不定期日記(2017)   ネタは随時募集しております。ぜひ御一報下さい
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【2017.12.31 大晦日】



【2017.12.25 Advanced Materials】

 出版社 Wiley の科学雑誌、Advanced Materials に目出度く論文が受理されました。
題して「Self-organized *** and phase coexistence inside thin film organometal
halide perovskite」。詳細はマスメディア発表の都合もあるので伏せますが、ペロブス

内田画伯による素案2通りで、いずれも Kim さんの判断により敢えなくボツとなりま
 やったね! (おまけの未公開映像

【2017.12.19 Welcome to Tokyo】

 長野県松本工業高校の皆さんです。お昼過ぎから約 2 時間程、スライドによる

【2017.12.18 記事の御紹介】

グアニジン添加によってペロブスカイト太陽電池の安定性が向上 - EPFL 
  (2017年12月18日付 マイナビニュース)
Guanidinium stabilizes perovskite solar cells at 19% efficiency 
  (2017年12月17日付 EPFL News)

【2017.12.14 記録更新】

 Efficiency Tables がアップデートされた模様。

■Solar cell efficiency tables (version 51)
  (Progress Photovolt. Res. Appl. 2018, 26, 3-12)


■NREL Chart (2017/10/30)

>version 48 (Progress Photovolt. Res. Appl. 2016, 24, 905-913)
>PCE: 22.1% → 22.7%
>Voc: 1.105V → 1.144V
>Jsc: 24.97mA/cm2 → 24.92mA/cm2
>FF: 0.803 → 0.796
>PCE: 19.7% → 20.9%
>Voc: 1.104V → 1.125V
>Jsc: 24.67mA/cm2 → 24.92mA/cm2
>FF: 0.723 → 0.745

【2017.12.12 記事の御紹介】

日揮触媒化成 機能性チタニア本格供給 VB開発のDSCに採用 
  (2017年12月12日付 化学工業日報)

■inQs社が事業化している光発電素子の技術が、Best Technical Development within
  Energy Harvesting賞を受賞いたしました。
  (2017年11月15日付 inQs株式会社 ニュースリリース)
  (2016年2月10日付 独立行政法人 中小企業基盤整備機構) 
 SQ-DSSC (Solar Quartz - Dye Sensitized Solar cell) って、何ぞ!? いずれにせよ資本金
4億1,750万円 は普通じゃないですね。ここを後押ししているのが国際先端技術総合研究所株式会社。

【2017.12.11 名古屋方面出張】




【2017.12.7 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年11月30日付 夕刊読売新聞5面) 

【2017.12.6 エピローグ MRS (4)】

 ボストン滞在中、遂に LEVEL 40 を達成。私、間違い無く東大最強のポケモントレ
ーナーです。下は地元 USA チームとタッグを組んで戦うの図。
 次は「ハリーポッター GO」だとか?

【2017.12.5 エピローグ MRS (3)】

の MRS 会議にて(所属機関ではなく)国別で口頭発表者数を比較したものです。

 全部で 103 件の講演中、日本は僅か 4 名(内田・宮坂・早瀬・竹原@京大)、中国
はその 6 倍の 24 名でした。お隣の韓国にすらダブルスコアで負けており、完全に
 他、気付いた点としてはペロブスカイト太陽電池の報告論文の多くが ACS Journal
ブスカイト太陽電池であれば何でもアリの様相。それ以外では Wiley の Ad. Mater.
が若干あって、Nature 系の雑誌は非常に少なく感じられました。

 日本の雑誌では自分が Chem. Lett. を紹介した以外は 1992 年の JJAP
が 1 件

【2017.12.4 エピローグ MRS (2)】


指名となりました。1 名はアジア系のオジサン、2 名はアメリカ人の旦那+アジア系

 後者の方、小さな子供 2 人連れだったので、余裕を持って高い金額払ってビジネス

 今回の補償金は 1,000 USD (for Business Class)、個人的には割に合わないと思います。

【2017.12.3 機内映画感想メモ】

・Dunkirk ダンケルク (2016) ◯◯ リアル 予告編
・Going in Style ジーサンズ はじめての強盗 (2017) ◯◯ ドキドキ 予告編
・Love, Rosie あと1センチの恋 (2014) ◯◯ ありえねー 予告編
・The Big Sick ザ・ビッグ・シック (2017) ◯◯ 個人的にツボ 予告編
・War for the Planet of the Apes 猿の惑星:聖戦記 (2017) ◯◯ "Apes, Together, Strong" 予告編
・All Eyez on Me オール アイズ オン ミー (2017) 暗い 予告編
・Call of Heroes コール・オブ・ヒーローズ 武勇伝 (2016) 中国の闇は深い 予告編
・Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom
 打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか? (2017) イマイチだけど許す 予告編
・J REVOLUSI (2016) 微妙 予告編
・Mogan Leavey (2017) 切ない(犬好きな方へ) 予告編
・The Dark Tower ダークタワー (2017) まあまあ 予告編
・Transformers: The Last Knight
 トランスフォーマー/最後の騎士王 (2017) いつも通り 予告編
・Wonder Woman ワンダーウーマン (2017) 予想外にOK 予告編
・A Ghost Story (2017) × 分かりづらい 予告編
・Descendant (2017) × ディズニー駄作
・Drive (2011) ×× 意味不明 予告編
・Sekigagara 関ヶ原 (2017) × 前半不要 予告編
・Spider-Man: Homecoming スパイダーマン:ホームカミング (2017) × 暇潰しに 予告編
・The Lovers ザ・ラヴァーズ (2017) × ノーコメント 予告編
・The House ハウス (2017) ×これも暇潰し 予告編


【2017.12.2 エピローグ MRS (1)】

 完全勝利!Perfect game でした>キャパシタンス説。誤解の無いよう先に断っておきますが、我々の主張はイオン・マイグレーションの存在を否定するものではありません。ですが、I-V 曲線にヒステリシスが生じる主要因とはなり得ないということは、本会議で決定的に印象づけることに成功したと思います。なぜなら、仮に極薄のペロブスカイト層中のヨウ素イオン全てが分解して電子を運んだとしても、得られる電流密度はせいぜい数μA にしかなりませんから。巨大で重たいヨウ素イオンが格子の中で動き回るなど(液体ですか?)、結晶化学者のセンスとしても“あり得ない”話です。が、これまで世界中で認知されていました。

 イオン・マイグレーション説の言い出しっぺである Saiful Islam 教授@University of Bath, UK の発表が私の後にアサインされたのは、まさしく運命の皮肉でした。結局彼の発表ではイオン・マイグレーションのセッションだったにも関わらず、一言も “Ion migration” を口にすることなく終わりました。だって、根拠の乏しい、ただの概念に過ぎないことが明らかにされたんですから(お気の毒)。会場では時折不規則発言を示して虚勢を張っていましたが、翌日には居なくなってしまいました。個人的に何か恨みがあるわけではありませんが、私がやや苛ついていたことは確かです。イオン・マイグレーション説を支持する論文が出る度に、これを読めとばかり世界中の研究者にメールを送りつけてくる彼の手法は、よく言えば“積極的”で、正直“迷惑”でした。

 話を戻しますが今回、自分の発表ではいつもよりも威圧的に、上から目線で、発表スタイルを少し変えました。日本では美徳とされる“謙虚”や“沈黙”が海外では通用しないことを頭では理解していましたが、ここ数年(我々の論文が不合理に Reject されるなど)仕事で差し支えることがしばしばあったからです。研究の質と量で明らかに劣る連中に、これ以上足を引っ張られるのはもうごめんです。

 実はほぼ同じ時間帯に、下の階では表面分光を専門とする千葉大の先生が仕事関数の解釈と定義に関する発表を行い、物議を醸していました。要は HOMO や LUMO といった準位は線を横に引っ張って描くような単純なものではなく、エネルギー的にも空間的にも局所的な分布と広がりを持つものであるという内容で、ある意味当たり前の話ですが、それを理路整然と説明しきった所に価値があると思います。聴講していたそのスジの専門家コミュニティーはこれを直ぐに受け容れるには戸惑いがあったようですが、、、時間の問題でしょう。

 今回の MRS、いつも「おとなしい日本人」という印象が、良くも悪くも覆るような学会だったと思います。


【2017.12.2 移動日】


【2017.12.1 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年12月2日付 積水化学 新着情報)

  (2017年12月2日付 ASCII.jp)


  (2017年12月3日付 エネクトニュース)


  (2017年12月1日付 Forbes)

■「ヒトの眼」に着目して生まれた透ける太陽電池 - 変換効率は約10%
  (2017年12月1日付 ニコニコニュース)


【2017.12.1 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Day5】

ES01.14: Fundamental Aspects, Optical, LED, Solar Cells and Photophysics

ES01.14.01 Won Bin Kim@Sungkyunkwan University(Korea), White LED by Mn-doped CsPbCl3
ES01.14.02 Maria Grazia La Placa@University of Valencia(Spain), Quasi-2D perovskites with the BA:MA molar ratio equal to 3:3 show a remarkable PLQY exceeding 80% Chem Comm 2017 53 2017
ES01.14.03 Matthew Smith@Stanford University(USA), White LED, CH3NH3PbX Naturephoto 33b 1443 (1978), Most of (001) Pb-Br perovskites are narrow emitters under ambient conditions, layered Pb-Br hybrid perovskites Chem Sci 2017 8 4497
ES01.14.04 Lianfeng Zhao@Princeton University(USA), LED EQE 13%, Perovskite filmes are brittle (?) ACS Nano 11 3957 2017, Bulky additives, Flexible LEDs
ES01.14.05 Young-Hoon Kim@Seoul National University(Korea), LED Colloidal perovskite, Proc Natt Acad Sci USA 2016 113 11694, Nano Energy 2017 38 51, Perovskite NP >Ds films
ES01.14.06 Zhengguo Xiao@Princeton University(USA), LED Nature Photonics 11, 108-115 (2017)
ES01.14.07 Hongwei Hu@Nanyang Technological University(USA), LED with Multiple Quantum Well Structure, From 3D to 2D


ES01.14.08 Trystan Watson@Swansea University(UK), Carbon perovskite, Semi-transparent, Sheet to sheet, FTO glass/c-TiO2(50nm) m-TiO2(400-800nm)/m-ZrO2(1000-2000nm)/Carbon, binder free, 400 degree C for porosity of electrode, Robotic mesh infiltlation, potential area 250x200 for trial, PCE 7.0%, 30 days outdoors 0.49 cm2 cirtified by CIN2 Prof. Monica Lira
ES01.14.09 Stelios Choulis@Cyprus University of Technology(Cyprus), AZO exhibit an average PCE increase of over 20% Adv Energy Mater, 6(18) 1600285 2016
ES01.14.10 Silvia Mariotti@University of Liverpool(UK), Room temperature CuO interfacial layers via solvothermal method, J Mater Chem A 5 20381-20389 15.7% 1.09V (not so good)
ES01.14.11 Burak Guzelturk@Stanford University(USA), silicon/Perovskite heterojunction (not tandem) but PCE 1.34%%, n-Si/MAPI/Spiro/Au, p-Si/MAPI is ohmic contact, p-Si/MAPI/ZnO/AZO dosn't work well, CsPbI2Br hysteresis is very high
ES01.14.11 Burak Guzelturk@Stanford University(USA), Ultlafast charge separation, (1) Long carrier lifetime (2) high defecet torelance (3) modest carrier mobilities, THz emission from semiconductor surfaces GaAs InSb etc., THz emission spectroscopy in organic-inorganic, D Cahen ★PNAS 114 E5504 (2017): Cubic is non ferroelectric , Tetragonal is ferroelectric, Surface treatment with TOPO, Photo-Dember effect: Determination of individual carrier diffusivities, J Phys Chem Lett 8 948 (2017), Carrier - lattice coupling revealed by THz emission, Optical phonons & charge transport Horiz 3 613 (2016), phonon lifetimes PCCP 18 27051 (2016)
ES01.14.12 Martin Ledinsky@ASCR(Czech), Urbach Energy, Absorption coefficient of perovskite J Phys chem Lett 5 1035-1039, Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy (FTPS), Urbach focus is directly observed at A=1%, Photoluminescence (T) Ex=442nm (4kW/m^2=4 suns) for Glass/Perovskite/PMMA J Phys chem Lett 2015 6 767-772, Lower Urbach energy measured 12.3 meV at room Temperature, Dynamic disorder given by cage vibration, Urbach energy increases with temperature, Urbach energy is directly connected Voc losses, Perovskite has very low density of deffect
ES01.14.13 Yuze Lin@University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(USA), Matching charge extraction, Bandgap tuning Snaith Science 2016, 351 151, Tandem solar cell Adv Energy Mater 2017 7 1602400, How to decrease Voc defect?: Stabilized Wide Bandgap MAPbBrxI3-x Adv Sci 2016 3 1500301, Relationship between energetic disorder and Voc: Phy Rev B 20111 84 075210 Adv Mater 2017 29 1700607
ES01.14.14 Tianyi Wang@(Netherlands), Indirect to Direct Bandgap Transition, ★★hydrostatic pressure (CIP) up to 400MPa with optical window, Fraction of change at 320 MPa, The surface ionization potential Phys Rev B 2014 89 155204, CH3NH3Pb(I1-xBrx)3 Sharp Optical Band Edges J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5(15) 2501-2505, Influence of A-site cation for FAPbI3 and CsPbI3, ★Energy and Environmental Science 2017 10 509-515


ES01.15: Pb-Free, Charge Transport and Stability

ES01.15.01 George Volonakis@University of Oxford(UK), Lead-Free Perovskite ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (4), pp 904-905, Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskites J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7 (7), pp 1254-1259, Cs2InAgCl6 J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2017, 8 (4), pp 772-778, Zhao Mixed cation Zhou J Mater Chem A 2017, ★Design of Lead-Free Inorganic Halide Perovskites for Solar Cells via Cation-Transmutation JACS 2017 139(7) 2630
ES01.15.02 Taketo Handa@Kyoto University(Japan), Fundamental study of MAPBI3 woth Impact of SnF2, Burstein-Moss Shift, Blue shift without SnF2, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 90, 1129-1140 (2017), Carrier lifetime 10 times higher with SnF2, Simultaneous Time-Resolved Photoluminescence measurementJ. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2017, 8 (5), pp 954-960
ES01.15.03 Adam Slavney@Stanford University(USA), Bismuth-Halide Double Perovskite, Crystal structure of Cs2NaBiCl6 Acta Cryst. (1972). B28, 653-654 , Indirect band gap of Cs2AgBiBr6 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (7), pp 2138-2141, lead-free J. Mater. Chem., 2016, 4 12025, Defect band, 1992 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 L853-L855, Defect-Induced Band-Edge Reconstruction of a Bismuth-Halide Double Perovskite JACS 2017 139 5015, Tl+ electronic effects, A2TlBiBr6
ES01.15.04 Tomoko Aharen@Kyoto University(Japan), Effect of SnCl2 on Lead-Free perovskite, SnF2 is a "must" additive to make cells functional in most cases, (MA,FA)SnI3 with over 8%(Inverted), Halide source can be form A site reagent, PL lifetime for SnCl2 added FASnI3 films
ES01.15.05 Diana Garcia-Gutierrez@UANL(Mexico) Why phosphonium salts? (Butyl-PI)xBiyIz vs (Hexyl-PI)xBiyIz, PCE 0.007%
ES01.15.06 Jayakanth Ravichandran@University of Southern California(USA), Transition Metal Perovskite Chalcogenides, Carrier mobility vs Carrier density, Synthesis of TMPCs (stable), αSrZrSx, Adv Mater 2016 1604733


ES01.16: Preferred Crystal Orientation, Single Crystals and Quantum Dots

ES01.16.01 Hyeok-Chan Kwon@Yonsei Univ(Korea), 1-D Nanostructured, silver nanowire Nanoscale, 2016,8, 6308-6316, Nanopillar Perovskites Adv Energy Mater 6(20) 2016
ES01.16.02 Sehmus Ozden@Los Alamos National Laboratory(USA), Controlling the Crystal Orientation with with Solvent Hydrostatic Pressure
ES01.16.03 Xiaoze Liu@University of California(USA), Rydberg Exciton Polariton, Fermion vs Boson, First Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC) with cold atoms, Critical temperature of BEC, Population inversionless lasing, Exiton in perovskite, CsPbBr3 cavity structure, *under review
ES01.16.04 Steffen Duhm@Humboldt-University(Germany), Tracking the formation Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 061904 (2015), Tracking the formation, LED by Antisolvent Vapor Treatment Adv fictional Mater 27(28) 1700338 2017, Why perovskites exhibit n-type behavior? CH3NH3PbI3-xClx, White light irradiation of thin film, CH3NH3PbI3-xClx: Electronic Structures and Energy-Level Alignment ACS Appl Mater interfaces 9 7859 (2017)
ES01.16.05 Meng-Huan Jao@National Taiwan University(Taiwan), Single crystals, Dodecahedral vs Cubic, Crystal growth evolution ★★Crystal growth Des 2017 17 5945-5952,
ES01.16.06 Martin Kaltenbrunner@Linkoping University(Sweden), ★Light weight solar plane, Si Nanopores - XRS at DESY, Al nanopres - TEM and XRD, Pore size and band gap, Aluminum oxide template, Glass(FTO)/c-TiO2/nc-APbX3/nano porous alumina/HTL/Au, ncPerovskite LEDs

【2017.11.30 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Day4】


ES01.11: Interface, Passivation and Device Engineering

ES01.11.01 Antonio Abate@Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin(Germany),
ES01.11.02 Samuel Stranks@University of Cambridge(UK), Ion migration, Remarkable Defect Tolelance .... But Not Entirely, Still significant non-radiative lossese, Light soaking Passivation Post-Treatment, Brenes Jourl 2017 1, Single-Crystal-Like Properties, Translation to PV Performance: Noel EES 2017, Oxygen species bind strongly to vacancies: DFT calculation, Oxygen and light passivates vacancies, Photo-induced ion migration, deQui*** Nature Comm 2016 7, Mechanism: Passivation of defectsites, Passivating Interlayers Decorrating the Surfaces, Remarkable Increase in Luminescence, Inhibiting Ionic Segragation, Potassium Halides Decorating Surfaces (with Halyde vacancies), Improved interfaces, Transition to PV Device Performance, Large Bandgap Stability
ES01.11.03 Nam-Gyu Park, Sungkyunkwan University(Korea), Kovalenko Science, Torelance factor: Chem Sci 2016 7 4548, Cs0.1Fa0.9PbI3, Why LHP is defect-tolerant?, Chem Mater 29 4667-4674(2017), 2nd perovskite 6.5% Nanoscale 3 4088(2011), Precursor chemistry: tyndal effect, Pb2I4 are created from high concentration, nature photonics, Solid state perovskite (2012), ★The 2017 Clarivate Citation Laureates, Grain boundary *** Nature Energy 2016, TEM TRPL and C-AFM, Control of I-V Hysteresis J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6 4633-4639, PEA2PbI4, Humidity Test, Device stability of 2D on perovskite surface, Only KI? other alkali metal iodide?, Where is the potassium ion? Defect: Vacancy interstitial antisite and Frenkel, Beyond PV, Risk of medical X-ray radiation, Muliticrystalline perovskite crystal (MPC), Polycrystalline thin film vs single crystal (100) facet, low-dose X-ray imaging Nature 550 87-91 (2017)
ES01.11.04 Tingli Ma@Kyushu Institute of Technology(Japan), Flexible perovskite, WOx based ESLs for PSCs, J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6 755, Chemical modification with TiAcAc, Adv Mater. 2016 Mar 2;28(9):1891-7, Flexible PSCs based on ZnO ESL, No report about the bifacial perovskite solar cell Optical Engineering, 56(11), 117107 (2017)
ES01.11.05 Jeremy Hieulle@OIST(Japan), STM for MAPb(Br)x(Cl)y(I)z, Stability vs Bandgap change,


ES01.11.06 Shuzi Hayase@Kyushu Institute of Technology(Japan), MAPbI3/ZnMgO/FTO, FTO/ZnMgO/MgxZn1-xO, PVK, SnF2 doping gave better than SnF2 doping, Sn/Pb perovskite, J Phys Chem Lett 2014 ***,
ES01.11.07 Andrew Rappe@University of Pennsylvania(USA), Ionic and electronic motion, Local polar fluctuations ***, Local Polar Fluctuations Phys Rev Lett 118 136001 (2017), Results of Raman calculationg, Instantaneous and averaged structures, Typical MD trajectories at 500K: Large amplitude of Cs motion, Analysis MD trajectories CsPbBr3, Cs head-to-head motion, ★★Tetragonal<-->Cubic ACS Energy Lett 2 937 (2017)
, Statics of , Effective Hamiltonian, Phase transitions of MAPBI3, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (30), pp 17421-17428, Pair correlation function simulation, Pair correlation function under illumination, Rashba coupling enhanced carrier lifetime, Nature Letter 15(22) 7794 (2015), Experimental observations of Rashba splitting in CsPbBr3 Magnetooptics
ES01.11.08 Philip Schulz@NREL(USA), Interface defects, HTM/MoO3/Spiro-OMETAD/MAPbI3, High-Work-Function Molybdenum Oxide ★ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (46), pp 31491-31499, CsPbI3 quantum dots, IPVF with CNRS
ES01.11.09 Longbin Qiu@OIST(Japan), Effect of PEIE and PEI interface layer, PS for high durabilitym, polymer interface layer on top of TiO2 J. Phys. Chem. B, Article ASAP
ES01.11.10 Silvia Motti@IIT(Italy), Nonlinear Carrier Interactions and the Role of DefectsJACS 2016 138 13604-13611, Photo-induced halide redistribution Nature Communications 7 11683 (2016)


ES01.12: Synthesis, Large Area, In Situ Monitoring, Interface Engineering and Preferred Crystal Orientation

ES01.12.01 Henry Snaith@University of Oxford(UK), Highly stable perovskite, Phase instability FAPbI3 G.Eperson Energy & Environmental Science 2014 7 982, Advanced Material 2017 29 160418 ?, p-Type material, Mo(tfd-COCF3)3 vs Li-TFSIACS Energy Lett 2017 2(9) 20144-2050, Science 10.1126, OXFORD PV, IEC Stability testing *No science, no something new, just showing the I-V curve & time dependency of PCE, Boring!
ES01.12.02 Dongqin Bi@EPFL(Switzerland), PCE 20.8% certifiedScience Adv 2016 2 1501170, 21.6% in NREL chart, Science A vacuume ***, 19.6% for 1cm^2 A vacuum flash-assisted solution process, A vacuum flash-assisted solution process Science 09 2016, Low-cost HTM: X51?
ES01.12.03 Yue Yu@University of Toledo(USA), [Pb(SCN)2] precursor CHemSusChem 2016 9(23) 3288-3297, 4-T Perovskite/Silicon Tandem ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 1177-1182
ES01.12.04 Rahim Munir@KAUST(Saudi Arabia), Blade Coating, Time resolved GIWAXS, Adv Mater 29 2 1531- (2016)
ES01.12.05 Brandon Dunham@University of Massachusetts Amherst(USA), Low-Temperature Planar, PbI2(DMSO) without pin hole, Graphene surface Modification, Graphene as a protective overlayer


ES01.12.06 Zafer Hawash@OIST(Japan), Energy levels alignment of MAPbI3, interface band alignment of HTM , Interfacial doping of MAPbI3 ★★Sci Rep 2017 7 40267, p-doping of MAPbI3 J Phys Chem Lett 2017 8 3947, The interfacial doping is due to dissociated MAI, Dissociated Iodine species, MAI modification is not an extra conversion step and results in non-stoichiometric ratios, Proof-of-concept on devices showed enhanced PCE and reproducibility
ES01.12.07 Dounya Barrit@KAUST(Saudi Arabia), In Situ Investigation of PbI2 Precursor Film Formation, JMR 32(10) 1899-1907 (2017), X-ray scattering (GIWAXS), Evidence of retained solvent in as-cast PbI2 film, Formation of intermediate phases during spin coating, Conversion of PbI2 to MAPbI3 from its precursor states, In situ GIWAXS during spin coating, In situ quartz micro balance dissipation, Effects of mixed cations (MA)x(FA)1-xPbI3
ES01.12.08 Ming-Chun Tang@KAUST(Saudi Arabia), In-situ UV-VIS absorption, In-situ GIWAX snapshots, In situ 2D GWAXS intensity map, Wide-bandgap MAPbX3 (X= Br to Cl), Morphology analysis
ES01.12.09 Neda Pourdavoud@Bergische University of Wuppertal(Germany)-->Thomas Riedl, Low-Threshold Distributed Feedback Lasers, Threshold needs to comedown, nanoimprint 100 degree C & 100 bar pressure, Photonic Nanostructures Pattern for perovskite ★★Adv Mater 29 1605003 (2017)
ES01.12.10 Donghoe Kim@NREL(USA)-->Zhen Li, (-111) uniaxial-oriented perovskite, (FAI-PbI2) ratio reached 0.6 ratio, perovskite filme showed highest for DO?, {-111} oriented, Reaction mechanism of (3MAI-PbCl2), Topotactic oriented attachment, 300% Enhancement of Carrier Mobility Adv Mater 29(23) 1606831 (2017), Extrinsic ion migration in perovskite solar cells Energy Environ Sci 2017, Li+ migrate to cause hysteresis (funny)
ES01.12.11 Aryeh Gold-Parker@Stanford University(USA), PbCl2 Derived MAPbI3, PbCl2+3MAI in DMF, In situ grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD), In-situ annealing reveals three distinct regimes, Cl exist in two different phases in the ***

ES01.13: Poster Session IV

 そう言えば昨年、熱病のように流行ったラシュバ効果(Rashba effect) の議論、今回は発表一件だけでした。

【2017.11.29 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Day3】

ES01.08: Low-Dimensional, Ferroelectric, Grain Boundary, Passivation and Hole Transport Material

ES01.08.01 Yuanyuan Zhou@Brown University(USA), Grain Boundary Engineering, "Soft" Crystalline Materials, What is not grain boundary, Cracks and Gaps are not GBs!, "Cluster" boundaries are not GBs!, High-density grain boundaries are not favorable!, Nucreation Rate & Growth, Annealing Induces Supersaturation at high temp., When supersaturation occurs at RT, Grainsize and uniformity must be well balanced, New liquid precursor exhibit tailored metastability, Ultla low Grain boundary density ★ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (9), pp 2166-2176, GB can be functionallized conforcally with ***, Effect of GB "Wall" thickness on PV performances, GB-functionallized Perovskite by TBCP shows high stability
ES01.08.02 Taiho Park@Pohang University of Science and Technology(Korea), Dopant-free polymeric HTMs, sponsored by POSTEC, p-type CuI Islands on TiO2, Diketopyrolopyrole(DPP)-based polymer Adv Energy Matter 2015 5 1500471, Pros and cons for the use of LiTFSI, Ideal hole process in additive ***, Random copolymer to improve solubility and mobility, Dopant-free polymericENergy Environ Sci 2016 9 2326, JACS 2017 139 12175, Homopolymer for the green-solvent process, 2-Methyl anisol (2-MA) is green solvent, PCE=9% without dopant, P-TEG 18.4%, asy-PBTDBT PCE 18.3%
ES01.08.03 Luis Ono@OIST(Japan), Up-Scaling modules, CVD-based process, Methylamine Gas-, Solar RRL 1 (2017) 1600019, Stable Large-Area (10x10 cm2) 10% ACS Energy Lett 2 (2017) 1749, Active area over 1cm^2: ACS Energy Lett 2 (2017) 2540, materials today ENERGY (2017) 10.1016/j.mtener.2017.09.008, CVD J. Mater. Chem A2 (2014) 18742, J Mater Chem A 3 (2015) 16097, PbCl2(100nm) film, Tube evacuated and N2 flow (100Pa), MAPbI3 and FAPbI3 perovskite filmes by CVD, High Uniformity RMS roughness 36nm Thickness ~320nm, Larger modules J Mater Chem A 4 (2016) 13125, Design and patterning of solar modules, 5x5 xm^2 Adv Func Mater 27 (2017) 1703835, FTO/c-TiO2/Cs0.07FA***, Methyl-amine gas induced crystallizationJ Mater Chem A 4 (2016) 2494, 33% of iodine and H missing?, 33% Pb excess?, Smaller surface roughness and less grain boundary Mater Horiz 3 (2016) 548, MA is not stable for heat so that they use FA
ES01.08.04 David Mitzi@Duke University(USA), High-performance and versatile perovskite, D perovskites is highly versatile Chem Rev 116 4558 (2016), Solvent engineering spin coating: Nature Mater 13 ***, Additive of Pb(SCN)2 can improve perovskite, Additive of MA(SCN) enables RT processing, Energy Environ. Sci., 2017,10, 2365-2371 ~5% PbI2, SCN --> larger aggregates in solution --> larger grains in film (& facilitates removal of DMSO), Melt-processing of HOIP films?, (R-NH3)2SnI4 example Chem Mater 14 2839 (2002), Melt Processing Chem Mater 29 6200 (2017), The why of the melting temperature trend?, Future work J Electronic Mater 10.1007/s11664-017-5814-0 (2017), RIP-MAPLE provides a versatile approache for vacuum-based HOIP deposition
ES01.08.05 Xiaopeng Zheng@University of Nebraska-Lincoln(USA), Defect Passivation, indacenodithiophene end-capped with 1.1-dicyanomethylene-3-indanone (IDIC), as a multifunctional interlayer Advanced Materials 29 (7)


ES01.08.06 Yongzhen Wu@East China University of Science and Technology(China) with NIMS, Stable large area, Science (2015) 350 944, 18.21% of 1cm^2 cell Nature Energy 2016 1 16148, Additive Adv Mater 2014 26 3748, ★Reviwe work of additives J Mater Chem A 2017 5 3193 , MAAc (ionic additive) +TSC, because of low decomposition temperature, 19.6% for 1.025 cm^2 simple MAPBI3 Adv Mater 2017 29 1701073, State-of-the-art EDS mapping, PbI2-TBP complexes Adv Mater 2016 28 10738, Spin-coating TBP on perovskite film (no good), Screening "Corrosion-free", Diluted pyridine solution on perovskite, Low temperature processable interlayer, Carbon based interlayer, Reduced graphene oxide (γ-GO), Adv Energy Mater 2017 1700763, ? Chem Sci 2017 8 2629-2639
ES01.08.07 Qi Chen@Beijing Institute of Technology(China), Perovskite building blocks, 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00925, Nano Energy 40 ***, Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 1706, ★MA vs FA vs Cs tuning ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (9), pp 8804-8813
ES01.08.08 Charles Surya@Hong Kong Polytechnic University(Hong Kong China), Oxygen passivation ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (48), pp 32805-32814, ? 10.1021/acsami.7b1009, ★TiO2 nano lodJ Mater Chem A 2017 5 15970, FF 0.7797 19.02%
ES01.08.09 Haotong Wei@University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(USA), radiation sensor, X ray and Gamma Ray, Indirect Conversion vs Direct conversion, Advantages of MAPbBr3, highly sensitive X-ray imaging Nature Photonics 11 315 (2017), Cl- ions allowing to improve mobility, Small dark current, ature Materials 16 826-833 (2017), 137Cs Energy Spectrum Detection, 137Cs photopeak resolution(?) 12%, The dark current was supressed half
ES01.08.10 Elizabeth Tennyson@University of Maryland(USA), Real-Time Mapping of Perovskite Intragrain Instabilities at the Nanoscale, Extracting Voc from illuminated KPFM measurement Nature comm 7 11683 (2016), 16 seconds/scan, Mapping perovskite dynamics in real-time ~0.6V, Nano Lett 17 2554 (2017),


ES01.09: Two-Dimensional, Electrodes, Pb-Free and LED

ES01.09.01 Tsutomu Miyasaka@Toin University of Yokohama(Japan), Tolerance of Polymer HTM-Based Perovskite, Impact of Electron irradiation ex. 1MeV 10^16/cm^2 for P3HT based Perovskite, ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 1760, Proton irradiation (50 KeV), (1) considerably thin absorber film less than 500nm, (2) large diffusion length, (3) defect torelance to defects/traps, Adv Energy Mater 2017 1700577 ?
ES01.09.02 Il Jeon@The University of Tokyo(Japan), Carbon Nanotubes as Both Electrodes, [Li+@C60] as dopant in Spiro, (1) Instant oxidation of Spiro-OMeTAD, (2) including hydrophobicity, (3) Anti-oxidant activity, PCE 16.8% for [Li+@C60]TFSI- will be published in JACS
ES01.09.03 Maximilian Hoerantner@MIT(USA), Energy Environ Sci 10(9) 1983-1993, Nature Reviews Chemistry 2017 (accepted), 2-terminal (1.65eV) maximum efficiency 31.8%, The Potential of Multijunction Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (10), pp 2506-2513


ES01.09.04 Su-Huai Wei@Beijing Computational Science Research Center(China), Theoretical Investigation of Stable Pb-Free, Defect formation energy of CH3NH3PbI3, Alloy Properties J Phys Chem Lett 5 3625 (2014), ? Chem mater 28 284 (2014), From perovskite to double (-->more stable), Cs2AgBiBr6 by doping
ES01.09.05 Scott Silver@Princeton University(USA), Theoretical Investigation, 2D perovskites as multiple quantumn wells
ES01.09.06 Jingbi You@Chinese Academy of Sciences(China), ★SnO2 as a ETL with planer 19.9% Nature Energy 2, Article number: 16177 (2016)
ES01.09.07 Jean-Christophe Blancon@Los Alamos National Laboratory(USA), 2D perovskites
ES01.09.08 Stefanie Neutzner@Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia(Italy), 2D spectroscopy in a Nutshell

ES01.10: Poster Session III

 AM8:00-PM17:00(oral) + PM20:00-PM22:00(poster) ×5 days+時差ぼけ (16hr)、この学会、辛過ぎる。

【2017.11.28 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Day2】

 宮坂先生 & Bisquart 登場、Qingbo Meng 氏は発表キャンセルです。なぜか今日の方が人数多いかも。以下、強烈な眠気と格闘しながら実況中継致します。

ES01.04: Interface Engineering, Hysteresis, Ion Migration, Polaron and Lattice Dynamics

ES01.04.01 Qingbo Meng, Chinese Academy of Sciences(China) withdraw
ES01.04.02 Xudong Yang@Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Shanghai China), Large area and stability, Active Energy of Ion migration, Nature Comm 2017, Reverse structure, FA Perovskite Film Thermal Stability, Controlled Iodide Diffusion, G-PCBM can improve the efficiency with high reproducibility, 85 degree C thermal aging test 500 hours: >98%, Photostability 1000 hours >90%, Dark storage over 5000 hours
ES01.04.03 Juan Bisquert@University of Jaume I(Spain), Perovskites: Electrode polarization Solid State Ionics 2010 181 859-863, Distribution of ions, ACS Energy Letters 2017 2 1450-1453 , Capacitive current in hysteresis, Capacitance spectroscopy, ★★Charge distribution in perovskite solar cell, Hysteresis with different contacts, Capacitance properties, Light-Induced Space-Charge Accumulation Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 2016 525-528, The slow photo voltage decay, Hysteresis: (1) Surface polarization model, The Journal of Photo Physical Chemistry Letters 8 ***, Excellent charge collection - Mesoscopic PSCs, (2) Surface ** Model, Surface Recombination and Collection The journal of Physical Cemistry Letters 7 5105-5113 (2015), ★★Voc from Dark Conditions to 1 Sun J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6 (22), pp 4640-4645, Photon recycling, Florescent collectors, Modulating light emission spectroscopy, Book series on solar cell by CRS Press
ES01.04.04 Xiaoyang Zhu@Columbia University(USA), speaker changed into Kiyoshi Miyata@Kyushu Univ., Large Polaron Formation, (1) Long carrier lifetime (2) Defect torelance (3) Modest mobility (10s cm^2/Vs), Screening from polar environment polaron formation, A charge in polar environment, Crystal-liquid duality from dielectric function, MAPbBr3 vs CsPbBr3, CsPbBr3 also shows good properties, Liquid-like structural dynamics from TR-OKE, Polaron formation time: 0.3 ps in MAPbBr3 and 0.7 ps in CsPbBr3 Science Adv. 3 e1701217 (2017), Polaron forms from inorganic lattice in both MAPbBr3 and CsPbBr3 within 1 ps, Energy loss processes, Cooling slows down after polaron formation, Hot carriers observed by other techniques, Critical density for polaron formation & "phonon-glass" character might be keys, Transport of polaron in HOIPs phonon dress slow it down, Additional dress: Dielectric drag, ACS Energy Lett., 2 2555 (2017)
ES01.04.05 Michael Toney@Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC(USA), Polaron Lifetimes, Dynamic disorder sets MAPI apart from most semiconductors, High-energy resolution scattering, Beecher ACS Energy Lett 2016, Prior work has probed acoustic phonon branches, We measure scans at fixed Q (varing hν), Measured TA dispersion aligns with prior reports, We see significant broadning ***, Optic phonons may dominate ***


ES01.05: Interface Engineering, Ion Migration, Defects, Optical and Charge Transport

ES01.05.01 Alex Jen@University of Washington(USA), Dopant-Free Organic HTL, Crosslinked HATNA for stable perovskite, OPV+Perovskite hybrid (New)
ES01.05.02 Saiful Islam@University of Bath(UK), Defects & migration, Atomic defects & mobile ion species?, Oxygen & light effect?, Defect Chemistry, Schottky type: intrinsic, Calcs suggest significant concn, Ion Vacancy Migration, Migration Energy: Lowest E (0.58eV) iodide vacancy, Kinetic expts (p.Barnes), Major issue: long-term stability, Need fundamental understanding, Angew Chem (2015), O2 & Light Effects: O2 reaction/uptake, Superoxide & passivation, Key Issues?, Reaction with just O2 not favourable, Oxygen Diffusion Into Films, Significant oxygen uptake, ToF-SIMS rapid ***, Superoxide Formation Sites?, Iodide vacancy --> most favourable site, PbX2 --> F centre: ***, Superoxide at Iodide Vacancy, Can we supress by O2?, Passivation: Iodide Salt Coatings, Iodide salts - reduced degradation, A-cation Mixing: Increased Stability, Questions: Mixed A-cation Perovskites, A-site Cation Mixing: Structural Trends, Stronger Hydrogen Bonding: Stability Effect?, Dynamics: Locked Octahedral Tilting, Change in Dynamics: FA-cation tumbling
ES01.05.03 Dane deQuilettes@University of Washington(USA), Generated Planck Law, Record QFLS Measured in Surface Passivated Filmes, Relationship of PLQE and Total Optical Losses, Multi-Metal Substrates to Control Parastic Absorption, Record Internal PLQY Measured in Passivated Film, TOPO Passivated Film Have Low Non-Radiative Loss
ES01.05.04 Jarvist Frost@University of Bath(UK), Polarons in CH3NH3.PBI3, What is Polaron?, The most simple polaron theory, Phys Rev 892 144308 (2015), Reducing Carrier Density in Formamidinium Tin Perovskites ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 2647-2652, Polaron formation - explains ***, Poralon mobility, Calculated Im(X), Polaron Recombination
ES01.05.05 Jinsong Huang@Central South University(China), Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite, Switchable ***, Lateral Structure Hybrid Perovskite Devices Connected in Series, Nature Materials 14 193-, First observation of APV in MAPbBr3, Oxygen Observation of APV, Oxygen sensitive APV Effect, Ionic Back Diffusion Current?, Ferroelectric? No, CH3NH3+ ordering? No, Ion migration & Dropping Effect, Formation of p-i-n ***, Local Tunneling Junctions and Band Bending, Low temperature poling does not work, Evidence for Tunneling Junctions?, Alignment of Tunneling Junction, Ion migration barrier, Aligned Tunneling Junction *** by KPFM observation, Oxygen sensitive tunneling junction, ★J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7
ES01.05.06 Cheng Li@University of Bayreuth(German), Hysteresis in I-V curves, Chronoamperometric Bias-Stress Experiment, Adv Mater 28 2446 (2016), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy - Device Structure, Photoluminescence Imaging Microscopy, Nature 523 196 (2015), PL imaging Microscopy, Impedance Spectroscopy, Fluorescence of perovskite film under Iodine atmosphere, Reducing Hysteresis using PCBM, PCBM Suppressing Ion Migration, PCBM -Perovskite devices, Activation energy PCBM Supressing Ion Migration, Pathways for Ion Migration ★Applied voltage is ~20V and PL shows decomposition


ES01.06.01 Laura Herz@University of Oxford(UK), Optoelectronic Properties and Stability, Charge-Carrier Recombination, Diffusion, and Radiative Efficiencies Acc Chem Res 49 146 (2016), Mobilities, Lifetimes, and Concentrations of Trap States Acc Chem Res 49 146 (2016) *very less original data
ES01.06.02 Yanfa Yan@@University of Toledo(USA), Density-Functional Theory, Replacing Pb, Spin-Orbit Coupling J Phys Chem Lett 2013 4 2999, Adv Mater , What makes Pb halide perovskite absorbers so unique? ★J Phys Chem C 20153 4 119 5253-5264, No strong Fermi ***, Benign grain boundaries
ES01.06.03 *withdraw ES01.06.04 Congcong Wang@University Rochester, Valence band dispersion measurements Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 5361-5365, XPS, UPS: Bandgap 2.3eV & Ionization potential 6.1eV, ARPES, Gamma points 0.73 eV, Valence Bands Dispersions, Cubic (001) single crystal 1cm


ES01.06.05 Mercouri Kanatzidis@Northwestern University(USA), The Renaissance of Halide Perovskites Acc. Chem. Res., 2015, 48 (10), pp 2791-2802, Watch the M-X-M angle, Why the bandgap so sensitive?, Perovskite Formability, Structure-Band Gap Relationships Inorg Chem 2017 56 56-73 perovskitos, Classification of perovskite, Lead free, CH3NH3Sn1-xI3, Sn or Pb are not even at the center of the octahedron! JACS 2016, MAPBI3, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (17), pp 5543-5546, Photovoltaic Response, Importance of Reducing Atmosphere Hydrazine ... N2H4 JACS, Hollow 3D Perovskites enFASnI3, hollow perovskites: a new type of 3D perovskite, Bandgap of MASnI3 + en, PXRD patterns of MASnI3 + en, What are hollow perovskites?, more [enH2]2+ increasing bandgap, disconnecting the structure, hollow 3D perovskite {en}FASnI3 ★Science Adv 2017 3 e1701293, 2D (R-NH3)2(MA)n-1 ***, Ruddlesden-Popper Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskite 2D Homologous Semiconductors Chem. Mater., 2016, 28 (8), pp 2852-2867, 2D n=3 bromides with white light emission
ES01.06.06 Hemamala Karunadasa@Stanford University(USA), double perovskites, αphase -->βphase by pressure, incorporating Bi3+ into a 3D perovskite, Defect-Induced Band-Edge Reconstruction of a Bismuth-Halide Double Perovskite JACS 2017 139 5015 *very less original data
ES01.06.07 Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena@MIT(USA), Sb-based perovskite, Band gaps ~2 eV, Cs3Sb2I9 vs Rb3Sb2I9 vs K3Sb2I9, Charge Carrier Lifetimes, Exciton Binding Energy, Film Mophology, Devices, Solar Cell Performance 0.41% for K3Sb2I9
ES01.06.08 Seong Sik Shin@KRICT(Korea), Low-Temperature synthesis BaSnO3 photoelectrode, Colloidally prepared La-doped BaSnO3 electrodes Science 2017 14 167-171, Low Temperature Synthesis of BaSnO3 below 200 degree C, Acceleration of H2O2 decomposition, BaSnO3 Thin Film, Device Performance: 20.3%(Avarage) and 21.2%(Max) for pure MAPBI3, Photo-Stability Test

ES01.07: Poster Session II


【2017.11.27 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Day1】


 それにしても「一体、何の冗談?」言いたくなるのですが、これだけ世界的に認知された大規模国際会議で、日本人のスピーカー(参加者)は今のところ私一人だけです。これでは日本にペロブスカイト太陽電池研究者はいないと思われても仕方ないかも。良くも悪くもアクティビティが過熱している対中国との比較で、ますます存在感が低下どころか「全く無い!」状況、まずくないですか?> NEDO の皆様。

 お金を掛けた国プロの研究成果をみすみす公表する必要は無いという発想は、それはそれで理解できるのですが、立場が違うとただの井の中の蛙だったりします。まずくないですか?> NEDO の皆様。
ES01―Perovskite Materials and Devices―Progress and Challenges

ES01.01.01 Pablo Docampo@Newcastle University(UK), The Influence of Water Vapor on the Stability, Humidity degradation, Chem Mater 27(9) 3397-3407 2015, Precursor stoichiometry, 5% MAI Excess vs Stoichiometric vs 5% Excess PbI2, ChemSusChem 9(18) 2699-27072016, Where is the PbI2? →inclusion shown as a dot, Devices, Trap densities, Impact of Rb and Cs, ACS Energy Lett 2017 2(10) 2212-2218, Is it in the lattice?, Rb vs Cs, Stability, Composition RbPb2I4Br
ES01.01.02 Michael Saliba@EPFL(Switzerland), Multicomponent Perovskites, trelance factor, Adding Cs to MA, FA(triple cation perovskite), Reproducibilitu & efficiency & stability, Which cation to use next?, Saliba et al Science 2015, Stability at elevated temperature, Can other cations be integrated?, Advanced Materials 2017, High voltage with ***
ES01.01.03 Liyuan Han@NIMS(Japan), High performance cell to module, Science 350 944 (2015), Mixed cations (MA+FA) Perovskite, Adv Mater 22 4918 (2015), Heterojunction Engineering, Eff=18.21% Area=1cm^2, Energy Environ Sci 10 1942 (2017), Advanced Materials 2017 29 (28), 1701073, Further scaling-up of PSCs?, Solution Spreading Method, Soft-cover deposition (SOD) method, Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 2295-2301, Solvent-free amine complex precursor, Nature 550 92-95 (2017), Pressure Processing Method for Perovskite Film, Film mophology, Nodule performance, Module efficiency and stability test, 36.1cm^2 Module 12.1% certified by AIST , →36.03cm^2 13.89% certified by AIST, Module cost & LCOE, Adv Science 1600269 (2017)
ES01.01.04 Tae-Woo Lee@Seoul National University(Korea), OLED, 3D & 2D structure
ES01.01.05 M Ibrahim Dar@EPFL (Switzwerland), Operationaly-stable PSC, graphen oxide, Au/CuSCN/PSC


ES01.01.06 Hyun Suk Jung@Sungkyunkwan University(Korea), Choiw Yu@North Korea, Plasma Enhanced ALD (PELAD) probided Flexible Perovskite Solar, Energy and Environ Sci. 2015, Recycling , Rinse by DMF? Nature Communication (2016), Lead Removal with Hydroxy apatite (HAP) powder, ★Br-Concentration Gradient Perovskite: Nanoletters (2016), Effect of electron/hole extraction on stability of Perovskite, Generation of hole = Bond Breaking, Application of PSC on Water Splitting PEC Cells
ES01.01.07 Henk Bolink@University of Valencia(Spain), Fully Evaporated High Efficiency,Benign interfaces Perovskites, Perovskite diode for photovoltaics and light-emission, Diode Characteristics, Electroluminescense "Diode" Characteristics, Fully vacuum deposited PSC, p-i-n vs n-i-p solar cells, ★Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3456, PCE=20.3%, Ideality factors, Electroluminescence characteristics, Reciprocity between electroluminescence and ***, Very thick > 800 nm NIP cells, Tandem devices, Wide bandgap absorber complementary to MAPI, Representative tandem cell performance Adv Energy Mater 2017 1602121, TiO2 based vapor phase deposited device with Afshin Hadipour@IMEC, Non radiative losses, Tandem devices with same absorber, Small area cells, Front cell Voc= 1.193V, Best large areas "MAPI-MAPI" tandem PCE 23.01%, 4-source vacuume deposition
ES01.01.08 Wei Huang@Chinese Academy of Sciences(China), Observation of unusual Bandgap Energy of CH3NH3PbI3, Vis-NIR PC-R System, Characterization of MSC, Electric Field-dependent PC, Temperature-dependent PL Spectra, Kinetic Model of Photoluminescence Processes, Excitation --> Transfer --> Recombination, arXiv.1707 (patented).
ES01.01.09 Satoshi Uchida@The University of Tokyo(Japan)
ES01.01.10 Maksym Kovalenko@ETH Zurich(Switzerland), Colloidal APbX3 Nanocrystals, Nano Letters 2015 15 3692-3696 (January 2015), ACS NAno 2017 11 3819-3831, Perovskite red wall: all three primary are unstable at RT, Highly dynamic surface coordination from NMR, ACS Nanao 2016 11 3819-3831, New surface chemistry, 4x washing is possible, ★superlattice of CsPbI3


ES01.02: Commercialization, Synthesis, Large Area, Stability and Tandem

ES01.02.01 Kai Zhu@NREL(USA), Large-Scale High-Performance module, Rising effort on scalable deposition, significant room for improvement on scaling up, Transition from spin coating to scalable coating, spin vs blade coating: different processing environment, Short process window: Morphology variation, Solvent effect on precursor film Nature Energy 2017 2 17038, DMF is very short, NMP+DMF is longer, Blade-coated perovskite films, Comparison between blade and spin coating, Device optimization with fullerene modification, Construction of perovskite mini-module, Blade coating towards mini-module, High Voc mini module ~4.5V for 4 cells, Can we prepare perovskite device fully scalup?, ETL(TiO2) thickness dependence : cell vs module, for cells 100nm but 10 for module, Causes of the different ETL thickness dependence?, Non-ideal interconnection contact (FTO/TiO2/Au) changes from Schotkey diode to Ohmic befavior with decrease ***, rovskite improves cell performance, Aperture PCE 15.6%, Active area PCE 17.9%, Geometric FF 87%-88%, R2R 8.5 inch wide x85 inch long (~4661m^2), Potential of Perovskite PV technology
ES01.02.02 Feng Yan@Hong Kong Polytechnic University(Hong Kong China), Application of 2D Materials, Graphen as a conductive material, Semi-transparent, Flexible, Adv Mater 27 3632-3638 (2015), Adv Mater 29 1700192 (2017), Efffect of D-sorbitol in PEDOT:PSS, Effect of Spiro thickness, Multilayer Graphene Electrode, Air-processed Perovskite Solar Cells, ★Moisture Tolerance Angewandte Cheme 127(26) 7727 (2015), XPS characterization of CH3NH3PbI3-x(SCN)x, Perovskite solar cells prepared in humid air, moisture on perovskite crystallization Nature Comm 7 11105 (2016), ★Perovskite photo detector, ★phototransistors based on perovskite Light: Science & Applications (2017) 6, e17023 (2017)
ES01.02.03 Wallace Choy@University of Hong Kong(Hong Kong China), Improved crystallization, Adv Func Mater 2017 27 1606525
ES01.02.04 Bert Conings@Hasselt University(Belgium), Accidents Happen―Perovskite Solar Cells in a Fire


ES01.02.05 Michael McGehee@Stanford University(USA), Tandem Solar Cells, sponsored by SunShot, 23.6% for 1cm^2 Nature Energy 2 (2017) 17009, ALD Zinc doped SnO2 buffer layer enables suputtering of ITO, IEC Standard Tests for Solar Cell Certifications, Perovskite-perovskite tandems Science, FA 253 nm Cs 18* nm, ★★XRD, Band Gap Tuning with different Cs content JACS 2017 139 11117, How big a problem is Sn2+ oxidation?, Pb Stabilizes Sn Perovskites, Mechanism of Tin Oxidation and Stabilization by Lead Substitution in Tin Halide Perovskites ACS Energy Letters 2 (2017) 2159, Flexivle thin film barrier from Vitrifiex
ES01.02.06 Dewei Zhao@University of Toledo, Toledo (USA), Tandem cell with efficient interconnecting layer, Mixed Sn-Pb low-bandgap (~1.25 eV), Nature Energy 2017 2 17018, 4-T tandem cells, WBG=1.75eV
ES01.02.07 Federico Pulvirenti @Georgia Institute of Technology(USA), Work-Function Modification of FTO, Organic ETF, electrochemical potential & electrical behavior C60 vs PTCBI, Solar cells using C60 as ETM perform better than solar cells using PTCBI
ES01.02.08 Laxman Gouda@Bar-Ilan University(Israel), Open Circuit Potential Build-Up, The working mechanism is different at low light intensity, 7.1cm by 7.1 cm, MgO passivates surface trap in TiO2, 100 to 150 nm is good thickness
ES01.02.09 So Yeon Park@Sungkyunkwan Univ(Korea), Magnetic hydorxy-apatite composites

ES01.03: Poster Session I


【2017.11.26 2017 MRS Fall Meeting Registration & Tutorial】

 とあるスジの方々と夕食を取るの図。ロブスターは 1 皿が 1 人分です、食い過ぎ。

【2017.11.25 移動日】

ビスすら無いですからね。東京往復・税込で¥119,000 也。

 そうそう、今回出掛ける前に ESTA の有効期限が切れていることを自覚していた
のですが「72 時間前までに登録するように」説明があるのに気付いたのが 2 日前。
あはは(手遅れ!)。内心焦りつつ、でも結果オーライでした。申請から僅か 1 時間


 結局、案の定? 乗り継ぎの飛行機が 2 時間以上遅れて到着が深夜になり、当て
にしていたシャトルバスが使えなくなったため、通常のバス 2 本と地下鉄 2 本を乗
り継いで、ようやくホテルに着いたのが朝の 2 時。ここまで 2.75 USD、疲れ。

【2017.11.13 PVSEC-27 Day1】

 [Hamakawa Award]

・203mm×203mm module with Eff=12.6% (World largest)


 がしかし、その後で参加登録を済ませたら既に¥5,000 払って申し込みしていること

 700 enrties 25 Countries, More than 300 contributed talk, 2 keynote speaker, 10 plenaly talk, 20 invited talk, 236 Poster

【2017.11.12 PVSEC-27(大津市)Tutorial】

・She was PhD student at University Valencia in 2012
・They changed process from evaporation method to ink jet printing
・The product shows at around 10% for flexible substrate
・A4 size flexible cell is now ready
・Stability 2009: few minutes, 2016: 1000hours 2017: over 10000 hours
・Their product survive 6 month in the dipping water
・Perovskite is recyclable

【2017.11.11 訂正】

 Big mistake! (sorry) 先日の不定期日記の【2017.10.31 記録更新】にて

(誤)「単結晶シリコン c-Si 太陽電池 (η=22.3%) の効率も超えた模様。」
(正)「多結晶シリコン poly-Si 太陽電池 (η=22.3%) の効率も超えた模様。」



【2017.11.7 御礼】

輸送材を開発されている(株)アイシン・コスモス研究所様より設立 25 周年を記念し

【2017.11.6 記事の御紹介】

東大、ペロブスカイト太陽電池で変換効率20.5% − 希少金属使わず実現
  (2017年11月6日付 日刊工業新聞)


【2017.11.2 論文の御紹介】

凄い研究が Nature ではなく Scientific Reports だということ。

 自分らがペロブスカイト太陽電池論文を投稿しても時折、いや、かなり! 辟易する
ことがあるのですが、トップジャーナルに限って Referee or Reviewer の質が決して高
くない(と言うより建設的でない)こと。かつ judge が fair でないこと。なんだかなぁ、

■ カブトムシ 「角の謎」分かった 名古屋大など発表
  (2017年11月2日付 毎日新聞)


■Complex furrows in a 2D epithelial sheet code the 3D structure of a beetle horn
  K. Matsuda et. al., Scientific Reports 7, 13939 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-14170-w

 「AとBを混ぜて効率が上がりました」調の Nature or Science 論文は沢山あるのに...

【2017.11.1 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年11月1日付 日刊工業新聞21面)


【2017.10.31 記録更新】

 ペロブスカイト太陽電池効率に関して、NREL チャートが更新されました。η=22.7%
by KRICT。遂に CIGS (η=22.6%) CdTe (22.1%) は無論のこと、多結晶シリコン p-Si
太陽電池 (η=22.3%) の効率も超えた模様。

 また量子ドット太陽電池も η=13.4% で記録更新ですが、これもペロブスカイト組成

■Research Cell Efficiency Records (Rev 10-30-2017) 
  (2017年10月30日付 NREL)

■NREL, University of Washington Scientists Elevate Quantum Dot Solar Cell World
  Record to 13.4 Percent
  (2017年10月27日付 NREL, Press)


【2017.10.25 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年10月24日付 NHK NEWS WEB)

■文化勲章、喜びの声 奥谷博氏、芝祐靖氏、藤嶋昭氏ら
  (2017年10月25日付 朝日新聞 DIGITAL)

■光触媒研究50年「驚き倍加」 東京理科大学長の藤嶋昭さん(75)
  (2017年10月24日付 産経ニュース)

■文化勲章 光触媒応用感慨深く 東京理科大学長・藤嶋昭氏
  (2017年10月24日付 毎日新聞)

  (2017年10月24日付 読売新聞)


【2017.10.9 NHSC11 Extra】


 済みません、いつものデジカメが壊れてしまったので写真(←iPhone 6s)がボケボケです。
 伊藤先生、お疲れ様でした! オマケ1 オマケ2

【2017.10.7 記事の御紹介】

■HTB ペロブスカイト太陽電池、変なホテルで採用
  (2017年10月6日付 日本経済新聞)

  (2017年10月5日付 一般社団法人環境金融研究機構)

【2017.10.6 仕事道具です】

オープンです(USA を除く)。私的には周囲をあまり刺激せず、起動が速くてさっと撮

い、どうにもならなくて恐らく最後の在庫?と思われる機種を Amazon 経由で購入し
ました。5 年前のモデル(2012.3製)が中古で¥28,000。 たけー

 Cyber-shot DSC-TX66、神機です。

【2017.10.6 記事の御紹介】


■グレッツェルの太陽電池 (翻訳)

■2017 年に国際エネルギー賞「グローバルエネルギー」を授与した Michael Gretzel
  教授の講演 - 「ペロブスカイト太陽電池の急速な離陸」 (翻訳)

【2017.10.5 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年10月5日付 理化学研究所)

■ペロブスカイト太陽電池でブレークスルー、安価な材料で耐久性向上 - EPFL
  (2017年10月5日付 マイナビニュース)

【2017.10.6 TC82 at Neuchatel】

 今週いっぱい、スイスのヌーシャテルで国際電気標準会議 IEC(TC82)のミーティ

【2017.10.5 エピローグ・Nobel Prize in Chemistry】


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【2017.10.4 Nobel Prize in Chemistry】

 いよいよ本命の化学賞、18:45 からライブ中継されます。

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

【2017.10.3 Nobel Prize in Physics】

  |         |  |
  |         |  |_____
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  |      /  / |// / /|
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  |  /  /  |文|/ // /  (´⌒(´祭だ!!祭だ!!`)⌒`)
  |/  /.  _.| ̄|/|/|/    (´⌒(´∧ ∧⌒`)`)`)⌒`)
/|\/  / /  |/ /     (´⌒(´(,゚Д゚ )つ `)`)
/|    / /  /ヽ  (´⌒(´⌒  (´⌒( つ |〕 /⌒`)⌒`)
  |   | ̄|  | |ヽ/|  遅れるな!!   ( |  (⌒)`)⌒`)
  |   |  |/| |__|/.   ∧__∧ ⌒`)ド し'⌒^ミ `)⌒`)ォ
  |   |/|  |/  (´⌒(´( ´∀` )つ  ド  ∧__∧⌒`)
  |   |  |/    (´⌒(´( つ/] /    ォと( ・∀・ ) 突撃--!!
  |   |/        ( |  (⌒)`)  ォ ヽ[|⊂[] )`)
  |  /         (´ ´し'⌒^ミ `)`)ォ (⌒)  |
  |/                     .   ̄ (_)`)`)

報道陣が 8 社詰め掛けてスタンバっているそうです。

*中崎先生調査によりますと、昨日!宮坂先生の 2009 年の JACS 論文が被引用
  数で 2013 年の EPFL(グレッツェル研)の論文を抜いてトップに立ちました

 物理学賞の発表は今日の 18:45 からです。フェアに見積もって「重力波」の方が確率高いと思います。

【2017.10.1 記事の御紹介】

■ノーベル賞発表、あすから続々 つくばゆかりの研究者に吉報届け
  (2017年10月1日付 東京新聞 TOKYO Web)



【2017.9.30 論文の御紹介】

 手前味噌の論文紹介その 2。平滑な FTO ガラス板と市販品(NSG)の凹凸加工が
された FTO ガラス板でヒステリシスと効率の経時変化を比較した論文です。中身は
それほどトピック性ありませんが、前回のシンガポールの国際会議 ICMAT/MRS2017
に合わせて Energy Technology 誌がペロブスカイト太陽電池特集号を組み、なんと
我々の論文を取り上げて 10 月号の表紙を飾る栄誉を頂きました。

■Effect of TiO2 Surface Treatment on the Current-Voltage Hysteresis
  of Planar-Structure Perovskite Solar Cells Prepared on Rough
  and Flat Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Substrates
  L. Cojocaru, S. Uchida, K. Tamaki, P.V.V. Jayaweera, S. Kaneko, H. Wang, J. Nakazaki, T. Kubo & H. Segawa
  Energy Technology 5, 1-5 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/ente.201700308  Cover Art

 これ、ある意味象徴的で、ここでは I-V 曲線が分裂するヒステリシスの主要因は



 先日の PSCO 会議でも、あまりにもひどい発表が見られたので、質疑の時間に
「我々の数百枚に及ぶ高解像度の TEM 画像観察では主張するほどの欠陥は見当

 と言うわけで急遽自分の発表に用意したスライドが以下の 8 枚。如何にイオン・

【2017.9.29 論文の御紹介】

 例の我々の c-Si, DSC, Perovskite 太陽電池、3つを低照度条件で性能評価し

■Determination of unique power conversion efficiency of solar cell showing
  hysteresis in the I-V curve under various light intensities
  L. Cojocaru, S. Uchida, K. Tamaki, P.V.V. Jayaweera, S. Kaneko, J. Nakazaki, T. Kubo & H. Segawa
  Scientific Reports 7, 11790 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10953-3  Supplementary Information

 “低照度”を謳った論文は既にいくつか報告がありますが、この目的のために LED
ソーラーシミュレータを作るところから初めており、10-6 Sun(100万分の 1 Sun!)ま

(1) 結晶シリコンは、特に Jsc が光量の低下と共に直線的に低下します(とても素直
な、分かりやすい挙動です)。しかしながら Jsc がゼロに至る前に Voc が先に 0 に
なるため、あるレベル(今回の試料では 10万分の1 Sun 以下)で突然、発電を止め
てしまいます。c-Si の低照度における発電には閾値があることが分かりました。

(2) 既に知られている話ですが、DSC と Perovskite は光量を下げても効率はほとん
ど低下しません。しかしながら 1万分の1 Sun を切った辺りから効率は急激に上がり
始め、I-V 測定結果では最終的に 100% を越えます。無論、何かが間違っています。

 当初この結果を得た時は何が起きているのか分からなかったのですが、約 1 年半
I-V 測定から得られる値が正しくないことが分かりました。即ち、キャパシタンス自身
(3) キャパシタンスの大きな太陽電池の評価において、既存の I-V 測定には限界が
あることが明らかになったため、(Voc, Jsc の取得は諦めて)Pmax だけを追求するこ
とにし、新たに最大電力点追従制御 (MPPT) 装置を開発して効率を求めたところ、
 苦労話は尽きないのですが、LED ソーラーシミュレータ(Iris-1, セルシステム)に
ついては、我々の要求を満たすために特殊な(市販されていない!)“赤外線 LED”
を専用に提供してもらい、少なくとも可視光域では 2 光源式ソーラーシミュレータよ
分光放射計でスペクトルをモニターしながら 31 種類 54 Valve ある LED 全ての出

 また MPPT 装置(VK-PA-Pico, SPD 研究所)も「基本的にショート・レンジの I-V
殊なオペ・アンプを 3 個組み込んで電圧を常に動的にバランスさせ、装置あるいは


 この場を借りて「セルシステム」「SPD 研究所」並びに「分光計器」皆様方の御協力
に深く感謝致します。また AIST 太陽光発電評価センターの菱川先生にも多くのアド

 け標準条件 STC (25℃, 100mW/cm2, AM1.5G) とは異なる低照度での評価に
 MPPT を用いてはどうか?というアイディアを日本側から IEC へ提案し、現在国際

 本文は図が 3 つだけですが、補足説明には更に図 12+表 2 の詳細が記されています。

【2017.9.28 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年10月1日付 エキサイトニュース)

  (2017年10月1日付 エネクトニュース プレスリリース)

  (2017年9月29日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)

  (2017年9月28日付 新電力ネット プレスリリース)

■【環境経営に挑む 積水化学工業】先端技術でCO2排出量を削減
  (2017年9月28日付 SankeiBiz)

  (2017年9月27日付 ITmedia)

  (2017年9月26日付 マイナビニュース)

  (2017年9月25日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)

■ノーベル賞有力候補に日本人研究者 「ペロブスカイト」って?
  (2017年9月21日付 ハフィントンポスト)

■ノーベル化学賞候補に日本人研究者 米の学術情報会社
  (2017年9月20日付 朝日新聞 DIGITAL)

  (2017年9月19日付 マイナビニュース)


【2017.9.21 機内映画感想メモ】

・Everything, Everything エブリシング (2017) ◯◯ 切ない 予告編
・The Secret Scripture (2016) ◯◯ 結果オーライ 予告編
・Alian: Covenant エイリアン: コヴェナント (2017) 一作目と同じ 予告編
・King Arthur: Legend of the Sword キング・アーサー (2017) 最後の2分だけ 予告編
・Pirates of the Caribbean
 パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン/最後の海賊 (2017) 定番、サプライズ無し 予告編
・Rough Night ラフ・ナイト (2017) 予告編
・The Circle (2017) ひたすらエマを見る映画 予告編
・The Mummy ザ・マミー/呪われた砂漠の王女 (2017) ミイラ祭り 予告編
・Unlocked (2017) ○ アクション映画 予告編
・Guardians of the Galaxy:Vol21 (2017) × 長すぎ
・My Cousin Rachel (2017) × 5分でギブアップ
・Nワイルド・スピード ICE BREAK (2017) × ノーコメント
・Neko Ninja 猫忍 (2017) × どうにもつまらん 予告編

【2017.9.21 エピローグ PSCO】

 ペロブスカイト太陽電池国際会議(PSCO-2017, Oxford)無事終了致しました。日本



【2017.9.20 PSCO Day3 曇り】

[Tsutomu Miyasaka]
・Metal oxide materials for scaffold / electron ....
・Al2O3 scaffold >1.07V ...
・Thermal stability of FAPbI3 ambient air and moisture, Adv Energy Mater 2017 1700677
・Light intensity dependence of Jsc and Voc
・ambient air (RH 20-25%)
・ACS Energy Lett 2017 2 1760-1761
・Smaller crystals spontaneously merge into larger *He could not observe any change for grain size by SEM
・Brookite scaffold
・Device fablication on 125 micrn meter plastic film
・imec 23.9% conversion efficiency
・Future potential of perovskite single cell

[Aditya Mohite (Los Alamos National Laboratory)]
・The emergence of layered 2D perovskites for stable and high-efficiency optoelectronic devices
・Nie-Blancon, Nature Comm (2016), Neukirch Nano Letters (2016)
・Superior crystallinity of perovskites on NiO (vs PEDOT:PSS)
・Suppressed light-induced degradation, Nie et al Advanced Material (2017)
・Light-induced lattice expansion leads to high-efficiency solar cells
・Ruddlesden-Popper layered 2D perovskites - crystal structure ...
・Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phase
・Mixed phase vs pure phase layered 2D perovskite
・Optical properties
・3D vs 2D perovskite
・Exciton Rydberg states: Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) using effective mass Green Function ...
・Magneto-absorption spectroscopy
・Strong exciton binding Energy >100 meV for n=5
・Origin of high performance devices using RP perovskites - Role of edge (or ...)
・What is the origin of efficient solar cells & LEDs?
・Origin of low-energy states in thin-films

[Annamaria Petrozza]
・Understanding defect physics in metal-halide perovskites for optimizing optoelectronic devices
・Photoluminescense, JACS 2014 136(51) 17730
・Voc: Science 2012 33 643-647, Adv. Mater...
・Carrier Trapping and Recombination & Open Circuit voltage
・Nature Communication 6, 6142 (2015)
・Photo-current: Steady State: Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3472
・Electron carrier is predominantly trapped
・Photo-current: Transient
・Fabrication matters
・Why Slow Recombination Matters for Voc?
・What is the Chemistry of Defects related to the observed Photophysical Behaviour?
・Photo-induced Defects: ACS Energy Letter 2016 1(4) 726-730
・No Intensity Dependence of Traps Formation
・Spectral Features
・Structures and Point defect
・Role of structural deformations? Science 172 567 (1971)
・Structural vs Point Defects
・Non Resonant Excitation

[Emilio Palomares]
・Carrier Recombination Kinetics at the Perovskite/Selective Contacts Interfaces
・Ion migration/hybrid perovskite Kinetics
・Photo Induced Chearge (PICE), (TPE) Adv. Energy Mater 2017 7 1601509

・PIDC J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2015) 127(15) 5087
・Solar cell performance: ACS Energy Letters 2016 2 1 182
・Spiro-OMeTAD vs polymers: Sci Rep 2017 7 6101, Sci Rep 2017 7 6101
・Spiro-OMeTAD vs HTM (TAE-1): Chem. Comm.

[Seigo Ito]
・Interface Optoelectronics for Tandem Solar Cells by Perovskite and Silicon
・High efficiency is important for the commercialization
・J Phys.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 8 (2016) 33553
・Stability: ChemSusChem 9 (2016) 2604, Energy Technology (2017)
・FTIR Line-scan analysis
・utilization of FA and Cs
・Lead-Free Perovskite: Bi ans Sb were observed on the TiO2 substrate PCE 0.06%
・Cu3BiI6/TiO2 has no hysteresis!

[Ni Zhao]
・Towards Highly Efficient and Stable Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells
・Wide bandgap Hybrid Perovskite (WBHP)
・Photo-thermal Stability
・Our Strategies: Lattice-Grain-Surface
・Stability Issue of FAPbI3: δ-FAPbI3(white) forms
  Adv Mater 28 9986 (2016)
・BA Modification on WBHP Cs0.15FA0.85PbI2.2Br0.8 (Eg ~1.72eV) Adv Energy Mater (2017)
・Photoluminescence Mapping
・Improved Stability-Higher Br ratio
・Rb Incorporation in PSCs
・Interstitial Cations (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+) in Perovskites
・Extrinsic Cations in Perovskites Theoretical ...
・Experimental evidence for Reduced Ion Migration

[Aron Walsh (University of Bath)]
・Defects in Halide Perovskites: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
・Point Defects in Photovoltaic Materials
・Defect Tolerance: Acc Chem Res 49 528 (2016)
・Defects: Equillibrium Property of Crystals F.A>Kroger "Chemistry of
・Defects: Levels in the Band Gap Mott & Gumey "Electronic Process in ionic crystals"
・Defect in Kesterite Solar Cells Wallace, Mitzi, ACS Energy Letters 2 776 (2017)
・Defecs: Theory and Experiment
・Many Defects but Few Carriers
・Many halide perovskites are intrinsic
・Iodine Vacancy: Ionized Donor J Chem Phys 146 220901 (2017)
  ΔE=3 meV
・The low formation energy of Vi+ implies a
・I- chemical potential insensitive to molar ratio
・Electronic (Carrier) Compensation
・Doping Limits of Semiconductors
・Self-Regulation of Charge Angewandte Chemie 54 1791 (2015)
・Perovskites: Soup of Charged Defects
・Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductivity
・Halide Ion Transport Solid State Ionics 1983 203-211
https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-2738(83)90025-5 ・Solid-State Ion Diffusion Nature Comm 6 8497 (2015)
・Factors Driving Ion Migration
・MAPI is Themal Insulator Physical Review
・Slow Hot Carrier Cooling arXiv:1708.04158 (2017)
・Big Question: Hot Perovskites

[Jao van de Lagemaat (NREL)]
・Carriers and excitons in perovskites - hot carriers, spins and grain boundaries
[Sam Stranks]
The Impact of Local structure on the Optoelectronic Properties of Metal Halide Perovskites
・Roll-2-roll coating on flexible substrate
・Excitons enhance absorption in Pb Halide Perovskite
・exciton presence results in strong OSE
・Strong optical Stark effect
・Analysis of linear absorption in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskites
・Transient absorption Nature Photonics 2015 10 53
・Not just Moss-Bustein but also band-gap ....
・Carrier thermalization
・Model fits extraordinary well
・In PIA region absorption is due to BGR
・low vs high excitation density
・J Appl Phys 1982 53 3813
・Are grain boundary


[Sam Stanks (Cambridge)]
・Deffect Control in Perovskite Films through Light and Atmospheric Passivation
・Remarkable ...
・Local Light Soaking: Humidity is Beneficial
Brenes, Joule 2017, 1
・Surface vs bulk 2-photon PL mapping
・Single-Crystal-Like Properties: Surface Recombination Velocity 〜0.4 cm/s
・Oxygen species bind strongly to vacancies
・Oxygen and light passivates vacancies
・Mechanism: Passivation of defect sites

[Wanyi Nie]
The Effect of Light Soaking on the Lattice Change and the Impact Towards Long-Term Photo-Stability in Cs Doped FA-MAPBI3 Mixed Cation Perovskite Alloys
・→Light induced lattice expansion: the implication ....
・Structure evaluation under illumination: uniform lattice expansion along all planes
・General effect in hybrid perovskite ...
・Lattice expansion leads to enhancement crystalinity
・Deeper analysis on GIWAXS
・Voc and FF increase in sync with lattice expansion, Jsc remain unchanged!
Interfacial barrier removal after light soaking (120 min), peak efficiency achieved ~20.4%
・Band alignment change after illumination leads to efficient charge collection at low field
・Flat band voltage and injection balance get ...
・Photo-Stability: No Photocurrent Degradation

[Dibyajyoti Ghosh]
Mixed Cation Halide Perovskites: Stability, Dynamics and Electronic Properties
・A-cation mixed halide perovskite stabilize
・Dinamic Properties Nano Lett 2017 17 4151
・A-site Cation mixing: Structural Trends
・Stronger Hydrogen Bonding: Stability Effect? Adv. Mater 2017 1606258
・Change in Dynamics: Locked Octahedral Tilting
・Change in Dynamics: Slow FA-cation fumbling JACS 2017 139 10055

[Lukas Wagner]
Closing the gap: real-time photovoltaic evolvement during perovskite crystallization
・What Happens During the Crystallization?
・Real-Time Crystallization Analysis
・Model Architecture: Graphite Based Monolithic Cells
・Luminescent Grains Upon MA Gas Melting
・Real-Time Monitoring of EQE

[Virgil Andrei]
Metal-encapsulated organolead halide perovskite photocathodes for bias-free solar fuel generation
Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 1528
・Tandems: Perovskite-BiVO4 (for water splitting)
・Challenges: Scaling-Up 0.045cm^2 PV cells →

[George Volonakis]
・In-based lead-free halide double perovskites
・ACS Energy Letters 1, 1233 (2016)
・What are we looking for?
・J Phys Chem Lett, 7, 1254 (2016)
・J Mater Chem A ~2.5% just accepted
・Cs2InAgCl6 J Phys Chem Lett, 8, 772 (2017)
・Design of Lead-Free Inorganic Halide Perovskites for Solar Cells via Cation-Transmutation JACS 2017 139(7) 2630
・J Phys Chem Lett, 8, 3917 (2017)
・J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (1), pp 166-173 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b11845

[Francisco Palazon]
・Preventing degradation of perovskites with ultrathin X-ray-graphitized organic layers
・A "permeable" material
・Degradation: How to avoid H2O, heat ...
・Colloidal Nanocrystals
・Direct lithography on NC films
・CsPbI3 F. Palaz... ACS Nano 2016


[Andreas Hinsch (ISE)]
・How much electrochemistry is present in iodide based perovskite solar cells?
・Example: In-situ perovskite solar cells, SEM/EDX of cross section
・Photo-physical (fast) and electrochemical (slow) principle of perovskite solar cells
・Potential switching of in-situ cell (Voc→Jsc) at 1 sun
・Charge extraction, charge transport, ...
・Iodine redox reaction in-situ cell
・Is electrochemistry beneficial in PSC? Possible answer: Yes

[Sjoerd Veldhuis (NUs)]
・Ultra-low Amplified Spontaneous Emission Threshold from Highly Stable CH3NH3PbBr3 Nanocrystals using Benzyl Alcohol
・A good PV material is a good light emitter?
・Why nanocrystals (NCs)? Size matters High PLQY (>80%)
・Adv Mater 2016
・PLmax = 526 nm (2.33eV), PLQY >95%, Lattice a=
・ASE characteristics: 1 photon absorption (1PA:λ=400nm)
・Role of benzyl alcohole?
・Ligand binding motifs: Analytical Chemistry 2013 85 8974

[Marco Anni (University of Salento, Italy)]
・Temperature dependence of the Amplified Spontaneous Emission from CsPbBr3 nanocrystal films
・Nano Lett 2015 15 3692
・Excitation density dependence at T=290K
・Excitation density dependence at T=10K
・ASE temperature dependence
・at T less than 90K Uniform quenching at low wevelength was observed
・Defects (trapping, detrapping / radiative defects): Too complicated
・ACS Nano 2017 11 3819-3831

[Satoshi Uchida]
・Comparison of power conversion efficiency of solar cell showing hysteresis by I-V measurement and MPPT method under various light intensities
[Aram Amassian]
・Hybrid Perovskite Ink Solidification: An in situ viewpoint
・Chem. Rev. 117 6332 (2017)
・In situ Time-Resolved GIWAXS
・Two-step Process - MAPbI3 J Mater Res 32 1899 (2017), ACS Energy Lett 2, 1960 (2017)
・MAI:PbI2 in DMF Adv Mater 29 1604113 (2017)
・Triming of Thermal Conversion
・Drip Triming - MAPbI3

[Andreas Baumann]
・Experimental evidence for polaronic transport in methylammonium lead iodine perovskite

[Yasuhiro Yamada]
・Electron doping effects on CH3NH3PbX3 (X=I and Br) single crystals: Electronic and optical studies
・How carriers work in Perovskite?
・Doped Electron Density
・Hall measurements
・Optical properties
・Origin of fast recombination
・Can electron be doped in perovskite?
・Intrinsinc defect formation?

【2017.9.19 PSCO Day2 晴れ】

[Nam-Gyu Park (SKKU)]
・Disruptive Technology
・On the I-V Hysteresis: Serve hysteresis leads
・Control of I-V Hysteresis J Phys Chem Lett 2015 6 4633-4639
・How to reduce or eliminate I-V hysteresis in normal structure ...
・Higher energy for iodide displacement in 2D than in 3D
・Humidity Test
・5-ammoniumvaleric acid (5-AVA): (5-AVA)2PbI3
・Hysteresis comes from defect of ionic ...
・Thermally induced PbI2 on surface of perovskite
Nano Lett., 2017, 17 (7), pp 4270-4276
・SnO2: promising ETL material
・Nanocrystalline ... for LED
・Risk of medical X-ray detector
・Funding: NRF (MSIP), Gloval Frontier
Frontier Energy Solution

[Henk Bolink (University of Valencia)]
Solvent engineering ・Nature Material 13 897903 (2014)
・Solution process vs Vacuume
・Vacuume: Widely used industial deposition technique, Intrinsically additive
・Sublimed perovskites: ... Yes!
・APL Mater
・Novaled GmbH
・Energy Environ Sci 2016 9 3456 ・Efficient vacuum deposited pin and nip perovskite Energy Environ. Sci., 2016,9, 3456-3463
・Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Adv Energy Mater 2017 1602121
・Tandem devices with same absorber
First MaPbI3-MAPbI3 tandem cells (90nm+400nm cells) *unpublished results
・Multi ... (MAI+PbI2+CsBr+FAI)
・Sponsor: OXFORD PV+novaled+Photon etc(CA)

[Christoph Brabec (Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen Nurnberg)]
・Overcoming Hysteresis
・motivation which PV can be printed?
・technology: Perovskite X-Ray Detectors
・technology: 4T tandem - perovskite solar cell
・technology: Hysteresis free interfaces
 XRR analysis of the 1st interlayer at the perovskite interface, Adv. Mater in revision
 Kelvin Probe Spectroscopy of Cross Section of Devices: TiO2 cell vs SAMS cell
Capacitance by ion diffusion
・motivation: perovskites - material library

[Stephan Buecheler (EMPA)]
・Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells and ...
・"Light weight" is the main reason to fascinate
・Lightweight Thin Film PV Modules
・S. Pison et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017)
・Flexible and NIR transparent ~14%
・All-laser Scribed Flexible Perovskite Mini-Modules

[Dr. Jinsong Huang (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)]
・Understanding the properties of perovskite for high performance devices
・Figure of Merits of Radiation Detectors for Medical Imaging-Sensor ...
・State of-art technologies for X-ray imaging
  Direct conversion: Anorphous selenium
  Indirect conversion: Scintilator+photodetector
・What do we need for highly sensitive radiation Detector?
  Absorption - highZ, Large mobility-lifetime product, Intrinsinc semiconductor for low dark current
・Electron-hole diffusion lengths Science 347 967-970 (2015)
・Extended absorption using thicker crystals
・Defect passivation Nature Energy 2 17102 (2017)
・Evaluation Under radiation 3.77×10^12 Bq
・Sensitive X-ray detectors Nature Photonics 10 333-339 (2016)
・UV-Ozone Passivaties Surface Traps of Single Crystal
・MAPbBr3 X-ray Detectors Integration of ...
・Integration with other substrates
・Electronic Connection of the Interface: Suppressed dark current by interface dipole layer
・Gamma Rays:
 Signal photon was detected and finally counted by ...  Signal is calculated to be around 2 nA induced by single 662keV photon ・Strategy to improve the Bulk Resistivity
・Cl- Ions Alloying improve the Mobility
・Record Mu-Tau Product
・Gamma-ray spectroscopy Nature Mateials 16 826833 (2017)

[Christophe Ballif (EPFL/CSEM)]
・Perovskite on silicon tandems: recent progresses and what it will take to extend the Si learning curve
・Series Interconnection by patterning ...
・Uniformity of the perovskite coating: (LBIC)
・High efficiency minn-modules
・Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)99.5Pb(Br0.17Io.83)3(Cs ....
・Adv, Mat Interfaces
・What can you expect from a tandem device?
・Paradigm for Si based tandems III-V/Silicon
・GaInP/Si HJT 4-T 32.45% Certified Efficiency
・32.81% Certified Efficiency Absolute 2 junctions 1 Sunworld record: 6 mA/cm^s from external luminescence
・SolMat 141 (2015) 407-413
・EPFL/CSEM perovskite ACS Energy Lett 2016 1(2) 474-480
・23.2% 4-Termibnal tandem device 1.03cm^2 ・Monolithic tandem cells: Optical losses
・dx.doi.org/10.1002/aenm201701609, sorry
・Cost structure...
・J Werner Ad. Mater Interface 2017
・Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell with Cell Area >1 cm2 J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7 (1), pp 161-166

[Alex K-Y. Jen (University Hong Kong)]
・Most community used HTL in conventional Spiro-OMeTAD
・Analogs Developed to improve Spiro-OMeTAD HTL
・Dopant-Free Discotic HTL for High PCE (18.2%) ...
・Dopant-Free Organic HTL for Conventional n-i-p PVSCs
American Chemical Society 2016 138 (36), 11833-11839
・Crosslinked HTL for High PCE(18.3%) and Stable PVSC
Adv Energy Mater 2016 6(21) 1601165
  Zhao, Angew Chem Int Ed (2016) 55 1 ???
・Crosslinked HATNA ETL for Stable PVSC
・Delafossite CuGaO2 as efficient HTL for PVSC
Adv. Mater 2017 1604984
・All Inorganic CTL for High PCE (~19%) and Stable PVSC
・Development of Perovskite-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells: Two-Terminal vs Four-Terminal
・All Inorganic CTL for High PCE (~19%) and Stable PVSC
  Development of SBG ・For-Terminal Perovskite-perovskite Tandem Solar Cells   
Adv Mater 2016 40 8990
・Two-Terminal Perovskite-perovskite Tandem Solar Cells   
Adv Energy Mater 2017 1602121
  Highly Efficient Perovskite-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Adv Mater 2017 29(34) 1702140
・How to further Extend Perovskite Adsorption?
・What is an "ideal" BHJ layer?
・OPV/Perovskite Hybrid Solar Cell Devices: 19.2% Adv. Mater. 2017 in press

[Alex Zunger (University of Colorado)]
・Discovery of New Halide Perovskites as a design problem
・Find a superlattice with target properties
・Phys Rev Letters 108 068
・Should CuAgO exist?
・Singe Perovskite
Chemistry of Materials 29 524 (2017)
・Many shades of instability: Sn vs Pb
Phys Rev Materials 1 025401 (2017)
Are Halide Perovskite Defect Tolerant? No.
・Double Perovskites based on...
JACS 139 2630 (2017)
JACS 137 6718 (2017)
[Tom Aernouts (SOLLIANCE from IMEC)]
・Raising the technology readiness for highly efficient, stable perovskite-based photovoltaic modules
・PCE 12.44% for 16cm^2 (aperture area) certified by Fraunhofer at stabilized power point
・EL image analysis
・Loss analysis
・Up-scaled 6×6 inch^2 PSC module on glass: 11.2%
  S2S Slot Die coated layers
・Towards R2R processed PSC: results   Single cell shows 12.6%
・Perovskite transparent modules: additional scribing
・4T stack outperforming cSi ...
・In-flux of new materials: For improved efficiency and ...
・Improved intrinsic ...
・Toward stable perovskite solar cells

[Martin Stolterfoht (University of Potsdam)]
・Approaching the Fill Factor Shockley Queisser Limit in Stable, Dopant-Free Triple Cation Perovskite Solar Cells
・The fill factor limits of perovskite solar cells
・Impact of hole transport layer thickness on
・Limitation through Non-Radiative Loss Channels
・Visualizing Charge Extraction to the electrodes (by TOF)
  The faster the transit time the higher the fill factor!
・Magnitude and order of stedy-state ...
・Origin and Suppression in Non-radiative Recombination Losses
・Quasi Fermi Level Splitting of Absorber w/w.o. Transport Layers *Measured by Jose A Marquez
・Recombination Kinetics - TRPL
・Our current 0.06cm^2 (21.3%) & 1 cm^2 (20.5%) records *Triple cation perovskite

[Meng Zhang (University of New South Wales)]
・High-Efficiency Rubidium-Incorporated Perovskite Solar Cells by Gas Quenching Method
  Spin-coating free fabrication
Sol Energy Mater Sci Cells 2017 168 165
・Rubidium Incorporated Perovskite
・FAMA-Rb 19.8% 0.65cm^2, CsPbI2Br:Sr 10.8% 0.16cm^2

[Xu Liu (University of New South Wales)]
・Efficient Low-Temperature Solution-processed Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with High Fill Factor
・Devices employing different anti-solvent
・Devices employing different morphologies of SnO2 layer

[Kevin Bush (Arizona State University)]
・Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Improved Stability
・optimized Window Layer Enables High Current Density ~18.5mA/cm^2
・Optical N ...
・IEC Standard Tests for Solar Cell Certification
・Chasing the Highest Efficiency Tandems 10.1039/C7EE01232B
・Bandgap Tuning and Halide Segregation
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 613-617
・PL Before and After 12 Hours under Solar Simulator at 1-Sun at Voc and MPPT, Bush K. Frohna K in preparation

[Christian Wolff (University of Potsdam)]
・Reduced Recombination for High Open-Circuit Voltages in Perovskite Solar Cells and Tandem-Applications
・Contact Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells
・Contact Layers and Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc), Acc Chem Res 2016
・Photovoltaic Performance 19.4%
・Reconstructing the Voc
 Voc=(kB・T)/q ...
・Correlating Voc & PL lifetime
・Extraction and Recombination Velocities
・Mechanisms Governing Losses,
Adv. Mater 2017 29 1700159
・Implications for Tandem Solar Cells,
Optics Express 2017 25(12) A473

[Marina Gandini (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)]
・Strongly Emissive Perovskite Nanocrystal Inks For High Efficiency Cesium Lead Bromide-Based Solar Cells
・Ex-situ synthesis, ready to use & reproducible materials

[Michael Saliba (University of Potsdam)]
・Incorporation of rubidium cations into perovskite solar cells improves photovoltaic performance
・Stability at elevated temperature, 10.1021/acsnano.6b02613, ChemSusChem, 9, 2516-2714 (2016) 10.1002/cssc.201600762
・Molecular cationic radii table

[Matthew Klug (University of Oxford)]
Mixed-Metal Perovskite Compositions for Tailored Material Properties
・Tailoring metal halide perovskites through metal substitution:,
・What is electronic impact of Co2+?: Band Gap,Energetics of MA(Pb:Co)I3,
・How do we explane the trends?
・Relationship Between Ef and Voc
・A Mechanism for Photovoltaic Performance
・Cobalt might not be ...

[Enrico Lamanna (University of Rome)]
Optimization of Transport and Buffer layers for Tandem Perovskite/Silicon solar cells
・2-Terminal Mechanically stacked Tandem *we still have the problem of current matching
・Why a buffer layer?
・Layer optimization: HTL
・HTM choice: tandem cells
P3HT and H101 do not reach the performance of Spiro-OMeTAD device
・Layer optimization: ETL
TCO: 120 nm ITO deposited by low-temperature suputtering
・ETM selection: buffer layer
・Buffer layer investigation:
・Tandem best device: PCE 15.4% on 0.5cm^2, 14.8% on 1 cm^2

[Iwan Zimmermann (EPFL)]
Crystallization process in high efficient mixed cation mixed anion perovskite solar cells
・Hexagonal perovskites in lead halides
・In-situ XRD study during the crystallization
・Remaining hexagonal polytypes in the device might be the cause of widespread reproducibility problem in muxed perovskite solar cells

[Diego Solis-Ibarra (UNAM, Mexico)]
A Direct Bandgap Copper-Antimony Halide Perovskite
・Pb Toxicity
・MACuCl4 But low mobility ...
・Copper-Antimony (Sb) Cs4CuSb2Cl12
Chem. Rev 116(7) 4558-4596

[Nakita Noel (University of Oxford)]
The Degradation of N, N-Dimethylformamide: Deconstructing the Influence of pH on the Crystallisation of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials
・Spectrophotomeric Determination of pH
  DMF hydrolysis is a slow and steady
・Addition of Formic acid
・Addition of Strong acid
・The addition of acids causes colloid dissolution
・Heat causes colloid dissolution
・Irreversible change in solvent
・Morphology & Crystalinity CH3NH3Pb3-xClx
・Addition of Dimethylamine - DLS

[Kevin Stone (SLAC, USA)]
Transformation Kinetics from a 1-Dimensional Crystalline Precursor to PbCl2 Derived MAPbI3
・In-situ Annealing Studies

【2017.9.18 PSCO Day1 曇りのち小雨】

[Martin A. Green (UNSW)]
・Overview of Photovoltaics: Where Might Perovskites Make Impact?
・International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (ITRPV) 2015 Results
・Si-tandem ・Firs 20% Si Cell
・Si cheap, getting cheaper! 'experimental' phase (~1998)-->'industry-development' phase (~2008)-->'mass-production' phase
・Suntech --> Sunrise (Chinese)
・Future impact: Accelarate PV (performance)
  1 Perfect production & transfer PERC
  2 increase performance 50% by stacking cells
・Over the next 25 years, 68% 0f new electricity will be renewable
・2015 forcasts CONSERVATIVE!, 2016 Growth Projected: 20%
Nature Energy 2, 17140 (2017)
・Cost reductions continue until 2050
・PV can make a major impact on global warming
・Other commertial PV technologies
・Current Roadmap CdTe, First Solar S4 117W to 122W, First Solar S6 >400W to >420W, 18%?
・CIGS (CuIn1-xGaxSe2)
ACS Energy Letters, Perovskite Solar Cells: The Birth of a New Era in Photovoltaics
・The first presentation(25) on the use of perovskites in dye-sensitized cells was at the 73rd Congress of the Electrochemical Society of Japan at Tokyo Metropolitan University on April 1, 2006
・Figure 4: Small perovskite cell module using commercial module materials that has passed IEC. 61215 module damp heat and thermal cycling qualification tests
・PV Module Reliability Scorecard Report 2017
・Compelling market advantage?
 (1) Flexible, transparent cells?: How big is the market? Is Pb consistent ...?
 (2) Low cost deposition?: "Dream sequence", Cheap spiro!,
  Q1 2017
  16.6% prod'n av. (0.72-m^2)
  16.9% best line (25y: less than 0.7%/yr degrad.)
  18.6% research
 (3) Sustanability
・Tandem efficiency gain
・The future: Si wafers plus thin-films?
・13.7%, Now 23.6% confirmed, Applied Phisics Letters 106, 121105 (2015)
・Si cells are not expensive, energy intensive, technology is not stagnant!
・PV costs dropping dramatically, viable CO2 solution?
・Compelling market advantages for perovskites?
 1. flexible, transparent cells?
 2. deposition costs?
 3. tandem cells?

[Eli Yablonovich (UCSB Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)]
・The splar Cell, the LED, the semiconductor laser, --- are all the same device
・1 sun, single junction, solar celle fficiency
・The Epitaxial Liftoff Process:
・Alta Devices & Hanergy Company, Li Hejun
・Shockley told us to generate the maximum possible external luminescence
・The external luminescence yield η ...
・A great solar cell needs be a great LED!
・Miller IEEE J. Photovoltaics, vol 2 pp 303-311 (2012)
・Thin-Film GaAs in indoor ...
・sunlight carriers entropy* ΔS, *ask any astrophysicist
・Dual Junction Series-Connected Tandem Solar Cells
・ALTA demonstrated over 31%
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol 6 p 358-365 (2016)
・CH3NH3PbI3, the world's first good ionic semiconductor!
・CH3NH3PbI3, Appl. Phys Lett 107 231902 (2015)
・Surface Recombination Velocity on the bare surface of CH3NH3PbI3
・Thermo-Photo Voltaic Car
・Most of the entropy is due to loss of directionally information
・Where does the extra 0.28eV come from?: obviously heat from the lattice
・Shockley perpetual ...
 Thermo-Photonics, Semicond. Sci. Tech. 18 S270 (2003)
・record-Breaking ALTA Devices Solar Cell, up to 35%

[Michael Graetzel (EPFL)]
Science 353, 58-62 (2016)
Nature 545, 208-212 (2017)
・Valence and conduction band of CH3NH3PbI3 are formed by antibonding orbit
・Tutorial lecture on perovskites Outline
・Progress in sequential deposition as a route for high performance perovskite solar cell
・STEM-EDS elemental Mapping shows complete infiltration of mesoporous TiO2 by perovskite
・Power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PSCs reached 22.1% surpassing PCE of ...
Adv. Mater 28, 2964-2970 (2016)
・Mechabism of Perovskite
・Discovery of light effect ...
・Light is a major factor: it acceralate the perovskite formation
・Mott-Schototky analysis shows surface trap in the n-type ...
Dark conditions is beneficial
・Neha Arora, M. Ibrahim Dar
・PSC device architecture and band alignment: -4.0 to -7.3 for TiO2, -3.4 to -5.6 for FAPbBrs, -5.2 for Spiro
Adv. Functional Materials 2016, 26(17), 2846?2854
・Mechabism of Perovskite
・Recombination in a semiconductor device
・Nano Lett 2016, 16, 7155-7162
・Adv. Energy Mater, 2015, 5, 1501310
・10.1126/science/ ...
・Quadruple A cation perovskite sets new records for solar power
・A good solar cell is a good LED: Science 354, 206-209 (2016)
・One-Year stable perovskite solar cells by 2D/3D interface engineering ...
・Cubic and non Cubic?

[Maksym V. Kovalenko (ETH Zurich)]
・Highly luminescent perovskite ...
・Semiconductors born from cooridation chemistry
・Traps are localized surface states which quench photoluminescence
・20 years of research to efficiently remove the surface trap states
・Perovskites: facile access to many forms and compositions + unique photophysics
・Cubic or distorted?
・Those defects that are abundant do not form ...
・Defect-intolerant: vacancies do not form mid-gap states
・Inspired by defect-tolerance of hybrid perovskite
Nano Lett., 2015, 15 (6), pp 3692-3696
・ACSEnergy Letters 2016 1 1266-1272
・Tolerance to various surface ...
・Anion exchange with retention of size and shape
・Br-to-I versus Cl-to-I cases
・Inter-nanocrystal anion-exchange!
・CsPbX3 perovskite NCs
・Perovskite nanocrystal superlattices
・Nanocrystals of MA-based perovskites
・Stable only in the crude solution at an excess of stabilizers/precursors
・Solvent-Assisted Self-Assembly of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals into One-Dimensional Superlattice
・PV devices from all-Inorganic CsPbI3 Nanocrystals
・Method to fabricate conductive CsPbI3 QD films
・Simulated PL of CsPbI3, Sergei Nano Lett. 2015 Jun 10, 15(6) 3692-3696.
・Goldschmidt tolerance factor
Modified Goldschmidt tolerance factor calculator for ABX3 compounds

ACS Energy Letters 37days

【2017.9.12 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年9月11日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)

【2017.9.7 記事の御紹介】

■東大、スマホゲームアプリ「Pokemon GO」は労働者の
  (2017年9月7日付 日本経済新聞)

■ポケモンGO、労働者のストレス軽減 初の科学的検証
  (2017年9月7日付 朝日新聞 DIGITAL)

■ポケモンGOで“心の健康” 東大グループが発表
  (2017年9月7日付 TBS NEWS)

  (2017年9月7日付 時事ドットコムニュース)

 原文はこちら。我々が半年も掛けて accept に漕ぎ着けた論文が同じ雑誌から出る

■Pokemon GO and psychological distress, physical complaints,
  and work performance among adult workers: a retrospective cohort study
  Scientific Reports 7, 10758 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-11176-2

 私? 効果大なのは明らかでしょう。

【2017.9.6 講演会のお知らせ(再々掲)】

■11th Aseanian Conference on Nano-Hybrid Solar Cells (NHSC11) 

  日 時:2017年10月8日(日)〜10日(火)
  場 所:イーグレひめじ(Egret Himeji, Convention Hall)

       地図 Google *最寄り駅はJR姫路です。
>Welcome Receptionを開催する予定です。また、10月9日には、灘菊酒造を借り切


【2017.8.28 IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Day1 night】


【2017.8.31 作業中】


【2017.8.28 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年8月30日付 マイナビニュース)

  (2017年8月28日付 EETimes Japan)

【2017.8.28 IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Day1】

【2017.8.26 合同ミーティング】



【2017.8.12 記事の御紹介】


  (2017年8月25日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)

  (2017年8月25日付 SankeiBiz)
【2017.8.18 Accepted!】


論文アクセプト。長かった、長すぎです。最初の投稿日が 2/17 で、今日がちょうど

 昨年末に Science Advances→Nature Communications と Reject を喰らい、今年に
入って Scientific Reports に投稿してから更に 6 ヶ月! がしかし、最後は結果オー
Publication に漕ぎ着けました。

 内容はペロブスカイトのようにヒステリシスの大きな太陽電池について、効率を I-V
曲線からではなく MPPT 測定によって求める
ペクトルを維持したまま 1/100,000 Sun の極低照度まで調整可能な LED ソーラーシ
Iris-1, セルシステム)、もう一つは pA レンジの極低電流領域でも精密に
計測可能な最大電力点追従制御装置(MPPT)VK-PA-Pico, SPD 研究所)です。

 これらの研究を資金面で支えてくれたのが NEDO で、そのプロジェクトリーダーは


【2017.8.12 記事の御紹介】


  (2017年8月16日付 Smart Japan)

  (2017年8月14日付 EETimes Japan)

  (2017年8月10日付 マイナビニュース)

  (2017年8月10日付 日本原子力研究開発機構 press)

 下の記事では詳細が全く不明。文献は恐らくこちら (公開は 6/30)。

  (2017年8月12日付 財経新聞)


【2017.8.8 来客です】

 日本滞在中は「アジマンさん」呼んでおりましたが、金子先生のところで Post.Doc
をされていた Dr.Onwana-Agyeman さんです。ガーナ(University of Ghana)へ戻っ
て、今は学科の Dean です。
 Thank you for coming!

【2017.8.4 機内映画感想メモ】

・Ghost in the Shell ゴースト イン ザ シェル (2017) ○ タケシ、台本棒読み 予告編
・King Kong キングコング: 髑髏島の巨神 (2017) ○ クイーン・コングは? 予告編

【2017.8.2 記事の御紹介】

 特には、、、ノーコメント。BiOI で 1.79%(reverse)。もはや名前が「ペロブスカイト」で

  (2017年8月2日付 マイナビニュース)

【2017.8.2 IGEC-XII (Xi'an, China) Day2】

中国朕通経由のローミングで Google アカウントにログインできることは確認してい

 例によって(昔から)実際の路面と Google Map が 100M 近くズレているのです
が、いずれにせよこれで Poke*** を続けることができます。早速ジムに2番目候補


 中国産のポケモンとか、激レアでは? もしかして世界中で私だけ?

【2017.8.1 IGEC-XII (Xi'an, China) Day1】

 会議初日。議長(司会)をしつつ、いくつかの発表は採点します。写真は今回 Invite
頂いた西安交通大学の云斯宇 (Yun Sining) 教授。

The 12th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-XII)

【2017.7.29 記事の御紹介】

■フジクラ IoT向けの製品展開を強化
  (2017年7月29日付 化学工業日報 ヘッドライン ニュース)

【2017.7.30 Internet Jail】

されています。Google 関係は (Search, Map, News, Translate, etc.) 繋がりません。
どころか、YouTube, LINE, Twitter, Instagram はじめとして 2ch やら livedoor やら個

 唯一 FaceBook だけは社長の嫁さんが確か中華系で?(済みません、ネットで確認


Winnie the Pooh is now banned in China for resembling President Xi Jinping
  (2017年7月18日付 The Verge)
 というわけで、分かってはいたけど Pokemon が起動できない!!! トホホ


【2017.7.10 記事の御紹介】


■3高校の生徒 海外研修の成果発表 県のプロジェクト
  (2017年7月27日付 信毎web)

【2017.7.13 粘度測定】

 英弘精機(株)さんにて。場所は先端研から歩いて僅か 15 分の距離にあります。
今回は前々から気になっていた Spiro-OMeTAD 溶液の粘度測定を行いました。

写真を見ますと、同じメーカーの Spiro なのに!製造ロットの違いで厚みや表面の

 溶媒のジクロロベンゼンが 20℃で 0.81 mPa・s なのに対して所定量の LiTFSI と
4-TBP を添加した Spiro-OMeTAD 溶液は 1.10 mPa・s、かつ調合直後から 1 時間
物が純度も高くて凝集も起きない→望ましい Spiro だと予想していますが、時間の

 使用した機械は B 型粘度計(DV2T)に低粘度測定用のコーンプレート+温度保持
用チラーの組み合わせで 若干 100 万円超。この手の分析評価装置としてはかなり

【2017.7.12 機内映画感想メモ】


 この3週間で2報 accept→publish(いずれも Energy Technology)、Nature Publishing
で進行中の論文は Nature Materials が submitted、Nature Communicationsが
Manuscript under consideration (15days), Scientific Reports が Major revision でほぼ
accept、同じく Scientific Reports がこれも Major revision です。良い意味で“疲れ”。

・Beauty and the Beast 美女と野獣 (2017) ◯ 謎ストーリー、エマ・ワトソン ファンへ 予告編
・Gold ゴールド/金塊の行方 (2017) ◯ 失敗物語 予告編
・Manchester by the Sea マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー (2016) ◯ 暗すぎ 予告編
・The Great Wall グレートウォール (2016) ◯ CG映画、オチみえみえ 予告編
・Table 19 テーブル 19 (2016) ◯ B級、not so bad 予告編
・Loagan ローガン (2017) △ 主人公消えた 予告編
・John Wick: Chapter 2 ジョン・ウィック・チャプター2 × 意味不明 予告編


【2017.7.11 文献の御紹介】


  Electrochemistry, 85(7), 410-414 (2017) DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.85.410

  Electrochemistry, 85(7), 415-420 (2017) DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.85.415

  Electrochemistry, 85(7), 421-426 (2017) DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.85.421


【2017.7.10 記事の御紹介】


  (2017年7月10日付 日経テクノロジー)

【2017.7.10 論文のご紹介】

 もう既に日本を離れてしまいましたが Cojocaru & Uchida コンビの論文8つめ。先月
ですが、COVER ART も本論文に関連して近々公開される予定です。お楽しみに。

Effect of TiO2 surface treatment on the I-V hysteresis of planar structure
  perovskite solar cells prepared on rough and flat FTO substrates
  L. Cojocaru, S. Uchida, V. V. J. Piyankarage, S. Kaneko, H. Wang, J. Nakazaki, T. Kubo and H. Segawa
  Energy Technology, (2017) DOI: 10.1002/ente.201700308

 ちなみに9報目は低照度特性評価について Scientific Reports でほぼ accept、
10報目はキャパシタンスの直接測定で同じく Scientific Reports へ投稿済みで現在

 更に Kim さんと連名で1報 Nature へ投稿中。これが通ったら瀬川先生へ御恩返しができると期待しております。

【2017.7.4 論文のご紹介】

 NREL チャート上では既に1年以上前からアナウンスされていましたが、Seok 先生
から公表されてきた「PbI2 少し多めに添加」の最適化の話です。

Iodide management in formamidinium-lead-halide-based perovskite layers for efficient solar cells
  W.S. Yang, B-W Park, E.H. Jung, N.J. Jeon, Y.C. Kim, D.U. Lee, S.S. Shin, J. Seo, E.K. Kim, J.H. Noh, S.I. Seok
  Science, 356(6345), 1376-1379 (2017) doi:10.1038/nenergy.2016.152


【2017.7.3 講演会のお知らせ】

■11th Aseanian Conference on Nano-Hybrid Solar Cells (NHSC11) 

  日 時:2017年10月8日(日)〜10日(火)
  場 所:イーグレひめじ(Egret Himeji, Convention Hall)

       地図 Google *最寄り駅はJR姫路です。
>Welcome Receptionを開催する予定です。また、10月9日には、灘菊酒造を借り切

 Thank you!

【2017.6.20 ICMAT2017】


【2017.6.16 SISF2017 Day3】

 私の方からは新ネタ(phase co-existence)の燃料を投下。いつか別な機会にご披

【2017.6.15 SISF2017 Day2】

A. Fillipo
(1) Defects in MAPbI3 was discussed a lot (but everything was based on hypothesis)
(2) I- migration was also discussed (but no fact was shown)

Ho Won Jang
(1) Application of perovskite for resistive memory (so many ion migration discussion was there)
(Q by Graetzel sensei: CsPbI3 (delta phase) is not perovskite)

Ted Surgent
(1) Perovskite for LED

(1) Perovskite for LED
(2) Hot carrier solar cell was proposed (I agree)

S. Ito
(1) Sushi type of tandem solar cell

(1) 2D 3D perovskite, HATNA ETL for stable PVSC 900h just submitted,
Delafossite CuGaO2 as efficient HTL 18.6% (Adv Mater 2017 1604984),
Perovskite-perovskite tandem cell 14.1% for 4 terminal

【2017.6.14 SISF2017 Day1】

M. Graetzel
(1) ★PbI2 nucleation was affected (nucleation was accelerated) by illumination even by room light
(2) ★CuSCN HTM (no dopant, thickness about 70nm) was shown with 20.3%(Spiro 20.5%) Perovskite about 650nm

A. Hagfeldt
(1) ★Recovery of cell performance by cation migration
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017,10, 604-613
DOI: 10.1039/C6EE03352K
(2) Fuluoropolymeric encapsulation for high durability
F Bella et al. Science 354 (6309), 203-206. 2016
DOI: 10.1126/science.aah4046

(1) CsPbX3 quantum dots
(2) Hysteresis by ion migration *impossible!

(1) Iodide management: 3 mmol iodine concentration showed the best 21.4% *in press
(2) Iodide was oxidized by iso-propyl alcohol(IPA) *in press
HI contains water and not good
(3) 22.4% for 1cm^2 with additional amount of PbI2
(4) synchrotron assisted EDX (?)

(1) EBIC shows difference with time dependency of hysteresis

(1) Frontier Energy Solution (FES) company was founded for perovskite

 To be continued ...

【2017.6.13 AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 Day1】


【2017.6.13 記事の御紹介】


  (2017年6月12日付 新エネルギー新聞 第80号12面)

【2017.6.12 講演会のお知らせ】


  日 時:2017年6月12日(月)
  場 所:京理科大学森戸記念館 map

【2017.6.9 日本精工 at Smart Sensing 2017】

 5 年前だったら全然注目度が違っていたのに...(惜しい)  オマケ

【2017.6.9 カスタムフェア - ICI石井スポーツ(有明)】

 スキーイベントとソニーに何の関係が? 実はあるんです。骨伝導式(?)の振動


■ヘルメットマウントワイヤレスヘッドセット NYSNO-10
  (2017年1月15日付 SONY ニュースリリース)

【2017.6.9 記事の御紹介】

■ペロブスカイト太陽電池、劣化せずに1年以上動作を続けて安定性確認 - EPFL
  (2017年6月8日付 マイナビニュース)

【2017.6.8 講演会のお知らせ】

 Perovskite, DSC, QD welcome なスリランカ会議です。Tennakone 教授の直弟子、
GRA Kumara さんの教授就任のタイミングに合わせて、ほぼ 10 年振りに開催。日本
■Solar Asia - 2018

  日 時:2018年1月4日(木)〜6日(土)
  場 所:Kandy, Sri Lanka map

【2017.6.7 講演会のお知らせ】

■11th Aseanian Conference on Nano-Hybrid Solar Cells (NHSC11)

  日 時:2017年10月8日(日)〜10日(火)
  場 所:Himeji, Japan
announcement schedule
 こちらは情報機構さんの有料セミナー。おおお!>「教授 伊藤 省吾 先生」

  日 時:2017年7月18日(火)
  場 所:[東京・大井町]きゅりあん5階第2講習室 map
  日 時:2017年7月18日(火)
  講 師:兵庫県立大学 大学院工学研究科 電気工学専攻
  教授 博士(工学) 伊藤 省吾 先生

【2017.6.6 講演会のお知らせ】

 久しぶりの All 色素増感太陽電池会議です。
■Dyenamo DSSC conference 2017

  日 時:2017年10月16日(月)〜17日(火)
  場 所:Uppsala, Sweden
 私に代わって Daniel さんが参加する、、、かもしれません。

【2017.6.5 講演会のお知らせ】


  日 時:2017年6月18日(日)〜23日(金)
  場 所:サンテック・シンガポール国際会議展示場 map
■SISF 2017

  日 時:2017年6月14日(水)〜16日(金)
  場 所:成均館大学校 map

【2017.6.1 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年5月31日付 Nikkei BP)
ペロブスカイト太陽電池セミナー (再掲)
  日 時:2017年5月30日(火) 第1部 11時〜 (ご希望者)/ 第2部 13時〜
  場 所:英弘精機株式会社 本社(東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷1-21-8) map

     東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任教授 内田 聡
     東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任講師 別所毅隆
     弘精機(株)環境機器事業部システムエンジニア 蓑田光博

【2017.5.25 機内映画感想メモ】

・Hidden Figures ドリーム 私たちのアポロ計画 (2016) ◎
  小者と天才と Big boss の物語(ケビン・コスナー、格好良す) 予告編
・In bed with Victoria (2016) ○ エロい 予告編
・Split スプリット (2016) ○ グロい 予告編
・The Founder ファウンダー ハンバーガー帝国のヒミツ (2016) ○ 強欲の象徴 予告編
・Live by Night 夜に生きる ○ 主人公ハンサム 予告編
・How to lose a guy in 10 days 10日間で男を上手にフル方法 (2003) ○ まあまあ プレビュー
・xXx: Return of Xander Cage トリプルX再起動 (2017) × US版 水戸黄門
・We are the tide (2016) × オチ無し 予告編
・Seto & Utsumi セトウツミ (2016) × 演技は抜群、映画は駄作 プレビュー
・ZARA: The World's Richest Men (2016) ○ 番外編

【2017.5.24 HOPV 17 Day3】

 疲れ。Thank you Anders!!

【2017.5.23 HOPV 17 Day2】


【2017.5.21 HOPV 17 Registration & Reception】

 Now we are ready for HOPV 17 (Lausanne, Switzerland)

【2017.5.16 先端研再び】

 私事ですが今月 5/15 付けで教養学部を退職、5/16 より先端研採用となりました。

-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= @y
特任教授・内田 聡(Uchida Satoshi)
〒153-8904 東京都目黒区駒場4-6-1
Tel&Fax: 03-5452-5298 
E-mail : uchida@rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp

 もしかして給料少し上がりました?? ヽ(゚Д゚;)ノ

【2017.5.18 記事の御紹介】

■Pingistranare blev solcellsforskare
  (卓球のコーチは、太陽電池の研究者でした)(Google 翻訳)
  (2017年5月17日付 ニュースレター MITTIFORSKNINGEN)

 彼の FB はここです

【2017.5.17 講演会のお知らせ】

 久々の色素増感太陽電池国際会議です。ダイナモ社(Dyenamo, Sweden)主催。
DSSC strikes back − a Dyenamo conference

  日 時:2017年10月16-17日
  場 所:"Norrlands Nation" in Uppsala, Sweden

【2017.5.15 来客】

 ノートルダム大(USA)の Prof. Prashant Kamat、サプライズ・ゲストでした。
 Thank you for coming! そしてこれが11年前の私(爆笑)。

【2017.5.14 記事の御紹介】

破綻しました。ドイツは 2012 年に Q-Cells が倒産→韓国に買収、2013 年にコナ
ジー社(Conergy)が倒産して以来、これで 3 社目。


  (2017年5月12日付 環境ビジネス ONLINE)

 その一方で再生可能エネルギーの比率は 85% を達成。

■Germany breaks renewables record with coal and nuclear power responsible for
  only 15% of country's total energy
  (2017年5月5日付 INDEPENDENT)


【2017.5.10 橋本和仁先生最終講義】

 伊藤国際学術研究センター B2F 伊藤謝恩ホールにて。橋本先生がテニスボーイ

 1 時間半、最後まで息つく間もなく聞き入ってしまいました。十分練られたストーリー

【2017.5.10 Who Invented the Perovskite Solar Cell?】

(より厳密にはその原型)は確かに下の 2008
年の Abstract でしっかりと記載されています。CH3NH3PbI3 で効率 0.37%、これで
“fairly high photocurrent and voltage”と言い切るあたりが流石です。

■Novel Photoelectrochemical Cell with Mesoscopic Electrodes Sensitized by Lead-halide Compounds (5)
  Akihiro Kojima, Kenjiro Teshima, Yasuo Shirai and Tsutomu Miyasaka
  212th ECS Meeting, Abstract #352 (2007).
  FTO/m-TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/Electrolyte(LiI, I2 in AIBN)/Pt/FTO, Eff. 0.36% 電解液型

■Novel Photoelectrochemical Cell with Mesoscopic Electrodes Sensitized by Lead-halide Compounds (11)
  Akihiro Kojima, Kenjiro Teshima, Yasuo Shirai and Tsutomu Miyasaka
  214th ECS Meeting, Abstract #27 (2008).
  FTO/m-TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/carbon black(PPCB)/FTO, Eff. 0.37% 全固体型

 後になって誤解と分かるわけですが、Snaith が報告した当初は多孔体に絶縁性
のアルミナ Al2O3 を用いて、あたかも発電原理の異なる新しい太陽電池が出来
たかのような印象を与えておりました。今となっては誰も Al2O3 など気にとめませ
んが、少なくとも“Science, 10.9%”という強いインパクトを与えることには成功したと

 結果、欧州の一部の(実は大多数の?)コミュニティーでは Snaith が Father of

■Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Meso-Superstructured Organometal Halide Perovskites
  Michael M. Lee, Joel Teuscher, Tsutomu Miyasaka, Takurou N. Murakami, Henry J. Snaith,* Tsutomu Miyasaka
  Science 02 Nov 2012:Vol. 338, Issue 6107, pp. 643-647


【2017.5.10 電気化学会にて】

言う私も今年の 4 月から編集委員です。で、6 月号のゲラチェック。事務局は市ヶ谷
の、ひなびたマンションの 2 階に位置します。

【2017.5.9 文献の御紹介】


■Linking Chemistry at the TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3 Interface to Current-Voltage Hysteresis
  J. Phys. Chem. Lett., (2017), Just Accepted doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00712

Our results strongly indicate that hysteresis is not solely due to ion motion and
stoichiometric polarization

・Such large capacitances, in combination with even moderate resistances, can
easily lead to time constants larger than I-V sweep time scales, and be a
significant contributor to hysteresis in perovskite devices
(適度な抵抗と組になった、そのような巨大なキャパシタンスは、容易に I-V 走引

 我々、二年前から言い続けてきたのですが... (しかも実証済み)

【2017.5.8 講演会のお知らせ】

Talk perovskite solar cells by Dr. Ludmila Cojocaru

  日 時:2017年5月10日(水) 13時00分〜14時30分
  場 所:
Seminary room of FIT, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
 Have a good talk! 頑張ってね。

【2017.5.7 GAME OVER 2/ Pokemon GO】

 今年 2/17 に 80 匹が追加リリースされてから約 3 ヶ月。遂に国内分全て捕獲致し
ました。最後はまさかの野良デンリュウ Get で、あっけなく終了。ここまで歩いた距離
は 2940km(by 自転車)、ちょうど北海道・本州・九州を結んだ道のりを渡り歩いた分

(オーストラリア・ニュージーランド)3 匹ですが、こちらは暫く時間が掛かる見通し。
 来月はさっそくシンガポール出張があります。南米は行ける気がしない... (^^;)

【2017.5.2 文献の御紹介】

 もう一件ご紹介。蛍光灯下において色素増感太陽電池で効率 28.9% を報告。これ
放電電流が上乗せされているのに気付かず、そのまま I-V 測定のデータから効率
を出してしまったことによる Over estimate だと思われ。

■Dye-sensitized solar cells for efficient power generation under ambient lighting
  Nature Photonics (2017), doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2017.60


【2017.5.1 文献の御紹介】

People's Republic of Korea)、通称北朝鮮でもペロブスカイト太陽電池の研究やっ
てるって知ってました? もしかして軍事研究だったりして。:-)

■Revealing the stability and efficiency enhancement in mixed halide
  perovskites MAPb(I1-xClx)3 with ab initio calculations
  (第一原理計算に基づくハロゲン混合 MAPb(I1-xClx)3 の安定性と効率向上の取り組み)
  Un-Gi Jong, Chol-Jun Yu, Yong-Man Jang, Gum-Chol Ri, Song-Nam Hong, Yong-Hyon Pae
  Journal of Power Sources (2016).


【2017.4.30 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年4月30日付 YOMIURI ONLINE)


  (2017年1月5日付 千葉大学ニュースリリース)


【2017.4.29 記事の御紹介】


■名門トクヤマ、2000億円投資の悲しい結末 太陽電池バブルがはじけ、原料工場を売却
  (2017年4月15日付 東洋経済 ONLINE)

  (2017年4月27日付 スマートジャパン)

  (2017年4月24日付 スマートジャパン)

■太陽光パネル製造販売のZEN POWERが倒産、FIT開始以降3番目の大型倒産に
  (2017年4月21日付 スマートジャパン)

【2017.4.25 論文のご紹介】

 先日ご紹介した我々の下記 Applied Physics Express 
(APEX) の論文ですが、早くも物言いが付きまして、そ

■Simulation of current-voltage curves for inverted planar structure perovskite
  solar cells using equivalent circuit model with inductance

  L. Cojocaru 他, Applied Physics Express 10(2), 025701 (2017). doi: 10.7567/APEX.10.025701

■Comment on "Simulation of current-voltage curves for inverted planar structure
  perovskite solar cells using equivalent circuit model with inductance"

  K. Tada, Applied Physics Express 10(2), 059101 (2017). doi: 10.7567/APEX.10.059101

■Reply to "Comment on 'Simulation of current-voltage curves for inverted
  structure perovskite solar cells using equivalent circuit model with inductance' "

  L. Cojocaru 他, Applied Physics Express 10(2), 059101 (2017). doi: 10.7567/APEX.10.059102

 受けたコメントの主旨は「等価回路中のインダクタンス 50mH は、そもそも(材料で
る回答ですが、類似の構造で Al/P3HT/Au 剥き出しのデバイスに関してインダクタ
ンスを報告した文献を挙げました。ここでの値は 860 mH と巨大なため、わざわざ
その新しい発見に対して「Large apparent inductance in organic Schottky diodes at
low frequency」と題して強調しています。

 またごく最近になって Bisquart らがインピーダンス解析により通常型のペロブスカ
イト太陽電池のインダクタンスが 25.88〜25,880 Hcm-2 であることを報告しています

 いずれにせよ I-V 曲線でヒステリシスが逆転する(Jsc→Voc の方が高い!)のは

 僅か1ページですが、Peer Review な論文を稼げてラッキーだったかも。(苦笑)

【2017.4.21 機内映画感想メモ】

・Fueld: The Man They Called “Pirate”
 海賊と呼ばれた男 (2016) ◎ 予告編


 思い返せば 3.11 の震災時に、真っ先にタンクに水を入れて配給してくれたのは



 “Japan and Iran are independent nations. Britain has no rights whatsoever to
interfere in our trade."
続きは映画で。 *Idemitsu (Wiki) *日章丸事件 (Wiki)
イランとの直接取引で世界で初めて石油製品を輸入した「日章丸事件」 (出光・社史(沿革))

・Brotherhood of Blades
ブレード・マスター (2014) ○○ 中国大作映画、主人公美男子 予告編
・Collateral Beauty 素晴らしきかな、人生 (2016) ○○ 辛い 予告編
・A Loving Husband 恋妻家宮本 (2016) ○ 日本風 予告編
・Good Morning Show グッドモーニングショー (2016) ○ 女優陣に◎ 予告編
・Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
 ローグ・ワン/スター・ウォーズ・ストーリー (2016) ○ 可もなく不可も無く
・Moana モアナと伝説の海 (2016) ○ 展開予想通り、家族で見るのに良い映画
・FENCES フェンス (2016) × 台詞多過ぎ、前半長過ぎ、話題暗過ぎ
・Moonlight ムーンライト (2016) × 何故これが映画に?
・SING シング (2016) × できの悪いアメリカン
・相棒 -劇場版- (2017) × どうにもダメダメ

【2017.4.20 記事の御紹介】

■屋内でも発電しながら駆動できる電子ペーパーが登場 都内コンビニで実証試
  験を開始 大日本印刷と積水化学工業
  (2017年4月21日付 プリント&プロモーション)

  (2017年4月19日付 マイナビニュース)

  (2017年4月18日付 物流ニュースリリース/プレスリリース)

【2017.4.21 MRS2017 Spring Day5】

ES1.14.01 Yue Yu University of Toledo, Lead Thiocyanate Additives, FAPbI3: Structural stability is poor, , Torelans factor: Chem. Mater., 2016, 28 (1), pp 284-292, ★ChemSusChem 2016 9(23) 3288-3297, Optimal x at 0.2, Lead thyocyanate (Pb(SCN)2) additive to the precursors can enlarge the grain size

ES1.14.02 Bert Conings, Hasselt University, Gas Quenching Deposition, Complex-Assisted gas quenching (CAGQ),
Nano Energy 10, 2014, 10-18, Best device (FA0.83MA0.17)Cs0.05****, FA0.55Rb0.05Pb2.7Br0.3 show better

ES1.14.03 Nam Chul Cho, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Purely Oriented Crystalline, Directional solidification, Thermal-gradient-assisted directional *** ★
Nature Comm 2016 7 13407, (112) & (220) for aligned perovskite, Trap density of OPC films 7.9×10^13 cm^3, Hall mobility of OPC films, Perovskite single crystals vs polycrystalline films

ES1.14.04 Spencer Williams, UW, Seattle, Controlling Growth Thermodynamics, Scale-up, Rietvelt analysis using three different model, morphological insight from drop-casting, H3NH3(Fe)yPbxI3, *no photovoltaic data

ES1.14.05 Benjamin Foley, University of Virginia, Controlling Nucleation Growth and , Orientation, Nature Energy
10.1038/energy.2016.207, Precursor, ★Foy et al. Chemistry of Materials 2017 29 (6), 2435-2444, Impact of sulfoxoide additives Orientation J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 113-123, In-situ grazing incidence X-ray scattering, In-situ IXS sub0processes of thin-film growth, Orientation determined by perovskite/precursor interaction, Theoretical calculations show THTO stabilizes cubic (110) relative to (110), Impact of crystallographic orientation order on solar cell performance, Conclusion: Orientation has large impact of solar cell performance

ES1.14.06 Nakita Noel, University of Oxford, , A Low Viscosity Low Boiling Point Clean Solvent System for the Rapid Crystallisation, Toxicity and Scale-Up, Istitute of Technology, Meniscus-Assisted Solution Printing, Methylamine "Healing"
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54(33), 9421-9721, Optical Characterization: Lifetime (ACN/MA) 676 (DMF) 258 DMF 28, Energy Environ. Sci., 2017,10, 145-152, Current Record Device (ACN/MA) >19% by chemical bath, Conclusion: We can now deposit large area smoth pinhole free ***
ES1.14.07 Ming He Georgia Institute of Technology, Meniscus-Assisted Solution Printing (MASP), FA0.85MA0.15PbI2.55Br0.45, Crystal Growth Kinetics


ES1.14.08 Yan Jiang, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Methylamine Vapor-Annealing, Methylamine vapor-annealing (MVA) method,
Mater. Horiz., 2016,3, 548-555, MPA gives the best, MVA treatment negligible influence perovskite surface energy, MVA treatment can significantly increase device stability on both planer **, Conclusion: Methylamine vapor-annealing (MVA) can improve the device performance

ES1.14.09 Yuanyuan Zhou, Brown University, ‘Soft’ Processing, Science 2015 349 600,
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2015 Aug 10;54(33):9705-9, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (17), pp 5535-5538, Morphology-preserve, Best recent research PCE=20.2%, Conclusion Build abridge Let perovskite Meet R-NH2 *very loud voice

ES1.14.10 Samuel Berweger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Formulating Perovskite Precursor Inks for Scale-Up, www.nrel.gov/news/press2017/, ★★grain boundaries
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016,9, 3642-3649, Sccaning Microwave Microscopy for Mapping the Photoresponse of CH3NH3PbI3 Nano Lett., 2016, 16 (6), pp 3434-3441

ES1.14.11 Mengjin Yang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Formulating Perovskite Precursor Inks for Scale-Up,

ES1.14.12 Arun Chouhan Kai Zhu, Indian Institute of Science, Formulating Perovskite Compact-TiO2 Deposited via ALD, Chemical bath deposition (dipping) for scale-up ★
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (15), 8178-8184, 2015 15.2%, Addietive for shorten the annealing time Adv Mater 27 6363-6370 (2015)

ES1.14.13 Lili Wang Michigan State University, All Vapor-Deposited Lead-Free Doped CsSnBr3 Planar Solar Cells,
Nano Energy 28, 2016, Pages 469-474

ES1.14.14 Benjia Dou, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Flexible Glasses→Excellent water barrier, Cs0.05(MAFA)Pb(IBr0.17), IZO, (17.3% PCE for ITO) 18.1% for suputtered IZO was demonstrated, future work: Bend testing, Due to the less chemical stability they did not use AZO


ES1.15.01 Walter Drisdell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, High Energy Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy, J Phys Soc

ES1.15.02 Jue Gong, Northern Illinois University, Carrier Dynamics, "Evidence for ion migration in hybrid perovskite solar cells with minimal hysteresis" but he didn't mention about hysteresis
Nature Communications 2016 7 13831, J Phys Chem Lett 2016 7 2879-2887, Time-resolved photoluminescence, Single crystal TRPL, Models of polaron and exciton

ES1.15.03 Md Nadim Ferdous Hoque, Texas Tech University, Phase Transition, PS Whitfield Sci Rep 6 (2016), N Onoda J Phys, ***, ~55 degree C,
ACS Energy Lett 1 (2016) 142-149, ★★ChemSusChem 9 (2016) 2692-2698, Bode Plot from Impedance Spectroscopy Data and Ionic Hopping, Dielectric Constant from Capacitance Spectroscopy, Ultrafast ion migration Phys Chemistry Chemical physics 18 (2016) 30484-30490

ES1.15.04 Heping Shen, Australian National University, Band Alignment and Surface States on the Hysteresis, ion accumulation, Inverted hysteresis is a characterized ***,
Phys Chem Chem Phys 2017 19 3094, Adv Func Mater 2016 26 6807-6813 *so many explanation but hard to understand

ES1.15.05 R. Shallcross, University of Arizona, Determining Band-Edge Energies,
J Am Chem Soc 139 (13), 4866-4878, Adv Mater 2013 117 13654 (?), Controlled Reduction: PVSK corrosion (Stability), ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (3), pp 595-602, Perovskite (in)Stability: Complex ion Equilibria, Conclusion: Spectrolectrochemistry provides a unique ability to probe the energetics of the ***


ES1.16.01 Zhipeng Lian, Tsinghua University, Single Crystals, CrystEngComm 2016 18 4476, Science 2016 347 967-970, Science 2015, Scie Rep 2015 5 165**, 2cm/5days
JACS 2016 138 9409, The role of chlorine on rapid growth process, solubility of MAPbI3 decrease, FWHM of HR-XRC is about 20 arcsec (fastest!)

ES1.16.02 Olga Trukhina, EPFL Valais Sion Switzerland, Phthalocyanines as charge transporting materials in perovskite solar cells, Phthalocyanines as HTM, Nano Energy 2016 30 853, Angew Chem Int Ed 2008 47 2026,
Adv Energy Mater 2017 7 1601733, HT-ZnPc 16.9%, HT-ZnPc 17.5% best, Spiro 19.1%, Self-assembling properties,

ES1.16.03 Davide Bartesaghi, Delft University of Technology, Time-Resolved Microwave Conductance Measurements, Long-lived charges in double metal perovskites Cs2AgBiBr6,
J Phys Chem C 2013 117 24085-24103, Single crystal TRMC, Wevelength dependence surface recombination, T-dependence: shallow traps + detrapping

ES1.16.04 Bernard Wenger, University of Oxford, onsolidation CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Single Crystals, Phys Chem Chem Phys 19 5043 (***),
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 13303 (2016), Urbach energy Eu=18.9 eV, Conclusion: Mechnisms controlling rapid growth - Addition of formic acid, Reabsorption and filtering, Single crystal vs thin film: Same band gap 2.39eV Similar optical properties Defect densities (Single 10^15cm-3 vs Thin film 10^16 cm-3) , Short diffusion length in MAPbBr3 thin films are challenging for efficient devices: But we are not that far ...

ES1.16.05 Sang-Hoon Bae, University of California, Mechanical Spalling Transfer, Stoney theory (Stony equation), Internal Stress (GPa) vs Strain Energy (J/m^2), Induced Strain from XRD

ES1.16.06 Hong-Hua Fang, University of Groningen, Single Crystals,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2015, 137 (51), pp 16049-16054, Adv Mater 28 (45), 9986-9992, Single Crystal of MAPbBr3 (MABr) Science Advances 27 Jul 2016: Vol. 2, no. 7, e1600534, Surface trap density: 10^6, MAPbBr3 shows extremely ***, Oxygen and water can passivate the traps


【2017.4.20 MRS2017 Spring Day4】

ES1.9.01 Yixin Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,2D-3D Perovskite, Ostwald Ripening to Heal Perovskite Crystals, Quantumn dot-induced phase stabilization of α-CsPbI3 perovskite for high-efficiency photovoltaics
Science 2016, 354(6308), pp. 92-95, Brightly Luminescent and Tunable Colloidal CH3NH3PbI3, One-step preparation α-CsPbI3, Atomically thin two-dimentional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites Science 2015, 349(6255), pp. 1518-1521, 2D-3D conversion of FA1-xMAxPbI3, Marging/HCl, 30 deg C for 5 min or 100 deg. C, Grant: 1000 plan, NSFC, Huoyingdong Grant

ES1.9.02 Jianyong Ouyang, National University of Singapore, PEDOT:PSS for Planar, DMSO inclease with solvent, PEDOT:PSS Films with Metallic Conductivity
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (18), pp 11629-11638, Transparent Conductive Oxide-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with PEDOT:PSS as Transparent Electrode ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (28), pp 15314-15320

ES1.9.03 Shuzi Hayase, Kyushu Inst of Technology, Sn-Perovskite, Voc loss = V(Band gap) ***,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5 (6), pp 1035-1039, Urbach energy, Pb-PVK band gap: 1.55V Band gap with best efficiency: 1.38 eV, Spectrum edge: MAPbI3 800nm, FA PbI3 830nm, CH3NH3SnxPb(1-x)I3 Perovskite Solar Cells Covering up to 1060 nm J. Phys. Chem Lett. 2014 Mar 20;5(6):1004-11., Voc losses caused at two hetero-interfaces and PVK layer, Efficiency ***, All-solid Sn/Pb halide perovskite sensitized solar cells Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2014 IEEE 40th, Relations between trap density and efficiency, Electron trap density (Thermally stimulated current: TSC), SnI2 is bonded, Sn of Pb passivation on the surface p-TiO2, Pbi2 passibation increase the efficiency, Spiro/LiTFSI+Co complex, Porous TiO2/Y2O3 works well, Sharp Optical Absorption Edge J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5 (6), pp 1035-1039, Crystal may be covered by TFBA 15.9% ChemSusChem. 2016 Sep 22;9(18):2634-2639, Pb perovskite solar cell have exceptional good bulk and hetero-interface structures, Conclusion: Perovskite except for Pb perovskite need optimized bulk and hetero-interface architecture

*ES1.9.04 Tingli Ma, Dalian University of Technology, Development of New Materials for Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells, Financial support: NSFC China & Kakenhi, WO3 based ESL, 2,WCl6 in n-propenol/dipping&spincoating/***, Ag/Spiro/Perovskite/compact WO3/FTO, 8.99% vs 8.78%(TiO2),
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , 2015, 6 (5), pp 755-759. TiAcAc, Advanced Materials, 28(9), pp 1891-1897, WNbOx: Nb4+ modified WOx layer on ITO-PEN film fablicated 120 degree C, 15.7% for 0.09 cm^2 & 8.4% for 1.2cm^-2, Shaohua Guo (AIST) Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 2978-3006, Preparaton ZnO compact layer, Preparation of Flexible Carbon electrodes, dried at 120 degree C with PMMA binder, 9.34% for 0.09 cm^2 & 4.3% for 1.2cm^-2, Low-Temperature Processed and Carbon-Based ZnO/CH3NH3PbI3/C Planar Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (9), pp 4600-4605, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015, 31, 285 ???, T.M. Brown1, Solliance achieves 12.6% efficiency for roll-to-roll perovskite solar cells

ES1.9.05 Dong Hoe Kim, NREL, Uniaxial-Oriented Perovskite Cost-Efficient Recycling, Advanced Materials 2017 online submitted,
Cryst. Growth Des., 2013, 13 (8), pp 3414-3418, When the (FA-PbI2) ratio reached 0.6 ratio perovskite film showed the highest degree of crystallographic orientation and large uniform morphorogy, 9 GHz time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) experiment, Impact of oriented-perovskite on ohotovoltaic performance,


*ES1.10.01 Nitin Padture, Brown University, Key role of Materials Science, Review: ★
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6 (23), pp 4827-4839, Room-temperature crystallization J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 8178-8184, single-crystal grains, High density Random GBs, "Groovy", Kai Zhu: Advanced Materials. Volume 27, Issue 41, pages 6363-6370, Healing, Kai Zhu: J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2016, 138 (3), pp 750-753 Aparture area affect on hysteresis?, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54(33), 9421-9721 (2015), J Phys Chem Lett, "Grain Boundary Density", gas-phase method 20.3%, scale-up by slot die

*ES1.10.02 Huanping Zhou (Yang Yang Lab), Peking University, Multi-Dimentional Perovksite, (1)Film Formation (2)Defect passivation (3)Interface Engineering, Material growth & Understanding, Band alignment & Photon management, CsPbI3 is proven to be single crystalline along the entire wire an the growth, intermediate stage with DMF complex, The Additive Coordination Effect on perovskite crystallization
Adv Mater. 2016 Nov;28(44):9862-9868., Large grain shows better device performances (really?), Acid-Base Environment, CH3NH2 solution, Advanced Materials, Early View Articles 10.1002/adma.201606774, MA rathe than EtOH, Reduce defects density towards suppressed formation of I2, The effect of defects in perovskite ***, The BDTS-2DPP passivate the surface defects of perovskite through the interaction ***, Gradient heterojunction to improve ***, M (Metal) doping inside perovskite film improve the stability

ES1.10.03 Yevgeny Rakita, Weizmann Institute of Science, Direct transformation, Aim: Large scale, Pb is much less toxic in its reduced Pb(0), Conversion of Single Crystalline PbI2 to CH3NH3PbI3
Chem. Mater., 2016, 28 (18), pp 6501-6510

ES1.10.04 Chan Myae Myae Soe (The Kanatzidis Research Group), Northwestern University, Understanding Film Formation Morphology and Orientation in High Member 2D Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites, David B. Mitzi:
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2001, 1-12, J. Chem. Rev. , 2016, 116 (7), pp 4558-4596, J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2015, 137 (24), pp 7843-7850, Chem. Mater. , 2016, 28 (8), pp 2852-2867, BA2MA4Pb5I6 crystal structure and bulk properties, Surprise! New 2-D Perovskite Solar Cell Exceeds Expectations For Solar Cell Efficiency, ITO/PEDOT:PSS/BA2MA4Pb5I6/PCBM/Al PCE=10%

ES1.10.05 Lucangelo Dimesso, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, CH3NH3SnxI3 (0.9≦X≦1.4), Cubic C-MASI


*ES1.11.01 Ivan Mora-Sero, University Jaume I, Interaction Halide perovskite and Other Materials: A Chance Tailor the Properties, Self Assembled Monolayer of Fullerene Delivative, Influence of SAM of Fullerene Delivative
ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (12), pp 12701-12709, Au(1.4nm) on SiO2 (11nm) nano particle on top of c-TiO2, ★ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (1), pp 323-331, this is not plasmonic effect, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (15), pp 13181-13187, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (27), pp 8696-8699 PCE=19.7%, Science Advances 2016 ***, LEDs based on core-shell PbS-CdS QD Nanoscale, 2014,6, 8551-8555, QD 3 nm/Perovskite/QD 2.3 nm, Conceptual idea: Intermediate Bandgap Solar cell, "MECO17

*ES1.11.02 Annamaria Petrozza, Istituto Italiano Between di Tecnologia (IIT), Understanding Defect Physics, Large range of structural and/or chemical defect, I-Pb-I bonding strain effect, Raman
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (21), 3836-3842, 2014, Time-resolved Photoluminescence dynamics, Chrge Trapping and Solar Cell Open-Circuit Voltage, Sub Band-Gap States Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 3472-3481, Charge Trapping, Recombination Rates, Photoinduced Defects for MAPbBr3 ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2 (3), pp 726-732, JACS 130(1) 20 2016???, Modulating the Electron?Hole Interaction J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (49), pp 15451-15459

ES1.11.03 Rongrong Cheacharoen, Stanford University, Probing Degradation, IEC 61646: 90% performance after 1000hours at 85%C-85%RH, 0.7mm Glass/170 nm ITO/20 nm NiO/CsFAMAPb(BrI) 500 nm/1 nm LiF/10 nm C60/6 nm SnO2/150 nm Suputtered ITO/150 nm Ag/1 nm In Solder/Encapsulant 10-200, 3 mm Glass, 351 nm light with 2.2% UVB, IEC 61646: 15kW/m^2 UV exposure with 3-10% UVB of total UV radiation, 200 cycles between -40 deg C to 85 deg C with 10 min, Fracture Properties of Device Materials,

ES1.11.04 Yuan Zhang, Beihang University, Trap-Limited Charge Transport, Trap distribute in the ?, Diode mobility in MAPbI3 films, Ideality factor (ideal vs non-ideal), Diffusion-driven currents in organic-semiconductor diodes ★★
NPG Asia Materials (2014) 6, e110


ES1.12.01 Antonio Abate (University of Fribourg Switzerland, putting together a Helmholtz), Helmholtz-Zentrum, Ion Migration *withdraw

ES1.12.02 Hyunjung Shin, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Origin of Hysteresis in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Thin Films, ion migration & ferroelectricity, Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), ferroelectric
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 20352-20358, Ag-grown PFM images, ferroelectric hysteresis loop, Temperature dependence of ionically TiO2 thin film, Hysteresis in Voltage vs Amplitude (a.u.), Scan rate dependent nano/macroscopic I-V curves, I-V curves by AFM (nA), I-V curves by probe (A)

ES1.12.03 Teng Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ion Migration and the Anomalous Hysteresis *withdraw

ES1.12.04 Jeffrey Christians, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Cubic-Tetragonal Phase Transition, Subject to numerous distortions from ***, Phase transition 57 degree C, Milot Adv Func Mater 2015, Quart
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016,9, 155-163, Monitoring the Phase Transition in Devices, X-ray diffraction, White LED light + Kapton heating tape+ Themocouple, ★★Monitoring a Silent Phase Transition in CH3NH3PbI3 Solar Cells via Operando X-ray Diffraction ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (5), pp 1007-1012, Local order dominates devices performance

ES1.12.05 Zhen Li, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Acid Doping of Spiro-OMeTAD for Minimal Hysteresis Extrinsic Ion Migration in Perovskite Solar Cells, Energy Environment Sci ***, Chem Sci 2015 6 613,
Adv Mater 2016 28 6562, TOF-SIMS, Li+ from HTL can diffuse across perovskite layer and accumlate at TiO2 layer, ICP-MS elemental analysis of perovskite absorbers, Li+-doped TiO2 show stronger PL quenching than prisine TiO2, Li+ enhance the hysteresis and there is an optimum concentration (4.5 mg/mL) enlarge the hysteresis, Energy Environmental Sci (2017) ***

ES1.12.06 Haonan Si, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Phase Transformation, The density functional theory (DFT) calculations, Nat Comm 2015 28 917 ???

【2017.4.19 MRS2017 Spring Day3】


ES1.6.01 Pravakar Rajbhandari Center for Autonomous Solar Power (CASP), N:Cu20/AZO ITO as a Tunning Junction for Perovskite/Si Tandem Solar Cells, Inter ohmic contact for recombination (is the key), Transparent Tunnel Junction, [ref.] S.M. Sze K.K Ng "Physics of Semiconductor Devices" Chapter 8 Tunnel Devices, Inorganic Cu2O (cuprite) as p-type material, Nitrogen doping of Cu2O: Carrier concentration (n) = 4.38e18 cm^-3: Mobility (μ) = 13.7 cm^2V^-1s^-1, Defects and Passivation: CN-passivation is done using mixture of KCN, Interconnect Tunnel Junction, Perovskite used with altanative HTL - supttered NiOx, Pure Oxygen condition, ITO/N:Cu2O/NiOx/MaPbI/PCBM/ZnO(NP), I-V performance (Simple MAPI/Spiro is best), 17.7% by NREL, Tandem Performance Perovskite Voc ~0.96 Si 0.64 Sum 1.6 Tandem 1,57 Loss ***, Acknowledgementw contact No. is ECCS-1542160 for funding from the National Science Foundation

ES1.6.02 Ian Marius Peters MIT, Perovskite on p-Type Silicon Tandem Solar Cells - advantages towards low cost/ low capex architecture, Collaborative work: K. Bush perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells 23.6%
Nature Energy 2 (2017) 17009, ES1.6.05, ES11.5.**, EPFL: ACS Energy Letters 1 (2016) 474-480 : 25.5%, Economic consideration for tandems: RSC Advances 6 (2016) 66911, Equal pairing vs. add on, Price of sillicon technologies: Adv. Sci. 4 (2017) 1600259, Estimation: potentially 15~45 [cent/Wp], Tandem with a p-type sillicon bottom cess, Tandem with a p-type sillicon bottom cell, Scientific Reports 4, Article number: 4756 (2014), Optimizing the tandem, Summary: stable NiOx-ITO recombination contact, impeters@mit.edu

*ES1.6.03 Yanfa Yan, University of Toledo, Fabrication of Efficient Low-Bandgap Mixed Sn-Pb Perovskite Solar Cells, Addressing the toxic Pb issue, Adv. Mater 26 4653-4658 (2014), App Phys Lett 104, 063903 (2014), App Phys Lett 106 103902 (2015), J Phys Chem C 119 5253-5264 (2015), cn not read (2017), Issue with Sn(II) halide perovskite: Can be easily oxidized to Sn(IV) --> Must use glovebox, Hole densities are too high: Controll Sn(II) chemical potential, Kanatzidis
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6 (17), pp 3503-3509, Efficient mixed Sn-Pb halide PSCs, ★Ke et al Adv Mater. 2016 Jul;28(26):5214-21 18.42%, Conductive-AFM images, with Sn mixture IPCE at high wevelengt improved, FA0.7MA0.8PbI3, Liao Adv Mater 28 (42), 9333-9340 PCE=6.22% by FASnI3 PSCs, Liao ★J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (38), pp 12360-12363 :(FaSnI3)1-x(MaPbI3)x, ~15%, Voc deficit=0.41V, ★(still) Four-terminal tandem cell 21%, *He is honest

*ES1.6.04 Christopher Case Ed Crossland: edcrossland@oxfordpv.com, Oxford PV, 37 employees, 2T Monolithic Tandem Solar Cels, Reliability testing of Si-HJT, Bankability, Energy yield modeling Predicting the real world tandem gain, Capability, Larger area development, Defect localisation in tandem cells - EL imaging, Defect identification - Thermographic imaging, Thin films analytical techniques - Macroscopic analysis, When and where texture is needed, Product road map

ES1.6.05 Kevin Bush, Arizona State University, High efficiency Pervskite/Silicon, Tandem Architectures - Monolithic vs Mechanically Stacked, ★A 2-terminal perovskite/silicon multijunction solar cell: M.D. McGehee
Applied Physics Letters, 106 (2015) 121105, EPFL J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7 (1), pp 161-166, What is the Ideal Window Layer?, Sillicon Nanoparticle Back Reflector to Boost IR EQE, Bush K A Adv Mater Energy ***, ITO Electrode Addresses the MAin Degradation Mechanism of Perovskite, Adv. Mater 28 3937-3943 (2016), 1000 Hours Continuous Max Power tracking, ITO encapsulation, IEC Standard Tests for stability test: damp heat, Bush K A Nature Energy 2, Article number: 17009 (2017) 23.6%


*ES1.6.06 Prashant Kamat, Ion Migration and Charge Carrier Recombination, Line Broadening: J Phys Chem Lett 2014 5 1300, Lasing: ACS Photonics ***, CsPbBr3 vs CsPbI3, Excited State Dynamics of Mixted, CsPbX3 Perovskite, J Phys Chem Lett 2016 7(1), ***, Au-CsPbBr3, 10.1021.acsenergy***, CsPbX3 Quantam Dots, Deposition of CsPbBr3 through QD Sintering, Transformation of Sintered CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals to Cubic CsPbI3 and Gradient CsPbBrxI3-x through Halide Exchange
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (27), pp 8603-8611, Tracking the halide exchange, Band gap tuning, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7 (7), pp 1368-1373, Photoinduced Segragation in Mixed Halides, ACS Energy Lett 2016 1 290-296, M. Saiful Islam: Nature Communications 6, Article number: 7497 (2015), Tracking Iodide and Bromide Ion Segregation in Mixed Halide Lead Perovskites during Photoirradiation: ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (1), pp 290-296, D. McGehee ACS Energy Lett., 2016, 1 (6), pp 1199-1205

ES1.6.07 Alex Martinson, ALD Oxide Design, Argonne National Laboratory, Amorphous TiO2 coating stabilize Si GaAs and GaP photoanodes for efficient water oxidation ★
Science 30 May 2014: Vol. 344, Issue 6187, pp. 1005-1009, Non-aqueous routes to metal oxide thin films by atomic layer deposition. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2008;47(19):3592-5, Stabilization with Al2O3, Oxidation without crystallization, Interface improvement UV-O3, Temperature Stability in Ambient, Faucet Test, Nanometers of TiO2 between perovskite absorber and liquid water contact

ES1.6.08 Erik Ahlswede, ZSW, Stacked Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells, CIGS of ZSW 22.6%, Tandem Simulation, Band Gap Modification, Toward 2T perovskite Perovskite Tandem on CIGS, Influence on CIGS Bottom Cell: Optical Influence, IZO and 2nd IZO, 2μm CIGS + 100A Perovskite, Sputtered IZO for Inverted Semitransparent Cells, PCE 13.6% PCE 11.7%, 4T Tandem Estimation 18.9%

ES1.6.09 Tomas Leijtens, Stanford University, Perovskite-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells, McGee's group, Cation-induced Band Gap Tuning, Lattice Contraction, Precursor Antisolvent Immerson for high quality films, Cesium inclusion enables improved planer heterojunction solar cells, FA0.75Cs0.25Pb0.5Sn0.5I3 14.8%, 2-T: Most efficient but current matching is needed, 4T tandems >20%, Supttered ITO enables 2T tandems, 17% Monolithic Tandem, Thicker bottom cell are essential, Need to improve lifetime 30%, MA enables higher PCEs and NIR response, Pb Stabilizes Sn Perovskite, Degradation in Tin perovskites, Tuning compositions for lifetime

ES1.6.10 Philip Schulz, NREL, Carbon Nanotube Interlayers,
Energy Environ. Sci., 2014,7, 1377-1381
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7 (3), pp 418-425, perovskites capped with CNT: Energy Environ. Sci., 2016,9, 1439-1449 16.5%, Laser Vaporized s-SWCNT on MAPbBr3 (not I3)

ES1.6.11 Cheng-Min Tsai National Chiao Tung University, Carbon Electrode Perovskite, carbon-based mesoscopic perovskite solar cells:
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 739-747 15%


*ES1.7.01 Biwu Ma, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, OLED

ES1.7.02 Takumi Yamada, Kyoto University, Multi-Photon Excitation Spectroscopy,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (33), pp 10456-10459, 1- and 2-photon excitation microscopy, Excitation Depth Dependence of PL Spectra, Impact of Photon Recycling, Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 014001, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017,5, 3427-3437, Sammary: (1) Photon recycling occurs in every MAPbX3 (2) Excitation depth dependence of PL dynamics

ES1.7.03 Lianfeng Zhao, Princeton University, OLED, No element distribution change was observed


*ES1.7.04 Tzung-Fang Guo, National Cheng Kung Univ, NiOx Electrode Interlayer OLED, Wang App. Phys Lett 110

ES1.7.06 Dinesh Kabra, IIT Bombay, OLED

ES1.7.07 Kiyoshi Miyata, Columbia University, Hierarchical Charge Protection Mechanism, Efficient CsPbBr3 Cells
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. , 2015, 6 (13), pp 2452-2456, Exceptional hot carriers, Solvation of carriers in solid: Polaron, TR-OKE from MaPbBr3 and CsPbBr3: Liquid-like response Slow motions(less than 10 cm^-1) Different structural dynamics induced by carrier injection, Polaron formation in transient absorption, Polaron formation time: 0.3ps in MAPbBr3, Slower screening in CsPbBr3, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (48), pp 15717-15726

ES1.7.08 Sven Huettner, University Bayreuth, Ion Migration and Its Influence on Hysteresis, Stark spectroscopy:
Annu Rev Phys Chem. 1997;48:213-42, Permanent dipoles, Consistent with shift Voc, Bias-Stress Energy, 1V for 30min, Ultrafast PL Microscopy: scan rate 50μm for 35s under 10V bias voltage, Reducing hysteresis using PCBM, PL Intermittency in Crystal Domains

【2017.4.18 MRS2017 Spring Day2】

 久しぶりの Yang Yang 登場です。と思ったら、体調が理由で代理人が発表しました。

*ES1.3.01 Jinsong Huang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, gannma radiation 3.77×10^12 Bq: ★
Science 347, 967-970 (2015), X-Ray detector, wei Huang Nature Photonics published online (2017), GHz perovskite photodetectors, Perovskites for time-resolved PL system: Adv. Mater 28 10794 (2016), Ferroelectricity?: J. Phys Chem Lett 6 693 (2015), Some Unusual Phenomenon, ★Science Advances 3 e1602164 (2017), Science Advances 3 e1602167 (2017), Abnormal Photovoltaic Effect (APV), First Observation of APV in MAPbI3, Ionic Back Diffusion Current?, Ion migration at low temperature, Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Effect, Surface Potential Mapping: KPFM, Switchable Perovskite Photovoltaics, Nature Materials, 14 ***, Junction Formed by Ion Migration, Oxygen Sensitive APV Effect, Dedopping of n-type MAPbI3 in O2, Nature Materials (2014) ***, Hysteresis of stress-strain curve, New journal of physics ***, PFM Observation of Ferroelastic Domains, : Science Advances 3 e1602165 (2017), Photon-recycling?: Nature Communications 8 14417 (2017), Relation with PR in Real Devices, Effect on Radiative Recombination Lifetime, How about PR in real perovskite solar cell, Progress: 20.59%, Correlation of energy disorder and Voc: Nature Energy 1 15001 (2016)

*ES1.3.02 Han Chen (Liu Han), NIMS, 18.21% for 1cm^2, Themal stable by Graphene charge extraction layer, Cost-Perfoemance Analysis of Perovskite Solar Modules:
Advanced Science 4(1) 2017 1600269, Soft-cover deposition of scaling-up uniform perovskite thin films for high cost-performance solar cels, Energy & Environmental Science, Area=36.13 cm^2, Eff=12.07% certified by AIST

*ES1.3.03 Maria Antonietta Loi, University of Groningen, Microstructure & Light Soaking Phenomenon
Adv Func Mater 26 8094 (2016), Effect of the atmospheric gases, Benzylamine for surface passivation, Dislocation lines and defects, Bulk or surface?: 4.5μS signal comes from bulk, Surface recombination velocity, SCRV=4 cm S^-1, Low surface recombination velocity: Nat. Commun 6 7961 (2015), with O3, SCRV=64 cm S^-1, Sensitive X-ray detectors: Passivation: Nature Photonics 10 333 (2016)


*ES1.4.01 Yang Yang Jin-Wook Lee, University of California, Interface and Intermediate Phases Engineering, ACS Nano 10 ***, Importance of crystal growth, Nature Energy 2016 1 1-7, High crystal quality with less grain boundaries is required, crystal growth and passivation, Arrhenius equation, k=Ze^(-Ea/RT), we need the slow down the crystallization, Adduct method with DMSO, Effect of urea on morphology, Reduction in trap density, Presence of urea in the film?-->precipitate on surface or grain boundary, Vapor induced Intermediate phase, two step solution process, Vapor exposure (DMSO or DMF), remaind PbI2 is small, Carrier dynamics, Self-assembled monolayer, Different Self-Assembly Monolayes, Workfunction valiation (UPS) and Eff, Device performance with PA-SAM,

*ES1.4.02 Kenjiro Miyano, NIMS, Numerical Simulation, ★pin-junction: Prog PV Res Appl 12 155 (2004), Simple p-i-n diode, Two-diode model: ★Miyano Acc Chem Res 49 304 (2016), Intrinsic? ★APL 106 093903 (2015), SCAPS simulation, Perovskite annealed in MACl vapor:
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2017, Degradation: J. Phys Chem Lett 7 2240 (2016),

ES1.4.03 Carolin Wittich, Geomaterialscience, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, In-situ Interface Measurement (XPS?), Shift of Ti and O to higher BE, Simulation???

ES1.4.04 Weiming Qiu, imec, Perovskite Modules, 12×single cell =0.13cm^2, Au/Spiro/TiO2/ITO/Glass→10% for module by Soliance, A new combination of precursors for MAPbI3-xClx, Au/doped Spiro/Perovskite/Closslinked PCBM/ETL/ITO --> 17.1%, Mater Chem A 2017 51 2466, 12.44% (11.4 forward vs 12.9 reverse) by Fraunhofer, Imec press release, Au/doped Spiro/(Cs/Fa)PbI3/Closslinked PCBM/ETL/ITO 16.3% for 4 cm^2w


ES1.4.05 Joseph Berry, NREL, Defect Tolerance,
Adv Mater Interfaces 2015 2 1400532, ★defect tolerance: J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7 (3), pp 418-425, MoO3: ACS Appl Mater Inter 2016 8 31491-31499, TiO2/MAPI/MoO3/HTM no good

ES1.4.06 Vijay Venugopalan, Italian Inst of Technology (IIT), Interfacial Charge Accumulation, Transient Photovoltage at 1 Sun, Recombination at 1 sun, Why PCBM Works?: Effects of doping, Effects on device stability, PCBM traps Ag+ ion migration, Effects of defects on ***

*ES1.4.07 Qingbo Meng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Charge Transport and Junction Nature, HTM free 11.4%, Carbon-electrode HTM-free 13.%, HTM based cell 19%, with HTM 20.3%, Charge Transfer properties of a junction, Appl Phys Let 104 063901 (2014), Appl Mater Interf 6 97 (201*), Capacitance of heterojunction, Mott-Schotkey model, AC capacitance Agreeing well, Time (μS) vs Photovoltage (V), Perovskite is typical heterojunction solar cell, Charge transport, Suppress the electron transfer at back surface: ALD AlOx blocking layer on Perovskite, APL 107 073501 (2015), Control of Charge Transport, ★D Ko* EES 2017 10 91, Hysteresis: Defects-Capacitance-Ion Doping-Energy barrier I want know why?, Modulated transient photo current/photovoltage, In-situ photocurrent under bias voltage, ★Appl Phys Lett 107 163901 (2015) Ion transport (sorry!), ★Small 12 5288 (2016), Whether the ion transport and hysteresis are related ***?, ★TEM HAADF observation Nano Res 10 483 (2017), Interface bonding: DFT simulation of interface atomic bonding ★★X. Xu Q Meng: Nano Res 10 483 (2017)

ES1.4.08 Taketo Handa, Kyoto University, Photocarrier dynamics in device, Photo carrier injection at the interface, time-resolved PL & PC, Cell assembling: Chem Lett 43 711 (2014), PL decay curves, Power dependence of PL lifetimes, Integrated PL intensity

ES1.4.09 Satoshi Uchida, U-Tokyo, no comment

【2017.4.17 MRS2017 Spring Day1】


ったりするものの圧倒的に中国研究者の寄与が多くなっています。体感的に 30-40%
くらい。ここ最近のペロブスカイト太陽電池会議ですが、MRS に限らず HOPV・
ABXPV・PSCO といった欧州の会議でも同様の傾向。ドクター級の若手研究者でも

 逆に日本からは宮坂・早瀬・内田と、いつものメンバー。結果、(仮に)oral で申し込
■2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
Symposium ES1 : Perovskite Solar Cells―Towards Commercialization

ES1.1.01 Ziqi Liang, Fudan University, Shanghai China, Solid-State Ligand-Exchange Fabrication of CH3NH3PbI3 Capped PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells, Solution-phase ligand exchange, JACS 2014 ***, Layer-by-layer deposition, Cascade energy alignment, CH3NH3PbI3 in AN. CH3NH3PbI3 caped PbS, Jsc=24.83 mAcm2, PCE=4.25%, CELIV & TOF analysis, Adv. Sci. 2016, 3, 1500432

ES1.1.02 Baomin Xu, South University of Science and Technology of China, Challenge of commercialization, Strategy: Enhancing hydrohobicity by TBP,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (12), pp 6546-6553, 12.6%, PSCs prepared using the modification agents with different modifire for TBP, Heat assisted spin-coating process (HASP) 19.12%, Spiro/CsPbI3 QD/CH3NH3PbI3 18.5%???

*ES1.1.03 David Cahen, Weizmann Inst of Science, wiyh GARY HODES, Comprehensive overview, Self-repair?

*ES1.1.04 Hyun Suk Jung, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Comercialization, Perovskite Solar Cell Companies (web site), North Korea is doing Perovskite, recycle DMSO, 200 USD/g for Spiro, Recycled MALI-Perovskite showed same performance, Br Concentration Gradient Perovskite, HBr- + O2 (gas process?), TOF-SIMS, HBr treated PSC shows good stability,

ES1.1.05 Muge Acik, University of Chicago & Argonne, Alcohol assited processing of MAPbI3, In si tu syncrotron high energy XRD analysis, In situ Syncrotron WAXA: Temperature effect: MAPbI3 in methanol or MAPbI3 in 2-propanol, crystal growth, Metallic-lead free MAPbI3, Pb0 will be observed 4f 7/2 in XPS, MAPbI3 growth in toluene bs alcohol, toluene-->fibers


*ES1.1.06 Liyuan Han, NIMS *withdrow
ES1.1.06 Luis K. Ono (OIST), Spiro-OMeTAD hole transport layer in perovskite-based solar cells, OIST don't have a department but have Units, he respected Miyasaka as a origin of PSC, t-BP has influence only in precursor,
Chem. Mater., 2015, 27 (2), pp 562-569, Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2016) 1600117, Dry-O2 or N2 is OK, Pinhole channels in spiro-MeTAD HTL, Ag corrosion: Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2 (2015) 1500195, Influence of pinhole 0n device stability: J. Nater. Chem. A3 (2015) 15451, t-BP function in spin-coated doped Spiro-OMeTAD films: ★ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (1), pp 362-373, Nano Lett., 2016, 16 (9), pp 5594-5600, Chem. Mater., 2015, 27 (16), pp 5702-5711, 2D mapping of IR: ★ν=1503 cm-1, Spiro+LiTFSI+t-BP, AFM and EFM

*ES1.1.07 Michele Sessolo, University of Valencia, Fully Evaporated High Efficiency Perovskite, Dual source vaccume deposition system, TaTm F6-TCNNQ, PCE=20.3%, FF go down at low light intensity, Tandem cell record oerformance, ★Perovskite/Perovskite Tandem Solar cell
Advanced Energy Materials (2017), MAI+PbBr2 --> MaPbI3-xBrx

ES1.1.09 Rahim Munir, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, In Situ Investigation of Solvent Engineering, In situ GWAX Analysis, Adv. Mater 25 1923 (2013), Hybrid Perovskite Thin-film Photovoltaics in Situ Diagnostics and Importance of the Precursor Solvate phases
Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1604113, GBL:DMSO (7:3),

ES1.1.08 Wallace Choy, University of Hong Kong, Theoretical and Experimental Study,
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (21), 2728-2735, Rapidly conversion at room temperature, "Our PbI2", unreacted PbI2 on device performance, Adv. Mater doi 10.1002adma20160469**

ES1.1.10 Stefano Pisoni, EMPA, All Laser Scribed Perovskite Solar Mini-Modules, MPPT, 11.9%, 14.8% for flexible, Al:ZnO/LiF/ETL, J-S, Nano Energy 30 (2016), Area 10.2 cm^2 GFF=94%


*ES1.2.01 Tsutomu Miyasaka, Toin University of Yokohama, low-temperature process, Chem Lett,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (17), pp 6050-6051, Stability of FAPbI3 with ZnO electron collector (MA react with ZnO), Cs 5% for best as a triple cation system, 20% for 5 by 5 mm, 18.0% for 1 by 1 cm, Brookite for flexible 14.3%, 22.4mAcm^2 1.16V 21.6%, One year stability, (CH3NH3)3Bi2I3 Pb free ~0.3%, 2D perovskite Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 4366-4369 PCE=1.26%

ES1.2.02 Yanbo Li University of Electronic Science and Technology of China *withdraw

ES1.2.03 Shen Wang, University of California, Roles of Hole Transport Layer Additives, Spiro-LiTFSI-tBP, Spectrum-Dependent Spiro-OMeTAD Oxidization
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7(44), pp 24791-24798, Function of TBP: as a morphological controller, after over night keeping?, TBP reduce the viscosity, J. Mater Chem, tBP:LiTFSI (2:1), In situ ESEM for water issue

ES1.2.04 Iris Visoly-Fisher, Israel, Accelerated Stability Testing, MAPBI3 Chem Comm 2015 51 14917, MaPbBr3: no degradation, J. Phys. Chem Letter 6 (2015) 326-330, 100 sun exposures, Degradation proceeds by formation of PbI2 and, ChemSusChem 9 (2016) 2572-2577, One step deposition vs two step, UV filtration,

ES1.2.05 Emilio Juarez-Perez, OIST, Thermal Degradation, Thermogravimetry-Mass Spectrometry Analysis, Atomistic Origins of High-Performance in Hybrid Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (5), pp 2584-2590, volatile 142 m/z is CH3I(g), CH3NH3PbI2 shows 2 step degradation and CH3NH3I shows 1 step, DFT calculations CH3NH3PbI3-->NH3(g)+CH3I(g)+PbI2(s), CH3NH2+HI<--->CH3NH3I


*ES1.2.06 Shihe Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ion migration induced degradation, J. Phys. Chem. Lett (2014) ***, Ion migration related hysteresis (impossible!)
Nano Energy 26, 2016, Pages 620-630, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 1103-1111, NiO based perovskite, PVK/PCBM thin layer to bridge HTL and Perovskite (not yet submitted), C+Epoxy cathod HTM-free PSCs

ES1.2.07 Guang Yang, Wuhan University, SnO2 Electron Transport Layer, stable & high electron mobility % wider bandgap,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2015, 137 (21), pp 6730-6733, 20.79%, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 3970-3990, Guang Yand Guojin Fang, Y-doped SnO2 Small 2017 13(2) 1601769

ES1.2.09 Nicholas Rolston, Stanford University, Dense Silica Barrier Films,
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9(3), 2016, Pages 353-358, Fracture Energy Gc (J/m^2), Ultrafast one-step deposition of thin film Aomic Spray Plasma Processing (RSPP) of Perovskite, N2 carrier gas spray --> Air+Ar plasma heating, RSPP creates dense films inseconds, 13% PCE vs 13.3% by spin coating (F. Hit M.Q. Hostn N. Rolston R.H. Dauskardt, submitted), Plasma deposition of SiO2, Encapsulated devices (by SiO2) are stable

ES1.2.10 Kai Brinkmann, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Self-Encapsulating Air-Resilient Semitransparent Perovskite, AZO (NP) / SnO2 by ALD bilayers, elevated temperature,
Nature Communications 8, 13938 (2017), Ultra thin Ag layer (7 nm) as a transparent top electrode, ★★Adv Energy Mater 7 1602599 (2017), SnOx/Ag/SnOx top electrode, Ag nano particle is commertially available from "Nanograde"


【2017.4.13 記事の御紹介】

■ペロブスカイト薄膜太陽電池で変換効率60%超の可能性 - パデュー大
  (2017年4月13日付 マイナビニュース)

 もはや言った物勝ち? 「フリーキャリア」ではなく「ホットキャリア」説は私も賛成。

【2017.4.12 講演会のお知らせ】

AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 2017

  日 時:2017年6月13日(火) 12時30分〜17時45分
           6月14日(水) 10時00分〜17時00分
  場 所:「つくば国際会議場」 大ホール map
  参加費:成果報告会 : 無料、意見交換会 : 4,000円

【2017.4.12 記事の御紹介】

■ Make perovskite solar cells stable
  (2017年4月11日付 NatureNews)

【2017.4.11 講演会のお知らせ】

  日 時:2017年5月30日(火) 第1部 11時〜 (ご希望者)/ 第2部 13時〜
  場 所:英弘精機株式会社 本社(東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷1-21-8) map

     東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任教授 内田 聡
     東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任講師 別所毅隆
     弘精機(株)環境機器事業部システムエンジニア 蓑田光博

【2017.4.10 機内映画感想メモ】


・Collateral Beauty 素晴らしきかな、人生 (2016) ○○ 辛い 予告編
・The Accountant ザ・コンサルタント (2016) ○○ action movie 予告編 イイ!
・Bridge of Spies ブリッジ・オブ・スパイ (2015) ○○ 感動した 予告編
・Lion LION/ライオン 〜25年目のただいま〜 (2017) ○ 微妙 予告編
・Alone In Berlin ヒトラーへの285枚の葉書 (2016)○ 予想通り 予告編
・Genius ベストセラー 編集者パーキンズに捧ぐ (2016) ○ オチ無し 予告編
・Jack Reacher. Never Go Back ジャック・リーチャー (2016) ○ 切ない 予告編
・Passengers パッセンジャー (2016) ○ 女優さん綺麗 予告編
・Arrival (メッセージ) 2016 ×
・Assassin's Creed アサシン クリード (2016) ×
・Complete Unknown コンプリート・アンノウン (2016) ×
・Hailey Dean Mystery: Murder, with Love (2016) ×
・Loving ラビング 愛という名前のふたり (2016) × ?
・Mr. Right バッド・バディ! 私と彼の暗殺デート (2015) × B級

【2017.4.7 COST Meeting Day 2 快晴26℃】

・Dr. Elias Stathatos (Brite Solar Technology, Greece), Glass company, 3.5% for DSC
・Dr. Erik Gabrielsson (Dyenamo, Sweden), New HTM
・Dr. Palvi Apilo (VTT TRC, Finland), Flexible, Fully printed OPV, fully printed P3HT PCBM
・Dr. Helena Alves (CICECO, Portugal), Photonic devices, Rubrene-PCBM photo transistor, Rubrene-TCNQ interface, JACS 131 (2009) ***, Rubrene / PDIs,
・Dr. Eva Unger (HySPRINT at HZB, Germany), Perovskite on Si(HIT) 18.1% 0.16cm^2, ★Flagship project Perovskite-Silicon Tandems, Introduction Helmholtz Innovation labs, 12:00-12:06
・Dr. Manuel Mendes (CENIMAT i3N, Portugal), Flexible
・Dr. Denys Shevchenko (SOLOMYA, Sweden), Laser desorption/ionization
・Prof. Angela Sastre-Santos (Miguel Hernandez University, Spain) OPV
・Dr. Simon Zufle (FLUXIM, Switzerland), R&D Perovskite
・Dr. Louis Pacheco (CSInstruments, France)
・Dr. Torben Nielsen (FOM Technologies, Denmark)
・Dr. Toni Muller (Heliatek, Germany)
・Prof. Henrique Gomes (Univ. Algarve and IT, Portugal)
・Dr. Lucio Cina (Cicci Research, Italy), Carlo's lab.,
・Dr. Giorgio Bardizza (European Commission DG JRC, Italy)
・Dr. Julian Burschka (Merck, Germany)
・Dr. Mateja Hocevar, “Photochromic glazing based on sol-gel materials”
・Dr. Gustavo de Miguel, “Solventless mechanochemical synthesis of 3-, 2- and 1-dimensional hybrid perovskites”
・Dr. Gabriel Bernardo, “ Probing the nano-morphology of bulk-heterojunctions using neutrons”
・Dr. Eva M. Garcia-Frutos, “A new small molecule for organic electronics: 7,7'-diazaisoindigo”
・Dr. Francesca De Rossi (Specific, UK), “Degradation of perovskite solar cells based on a triple all-printable mesoporous stack”

【2017.4.6 COST Meeting Day 1 快晴23℃】

染みの Soliance 社(Netherland)や FLUXiM 社(Switzerland) 筆頭に、OPV の
HELIATEK 社(Germany), FOM 社(Denmark)等多くの企業が出資してチームを構成

 議長は Prof. Monica Lira-Cantu (ICN2, Spain)、副議長はここ最近存在感を増して
いる Dr. Yulia Galagan (HOLST, NL) と Dr. Ana Maria Matos Charas (Lisboa, Portugal)、
StableNextSol COST Action no. MP1307 (Lisbon, Portugal)

・Welcome to participants: : Dr. Yulia Galagan (HOLST, NL), kikk off in 2014, Next ISOS meeting is MALTA,
・Welcome to Lisbon: Dr. Ana Charas (IT, Lisbon)
・Update of STSMs: Dr. Koen Vandewal/Dr. Yulia Galagan
・Experiments Report: Introduction Prof. Harald Hoppe/Dr. Yulia Galagan Experiment 1: Prof. Harald Hoppe/Dr. Simon Zufle, P3HT batch comparison, Degradation D1 L2 O2, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), Photo CELIV, Raman, ESR Spectroscopy etc., Merk vs Sigma Aldrich vs BASF vs 1M vs Rieke for P3HT, Definition of burn-in ★Roesch Adv. Energy Mater. 5(20), 1501407 (2015), Roesch Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 59-66 (2013), ISOS-L2 Setup FSU: Jena, 1 Sun 55℃, 1000hours, DegradationsSetups -D2: 65℃, ACS Macro Lett ***, O2: out degradation, D2: dark degradation, L2: Large valiation in stability (?), PEDOT vs V2O5
・Experiment 3: Dr. Sjoerd Veenstra, HELIATEK,
・Experiment 4: Dr. Yulia Galagan, degradation, L1: Light soaking, Ts-Ts80 lifetime analysis > Lifetime Energy Yield (LEY), PL-PAIOS analysis,Correlation between best PCDTBT and its chemical properties
・Experiment 6 on Perovskites: Dr. Francesca Brunetti, Perovskite, stability study, aging protocol
・Wrap up Experimental Part and Q&A:Dr. Yulia Galagan (HOLST, NL)

・Dr. Jeffrey A. Christians (NREL, USA) Mobility of extrinsic ions, Impacts of Li+ ion migration: Hysteresis, Acknowledgement for Kamadt
・Dr. Wolfgang Tress (EPFL), Acknowledgement for A. Hagfeldt,
・Dr. Uli Wurfel, (Freiburg/Fraunhofer, Germany), ・Uchida (U-Tokyo, Japan)
・Hishikawa (AIST, Japan), Define a sweep condition to yield "stable" Pmax and an I-V curve, where the hysteresis is within tolerance. (Confirmation at wide-ranges of conditions is necessary), Whenhysteresis is persistent even for very slow sweep, investigate the trend of output current at a fixed voltage near Vpmax in order to define a "stable" Pmax, The "stable" Pmax may not be readily defined for some samples.
・Dr. Stefano Berrettoni (Dyesol, Australia), C=45nF, Inductance L=317H (is this true?), I-V curve partial scan
・Dr. Sjoerd Veenstra (Soliance, Netherland), ・Prof. Toshiro Matsuyama (RATO, Japan), Rato is research association, 3min over, no question
・Dr. Giorgio Bardizza (Italy),
・Dr. Tobias Sauermann, OPVIUS GmbH (former Belectric), OPV durability
・Dr. Torben Nielsen (FOM Technologies, Denmark),


【2017.4.5 移動日 快晴24℃】


【2017.4.3 France から】


【2017.4.2 Hindawi から】


■Stability Issues in Organic, Perovskite, and Hybrid Solar Cells 

 〆切は 5/26

【2017.4.2 NIMS から】


  日 時:平成29年4月23日(日)
  場 所:千現地区・並木地区・桜地区

【2017.4.1 Ohtani Lab/CRC/Hokudai から】

  (2017年4月1日付 大谷研究室HP)
 これは、、、伝説の IPS-19 (Pasadena, 2011) で披露されたネタですね。 (^^;)

【2017.3.31 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年4月4日付 ITmedia)

  (2017年4月4日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)

  (2017年4月3日付 エキサイトニュース)

  (2017年3月31日付 nikkei BPnet)
フィルム型太陽電池生産 積水化学、つくばにライン 
  (2017年3月30日付 日本経済新聞社23面)
  (2017年3月30日付 読売新聞)
  (2017年3月30日付 PRTIMES)

■室温プロセスによるフィルム型色素増感太陽電池 事業化へ 
  (2017年3月29日付 積水化学工業株式会社)


【2017.3.30 Goodbye Cojocaru san】

 本HP上ではいきなりですが、明日いっぱいで Cojocaru さんが瀬川研を去ります。

 4/1 付けでドイツの某大学へ移籍します。仕事のできる人に限って、先にいなくなっ

 本当に今まで大きな Contribution ありがとうございました。
 上記の他にプロジェクト以外の論文・発表もあります。You really did a good job, thak you!

【2017.3.29 Lunch with Cojocaru san】


【2017.3.28 講演会のお知らせ】


  日 時:2017年4月14日(金)
  場 所:東京大学駒場キャンパス先端科学技術研究センター

     杉山 正和(東京大学)
     瀬川 浩司(東京大学)
     根上 卓之(パナソニック)
     近藤 高志(東京大学)
     宮野 健次郎(物質・材料研究機構)
     峯元 高志(立命館大学)

【2017.3.25 電気化学会第84回大会(首都大学東京 南大沢キャンパス)】

 栄枯盛衰を地で行く S3「光電気化学とエネルギーの変換」セッション。オワタ。

【2017.3.22 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年3月24日付 Gigazine)

  (2017年3月22日付 ITmedia)

  (2017年3月21日付 ブルームバーグ)

【2017.3.13 機内映画感想メモ】

 評価順に以下の通り。ANA はクオリティー高いです。

・La La Land ラ・ラ・ランド (2016) ○○ 前半分イラネ 予告編 ハイライトシーン

・スウィート17モンスター The edge of seventeen (2016) ○ Happy story 予告編
・バットガイズ!! War on Everyone (2016) ○ too violent 予告編
・最後の追跡 Hell or High Water (2016) ○ 微妙 予告編
・石の拳 Hand's of Stone (2016) ○ 読み通り 予告編
・Rules Don’t Apply (2016, Germany) ○ 切ない 予告編
・ぼくの妻と結婚して下さい Will you marry my wife? (2016) ○ no surprize 予告編

・ガール・オン・ザ・トレイン The girl on the train (2016) × 暗過ぎ
・マックス・スティール Max Steel (2016) × C級
・Mr. Church (2016) × 長すぎ 予告編
・S STORM (2016) ×

【2017.3.12 移動日】

 オマケ 爽やか過ぎるだろ?(苦笑)

【2017.3.11 Bourdeax エピローグ】

 本当は直帰したいところですが、フライトの都合で今日発つとチケット代が 100 万
曜日の 15:55 羽田着。

 14 年振りにボルドーを訪れたのですが、公共機関は Tram が町中を縦横に走って、
で表すなら“競争に晒されていない”感じ。朝 8:30 にスタートして 17:30 にはほとんど


【2017.3.10 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年3月10日付 日経テクノロジーオンライン)

【2017.3.10 Bourdeax Day5】

 午前は Cojocaru 氏の古巣、Prof. Thierry TOUPANCE 研究室を訪問。午後は私

Perovskite Solar Cells: Crystal Structure and Interface Architecture
  Jour: Vendredi 10 MARS
  Lieu: AMPHI 1 Bat A ENSCBP, conference
  Intervenant: Satoshi UCHIDA
          Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence
          College of Arts and Sciences (KOMEX), The University of Tokyo

【2017.3.9 Bordeaux Day4】

 セル作製 2 回目。Camille 女氏の help をもらいながら、今度は粟井君が自分で
セルを作製します。ホールコンダクターは通常の Spiro を基準に、ボルドー側が提
 オマケ1 オマケ2

【2017.3.8 Bordeaux Day3】

るスタイルなので、配置が最適化されていません。結果、セル作製時には 5〜6 部

 I-V 測定も同じで、ソーラーシミュレータ立ち上げ時にランプの SW を入れるためだ

 基板電極取出部洗浄(CB→EtOH)→Au 蒸着(80 nm)@グローブボックス→I-V
測定@クリーンルーム→IPCE 測定@クリーンルーム
 オマケ1 オマケ2

【2017.3.7 Bordeaux Day2】


 FTO 基板洗浄(超音波処理)→TIP のスピンコートによる緻密層塗布→電気炉焼
成→UV/Ozone 洗浄@クリーンルーム→PbCl2+MAI/DMSO 系溶液の調製&Spiro/
CB 系溶液の調製@グローブボックス→ホットプレート加熱@グローブボックス→TiCl4
溶液調製→FTO/TiO2 基板浸漬→電気炉焼成→PbCl2+MAI/DMSO 溶液スピンコ
 どうでも良いけどフランス人(女性)、よくしゃべる。 オマケ

【2017.3.6 Bordeaux Day1】

 ボルドー大学の有機高分子化学研究所 (LCPO) は 2〜3 年前に出来たばかりの
3 階建て(+地階)、真新しい建物 B8 building に位置します。自慢のクリーンルーム
は清浄度 Class 5、床面積は 850 m^2。

 圧巻なのはその中身で、(1) 酸化物の EB 蒸着 (2) 金属/酸化物の熱蒸着 (3) 低
分子/ポリマーの熱蒸着 (4) 各種分光分析装置の 4 ラインに分かれた真空装置と

 最長 10 m を越えるロードロックは、産業装置は別として、アカデミックな研究機関
としては世界でもここだけではないかと想像します。終端の UPS/XPS/AES 等総合
分析装置の真空度は 10^-10 Pa オーダーで、これも世界トップクラスです。

(1) LCPO チーム長歓迎挨拶(Prof. Georges Hadziioannou)
(2) 研究概要説明(Dr. Camile)
(3) L0 クリーンルーム見学(印刷装置関係、分析装置関係)

  昼食(CNRS Restaulant)

(4) L0 クリーンルーム見学(蒸着機器関係、分光&真空計測装置関係)
(5) 共同研究打ち合わせ
(6) FTO 基板エッチング他事前準備
 eduroam (Wi-Fi) 快適。

【2017.3.5 移動日】

内田・玉木・粟井、3 名の使節団がペロブスカイト太陽電池をテーマに現地ボルドー


【2017.3.4 映画感想メモ】


・Rules don't apply (2017, Germany) ○ 切ない 予告編
・インフェルノ Inferno (2016) ○ 予告編
・ザ・コンサルタント The Accountant (2016) ○ 予告編
・ファンタスティック・ビーストと魔法使いの旅 Fantastic Beast (2016) ○ 予告編
・ドクター・ストレンジ Doctor Strange (2016) ○ 予告編
・マリアンヌ ○ 切ない 予告編
・砂上の法廷 The Whole Trouth (2016) ×

【2017.3.3 移動日】

シア (VAL)→デュッセルドルフ (DUS) 間は EUROWINGS というマイナーな航空会社
ラウンジで くつろぐ 仕事をするはずだったのがベンチで淀むはめに。格安航空券の

い終えてから Lufthasa のラウンジへ直行。制限無しのインターネットに十分過ぎる


【2017.3.2 ABXPV Day2】

常に少ないこと。発表者に至っては私と NIMS の宮野先生の 2 名だけ。いくら国内で

*訂正、沖縄 OIST(Dr. Qi, Yabing)の発表を入れると 3 名でした。でも、なんか違う...

G2.I1 Mhaisalkar, Subodh, partly supported by US army, Muliti functional Cations, Light emitter, Adv. Mater 2016 28(32) 6804-6834, JPCL 2016 7(20) 4059-4066, From 3D to 2D Perovskites, FA+(MA)n-1(EAI)2PbnX3n+1 Adv. Mater. 28(19) 3653 (2016), CHMA+, Surface Passivated perovskite: MXP+BAI is best, Core-shell NPs Chem Commun **, Hot carrier energy recovery?, Hot carrier solar cells, Theoretcal limit from 33%→66%, Slow carrier coling in MALI, Challenges to achieving Slow Hot-carrier Cooling, MAPbBr3 NC weak confinement (Bohr dia ~4nm), NC vs bulk(film) TA Signatures: Nature Comm DOI 10.1038/ncomms14350, Hot-carrier Temp and delay times, Low pump fluence, High pump fluence, Hot-carrier extraction: EDT-treated NCs→Bphen, Extraction efficiency: Nature Comm DOI 10.1038/ncomms14350, Slow Hot Carrier cooling: Superior to GaAs or CdSe

G2.I2 Bisquert, Juan, Device operation, Current voltage curves, Ionic conduction in solids, Energy & Environmental Science 8.2118-2127 (2015), Low frequency capacitance: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Lett 2015 1645-1652, Accumulation capacitance in a transistor, The slow voltage decay, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Charge compensation at the electron contact, Surface recombination, Hysteresis: Surface polarization model, Changes of perovskite solar cells while you measure them,

G2.I3 Buecheler, Stephan, All-thin-film Tandem Devices, Perovskite-CIGS tandem device in 4-termilal configuration: 20.5%, Mechanical scribing, ★Reversible light soaking effect: Nature Energy 2 16190 (2016), , No light soaking effect with magnetron sputtered ZnO, operational stability non-encapsulated device, Perovskite and CIGS is good partner

A2.O1 De Angelis, Filippo, Polarons in Organohalide Perovskites, Polaron: Structural response to injected charges, MAPbI3, disorder dominates, MA fluctuations: ~7ps, Polaron formation: Time scale matters, Polaron formation (+): Standard DFT not enough, A simplified system: CsPbBr3, Poralon radius ~3nm *mostly simulation based on hypothesis

A2.O2 Boyer-Richard, Soline, Symmetry-Based Tight Binding method, ★Hydrostatic strain: MRS Commun. 2015 5 623, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/mrc.2015.69, 32 GPa, Rashba effect

A2.O3 Mora-Sero, Ivan, Lnductive loop and Negative capacitance, Precedence, Multiple scafold layers, Inductance values obtained from fitting increases with the number of ***,

A2.O4 Sherkar, Tejas S., Recombination channels, Doping of HTL, T.S. Sherkar Adv. Energy Mater. 2017 1602432, Grain boundaries, Sign of filled traps (compact/non-compact morphologies), Hysteresis: consistent of experiment, poor solac cell→large hysteresis

A2.O5 Neukom, Martin@FLUXiM, Hysteresis in I-V curve, Hysteresis is caused by mobile ion, Drift-diffusion simulation, Simulation result: Ion, Simulation result: Electric field, Hysteresis with low diffusion length, Other possibility: Nano Lett. 16 4720 (2016),

A2.O6 Uchida, Satoshi, me

A2.O7 Anaya, Miguel, Exceeding the limit,

H2.I1 Qi, Yabing, Degradation of MAPbI3 Perovskite, Thermal degradation, MAPbI3(s)→PbI2(s)+X(g) : Energy Environ. Sri. 9 3406 (2016), X=nominal loss of CH3NH3I, TD-DTA-MS, As the control experiment we measured CH3NH2(gas MW31) and HI(gas MW128), Generation of I2, I2 vapor induced degradation of MAPbI3, PbI2 appears after 6min

H2.I2 Lovrincic, Robert, Vibrations in Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskites: Implications for Electronic Properties and Chemical Analysis, DOI 10.1021/jacs6b***, Far-IR spectroscopy implimation, Mid-IR spectroscopy(800-3400 cm^-1), JPCL 6, 2913 2015, Water infiltration, Transient photocurrent

C2.O1 Momblona, Cristina, p-i-n and n-i-p perovskite, dual source deposition, Fully vacuum deposited perovskite solar cells, p-i-n solar cells - optimizing F6-TCNQ concentration, TaTm (HTL)

C2.O2 Sanders , Simon, Chemical Vapor Deposition, PbI2 MP 402 degree C, Substrate 2.5 by 2.5 cm, Chamber pressure 10 hPa, carrier gas flow to 500 sccm and 5 degree C, Deposition rate 30 nm/h, HT-Source 410 degree C runline 430 degree C, LT-Source 150 degree C runline 170 degree C, very high porosity,

C2.O3 Berson, Solenn (France), Perovskite/Silicon tandem solar cells, ines (The National Solar Energy Institute, http://www.ines-solaire.org), Top-cell: CEA Perf. 18% for 13mm^2, 12.4% for 8cm^2, Argon + Oxygen Plasma 2.5kW Temperature 200 degree C, PhD position on tandem cell available

C2.O4 Palazon, Francisco, Fully inorganic perovskite nanocrystal inks, CsPbBr3 colloidal nanoparticle 15nm Voc 1.5V PCE 5.4% FF 0.65 Jsc 5.6mA/cm^2 *good enough

【2017.3.1 ABXPV Day1】

■ペロブスカイト薄膜太陽電池の国際会議 ABXPV17 (Valencia, Spain)

 実参加者数 100 人に満たない小さな会議ですが Nazeeruddin, Subodh, Fillipo,
Ivan, Santiago, Cachen, Hodes, Yabing, Bisquert (not yet today) と、蒼々たるメンバ
ーが出揃っております。自分の発表は明日なのでノンビリ構えていたら、Santiago か

 昨年から Perovskite のいろんなアクティビティーが上がったお陰で会議数が増え、
個人的にかなり混乱を来しております。今回の ABXPB も間違えて2件(→2回、別々
に)登録を行っており、しかも本人が気付いていないという... 結局、自分の口頭発表
けで請求書も 2 件分あります。いろんな意味で、もう限界かも。(^^;)
G1.I1 Nazeeruddin, Mohammad, Perovskite solar cells: A new paradigm in Energy sector, (1) Deposition method (2) Interface and Compositional Engineering (3) Molecular Engineering of Hole Transport (4) 2D/3D, Strong light absorption 300 nm, Tuneable band gap, Urbach energy as small as 15meV, n-i-p, ★Anti-solvent method Chem Mater 2017 Solvent Trifuloro... (TFT) is best, p-i-n configuration DOI 10.1039/CSEE03586H, PbI2 excess in CH3NH3PbI3 incorporated in the precursor solution, 10% PbI- excess, Interfacial PbI2 simulation by Fillipo, PbI2 localized on TiO2, Seok ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017 9 6072-6078, PbI2 is passivation layer, (FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15, homogenious or heterogenious? JACS 138(49) 15821 (2016), No 79Br!, HIM-SIMS, HTM Nature Energy (2016) 15017, GIWAXS of KR***,

G1.I2 Herz, Laura, Tunable mixed halide system FAPb(BryI3-y)3, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016 7 1083-1087, CsyFA3-yPb(Br0.4I0.6)*, no original data

G1.I3 Hodes, Gary, Types of instability, e-beam stability, EBIC CsPbBr3 vs MAPbBr3 J Phys Chem Lett 7 167 (2016), CsSnBr3 exposure to X-ray (from XPS), Slow

B1.O1 Hutter, Eline, Physical Vapour Deposition of MAPbI3, TRMC vs Photoluminescence (PL), TRMC vs PL lifetime, TRMC MAPBI3/Spiro-OMeTAD, Spiro-OMeTAD vs EDOT-OMeTPA, Extraction Efficiencies for Electrons

B1.O2 Levine, Igal, Mobility life-time, Stedy state photocarrier Grating (SSPG), Balberg Plot, S, EBIC Edri et al Nature Comm. 2014, Single recombination center,

B1.O3 Wolff, Christian M., Compact Layers and Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc), ICTA C60 PCBM PS as a electron transport material, Reconstructing the Voc, Mechanisms Governing Losses,

B1.O4 Juan A, Anta, Impedance spectroscopy results, Rrec=R0{-qβV/kBT}, Impedance vs Stationary Measurement,

B1.O5 Pockett, Adam, Origin of slow dynamic processes in perovskite solar cells, Modeling Anomalous Hysteresis in Perovskite ***, Time domain (TPV), Frequency domain response EIS & IMVS, Scaling IMVS to EIS, recombination and ion migration,

B1.O6 Bernard, Geffroy, ★GD-OES, not related with Hysteresis (sure)

B1.O7 Knapp, Evelyne, PSC and Drift ***, Numerical Model for electronic and ionic charge transport in PSC, Equilibrium distribution, Profiles@1.25V: Static Case,
H1.I1 Walsh, Aron, (1) Early Modeling of Halide Perovskites (2) Latest Results, Phys Review B 77 2352*, APL Materials 1 14222 (201*), Phonon Theory for CH3NH3PbI3, Rocking MA+ mode at 2.5 THz, PCCP 18 27051 (2016), Low-Frequency Dielectric Response, CB Pb6p0 & VB I 5p6 with Pb 6s2, Rashba and Radiative Recombination, Dynamic Rashba Effect (Effect persists at room temperature), Giant Phonon ***, MAPI is a Thermal Insulator, Photo-induced Halide (I & Br) Separation, no original data & totally simulation only

H1.I2 Olthof, Selina, electronic sturucture of MAPbI3, Measurement of energy levels, Excitation by UV light hν=22eV, MAPbI3 UPS and PES, APL Mater 4 91502 (2016), Adv. Funct. Mater 25 1213 (2015), MAPbI3 prepared by difernt methods / laboratories probably not the same material (sure!), Adv. Mater 28 553 (2016), By measuring XPS we can compare the relative amount of PbI2 to MAI, Samples with intentionally varied composition showed: No change in band gap (sure!) Solar cell performance suffers, Energy levels for varing compositions, Interface formation, The substrate / perovskite interface - UPS measurement, S. Olthof Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 40267, 3 nm vs 200 nm

H1.I3 MIYANO, Kenjiro, started 3 years before, Simple p-i-n diode, APL 106 093903 (2015), "I do not refuse my dinner simply because I do not understand the process of digestion" - Oliver Heaviside -, Z: made dimension less, ★Two-diode model: Miyano Acc Chem Res 49 304 (2016), SCAPS simulation, Samples with and without Cl incorporation,
C1.O1 Senes, Alessia, Stability test, SiN passivation layer!, Shelf life, N-I-P Shelf life vs Thermal stress, P-I-N: Shelf life vs Thermal stress, P-I-N: Shelf life vs Light soaking (open circuit), N-I-P: Shelf life vs Light soaking: Side Leekage, Role of encapsulation-Shelf life, Role of encapsulation-Light Soaking,

C1.O2 Smecca, Emanuele with Miyasaka sensei!, Degradation, Stability, RT-80 degree C, Single step, Air and N2, Tetragonal to cubic transition, Humid Air effect during heating, Humid air effect after cooling down, Dry N2: Fully reversible, Optical behaviour, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Threshold temperature 50 degree C. Car-Parrinello Molecular dynamics, The MAPbI3 is fully stable under N2


【2017.2.27 記事の御紹介】

■赤外線を電気エネルギーに − ポーラロン励起を利用する新原理のペロブスカイト太陽電池
  (2017年2月27日付 fabcross)


【2017.2.20 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年2月20日付 スマート ジャパン)

【2017.2.15 全固体型色素増感太陽電池 by RICOH】

 第16回 国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議、通称「nano tech 2017」にて。リコ
見に行くことが出来なかったのですが、前の週 A. Hagfeldt 先生来日時にリコーで

【2017.2.15 移動日】

【2017.2.14 宮城県工業高等学校訪問 Day2】

【2017.2.13 宮城県工業高等学校訪問 Day1】


【2017.2.9 Segawa-lab】

2007.1.31  2007.8.7  2008.5.30  2009.12.24  2011.4.12  2014.12.4

【2017.2.8 測定中】



がり、相乗的に有意義なデータが出続けております。論文 Publication も投稿予定の
 御協力頂いた皆様方に心から感謝御礼申し上げます。いや、ほんとに。 オマケ

【2017.2.3 AP-HOPV17 Day2】

Speaker 1, GREEN, Martin: Silocon cells no longer expensive!, $4.18/W June 2008→0.36c/W Jan 2017, Monolithic two-terminal tandem FACsPb(I, Br)+FACsSnPbI→17%

Speaker 2, Case, Christopher@Oxford PV: Pb still toxic

Speaker 3, Han, Liyuan: size>1cm^2 15%

Speaker 4, Park, Nam-Gyu: Adduct approach, ★Nature Energy 1 16801 (2016), non-stoicheometric method for grain boundary formation, T<20 deg, Histeresis by ion migration, (2D)x(MAPbI3) for stability, MALI FALI and mixed PS for less hysteresis, PSC for Memory system,

Speaker 5, Miyasaka, Tsutomu (replacement of James Durran)

Speaker 6, Nelson, Jenny@Imperial Collage: Ion migration

Speaker 7, Chen, Peter@成功大学: Microwave-assisted synthesized IZO as ETL for Perovskite, Mesoscopic Au:NiO for Monolithic Perovskite Solar Cells

Speaker 8, Yu, Man: Time-Resolved Charge Extraction, CW-Biased Transient Photovoltage (CW-Biased Transient Photocurrent), ★Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015 17 2980 DOI: 10.1039/C5CP03686K, ★RSC Adv. 2016 6 112512, Phys. ★Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016 18 12128, Chem. Phys. Lett. 662 (2016) 257 DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2016.09.046,

Speaker 9, Miyadera, Tetsuhiko: Vacuum deposition, ★In-situ X-ray diffraction, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2016 39 26013-26018,

Speaker 10, Duong, The: Tandem efficiency - state of the art, FA/MA/Cs/Rb PbI2Br perovskite with 1.73eV

Speaker 11, Bach, Udo: Glass/ITO/ZnO/Photoresist/Al2O3/Al/Ni

Speaker 12, Kakavelakis, George: Pulsed Laser-assisted synthesis of bare NPs, coloidal, Au Ag Al NPs, Highly moisture

Speaker 13, Galagan, Yulia:, Reproducible ~16% at 0.15cm^2, Slot die coating, 168 cm^2, 25cell, ★Solvent DMSO (=viscos) only with N2 blowing for speed up crystallization, Co-Solvent DMF, ★Csx(FA)1-xPbI3-xBry for labo, 19%, ALD for TiO2 under anbient condition, Slot die SnO2,

Speaker 14, Qi, Yabing: Leyden et al. J. Mater Chem A2 18742 (2014), Hybrid chemical vapor deposition with MAI/MAI 300nm PCE 18%, Perovskite formation at 160 degree C, Ra 18nm, J. Mater Chem A 3 16097 (2015), Summary: Leyden et al. J Mater Chem A 4 13125 (2016),

Speaker 15, Cai, Molang:

【2017.2.3 AP-HOPV17 Day1】

Speaker 1, Hagfeldt, Anders: The Solar Cell Kit, Solar Cells from the Kitchen, Dye-Sensitization, Monash. Chem. 8 (1887) 373, The Quantum Leap of DSSC - a paradigm shift of photovoltaics, DSC Operational Principles, Industrialization of DSC - status, The Hunt for the Half Volt Limitation with the I-/I3- redox system,In 2010 we introduced the "marriage" between a blocking dye and Co-complex redox systems Efficiency of 7%,How to improve it?, Regeneration cascade mechanism, Dye LED 4, Performance 1 sun 10.5%, Co-complexes as redox couple in liquid electrolyte, Break through, Dr. Marina Freitag, Recent results of "Zonbie - cells" and indoor performances, Tsutom Miyasaka playing his violin fabricated in 1835 in Trino Italy, Year 2012 Landmark paper for PSCs, Band alignement of perovskite/TiO2/spiro, Several Devices Strctures and Applications (planar vs Inverted), EPFL's most efficient pervskite solar cells, nature energy greater than 21%, 21.0% Dec. 2015 (Certified), New Efficient Hole Conductors X59 and X60, Cs additive Dr. Michael Saliba, Csx(MA0.17FA0.83)..., Devices cross sectional SEM, Triple cation perovskites and stability, New Solution-Processed method for SnO2 deposition, Yields High Efficiencies 1.21V doi: 10.1039..., 10.1126/science.ash5557 (2016), The Quadrupole - which cation to take?, Device results, Highest PCE 21.6% stabilized, Highest Voc is 1240mV, Stability test 10.1021/acs.nano.6b02613, 95% is retained after 500h of continuous operation, Lumogen F Violet 579 by BASF (absorvent UV light), Fluoropolymeric..., Science 351 (6280). 1401 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf4603, Dr. Wolfgang Tress, The EPFL team

Speaker 2, Seok, Sang Il: Basic parameters, Acc. Chem. Res., 2016, 49 (3), pp 562-572, Compositionnal Engineering, Nature 517 476 (2015) DOI: doi:10.1038/nature14133, Adv Energy Mater 2016 6 1502104, Maginified HR-TEM → Excess PbI2, GIWAX 2D patterns measured at incidence 0.3deg, K.Yan J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015 137 4480, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (34), pp 10914-10917, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (50), pp 15907-15914, Reverse 22.6% Forward?, Tailoring solution processed ETLs(electron transport layer), TiO2→ZnSnO4→(Ba,La)SnO3, ★(BaLA)SnO3 perovskite ETL in revision, CSMC: a crystalline superoxide clustor molecular

Speaker 3, Yamashita, Koichi: Interfacial Carrier Transport, JPCC (2014) 118 12176, Polar nano-domains, Frost and Walsh, Acc. Chem. Res. 49 528 (2016), Carrier Relaxation Lifetime, Nano Lett. 15 3103-3108 (2015), Lifetime and DOS, Slow Hot-Hole..., MA4PbI6 clusters, PCCP 18 21092 (2016)

Speaker 4, Sum, Tze-Chien: Perovskites Photovoltaic research at ERI@N, Carbon Counter Electrode Approach, Novel Photophysics of Halide Perovskites, Acc. Chem Res 49 294-302 (2016), Diffusionlength at least 100..., Nat. Mater..., Are perovskite hot-car, Exciton Bohr meter 4nm, Larger size give slower hot-carrier cooling, Intrinsinc hot-carrior..., Efficient hot-carriers exciton from EDT-treated NCs to Bphen layer, ~72% hot-carrier extraction..., "hotter" is better and "thinner" is better, Perovskite LED

Speaker 5, Zhu, Kai: Rapid nucleation via room temperature solvent-solvent extraction, JMCA 3 8178 (2015), Solvent bathing plus annealing using non-stoichiometric precursor, Adv. Mater 27 6363 (2015), Larger grain appears to have longer lifetime, Locations of non-radiative recombination?, Conforcal fluorescent..., High-quality large-grain MAPbI3 films, Typical conformal PL images, Line profile analysis of PL images, Separated intensity and lifetime images, Clear identification of grain boundary vs grain ..., Clear contrast among different grains, PL intensity and lifetime vary a lot among grains, No clear correlation between PL intensity and lifetime, Impact of grain size on PL lifetime and intensity, Diffusion dominates early time of PL decay, Modeling of PL decay kinetics, Grain boundary recombination is more than an order of magnitude slower, Grain boundary: lower PL intensity but similar or longer lifetime, Grain boundary: lower PL intensity but longer lifetime, KPFM surface potential mapping: potential barrier at GBs, Weaker luminescence intensities do not generally correspond to shorter lifetime, 10.1039..., Transient reflection study of pc-MAPIbI3 films,
Nature Energy 2, Article number: 16207 (2017), Grain boundaries are barriers for carrier..., ★10.1039/C6CP08770A

Speaker 6, Cheng, Yi-Bing: Nano Energy 10 10-18 2014, Structural damage by high intensity e-beam, CH3NH3Pb...,

Speaker 7, Wakamiya, Atsushi: Photocarrier, Difference in Photocarriers, m-TiO2 80-250nm, Perovskite 300-500nm, HTM 100-350nm, Azulene as a Core Skeleton 15.7%, Solvent 200 uL, 1.2M in DMSO atirred at 50 deg. for 5 min, Mixed MAI + PbI2 is good, PCE 19.8%, Needle crystal is key to form flat PSC

Speaker 8, Du, Tian: PbI2 induced by thermally annealing MAPI, What forms during thermal annealing, PbI2 on the boundary is beneficial to prevent the ion migration, JACS

Speaker 9, Solanki, Ankur: Inverted PSC, Time-resolved spectroscopy, 1% of water by vol is optimum for performance, 1% of water is void free, Addition of water reduces the trap density, reduce the pin-hole

Speaker 10, Singh, Trilok: Triple Cation Based Large Area Perovskite Cell Fabrication, 20.8% stable for 2 weeks, 100 by 100 mm^2 wit 5% Cs, Low temp 18.4%

Speaker 11, Philippe, Bertrand: Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES),
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (15), pp 5028-5035

Speaker 12, Hayase, Shuzi: 1.18-0.21=0.96V loss is very large, QCM, J. Photonics for Energy 5 057410-1 (2015), Ti-O-Pb passivation, 13.8% for Sn/Pb mixed PSC with 26.1mAcm^-2

Speaker 13, Ito, Eisuke@CEREBA: MASnI3(+SnF2), UPS & LEIPS & KP & XPS,

Speaker 14, Turkevych, Ivan: non-Pb, NaVO2 or AgxBiyIz, MA+AgI+ BiI3, 110 degree C, Ag2Bi6 PCE=1.2%

Speaker 15, Uchida, Satoshi: Gammavoltaic Property of Perovskite Solar Cell Toward the Novel Nuclear Power Generation

【2017.2.2 日立ハイテクです】

 東京から特急で 2 時間、終着駅の勝田駅(茨城)から更に徒歩で約 15 分の場所
ラトリをお邪魔致しました。前回大躍進のあったペロブスカイト太陽電池の TEM 観

 敢えて時間と旅費を掛けて訪問するのには理由がありまして、TEM 観察成功の
鍵は、装置の性能やコンディションもさることながら事前のサンプル調製、即ち FIB



タを整理中です。一部の結果は応用物理学会春季学術講演会(講演: 16a-303-3
で瀬川研のスーパー Kim さんが発表しますので、お楽しみに!

【2017.2.2 Visitor from Taiwan】

 明日から始まる AP-HOPV17 に合わせて、海外からゲスト訪問後が続いておりま
す。今日は ITRI のペロブスカイト太陽電池グループから、Dr. Po-Tsung Hsiao さん
 Thank you for coming!

【2017.1.26 IEC web meeting】

目の web ミーティング。有機系太陽電池の計測に関する国際標準の提案に向けて、
今春中に片が付くことを願いつつ、まずは技術報告書 (TR) をまとめています。


(1) Basic Performance Measurement
・Core part of Performance Measurement (Task Group 1: Dr. Giorgio Bardizza@ESTI & Japan)
・Periferal Performance Measurement (Task Group 2: Dr. Stefan Winter@PTB Team)

(2) Application specific Performance Measurement
・Reduced solar light and Artificial indoor light (Task Group 3: Taiwan Team)
・Tandem cells (Task Group 4: Prof. Monica Lira-Cantu@ICN2 Team, Dr. Ried & Dr. Veenstra)


【2017.1.31 Visitor from Spain】

 スペイン・ハイメ1世大学(Universitat Jaume I)の Dr. Ivan Mora-Sero と、同じく
Dr. Francisco Fabregat-Santiago です。
 Thank you for coming!

【2017.1.27 JEMA 太陽電池ミーティング】

 半蔵門駅前にある電機工業会館にて、JEMA 主催のミーティングです。正式名は
「平成28年度第5回太陽光発電セル・モジュール分科会」。昨年 5 月の台湾、11 月
のコロラドで開催された国際電気標準会議 (IEC) TC82 の結果報告と確認を行い、
て、「〜すべき (shall)」「〜すること (should)」といった用語の厳密な解釈に至るまで


【2017.1.25 記事の御紹介】

■ペロブスカイト太陽電池 熱の耐久性向上
  県立大大学院、発表 /兵庫
  (2017年1月25日付 毎日新聞電子版)

 伊藤先生、FB 大好評ですよ!

【2017.1.23 基準太陽電池購入】

 今頃?言われてしまいそうですが基準太陽電池を購入致しました。400〜800 nm
の限定された可視光しか吸収できない DSC, OPV, Perovskite, QD といった有機系
付き c-Si セル」を基準太陽電池にしてはどうか?と言う議論がされている最中で、

 日本が長く重用してきた JIS C 8911(日本工業規格)構造のパッケージとは異なり、
国際規格の WPVS 適合型単結晶 Si セルです。購入は石川産業株式会社から、校
正は TUF(テュフ ラインランド ジャパン)に依頼。

■WPVS型適合 一般用基準太陽電池 | 石川産業株式会社
 お値段は、税込みでざっくりと 100 万円を若干下回るくらいです。

【2017.1.22 Alpen Ski Final Run with So-Ichiro】


チやチームの皆さん、ICI スポーツのアドバイザーにお会いするのは、かなり久しぶ
 雪に囲まれるとワクワクするのは一生変わらないですね>私。 YouTube FB

【2017.1.18 NEDO ペロブスカイト・ミーティング】

Panasonic の 20cm 角ペロブスカイト太陽電池モジュールの結果等、各社・各研究機

【2017.1.17 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年1月12日付 LaserFocusWorld ニュース)
  (2016年12月26日付 沖縄大学ニュースセンター)


【2017.1.11 記事の御紹介】

■曲がる太陽電池量産 MORESCO、ウエアラブル端末用など

  (2017年1月14日付 日本経済新聞 Web刊)


  (2016年8月29日付 株式経済新聞)

【2017.1.13 論文のご紹介】

 予想外に手こずりましたが結果オーライです。昨年 5月に Chem. Lett. へ投稿して
Reject され、11月に修正版を再投稿して再び Reject され、しょうがないので年末に
同じ原稿をそのまま応用物理学会の速報誌 (APEX) へ投稿したら、あっさり Accept
されました。社交辞令の雛形とは思いますが、APEX の Editor からは新規性と有用



たが、逆転した(Jsc→Voc の方が効率が高い)ヒステリシスを電気回路的に再現し

Simulation of current-voltage curves for inverted planar
  structure perovskite solar cells using equivalent circuit
  model with inductance
  L Cojocaru, S. Uchida, P.V.V. Jayaweera, S. Kaneko, Y. Toyoshima,
  J. Nakazaki, T. Kubo and H. Segawa
  Applied Physics Express, 10(2), (2017) doi:10.7567/APEX.10.025701

 電子回路で構成したリアルな等価回路は、見た目が Beautiful です(私が作りました)。

【2017.1.11 記事の御紹介】


  (2016年12月27日付 Panasonic プレスリリース)

  (2016年11月04日付 日経テクノロジー online)

■次世代太陽電池「ペロブスカイト」 耐久性高め実用化へ
  (2017年1月11日付 日刊工業新聞15面)

  (2017年1月11日付 日刊工業新聞電子版)

  (2017年1月11日付 日本経済新聞 Web刊)

  (2017年1月11日付 ニュースイッチ)


【2017.1.6 懲りずにまた】


休みを頂いて行って参りました>GALA 湯沢。

 結果は、、、SAJ 1級は該当者無しの塩対応(涙)。2級は受験者のほとんどが子
供達だったのですが、10 名中合格者は 1 人という更に厳しい結果でした。
 「東京駅から 75min」は本当でした。コブは滑れてたと思うんですが...クソっ!

【2017.1.5 講演会のお知らせ】


 日 時:2017年1月19日(木)10:10〜17:30
 場 所:タワーホール船堀

 定 員:200名

【2017.1.5 記事の御紹介】

  (2017年1月5日付 ITmedia)

  (2016年12月9日付 JAXA 研究紹介)

  (2017年1月4日付 日経テクノロジー Online)

【2016.1.4 文献の御紹介】



■スポンジ酸化チタン <省エネ型超高効率除湿剤の開発> 
  内田聡、建設設備と配管工事, 55(1) 18-21 (2017)

【2017.1.3 WOOLRICH down jacket】

 New year's new item (made in Moldova), NEW ARCTIC PARKA (SM20)
 表参道にて。ユニクロなら 10 着買える。(汗)

【2017.1.1 謹賀新年】

