx(USA): Dielectric Solvation of Band Edge Carriers in Lead-Halide Perovskites, Raman scattaring study: the motion of atoms are anharmony ***, J Mater Chem A 2013 18 5628 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse "Gallopin' Gertie" - YouTube, Probing the structural dynamics, CH3NH3PbBr3 & CsPbBr3, ★Raman scattering Phys Rev Lett 118 136001 (2017), Central peak is not unique to ***, A central peak is not that common, Origin of the central peak, Theory -Described yesterday in Kronik's talk, Part2 - electron dynamics, Emission Stokes shift, Evolution of the specral features arXiv 1804.01509, What is so special about that, Anomalous Stokes shift in CdSe nanocrystals Phys Rev B 76 155314 (2007), Structural dynamics of examined halide ***, ★★Young's modulus [GPa] 125-202 for c-Si and 10-30 for Halide perovskite and 15 for pentacene, 77K 153K, ★J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 18450-18455
EN02.11.02 Jinhyun Kim@Seoul National University(Korea): Imidazole as a Cation Dopant for Stable and Efficient Perovskite Solar Cell, Imidazole in 3D Perovskite Nature Energy 2 972 (2017), Imidazole doping in CH3NH3PbI3, Difectreduction and stabilization of organic cation, 0-17% Cs ratio is obtained ***, 7% Cs-substitution ***, Number of small crystalline increase which is assigned to be Cs-rich perovskite phase, The uniformity by HCVD is better than anti-solvent method, Stability of the CsxFA1-xPbI3
EN02.11.03 Yan Jiang@OIST(Japan): Up-Scaling Cs-Substituted Mixed Cation Perovskite Solar Modules with High Stability and Efficiencies up to 14.6%
EN02.11.04 Tingli Ma, Liguo Gao@Dalian University of Technology(China): Current Progress in Low-Temperature Processed Non-TiO2 Electron Selective Layers for Perovskite Solar Cells: Several issues of TiO2 ETLs in PSCs, Why SnO2?, Morphology controlling with different concentration of Sn***, 17.22% PCE for SnO2 and ***, ZnO ETL studies-first report, ZnO compact layer, W(Nb)Ox-based efficient flexible perovskite solar cells Nano Energy 2017 31 424, SnS2 nanosheets, 80 nm SnS2 (as an ETL) films on FTO (no TiO2) showed 14% PCE, *Q:"ZnO react with Perovskite?", "How do you controll p or n type for WOx?"
EN02.11.05 Dong-Nyuk Jeong@Sungkyunkwan University(Korea): Large-Area Coating for High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells: WITHDRAWN
EN02.11.05 Simon Sanders@RWTH Aachen University (Germany), Fabrication and Characterization of Air-Stable Organic-Inorganic Bismuth-Based Perovskite Solar Cells: (EN02.08.12) 0.20M yields largest crystallites of 1 micron and best PCE of 0.16%
EN02.11.06 Benjia Dou@NREL(USA): FAMACs Triple Cation Perovskite Ink Aging―Its Instability and a Solution, Degradation of Highly Alloyed perovskite, Can we stock large amount of precursor solution?, Solution storage and ***, Device performs not good over ink aging, The films become lighter with ink aging, Thinner film with ink aging? (No), from 400 to 800 nm, Structural change? (Yes), Hexagonal FAPb(I, Br) increase, Hydrolysis of DMF, Compositional Analysis, DMA+ is incorporated in the film, Impurities cannot be simply annealed ***, Another route: ball-milling, Degradation of Highly Alloyed Metal Halide Perovskite Precursor Inks: Mechanism and Storage Solutions ACS Energy Lett., 2018, 3, pp 979-985
EN02.11.07 Dongheon Ha@National Institute of Standards and Technology(USA): Nanoscale Investigation of Carrier Collections and Degradation Mechanisms of Perovskite Solar Cells via Near-Field Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy, Nanoscale photocurrent mapping in perovskite solar cells Nano Energy (in press), Annealing temperature 100 degree C 16% vs 130 degree C 14.*% because of the formation of PbI2 in the boundaries, Sample degradation is related to the dynamics of lead iodide, Multi-stage nanoscale photocurrent imaging explains why higher temp annealed sample is more robust
EN02.11.08 Nicholas Rolston@Stanford University(USA): Effect of Composition and Microstructure on the Mechanical Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells, device reliability and evolution of defect, mechanical "driving force" > Fracture energy, Fracture energy [J/m^2] (破壊エネルギー), Perovskites are mechanically fragile like salts, less than 0.3 J/m^2 for MAPI, Cohesion Energy [J/m^2] (凝集エネルギー), Additional cations slightly improve Cohesion Energy (Gc), Bulky cations slightly improve Gc, Perovskites are inherently (fragile?), N Roiston ★Advanced Energy Materials 2017, Extrinsic reinforcement of perovskite most effect on ****
【2018.4.4 MRS Spring Day3】
ペロブスカイト太陽電池セッションの Invited speaker 向けディナーに招待されて、
久しぶりにまともな食事にありつく。野菜食べるの4日ぶりかも。体調 8 割回復
EN02.05: Pb-Free, Sn-Pb and Alternative Perovskites
EN02.05.01 Antonio Abate@Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin(Germany): Novel Materials for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: WITHDRAWN
EN02.05.02 Shubhra Bansal@University of Nevada(USA): F-Doped Cs2SnI6 n-i-p Planar Solar Cells with 1.6 eV Bandgap and Improved Carrier Mobility, Hall measurements: Carrier mobility and concentration done at NIST CNST user facility, Effect of SnF2 and ZnCl2 addition, annealing the material at 100 degree C for 1000hours does not show structural degradation
EN02.05.03 Shuzi Hayase@Kyushu Institute of Technology(Japan): Design Guideline to Mixed Metal SnPb-Perovskite Solar Cells with 17.42% and Pb Free Sn-Perovskite Solar Cells with 5.52%, Journal of Photonics (2015), Graded structures of SnPb-PVK layer (depth profile), J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5 1004, SnF2(DMSO) doping gave better results than SnF2, Crystallinity improvement, Spike structure vs Cliff structure, Solar Energy ***, Voc loss, SnPb perovskite 18.9%, SnGe perovskite, Small Ge may fill vacancy of Sn, J Phys Chem Lett 2018 9 1682-1688, Ge is on surface and is patially oxidized to make blocking layer and make better contact with C60,Ge was detected on the ***
EN02.05.04 Yaoguang Rong@Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics(China) under Professor Homgwei Han: Ambient-Processed Efficient and Stable Printable Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells, Nanoscale 2015 7 10595, Nanoscale 2016 8 12847, The scaffold of TiO2/Zro2/Carbon, Effect of guanidinium on mesoscopic perovskite solar cells J Mater Chem A 2017 5 73, ★600mm by 600mm module
EN02.05.04 Shihe Yang@Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: New Developments in Understanding and Engineering Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: WITHDRAWN
EN02.05.05 Neha Arora@EPFL(Switzerland): Extraordinary Operational Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Yielding Photovoltage Above 1.5V, Chemical Physics Letters 2017 683 211-215, Advanced Functional 2016 26 2846-2854, Stability by MPPT Nano Lett 16 7155-7162, FAPbBr3, High Open-Circuit Voltage ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (1), pp 107-112, New HTM with deeper HOMO level
EN02.05.06 Gaurav Kapil@The University of Tokyo(Japan): Cesium Doping to Improve the Stability and Reproducibility of Lead/Tin Mixed Perovskite Solar Cells, ★Au/Ag/BCP/C60/Sn-Pb perobskite/PEDOT/ITO, Low-Bandgap Mixed Tin-Lead Iodide Perovskite Absorbers Nat. Energy 2, 17018 (2017), 5% doping of Cs gives improvement in solar performance, irradiation area 0.1cm^2, Sn-Pb cell 5PCBM-C60-F 17.59%(0.75V), 5PCBM-C60-R 17.07%
EN02.06: LED, Mixed PVSK, Phase-Segregation and Ion Migration
EN02.06.01 Chuanjiang Qin@Kyushu University(Japan) 安達研: Perovskite for High Performance Solar Cells and LEDs, Carrier mobility is very high rather than OPV, Thermally stimulated current (TSC), Moisture could promote trap formation, Phase transition induced carrier traps, 161K/0.32(by Phase transition) eV and 213K/0,44 eV (by trap), Deep traps induced device degradation (into CH3NH3I, PbI2, Pb), ★★0.5% (against perobskite) Benzo quinon BQ additive for performance, BQ a dditive effects on device device stability, LED by vacuume deposition of PbCl2 & Coumarin 153 (as a dopant) & MACl, Coumarin affected on the emmishion spectra (enegy transfer occured), Simulation soft: Setfos 4.3.3
EN02.06.02 Jianpu Wang@Nanjing Tech University(China): Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Solution-Processed, Self-Organized Multiple Quantum Wells: WITHDRAWN
EN02.06.02 Erjin Zheng@University of Washington(USA) : Solution-Processed CH3NH3PbCl3 Perovskite Thin Films for UV-A Photodetectors, UV photodetector
EN02.06.02.05 Anuj Goyal WITHDRAWN, Vladan Stevanovic@NREL(USA): Understanding Site-Specific Contributions to Phase Stability and Band Gap in Hybrid Perovskite Alloys, Band gap evolution from first principles (QSGW) for MAPB/SnI3
EN02.06.03 Wanliang Tan@Stanford University(USA): Thermal Stability of Mixed Cation Metal Halide Perovskites in Air, Cs0.17FA0.83Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3, deltaE=63.62KJ/mol=0.66eV
EN02.06.04 Hyunho Lee@Seoul National University(Korea): Unraveling the Ion Diffusion Induced Degradation Mechanism of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells by Temperature Analysis, Voc disorder model by Ag electrode restoration, Analysis of Ion‐Diffusion‐Induced Interface Degradation Advanced Energy Materials 1702197 (2017)
EN02.06.05 Ryan Stoddard@University of Washington(USA): The Intimate Connection Between Carrier Transport and Radiative Efficiency in Hybrid Perovskites and the Development of Phase Stable High Bandgap Films with High Optoelectronic Quality, Simultaneous measurement of PL J Phys Chem Lett 2017 8(14) 3289-3298
EN02.07: Fundamental, Phase-Segregation, Ion Migration, Grain Boundaries, Defects and Large-Area
EN02.07.01 Prashant Kamat@University of Notre Dame(USA): Insight into the Operation of Mixed Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Multijunction Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Energy Letters 2017 2 2506-2513, ACS Energy Letters 2016 7 1368, Halide ion migration, Photoinduced segragation ACS Energy Letters 2016 1 290, Excitation intensity dependence of segragation, D. McGehee ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (6), pp 1199-1205, How Halide Ion Defects Influence Photoinduced Segregation ACS Energy Letters 2017 2 1507, Light soaking for 30 minutes and dark recovery, Iodide management Science 356 1376-1379 (2017), Gradient structure from MAPI to MAPBr, Suppressing Anion Exchange in Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites with PbSO4-Oleate Capping ACS Energy Letters (2018), QD synthesis, Transformation of Sintered CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals to Cubic CsPbI3 and Gradient CsPbBrxI3-x through Halide Exchange ACS Energy, Hoffman et al J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (27), pp 8603-8611
EN02.07.02 Rohit Prasanna@Stanford Univ(USA): Compositional Design of Low Band Gap Tin-Lead Perovskites for Perovskite Tandems, Device MPPT stability measurement, tin-lead perovskite ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (9), pp 2159-2165, Oxidation mechanism, Oxidation stability
EN02.07.03 Parisa Khoram@AMOLF(Netherland): Direct Detection of Halide Migration and Its Link to Photoluminescence in a Thin Hybrid Perovskite Single Crystal, Synchrotron-based x-ray microscopy, Adv Func Mater, Perovskite Photoluminescence: Direct Observation of Halide Migration Adv Mater 2017 1703451 , Applying -2V, PL increases where Br:Pb increases
EN02.07.04 Annamaria Petrozza@Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia(Italy): Metal-Halide Perovskites-Defect Physics and Optoelectronic Devices Development, Living with Defects and ***, Halides defects photo-chemistry & carrier trapping dynamics and defect tolerance, Photo-instability, Tuning between photoinduced "quenching" and "healing", Stranks et al Nat Comm 2016, Effective treatment with surface layers, Hygroscopic polymer (PEO) passivates halide vacancies vs Hydrophobic polymer (PS), Device aging, CsPbBr nano crystalls passivated with short ligands, Perovskite nanocrystal inks Nature Energy 2(2) 16194 2017, Current noise spectral density and **Living with defect, Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 4630 (2016)
N02.07.05 Joseph Berry@NREL(USA): Progress in Halide Perovskite Solar Cells-Developing a Scalable and Stable Photovoltaic Technology, The Path to a Printable Terawatt-Scale Technology ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (11), pp 2540-2544, Perovskite ink with wide processing window for scalable high-efficiency solar cells Nature Energy volume 2, Article number: 17038 (2017), Perovskite Solar Modules by Interconnection Optimization ACS Energy Lett., 2018, 3 (2), pp 322-328, 6 inch by 6 inch module for 40 m connection, Nature Reviews Materials volume 3, Article number: 18017 (2018)
EN02.07.06 Wei Xie@University of California(USA): Structure and Bonding of Layered Hybrid Ruddlesden-Popper Halides PEA2PbX4
EN02.07.07 Benjamin Foley@University of Virginia(USA): Separating Electronic and Morphological Heterogeneity in Lead Halide Perovskite Thin Films
【2018.4.3 MRS Spring Day2】
EN02.03: Photodetector, 2D Perovskites, Fundamental, Efficiency and Stability
EN02.03.01 Zhaojue Lan@Hong Kong Baptist University: Perovskite/Polymer Heterojunction Photodetectors: WITHDRAWN
EN02.03.01 Juan-Pablo@EPFL (Switzerland): 2D 3D, Tolerance to point defects in perovskites, Synchlotron-based hard -X-ray ***, Reduchion of surface recombination, The role of 2D ***, Modifying grain size, Effect of grain size on hysteresis, Grain boundaries dominate hysteresis, Halide migration via grain boundaries, The role of ***, Mixed cations/halides for high performance, Highest stabilized eff 21.6%, X-tay fuluorecence (micro-XRF) imaging, Halide distribution: Br/I precipitates, ★mixed halide + 5% RbI + 5% CsI (world record recipi), Quantifying halide heterogenety, Formation of Rb precipitates, K as passivant?, Formation of K precipitates, X-ray-beam-induced current (XBIC) ***, Rb precipitates affect charge collection (not yet submitted), Resolution is 200 nm (not enough), Understanding and designing ***
EN02.03.01 Tulus Tulus@Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Reduced Interfacial Recombination in Au-Decorated ZnO Nanoarrays for Perovskite Photovoltaics, ZnO nanorods as model interface to study ***
EN02.03.02 Yuanyuan Zhou@Brown University: Functionalizing Grain Boundaries/Surfaces Confocally in Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskite Thin Films, "Soft" crystalline material, Make GBs benign and "Functional"!, ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2166, Functionalizing grain boundaries, Dual-nature triblock copolymer (TBCP) is an ideal candidate for GB functionalization, dipping in TEOS, Hmm interesting
EN02.03.03 Nripan Mathews@Nanyang Technological University (Singapore): Fully Printable Large Area Monolithic Perovskite Solar Cells with High Stability, Doping and swichable photoboltaic efficiency in (NH4)3Sb***, Passivated triple-cation perovskite, Carbon screen printing, CsFAPbIyBr3-y
EN02.03.04 Jean-Christophe Blancon@Los Alamos National Laboratory: Exciton Dissociation Through Surface States in Layered 2D Perovskites Enable High-Efficiency Solar Cells
EN02.03.05 Prashant Sonar@Queensland University of Technology(Australia): Molecular Engineering of Low Cost Hole Transporting Materials for Highly Efficient and Stable Printable Perovskite Solar Cells, TPA-BPV-TPA HTM showed almost comparable with Spiro, TPA-NAP-TP
EN02.04: 2D Perovskites, Fundamental, Efficiency and Stability
EN02.04.01 Lioz Etgar@Hebrew University(Israel): Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Perovskite from Nanostructures to Solar Cells, High Voc Quasi 2D Perovskite Adv Func Mater 2017 1604733, Rate of recombination is higher in 3D perovskite, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2017 1 1935-1943, D/3D Effect of Cs on the Stability 2ACS Energy Lett 2018 3 366-372, Nanostructures: Tunable Length and Optical Properties of CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanowires with a Few Unit Cells Nano Lett., 2017, 17 (2), pp 1007-1013,
Incorporation of Rb, Nano Futures 2017 1 021002, RbxCs1−xPbX3 (X = Cl or Br) perovskite nanoparticles Nanoscale, 2018,10, 6060-6068 , Fully functional semi-transparent perovskite solar cell
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2017 1 2120-2127
EN02.04.02 Yuanqing Chen@Arizona State University(USA): Green Anti-Solvent Processed Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency Beyond 19%: WITHDRAWN
EN02.04.02 Yuanqing Chen@Arizona State University(USA): Efficiency Improvement of the Lead Acetate Solution Derived Perovskite Solar Cells by Introduction of Nitrogen Flow and Pre-Aging Process, with pre-aging at 120 degree C, The film is spin coated and aged and then investigated by XRD: Nucleation happens during aging
EN02.04.03 Gyu Min Kim@Toin University of Yokohama: High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Kinetic Control of Cs-Mixed Intermediate States During the Crystallization
EN02.04.04 Yi-Yang Sun@Shanghai Institute of Ceramics(China): 2D Perovskites, Fundamental, Efficiency and Stability, Nano Lett 15 581 (2015), Adv Mater 29 160***, Discovering lead-free perovskite Nanoscale 8 6284 (2016), 2D perovskite solar cell Science 349 1518 (2015),Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite solar cells Nature 536 312 (2016), monolayer Ba2ZrS4, Eg=1.75 eV for n=3, Eg=2.10 for n=1
EN02.04.05 Ihteaz Hossain@Light Technology Institute, KIT(Germany): Printable Low-Temperature TiO2 Nanoparticles for High Efficiency Stable Perovskite Solar Cells
Open Slot - TBA Replacement
EN02.04.05 Jianxin Tang@Soochow University(China): Enhanced Light Harvesting in Perovskite Optoelectronics with Device Architecture Engineering: WITHDRAWN
EN02.04.05.5 Subhabrata Das@Columbia University(USA): A Proposal for Mesoscopic CH3NH3PbI3/bR/TiO2 Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Band-Gap Measurement,
Chlomatophore, Bio-sensitized solar cell?
EN02.04.06 Muge Acik@Argonne National Laboratory(USA): Room Temperature Processable Growth of Lead Halide Perovskites Catalyzed by Alcohols: WITHDRAWN
EN02.04.07 Noel Duffy@CSIRO Energy(Australia) : Spatial Uniformity of Perovskite Solar Cells with an All-in-One Electroluminescence, Photoluminescence and Light-Beam Induced Photocurrent System WITHDRAWN
EN02.04.07 HyeonOh Shin@Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(Korea): Charge Transfer Mechanism of Cs2SnI6-Based Photovoltaic Devices, Trap States and Their Dynamics J Phys Chem C 2016 120 3077-3084
【2018.4.2 MRS Spring Day1】
流石に “ion-migration” と “hysteresis” を結びつけて発表する人はもう、いなく
EN02.01: Flexible, Hysteresis, Interface, Passivation and 2D Perovskites
EN02.01.01 Yian Tai@National Taiwan University of Science and Technology: WITHDRAWN
EN02.01.02 Wallace Choy@University of Hong Kong : Understanding and Quantifying the Efficiency Loss of Perovskite Solar Cells, J(V')=Jr(V) radiation current -Jp Photo-generated current, Appl Phys Lett 106 221104, Quantifying efficiency loss Adv. Energy Mater 2018 8 1701586, Efficiency loss analysis ACS Nano 10, 1503-1511 (2016)
EN02.01.03 Tsutomu Miyasaka@Toin University of Yokohama: Progress of Perovskite Photovoltaics Exploring for Ultra-Thin Lightweight Power Source, Intense PL is the sign of high voltage & efficiency in photovoltaics, Issue for industrialization: Lead & Lifetime (thermal stability), Adv Energy Mat 2017 1700677, Adv Func Mat 2018 10.1002/adfin.201706287, Best cell with TiO2 doped with K+ TFSI (0.2M), As a heat-resistive HTM P3HT was chosen, Spiro/MAPbI3 dead but P3HT/MaPbI3 survived by electron beam radiation, 1MeV 10^15 protons, Impact of Proton irradiation (50 KeV) on perovskite solar cells, iScience in press, IPEROP will be hosted in Kyoto 19 27-29 (2019)
EN02.01.04 Nam-Gyu ParkProfessor@Sungkyunkwan University: Issues and Solutions in Perovskite Solar Cells, FAPF6 in IPA, Post-Treatment with PF6^- (7 mg/mL) submitted, Defect healing process, KI doping, Perovskite X-ray imaging
EN02.01.05 Doojin VakSenior@CSIRO Manufacturing: Process Development for Roll-to-Roll Production of Perovskite Solar Cells, Slot die coating Nano Energy 2018 46 185
EN02.01.06 Antoine Kahn@Princeton University: Electronic Structure of a Series of Two-Dimensional Metal Halide Perovskites, BA2PbX4, 3D vs 2D HOIP structures, Simulation of UPS and IPES spectra: CsPbBr3, Recurring observation of very low DOS at ***, Theoretical view of perovskites DOS, Band structure Adv Energy Mat 201703468 (2018), 2D MHPs as multiple quantum wells, To establish accurate materials parameters for 2D halide perovskite (RPP ***
EN02.01.07 Satoshi Uchida@The University of Tokyo: Perovskite Solar Cells―Crystal Structure and Interface Architecture with High Resolution TEM Observation
EN02.01.08 Nina Vaidya@California Institute of Technology: Passivation Schemes for Perovskite Solar Cells, Butyl Ammonia Passivation-Stability Enhancement in Layered Perovskites, Passivation by butyl ammonium
EN02.01.09 R. Shallcross@University of Arizona: The Critical Role of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Surface Chemistry on Nucleation, Growth, Bulk Composition and Energetics of Hybrid Perovskite Films, Energy level diagram from XPS/UPS measurements, Interelayer
EN02.01.10 M. Ibrahim Dar@EPFL: Highly Promising Strategies to Mitigate the Instability Issues Associated with Perovskite Solar Cells, Buthylphosphonic acid 4-ammonium chloride (ABPA), CH3NH3PbI3-->CH3NH3PbBr3-->CH3NH3Pb***, Nano Lett 2016 16 7155-7162, the diethyl sulphide solvent used, CuSCN HTM (a legitimate contender) Science 2017 358 768-771, The space layer CuSCN/rGO/Au is the key for long stability, Beta-CuSCN
EN02.01.11 Min Xiao@Nanjing University: Tin-Based Perovskite with Improved Coverage and Crystallinity Through Tin-Fluoride-Assisted Heterogeneous Nucleation, The effective additive: SnF2 for more stable in air, "Tin-Based Perovskite with Improved Coverage and Crystallinity through Tin-Fluoride-Assisted Heterogeneous Nucleation" Adv Opt Mater 2017 6(1) 1700615, MASnBr3, SnF2 plays a critical role in the clystal nucleation process by ***
EN02.02: Tandem, Mixed Cations, 2D Perovskites, Stability and HTM
EN02.02.01 Shengzhong (Frank) Liu@Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian: Perovskite―A Wonder for Photovoltaic and Optoelectronic Applications, Why non-solution deposition?, Vacuume deposition shows better thermal stability proofed by TG-DTA? Nano Energy 2015 15 ***, Vaccuum co-evaporatuin beter, Nanoscale 2017 9 12316, Low-T suppetering TiO2, Surface optimization eliminate hysteresis ***, Adv Mater 2016 28 5206, E-SnO2 as an ETL shows the lowest trap-state density, Certified (unpublished) results 21.52% by Newport, E-SnO2 ETL shows the lowest trap-state density, E-SnO2 device shows the slowest *** recombination?, Single crystal Adv Mater 2016 28 9204, Adv Mater, Solvent optimization, 120 mm single-crystalline perovskite and wafers Science China Chemistry
EN02.02.02 Jinsong Huang@University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Stability Enhancement of Perovskite Solar Cells, Doctor-blading for scelable ***, Purified MAI results in better films by blading
EN02.02.03 Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena@Massachusetts Institute of Technology: The Role Alkali Metal Distribution on the Electronic Properties of Organic-Inorganic Perovskites: WITHDRAWN
EN02.02.04 Kevin Bush@Stanford University: Wrinkling in Perovskite Films for Improved Light Harvesting in Perovskite-Silicon Tandems, Inter diffusion process, Antisolvent process using DMSO complexes, Highly textured surface morphology via antisovent method, Substrate curvature measurement to determin film stress, Stress evolution during antisolvent processing, No anneal-->60 degree C-->100 degree C, Film stress (MPa), Tension vs Compression, Nanoscale 7 10595-10599 (2015), Solvent extraction rate dependence on Wrinkling (しわ), Higher DMSO concentration leads equivalent ***, Wrinkling flattens the EQE spectrum, High annealing temperature lead to high rtensil stress
EN02.02.05 Subodh Mhaisalkar@Nanyang Technological University: Bilayer 2D/3D Perovskites and Surface Passivation for Enhanced Solar Cell Stability, MPA action cross-section spectra Nature Comm 8 14350 2017, PV as well as LEDs?, Advanced Materials 2016 28(32) 6804-6834, Moisture induced degradation ACS Nano 2015 9 1955-1963, Layered 2D/3D hybrid, Butyl Ammonium Iodide - BAI, Octylammonium Iodide - OAI, J Mater Chem A 2018 6 2122-2128, BAI- MPPT up to 1000h, Passivated triple-cation perovskite, Cs/MA/FA Triple cation perovskite, Perovskite passivation: Pentafluoropropyl ammonium iodide (PFAI) *self made, (FA0.83)***, Characterization: UV-Vis/PL/PL lifetime, ★PFAI improved efficiency hysteresis, Possible reasons of thermal degradation Nano Lett 2014 14 6281
, Acc Chem Res 2016 49 286-293, Degradation of MAPbI3 to PbI2, Morphological changes at 85 degree C, Lifetime and stability MAPbI3, Scale-up, 30 by 30 cm Tiles, Glass lamination (Cover glass) with polymer insulater on top of Perovskite, Conformal epoxy, Passivation and encapsulation: essential for passing IEC 61215 & IEC 61646
EN02.02.06 Baomin Xu@Southern University of Science and Technology(China): Study on Fabricating High-Efficiency and Highly Stable Perovskite Solar Cells, PbI2-TBP in DMF, Solar RRL 21018, New crystallization engineering strategy, Heat assisted spin coating (HASP), Small moleculer HTMs RSC Advances 2017 7 45478-45483
EN02.02.07 HyeonOh Shin@Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(Korea): Phase Stability for Inorganic Cesium Lead Iodide Perovskites: WITHDRAWN
EN02.02.08 Yi Hou@Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg(Germany): A Generic Interface to Reduce the Efficiency-Stability-Cost Gap of Perovskite Solar Cells, Unipolar device - the formation of ohmic contact, Increased conductivity by Ta doping, Ta-WOx/PDCBT(organic bilayer) HTMs concept
EN02.02.09 Yanqing Tian@Southern University of Science and Technology(China): New Hole-Transporting Materials for Low-Cost and High-Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
EN02.02.10 Cheng-Min Tsai@National Chiao Tung University(Taiwan): Tri-Halide and 2D/3D Hybrid Structure of Tin Perovskites Applied as Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with a Mesoscopic Carbon Electrode, SnI2 as Tinsource, SnI2/PbI2+MAI or SnCl2/PbI2+MAI, J Mater Chem A 2017, MAI+SnCl2/SnBr2-->MASnIBr2-xClx, APL Materials,
サプライズは特に無し。Something new はスボー先生の PFAI(自家製)、投稿準備中とのこと。
【2018.4.1 記事の御紹介】
(2018年4月1日付 光触媒 大谷研究室)
【2018.3.30 移動日】
けとか発表スライドとか宿の手配とか(今更ですが)。時差 -16 時間が辛いので、
算どころか半日単位で精算します。学会プログラムに Lunch と記載あれば先方が
張旅費から差し引かれますし、Dinner time なんて記述があろうものなら2〜3千円
話を戻しますが MRS in Phoenix。砂漠の町だけあって、やたら広くて移動に手間
【2018.3.29 記事の御紹介】
Good job!
【2018.3.23 日本化学会】
再来週の MRS に備えます。
【2018.3.19 記事の御紹介】
(2018年3月22日付 財経新聞)
(2018年3月19日付 スマートジャパン)
(2018年3月15日付 日本経済新聞)
(2018年3月13日付 日経 XTECH)
− リチウムイオン内包フラーレンを有機半導体に加え抗酸化
(2018年3月9日付 日本経済新聞)
【2018.3.16 韓国にて】
(1) 金浦空港→市内へは電車で移動します。紛らわしいのは同じ路線図上にソウル
駅が2つあること。「Seoul(P313・A01)」と「Seoul Station(133・426)」は別物です。KTX
(2) KTX のエリアを決めます。今回の光州市へは湖南高速線を使用。
(3) 最終の目的駅は「光州松汀」ですぐに分かるのですが、問題は時刻表。品川と東
くいう自分も、当初予定の KTX は 1 時間以上前にカウンターへ並んだにも関わら
Google Map が使えない時点でかなりの不便を強いられます。正直、「ありえない」。
中国でもごく最近 Google Map は解禁されましたので(ログインはできませんが)、世
【2018.3.15 韓国にて】
■Global Photovoltaic Conference GPVC 2018 (Gwangju, Korea)
韓国ソウル市から南へ KTK で約 2 時間、光州広域市にある金大中コンベンション
限り David Mitzi とか大物もちらほら散見されるだけに勿体ない。
【2018.3.7 機内映画感想メモ】
・Three Bilboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri スリー・ビルボード (2017) ◯◯ 予告編 「望みを持つ以上に努力しろ」
・Star Wars: Episode 8 スターウォーズ/最後のジェダイ (2017) ◯◯ 予告編 両親は誰?
・Suburbicon ◯ 全員クズでした
・The Shape of Water シェイプ・オブ・ウォーター (2017) ◯ 予告編 aaa
・Jungle ジャングル ギンズバーグ19日間の軌跡 (2017) ◯ 予告編 身の程知らず
・The foreigner ザ・フォーリナー (2017) ◯ 予告編 せつない
・Blade Runner 2049 ブレードランナー2049 (2017) × 予告編 死にそうに退屈&随所にぼかし(苦笑)
・Murde on the orient express オリエント急行殺人事件 (2017) × 予告編 全て予想通り
・Thor: Ragnrok マイティ・ソー バトルロイヤル (2017) × コメントなし
【2018.3.6 静岡大学にて】
■The 4th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in
Shizuoka University 2018
- Joint International Workshops on Advanced Nanovision Science / Advanced
Green Science / Promotion of Global Young Researchers, on the basis of
Interdisciplinary Domain Researches -
直訳すると「静岡大学先端研究の未来に向けた第4回国際シンポジウム2018 -
手研究者の推進 - 」という、とてつもなく長い名前の包括的な会議にお招き頂き講演
【2018.2.29 移動日】
の最中、トイレに不審物が見つかったため全員外へ退去させられました。電車到着 30
【2018.2.28 ABXPV18 エピローグ】
【2018.2.28 ABXPV18 Day2】
・Loi, Maria Antonietta (University of Groningen, NL), Hot electrons in FASnI3, Large band gap blue shift vs excitation (irradiation) power, The charge carrier is extremely slow for decay, Only in Sn-based materials hot carrier lifetime is extremely long, funded by erc HySPOD project
・Shen, Qing (The University of Electro-Communications), Charge separation 90%, Charge correction 67%, Zn1-xMgxO buffer layer is chosen as model ESLs (for energy level matching, etc.) *Good research work
・Etgar, Lioz (Hebrew University),
・Di Carlo, Aldo (CHOSE - University of Rome), PCE 12.7% & 1.4W for 110cm^2, PCE 14.96% for 10 by 10 cm 15 cellls cell width 4.5 mm active area 47cm^2, From spin coating to air-assisted blade, Encapsulation Glass/Kapton
・Ogale, Satishchandra (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune),
・Manceau, Matthieu (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France), 12.2% for 1cm^2,,,
・Mastroianni, Simone (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany), HTM free, molten-salt approach for full printable, c-TiO2 Hole blocking, Dark Lock-in Thermography (DLIT),
・Era, Masanao (Saga University, JP), CHEPBI4 PL quantumn yield 7% at RT.,
Wang, Haoyi (Renmin University of China), Transient photovoltaic decay measurement, Biphasic charge carrier recombination process,
Panigrahi, Shrabani (Fct/unl, Lisbon, Portugal), Kelvin probe force microscopy, Space charge under illumination, CsPbBr3 NCs,
Aranda Alonso, Clara (Universidad Jaume I, Spain),
Stranks, Samuel D. Zahra Andaji Garmaroudi (University of Cambridge UK), Photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS), Time-resolved photoluminescence, Time-resolved Microwave Conductivity (TRMC),
Adjokatse, Sampson (University of Groningen, NL),
Uchida, Satoshi (The University of Tokyo),
【2018.2.27 記事の御紹介】
【2018.2.27 ABXPV18 Day1】
・Mendes, Adelio (GOT Solar, France), Glass frit sealing by Laser irradiation, Graphene by CVD
・Graetzel, Michael (EPFL, Switzerland), PCE=23.25% with Voc 1.122V(BG 1.46eV), Jsc 25.9mAcm^2, FF 0.8, The formulation has been changed (no detail was announced)
・Saliba, Michael (EPFL-->Freiburg Univ., Switzerland), MAFA needs annealing, CsMAFA no annealing needed, Seed assisted crystal growth, Only Cs matches the tolerance factor, Rb insmall amounts?, Cs15FA85 is the second best, CsMAFA, ANS solbent instead of CB(Chloro benzene)
・Nie, Wanyi (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Superior crystallinity when growing MAPbI3 on LiNiO, Intrinsically stable structure: cubic phase (5% Cs helps), lattice expansion (Time vs lattice parameter), Local defect hearling: reduced Mosiacity, Ion migration does not occur in the mixed cation system, Cubic phase perovskite structure helps stability over wide range of operation conditions, Ruddlesden Popper phase perovskite *Great job
・Stoumpos, Constantinos (Northwestern University),
・Zhao, Yixin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CN)
・Geffroy, Bernard (France), Ion migration, GDOES
・Mora-Sero, Ivan (Spain), New HTM FU7, FTO/C60/Perovskite/FU7 16mAcm^-2,
・Abdi Jalebi, Mojtaba (Cambridge, UK), Passivating Potassium interface reduce the ion motion
・Yasin, Amrita (specific, UK), ETL modification by KX salt KI dissolves in 4:1 DMF ...,
・Fang, Hong-Hua-->Loi, Maria Antonietta, MAPbBr3 single crystal
・Tarasov, Alexey, MA+Pb process without bi-products, Pb first, MA next, I2 vapor the last: PCE 12.2% for 4 by 4 mm, 30 by 40 cm
・Hossain, Ihteaz Muhaimeen (KIT, Germany), with SOLIANCE
・Ghosh, Dibyajyoti, Mixed cation stability & dinamics, no volume change for PbI6 but tilting angle of octahedra changes (of course),
【2018.2.23 SEPV18 Day4】
・Dr. Konrad Wojciechowsk (Saule Tech.): Perovskite
・Prof. Monica Lira-Cantu: Gender issue
・Dra. Monica Perez Cabrero: COST Project
・Prof. Christoph Brabec: OPV
・Dr. Ellen Moons: OPV
・Rico Metzner (PhD student, Germany),
・Dr. Marina Freitag (Assistant Professor at Angstrom Laboratory, Sweden): DSC
・Prof. Angela Sastre (Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Spain): Perovskite & DSC
・Jaroslav Kulicek (Slovak Academy of Sciences, SAS, Slovak Republic): DSC
・Prof. Ivana Validzic (University of Belgrade, Serbia): Sb2S3
この後フランスに移動して ABXPB18 (Rennes) へ出席します。
【2018.2.22 SEPV18 Day3】
・Dr. Bert Mannig (Heliatek, Germany): OPV
・Dr. Chris Case (Oxford PV: Perovskite, commercial stability, IEC 61215-1:2016, OxPV Technology, 2T Monolithic tandem, 23.6% for 1cm^2 Nature Energy 2 (2017) 17009,
・Dr. Konrad Wojciechowsk (Saule Tech.): Perovskite
・Dr. Zaka Ahmed (Greatcell Solar): Perovskite
・Dr. Melanie Bertrand (Armor, France): OPV
・Dr. Priti Tiwana (Merck):
・? (Eight19 Ltd., UK): OPV
・Dr. Tobias Sauermann (OPVIUS, Germany): OPV
・Prof. Natalie Stingelin: OPV, mixed phases,
・Prof. Anders Hagfeldt (EPFL): DSC & Perovskite
・Dr. Quan Liu: OPV
・Dr. Giulia Grancini (EPFL, Switzerland): Perovskite, 2D/3D/2D device, https://gmf.epfl.ch/ (Nazaruddin)
・Dr. Francesca de Rossi (Specific, UK): Perovskite, PCEaa >6% for A4 size
・Dr. Christine Lartigau-Dagron (University of Pau, France): OPV
・Duygu Akin Kara : Perovskite,
・Dr. Elif Alturk Parlak (TUBITAK, Turky): OPV ISOS standards
・Dr. Jan Cermak (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, FZU, Czech): OPV
【2018.2.21 SEPV18 Day2】
あああ、やっちまいましたよ。例によって招待講演者の Nam-Gyu があたかも自分
中で、gentle に言い切ってきましたよ。やなヤツだな>私。はは。
■Novel Photoelectrochemical Cell with Mesoscopic Electrodes Sensitized by Lead-halide Compounds (11)
Akihiro Kojima, Kenjiro Teshima, Yasuo Shirai and Tsutomu Miyasaka
214th ECS Meeting, Abstract #27 (2008).
FTO/m-TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/carbon black(PPCB)/FTO, Eff. 0.37% 全固体型
・Nam-Gyu Park (Korea): Perovskite, overview
・Dr. Hannah-Noa Barad:
・Prof. Stelios Choulis:
・Dr. Selina Olthof: Perovskite, Stability at elevated temperature, Metal oxide layers in perovskite solar cells, a double-edged sword
・Dr. Sylvain Chambon (Bordaux, ims, France): OPV, degradation
・Prof. Morten Madsen: OPV, OLED
・Christos Chochos: OPV, degradation
・Prof. Viktoria Aviyente (Bogazici University, Turkey): OPV, material design
・Prof. Rene Janssen (Barcelona, Spain): OPV, 12.8% for single cell
・Dr. Iris Visoly-Fisher: Perovskite, Concentrated Sunlight
・Prof. Mariska de Wild Scholten: Pervskite, LCA
・Dr. Lucia Serrano-Lujan: Solar cell, LCA
・Prof. James Durrant: OPV & Perovskite, Light and oxygen degradation
・Prof. Emmanuel Kymakis, Perovskite, MoS as a ETL
・Dr. Grigorios Itskos,
・Prof. Harald Hoppe: OPV
・Dr. Aurelien Viterisi: OPV
・Ana Maria Gracia Amillo
【2018.2.20 SEPV18 Day1】
なんと! 本会議、下記のHPでリアルタムのライブ映像として見ることができます。
みに私の発表は今夜、日本時間で 0:40-1:00AM です。
■SEPV live streaming now
http://stabilityemergingphotovoltics.com/programme/ (Program)
・Prof. Zakya Kafafi (SPIE, USA): Perovskite, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite, overview
・Prof. Juan Bisquert
・Dr. Pavel Troshin: Perovskite, degradation path way
・Dr. Manuel Salado: Perovskite, long-term stability
・Prof. Aldo di Carlo(Rome, Italy): Perovskite, cells to modules
・Dr. Michele Sessolo: Perovskite, Triple cation
・Dr. Ilario Gelmetti (ICIQ Emilio Lab, Spain): Perovskite, Geometric capacitance, Chemical capacitance, Differencial capacitance,
・Dra. Nuria Montcada (ICIQ, Emilio lab, Spain), Charge Injection, Carriers Recombination and HOMO Energy Level *withdrawed?
・Pilar Lopez-Varo: ion distribution,,, could not observed
・Prof. Jenny Nelson (Swansie Univ): OPV, degradation
・Dr. Emily Speller Christos (SPECIFIC, Swansie): OPV, burn-in,
・Dra. Laura Ciammaruchi(University of Rome, Italy): OPV, an Inter-Laboratory Study
・Prof. Eugene Katz: Perovskite(Israel), Outdoor degradation
・Alex Barker (for Dr. Annamaria Petrozza): Perovskite, Defect Physics
・Prof. Lukas Schmidt-Mend: Perovskite, Trap State Dynamic, MA gas healing
・Prof. Satoshi Uchida: Perovskite, low light intensity evaluation
【2018.2.18 渋谷にて】
遂に私の所にも招待状が届きました。Pokemon GO 始まって以来の総括です。
個体値の判定は 89 でした。微妙。
【2018.2.14 来客にて】
University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) より Dr. Aruna Ivaturi の訪問を頂き
iPhone X の写真、優秀。
【2018.2.13 NEDO集中研ミーティング】
【2018.2.11 記事の御紹介】
■日本発の太陽電池ペロブスカイト、年内にも実用化 柔軟で透明、窓や衣類に用途広げる
(2018年2月11日付 産経ニュース)
(2018年2月8日付 日本経済新聞)
【2018.2.7 CEREBA Meeting】
「成果報告会」とは言うものの、幹事会社の三菱化学が OPV の事業化を断念し
たのに伴い、事実上の「店じまい報告会」です。有機 EL →有機薄膜太陽電池→
ペロブスカイト太陽電池?→有機 EL と進む、黄金の負けパターン。(失礼!)
太陽電池の国際標準化活動にも本筋の TC82 ではなく TC113 から横槍を入れる
た我々 DSC →ペロブスカイト太陽電池組(& 自己資金の組合 RATO)としてはこの
低分子 C60-fullerene-dibenzo-α- pyrone (DBP) を用いた OPV でη=7 % は、
毒吐き過ぎたかな(苦笑)。 でも、これまで国が注ぎ込んだお金がほとんど無駄になりましたね。
Plasma ALD とか、CEREBA ホントお金持ち。
【2018.2.6 記事の御紹介】
(2018年2月5日付 NNA ASIA)
3 年前の記事がこちら。
(2015年6月2日付 NNA ASIA)
【2018.2.2 シンガポールから】
>写真は National Research Foundation Singapore の研究室です。
>とうとう 東大→台湾→シンガポール になりました。
わぁぁぁ! すごい、すごい。一生心に残るイベントになりましたね。
【2018.1.31 嵐にしやがれ】
【2018.1.30 AP-HOPV18 day2】
Nam-Gyu Park (Korea)
Mhaisalkar, Subodh (Nanyang Technological University, SG) LED
Jen, Alex K-Y. (University of Washington) CuGaO2 as efficient HTL Appl Phys Lett 106 221104
Jung, Hyun Suk (Sungkyunkwan University) Br gradient distribution, ★★Nano Lett., 2016, 16 (9), pp 5756-5763
Yang, Yang (Universtiy of California Los Angeles) ★Deffect passivation by urea Chem 2017 290-302, Presennce of polymers in PVSK filmsSci. Adv. 2017, 3, e1700106, Effect of polymer passivation (with PVP and PAA), Compositional engineering, 2D PVSK at grain boundaries PCE 20.32% (19.7% certified by Newport) (submitted), PVSK/CIGS tandemo solar cell 22.43% certified by NREL (submitted), Integrated perovskite/organic solar cells: Proposed quasi-fermi level pinning model Nano Lett., 2017, 17 (8), pp 5140-5147
Ohkita, Hideo (Kyoto University) Device Analysis, How grain size impacts on PV performance, ~500 nm showed the best 19.4%, Energy Environ. Sci., 2015,8, 602-609 , Large grainsize results Low Nt(trap density) with high crystallinity, Diode parameters, HTM thickness 230 nm showed the best, FF could be improved up to >0.85 assuming Voc=1.27V
Meredith, Paul (Swansea University) Nature volume 550, pages 92-95 (2017), N.B:GIST Ag+Tokyo Ta:SnO, Adv Energy Materials 5 1401221 (2015)
Barbe, Jeremy (Specific, UK) PbI2 passivation, effect for current, PbI2 effevtive thickness (minimum 30nm)
Uratani, Hiroki (U-Tokyo, Japan)
Satoshi Uchida (U-Tokyo, Japan)
Bretschneider, Simon (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research)), Hot carriers in lead-halide perovskite, J Phys Chem C 2017 121 (21) 11201-11206
Marronnier, Arthur (Paris-Saclay University) Disorder in the Black Phases of CsPbI3, Orthorhombic gamma phase (black) is good for PV, Rashba splitting, Phases CsPbI3 is hot topic and still under study, gamma phase is more stable than beta phase?, M
Lim, Jongchul (Oxford university) Charge transport properties in interdigitated electrode, Reflective index is strongly related with free carrier,
Wang, Shufeng (Peking University) ★★Scientific Reports 7 14760 2017, Advanced Science 2017 499, 1700759
Sugimoto, Manabu (Kumamoto University)
Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco (Universidad Jaume I)
【2018.1.29 AP-HOPV18 day1】
Graetzel, Michael (EPFL, Switzerland) Electric charging for viecle by DSC, 11% efficiency with copper complex solid electrolyte, X=0.15 gives optimal performance for FAxMA1-xPbI3, Magic angle spinning (MAS) solid-state-NMR ... Rb, NMR yield local and nucleus-specific information, FA reorinents faster than MA, 1.126V 24.9 mAcm^2 0.803 PCE22.5%, Perovskite solar cells with CuSCN hole extraction layers ... 20%, G24i launches beacon with DSC, Tracking out put of H.Glass (formerly g2e) modules at the Bern-Zurich motor way, Focus-induced photoresponse (FIP) A revolutionaty new application of Dye sensitized technology, trinamiX
Ginger, David (University of Washington, US) Interface Control, Non-Radiative Recombination Losses, Heteroginity in Perovskite solar cells, Variations in non-radiative trap density, Heterogeneity dissapears at high excitation intensity --> Trapas, PL Improves with range of Lewis bases ACS Energy Lett 2016 1 438-444, Atomic emission depth profiles: Additives at surface, NMR shows electron donation to perovskite, Determining internal PLQE Apply Physic 116 173504 (2014), Are organic-based materials special?, PL decays with 3 types of QDs J Phys Chem Lett 2018 9(1) 104-109
Diau, Eric Wei-Guang(National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan) (BA)2(MA)2Sn3I10+EOAI additives
Dai, Songyuan (North China Electricity Power University) Chem Comm 2013 49 7277-7279, mp-BaSnO2(BSO) in stead of / on top of mp-TiO2, B-doped TiO2, Li-TFSI doped C60 as an ETL without c-TiO2 (submitted), Li0.10-C60, *degradation of C60???
Qi, Yabing(OIST) Advanced Functional Materials 28 1703835 (2017), Energy Environ Sci 7 1377 (2014), Energy levels of surface of MAPbI3 Phys Chem Chem Phys 2014 16 22122, MAI (4nm) inbetween HTL/Perovskite interface Up shift of VB (0.3eV) PCE 17.2%, CsxFA1-xPbI3 for module x=16.8% for bulk and 56% for surface
Ripolles, Teresa Origin of Voc
Knapp, Evelyne (ZHAW, Switzerland) Inductive loop and negative capacitance, origin unknown, Solar energy materials and solar cells 189, Hysteresis strongly depends on scan speed, Impedance spectroscopy, The shape of IS strongly affected by ion mobility (<---degradation?)
Bou --> Bisquert (Universitat Jaume I) Dynamic Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells
Qin, Chuanjiang (Kyushu University) Degradation mechanism
Lin, Xiongfeng (Monash University, Australia) metal-perovskite-metal back-contact solar cells, KPFM image,
Ryan, James (NIMS) PEDOT:PSS
Patel, Jay (University of Oxford) Interface Morphology for Hysteresis-Free, ★Adv Electron Mater 2017 3 1600470
Jung, Hye-Ri(Ewha Womans University) Decomposition mapping, Air-stable Cs2SnI6
【2018.1.24 ISEST day4】
今日の発表、半分は LED。太陽電池に少し遅れて活況の様子。最後のスピーカーは私です。
【2018.1.24 ISEST day3】
話を研究に戻しますと、Yabin Qi 、、、、
■International Symposium on Energy Science and Technology 2018
【2018.1.23 エネルギーハーベスティング】
【2018.1.16 論文のご紹介】
■Computational Verification of So-Called Perovskite Solar Cells as PbI64−-Aligned Solar Cells
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164 (11) E3598-E3605 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/ente.201700308
はいはい! (^^;)
【2018.1.15 Nam-Gyu 先生です】
今日からちょうど1ヶ月間、Nam-Gyu Park 先生が東大の客員教授として滞在されます。
Wecome to Tokyo!
【2018.1.11 記事の御紹介】
■材料科学: 半導体の明るい未来
(2018年1月11日付 Nature Japan ハイライト)
■材料科学: 半導体の明るい未来
(日本語要約)Nature 553, 7687
■ペロブスカイト太陽電池の寿命評価の標準化を提案 - EPFL
(2018年1月12日付 ニコニコニュース)
【2018.1.12 新型太陽電池高精度評価技術開発】
AIST 太陽光発電研究センター(菱川先生)が主催します CONFIDENTIAL なミー
ティングです。題して NEDO「太陽電池性能高度評価」PJ第8回研究会。
の大きなデバイスに対して AIST が従来取り組んできた Vpmax ホールド法に加え
我々、有機系太陽電池の性能評価については、時代のトレンドに約 3 年ほど先駆けて取り組んできたことになります。
【2018.1.8 機内映画感想メモ】
・The Imitation Game イミテーション・ゲーム/エニグマと天才数学者の秘密 (2015) ◎ 予告編
・A Family Man ヘッドハンター・コーリング (2016) ◯◯ 心情的には◎ 予告編
・Battle of The Sexes バトル・オブ・ザ・セクシーズ (2017) ◯◯ 大人のテニス映画 予告編
・Atomic Blonde アトミック・ブロンド (2017) ◯ 三重スパイ 予告編
・Final Portrait ジャコメッティ 最後の肖像 (2017) ◯ 完成しない 予告編
・Kingsman: The Golden Circle キングスマン:ゴールデン・サークル (2018) ◯ アクション・ファンへ 予告編
・Logan Lucky ローガン・ラッキー (2017) ◯ お金持ち 予告編
・The Hitman's Bodyguard ヒットマンズボディーガード (2017) ◯ Good job 予告編
・The Man Who Brought Down the White House ザ・シークレットマン (2017) ◯ 名演技 予告編
・Turip Fever チューリップ・フィーバー (2017) ◯ 大人の映画 予告編
・Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets ヴァレリアン 千の惑星の救世主 (2017) ◯ CGてんこ盛り 予告編
・We are X (2016) ◯ エックス・ファン限定 予告編
・Baby Driver ベイビー・ドライバー (2017) × iPod 映画 予告編
・Gintama 銀魂 (2017) × 小栗旬ファンへ 予告編
・Reset リセット 決死のカウントダウン (2017) × 最初からダメダメ 予告編
・Shot Caller ブラッド・スローン (2017) × いいとこ無し 予告編
・What Happend to Monday セブン・シスターズ (2016) × 見ちゃいけない 予告編
【2018.1.5 Solar Asia 2018】
Tennakone 先生と柳田先生を Keynote speech に迎えて、前回の 2006 年を彷彿
とさせる非常に exciting な会議でした。
Kumara さん、Good job!
【2018.1.1 謹賀新年】